Turfan Texts
Recent papers in Turfan Texts
Within the relevant literature there have been different (often conflicting) approaches to the issue of the sources of the Gospel of Thomas. This topic is connected to the relationship between Th and the Synoptics (and other early... more
A major Dunhuang Studies conference held on 17-18 April 2019 at St. John's College, Cambridge.
吐魯番隨葬衣物疏中五道大神與果願大德比丘解題 中文摘要 "版權所有 引用請註明出處"... more
Book review: Erica C. D. Hunter and Mark Dickens, eds., Syrische Handschriften. Teil 2: Texte der Berliner Turfansammlung/Syriac Texts from the Berlin Turfan Collection, Verzeichnis der orientalischen Handschriften in Deutschland 5.2
Evidence from Chinese documents supports the hypothesis that Sogdians dominated Silk Road trade in East Turkestan during the seventh and eighth centuries. The merchants lived and/or traveled among a diaspora of Sogdians who settled in the... more
Diese Publikation wurde einem anonymen, internationalen Begutachtungsverfahren unterzogen. This publication was subject to international and anonymous peer review. Peer review is an essential part of the Austrian Academy of Sciences Press... more
Old Uigur administrative orders are indispensable sources for historical reconstruction of the taxation system in the Thrfan Uigur society under the domination of the Qoco Uigur Kingdom and the Mongol Empire. The author has been engaged... more
What do dice and gods have in common? What is the relationship between dice divination and dice gambling? This interdisciplinary collaboration situates the tenth-century Chinese Buddhist "Divination of Maheśvara" within a deep Chinese... more
The purpose of this study is to investigate the global phenomenon of Manichaean magical practice. Studies of magic in the Classical, Semitic, Iranian and South Asian cultural spheres have, to a large extent, ignored the parallel... more
Item ВДсэ-524 in the State Hermitage Museum in St. Petersburg is an amulet scroll written in Syriac which was discovered by the Second German Turfan Expedition (1904-1905) and kept afterwards in the Museum of Ethnology (Museum für... more
Abstract The Khaganate (or Qaghanate) of the Türk, centered in the Central Eurasian steppes, was one of the hegemonic powers in Eurasia during the second half of the 6th and the first part of the 7th centuries C.E., exerting suzerainty... more
This article examines a fragmentary Christian text from Turfan written in Uyghur which contains an embedded Syriac magical text intended to be used for capturing a horse. After giving a transcription and translation of the Syriac passage... more
Information on a talk I will be giving March 10, 2022
The earliest existing Chinese Buddhist manuscript found in the world, the Buddhasaṃgīti-sūtra, was excavated at Toyuq in Turfan, and was dated the sixth year of Yuankang 元康六年 (296 CE), in the Western Jin. It was a copy by Dharmarakṣa’s... more
The whole volume is available: https://emagaza-tdk.ayk.gov.tr/assets/ebook/1946.pdf Turkish versions has been already published: "Eski Uygur Hukuk Belgelerinde Geçen borun ve borunluq Üzerine" in Eski Türkçeden Çağdaş Uygurcaya (Konya,... more
A fragmentary Christian Sogdian version of the Six Books on the Dormition of Mary from Turfan has recently come to light, but the place of this narrative within the larger context of Eastern Christian Marian literature has not yet been... more
The paper used in this publication is DIN EN ISO 9706 certified and meets the requirements for permanent archiving of written cultural property.
This article is a reexamination of three selected passages from the Syriac version of the legend of Saint George found in Turfan. By means of a line-by-line commentary, I also discuss parallel texts culled from various sources in and... more
It has long been recognized that the Western Turks (Tujue), 1 their subtribes, and successors such as the Türgish (Tuqishi), ruled the settled oases of Turkestan in the sixth through eighth centuries. Even though these Turkic peoples were... more
Analysis of Gospel quotations of Mt 25, 35-36 in the Manichaean text of Shabuhragan
Cycle de conférence en ligne « Les écritures dans les mondes anciens »
• La prochaine conférence : « Observations sur les écritures d'Asie Centrale au Ier millénaire de notre ère » par Georges-Jean Pinault, le mercredi 20 avril, à 18h30.
• La prochaine conférence : « Observations sur les écritures d'Asie Centrale au Ier millénaire de notre ère » par Georges-Jean Pinault, le mercredi 20 avril, à 18h30.
Scholars have studied in great detail the different units making up the classical anaphoras; however, the fruits of communion unit or "communion epiclesis" is one part of the anaphora that has not been systematically studied. While often... more
In the Mongol period, the Uighurs who settled around the Turfan region not only translated Chinese Buddhist works into the Uighur language, but also directly copied them in Chinese characters or composed original works with the... more
A new edition and English translation of the Sogdian fragments E27/31 and E27/126, now identified to belong to the Christian Sogdian translation of Isaac of Nineveh's Second Part (Gnostic Chapters, IV.39-46 and a few smaller fragments).... more
Edition of the Glossary fragment from Turfan M6450
In this essay, I would like to provide an instance of a toponym in Turfan region, which goes back to the name of a Buddhist monastery.
This is the revised version of Kitsudo 2014 [forthcoming].
This is the revised version of Kitsudo 2014 [forthcoming].
Among the unidentified Syriac fragments catalogued in HUNTER/DICKENS 2014 (Appendix VII), a group of philosophical fragments still awaits to be investigated. This article provides for the first time the full transliteration and... more