Recent papers in Vajrayana
The Amṛtasiddhi is the first text to teach many of haṭhayoga's central principles and practices. This paper shows that it was composed by Vajrayāna Buddhists.
This study surveys the introduction of astrology into East Asia with a primary focus on the Buddhist experience of Indian and Iranian astrology during the eighth and ninth centuries. It is argued that prior to the introduction of Esoteric... more
Enseñanza de Su Santidad el 42 Sakya Trizin sobre la Naturaleza Búdica.
Océano de Actividad Compasiva: Una Instrucción Sobre La Meditación
Del Gran Compasivo.
- Por Su Santidad Jigdal Dagchen Sakya -
Del Gran Compasivo.
- Por Su Santidad Jigdal Dagchen Sakya -
Источник: . Перевод с тибетского на английский: Adam Pearcey, Rigpa Translations, 2005, с бесценной помощью Khenpo Dorje. Перевод с английского: Игорь... more
Una oración compuesta por el gran mahasiddha tibetano Thangtong Gyalpo, traducida al inglés por Lama Zopa Rinpoche.
La Luz Esclarecedora: Una Profecía del Futuro.
De las Palabras del Buda Compliladas por Jamyang Chokyi Lodro
De las Palabras del Buda Compliladas por Jamyang Chokyi Lodro The Guidebook to the Hidden Land of Pemoko is a revealed treasure text included in the Jatson Nyinpo’s Embodiment of the Precious Ones, the Konchok Chidu. It is a prediction... more
Líder espiritual de la tradición vajrayana en Argentina, dirige el primer Centro para la enseñanza y la práctica tradicional del budismo tibetano de Latinoamérica desde 1992 junto a Lama Sangye Dorje, bajo la bendición de Dorje Chang... more
Grant Morrison is one of the world’s most acclaimed comic writers, known for both metafictional stylistic experiments and his very public penchant for a comparably postmodernist form of occult bricolage commonly called chaos magic.... more
Jamyang Khyentse Chökyi Lodrö
Jamyang Khyentse Chökyi Lodrö
How to read a text and how to hear a text. How to open words and syllables so that knowledge arises within your own body, within your inner awareness. When you are located in mind alone, when you are located in conceptualness and concrete... more
Авторы: Винокуров Владимир Васильевич, Давыдов Иван Павлович, Дмитриев Сергей Владимирович, Панин Станислав Александрович, Родиченков Юрий Фёдорович, Сурина Лидия Алексеевна, Телемский Олег Валерьевич. ISBN: 978-5-519-60562-5. В юбилейный... more
Our desires for fashion, our addiction to cheap clothes, our fixation on surface looks. Can we find ways to make what we wear more positive? Here's a quirky, irreverent way to consider what's a more sustainable way to be with—and still... more
An analysis based on "Harmonizing the Statements on Empowerment by the Accomplished Masters Nāropa and Maitrīpa" (Mkhas grub nā ro mai tri dbang gi bzhed pa mthun par grub pa) by the Tibetan master of the Kagyü (Bka’ brgyud) School Shamar... more
Our lack of awareness of Being results in bewildering experience. The intrinsic inner radiance, the inner light of Being arises out of primordial luminous spaciousness, the unbound openness of unbound pure potentiality. When this... more
Enseñanza de Su Santidad el 42 Sakya Trizin Ratna Vajra Rinpoché sobre la Oración de Siete Ramas de la Oración de Samantabhadra.
Como siempre hace falta revisar y aclarar conceptos y reforzar otros ya aprendidos, he preparado este pequeño resumen que de alguna manera expone los aspectos esenciales de la práctica budista vajrayana que estamos siguiendo y que además... more
Una Enseñanza de Su Eminencia Khöndung Asanga Vajra Sakya Rinpoché sobre Avalokiteshvara-Chenrezig.
We have two ways of knowing. Our mind knows forms, things, both subtle and gross. Faces, hands, buildings, trees, math formulas, mind knows subject and the mind knows otherness. The mind knows dualities, the mind knows me and you, us and... more
In the Gudyargarbha tantra there is this most wonderful verse. Appearances, sounds, and thoughts are the diety, mantra and the state of dharmakaya. What this wonderful language brings forward into our awareness is the amazing... more
Doctoral dissertation completed at the University of Wisconsin – Madison under the supervision of Prof. Geshe Lhundub Sopa. Originally published by University Microfilms International, Ann Arbor, MI, USA. UMI underwent multiple name... more
Digital Dictionary of Buddhism entry. June, 2015. Details the history and contents of Amoghavajra's Xiuyao jing 宿曜經, an astrology manual attributed to Mañjuśrī Bodhisattva compiled in Chinese between 759-764, but with no known parallels... more
Since Heyerdahl published his 'Maldive Mystery', many books, articles and guides about the Maldives mention sunworship, pyramids, waves of immigrants, attacks by lionpeople and other such fallacies in their historical outline of the... more
Эта садхана была написана Кусали Ваджра Дхармой, также известным как третье перерождение в линии Тхукванов Лобсанг Чойкьи Ньимой (thu'u bkwan blo bzang chos kyi nyi ma, 1737 - 1802). Она находится в восьмом томе его десятитомного собрания... more
A person's own inner most awareness and the movements within their awareness field bring forth their direct personal experience of their cosmological archetypal field of awareness. This spontaneous event is given to us within the... more
This study investigates the sources of Japanese Buddhist astrology and astral magic while also examining their later developments, arguing that a significant amount of such arts actually originated in the Near East. Two types of Buddhist... more
Timeless awareness is the essence of Dzogchen. Time experienced within timeless awareness is also an expression of the essence of Dzogchen. Dzogchen is an ancient form of Tibetan mystic humanism. Dzogchen makes the essential distinction... more
The European Bulletin of Himalayan Research (EBHR) was founded by the late Richard Burghart in 1991 and has appeared twice yearly ever since.
In the summer of 2013 at the Tibetan Center in Poolesville, Maryland the great Lama YangThang Rinpoche gave instruction on the practice of the great compassion, or as he described the practice, as being the practice of Absolute... more
La tesis explora etnográficamente el proceso de adaptación que viene dándose hace algunas décadas del budismo tibetano al contexto bonaerense y, especialmente, dentro de la comunidad del centro de práctica y enseñanza budista tibetano, el... more
Summary of history of haṭha yoga.