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Contributos para a história das águas de Cabeço de Vide
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      Termalismo AntiguoTermalismoTermas RomanasAguas Minero-medicinales
Una aproximación al origen, introducción, evolución y transformación de los complejos termales en la Provincia Tarraconensis, de encofque mayoritariamente arquitectónico y urbanístico, aunque abordando algunos temas relativos a lo social,... more
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      TarraconensisTermalismo AntiguoBalnearios romanosArquitectura romana
The thermal-baths of the archaeological site of Arucci (San Mamés, Aroche, Huelva) represent an interesting architectural complex in the context of the Baetica Province. Located in one of the highest levels of the city, this thermal space... more
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      Roman Baths (Archaeology)Archaeology of Roman HispaniaRoman BaeticaRoman Architecture and Urbanism
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      Archaeology of Roman HispaniaArqueologíaArqueología romana / Roman archeologyGallaecia
Sesión Poster. La decoración arquitectónica de las termas del forum coloniae de Colonia Patricia. Una revisión actualizada.
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      Hispania romanaTermas RomanasTermas Públicas
Nuevos datos de los dos conjuntos termales de la puerta de mar de la colonia Barcino, actual Barcelona
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      BarcinoHidráulica RomanaTermas Romanas
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      ArchaeologyArchitectureRoman Baths (Archaeology)Arqueología
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      Arquitectura romanaTermas Romanas
O artigo que agora apresentamos tem por base a investigação arqueológica que temos vindo a desenvolver no sítio arqueológico da Póvoa do Mileu, atualmente integrado na malha urbana da cidade da Guarda. Apesar de a escavação deste sítio... more
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      ComercioImperio romanoTermas Romanas
Il volume offre il resoconto degli scavi e degli studi intrapresi tra il 2004 e il 2014 nella Villa del Casale di Piazza Armerina ad opera dell' Università "Sapienza" di Roma, con la collaborazione dell' Università degli Studi di Enna... more
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      Late AntiquityRoman VillaeLate Antique Art and ArchaeologyTardoantigüedad
In this article, we display the scarce information published about the baths of Ocuri (Ubrique, Cádiz), until today. The lack of scientific excavations and of the publication of the results have made the interpretation of the building... more
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      Roman Baths (Archaeology)Roman bathsTermas RomanasTermas Públicas
The roman healing spa of Aquae Flaviae is one of the best preserved of its kind recently excavated. It’s a large monumental complex and the results of the recent excavations may shed new light on the meaning and function of spas in the... more
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      ArchaeologyRoman HistoryLate Antique ArchaeologyLate Antiquity
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      Arqueología romana / Roman archeologyTermas Romanas
The archaeological site of Cerro de la Virgen de la Muela, the ancient Roman city of Caraca, is placed on Driebes, a village located in the Spanish province of Guadalajara which is included in the autonomous community of Castilla-La... more
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      ArchaeologyArchaeology of Roman HispaniaHispania (Archaeology)Arqueología
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      Roman Baths (Archaeology)Colonia PatriciaRoman cities of Baetica (Hispania)Roman Thermae
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      Late Antique ArchaeologyLate AntiquityRoman Baths (Archaeology)Late Roman Archaeology
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      ArchaeologyCultural HeritageHeritage ConservationEarly Medieval Archaeology
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      Archaeology of Roman HispaniaRoman ArchitectureRoman ArchaeologyTermas Romanas
La actividad arqueológica del casco antiguo de Calatayud (1995-2011), ha permitido conocer restos de época romana imperial en casi una veintena de solares. En ellos, se ha documentado parte de un asentamiento desde mediados del siglo i d.... more
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      Urban archaeologyTermalismo AntiguoTermas RomanasTermas Públicas
Desde 2014, las campañas de excavación arqueológica han sacado a la luz los restos de un complejo termal de carácter público y con una arquitectura monumental. El estado de conservación de las estructuras arquitectónicas y de los... more
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      VirtualizationVirtual ArchaeologyTermas RomanasValeria romana
Resumen: El estudio de las termas públicas hispanas ha sido abordado principalmente desde el punto de vista arquitectónico e ingenieril, mientras que las inscripciones asociadas han sido tratadas como un vestigio histórico supeditado a... more
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      Latin EpigraphyArchaeology of Roman HispaniaHispaniaEpigrafia
Se presentan los resultados de una intervención arqueológica en una villa romana de la Vega de Granada que se halla sepultada por un nivel de aluvión de bastante potencia. En esta villa se ha identificado un edificio con funcionalidad de... more
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      Roman BaeticaArqueología romana / Roman archeologyGranadaIliberri
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      Classical ArchaeologyClassicsArcheologiaArqueología
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      ArchaeologyRoman HistoryRoman Baths (Archaeology)Urban archaeology
The Roman healing spa of Aquae Flaviae is one of the best preserved of its kind recently excavated. It is a large monumental complex and the results of the current excavations may shed new light on the meaning and function of spas in the... more
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      ArchaeologyClassical ArchaeologyArchitectural HistoryRoman Baths (Archaeology)
Aquae Flaviae es una ciuitas romana del noroeste peninsular que destaca por ser un núcleo plenamente romano, de categoría municipal y con desarrollo urbano. A pesar de ello, tenemos un conocimiento muy deficiente de esta ciudad, tanto a... more
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      Arquitectura y urbanismoTermas RomanasMunicipiumNoroeste peninsular
The so-called Baths of Musiciolus at Ostia (IV, xv, 2) are located in the “quartiere fuori Porta Marina”, near the Synagogue. The complex was discovered during investigations carried out by the Institute of Archaeology of the University... more
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      Late AntiquityOstia (Archaeology)Roman Baths (Archaeology)Ancient Mosaics
in Noguera Celdrán, J. M., García-Entero, V. y Pavía Page, M. (eds.), 2020: Termas públicas de Hispania, Spal Monografías Arqueología, XXXIII, Sevilla-Murcia, pp. 531 - 544.
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      ArchaeoastronomyRoman Baths (Archaeology)Late Roman ArchaeologyArqueoastronomia
Os Romanos exploraram quase todas as nascentes medicinais conhecidas hoje em dia na península Ibérica 1. Infelizmente, a maioria destes estabelecimentos foram destruídos ou grandemente danificados durante o renascimento do termalismo... more
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      Late Roman EmpireRoman Baths (Archaeology)Römische Architektur/UrbanistikTermalismo Antiguo
Pineda de las Infantas Beato, Gonzalo.; Puerto Fernández, Juan. Luís., Dorado Cantero Rafael.; Vila Oblitas, Miguel

Anuario Arqueológico Andalucía 2006 pp 2567-2574
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      ArqueologíaMOSAICOS MALAGA VILLASTermas RomanasBenalmadena Romana
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      ArchaeologyLatin EpigraphyGreek ArchaeologyArcheologia
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      TarracoTermas RomanasGestión Integrada Del AguaTermas Públicas Tarraco
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      EvergetismJaénArqueología romana / Roman archeologyAlto Guadalquivir
Resumen: Se estudia aquí un tipo de fija latericia, aparentemente nuevo, reconstruido a partir de fragmentos, recuperados en los restos de un pequeño edificio termal del yacimiento de Angostina. Las piezas, aproximadamente de una longitud... more
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      Arquitectura romanaTermas Romanas
In this article we present the different rooms located in the "pars urbana" of the Late Roman villa that have been interpreted as a private bath, as well as the latest monetary finds.
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      Roman VillaeRoman Baths (Archaeology)Roman coinsVillas Romanas
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      Ancient Roman NumismaticsVillas RomanasTermas RomanasBenalmadena
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    • Termas Romanas
The evolution of the Roman city of Aquae Flaviae (Chaves, Portugal), from its healing spa and the relation with the Roman road network.
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      Ancient HistoryRoman HistoryRoman roadsRoman Empire
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      ArchaeologyRoman Architecture and UrbanismRoman ArchitectureSuburbia
This brief paper presents a reinterpretation of the balneum of Roman villa of La Llosa (Cambrils, Tarragona). The question of this sector of the building has yet to be successfully resolved, due to the fact it is poorly preserved. Here we... more
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      Roman VillaeRoman Baths (Archaeology)TarracoLe Terme Romane
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      ArqueologíaArquitecturaArqueología clásicaArqueometría
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      Archaeology of Roman HispaniaRoman ArchitectureRoman ArchaeologyTermas Romanas
Las recientes excavaciones arqueológicas en las Termas Romanas de Valeria (complejo en evolución y uso entre finales del S. I y mediados del S. IV) han sacado a la luz varios ambientes exteriores e interiores con una rica y variada... more
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      Roman ThermaeTermas RomanasRoman Architectural DecorationDecoración arquitectónica romana
Resumen de las intervenciones llevadas a cabo en el complejo termal monumental del yacimiento hispanorromano de Valeria (Cuenca) durante la campaña de 2018 y conclusiones derivadas del estudio de los materiales recuperados.
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      Classical ArchaeologyRoman ArchaeologyTermas Romanas
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      Roman Baths (Archaeology)Architettura RomanaTabula PeutingerianaRoman Archaeology
Recent archaeological surveys show that in the ancient Mentesa Oretana’s municipium refered by classic sources growed up several villae during Imperial Period, many of them located along Vicarello’s Goblet Roman Road. Puente de la... more
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      Early Medieval ArchaeologyRoman VillaeRoman roadsRoman Baths (Archaeology)
With reference to the general theme of this volume, we present a state of affairs regarding the study of thermal spas in the Iberian Peninsula, which include a review of the historiography and an updated bibliography. Based on a selection... more
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      Roman thermal SpasBalnearios romanosThermalisme AntiqueRoman Thermae
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      ToscanaArqueología romana / Roman archeologyLazioRoman Campania
We include several ceramic materials used in the private baths of this Roman Villa, located in Spain: clay spacers or tubes for the "concamerationes", the long iron nails that fixed them to the wall, as well as several types of bricks.
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      Roman Baths (Archaeology)Roman ceramic building materialTermas RomanasRoman building materials
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      Roman HistoryRomani StudiesLatin EpigraphyRoman Epigraphy