Verbal Categories
Recent papers in Verbal Categories
В настоящей статье я хотел бы обратить внимание на, если можно так выразиться, "грамматические возможности" смысла 'быстро': основным объектом исследования будут (глагольные) грамматические показатели, так или иначе выражающие этот смысл.
The aim of this book is to give the first large-scale typological investigation of pluractionality in the languages of the world. Pluractionality is defined as the morphological modification of the verb to express a plurality of... more
Natural language can be easily understood by everyone irrespective of their differences in age or region or qualification. Based on various theories proposed in psycho- linguistics, Roger Schank came up with the proposition that ”the... more
This thesis describes a family of derivations I call verbal attenuative. Verbal attenuatives denote events that are incomplete, deficient or in other way lesser than the norm. I investigate them on a convenience sample of 24 languages... more
The paper discusses the cross-linguistic classification of evidential values (including the so-called admirative value) and proposes a typology of evidential systems based on the distinction between ‘direct’, ‘reflected’, and ‘mediated’... more
Starting from and complementing their insights with observations that often originale in the non-English literature on modality, this paper attempts to supply the grammaticalized expressions ofmodalüy with a semantic map. The t er m... more
The analysis of verb forms in this work has resulted in the conclusion about verbal aspect as an independent category in the frame of grammatical systems of Bosnian and Persian, the analysis of which instigates a whole range of new... more
The aim of this thesis is to examine whether the German-based creole language Unserdeutsch is a relexificated Tok Pisin. On the basis of a small corpus, the morphosyntax of the verb in Unserdeutsch is compared to three input languages:... more
The theory of language change has in recent years increased its explanatory repertoire by pointing out the role of language contact in determining which paths of development are entered and followed under specified conditions. In... more
Cilj ovog rada je analiza gramati~ke kategorije glagolskog aspekta, kao i analiza op}ih problema vezanih za glagolski aspekt i aspektualnost u perzijskom -ogranku indoiranske skupine jezika i bosanskom -ogranku slavenskih jezika, kroz... more
Abstract: This paper gives a schematic overview of the problems that arise in the analysis of verbal categories in Anatolian languages, mainly those concerning aspect and actionality. These languages are in a sense a “testing ground” for... more
Der Band umfasst Beiträge zu einem Symposium über die „Zukunft von Grammatik – Die Grammatik der Zukunft“, das vom 12. bis 13. Februar 2016 zu Ehren des 80. Geburtstags von Werner Abraham an der LMU München abgehalten wurde. Thematisiert... more
The paper deals with verbal aspect in standard Lithuanian with reference to dialectal and areal data. The traditional view that Lithuanian possesses a binary category of aspect is rejected, since no strictly grammatical (morphosyntactic)... more
Il presente contributo mira a fornire una panoramica del fenomeno conosciuto come plurazionalità nelle lingue del mondo. Dopo una breve introduzione, mostrerò le principali funzioni che le marche plurazionali codificano a livello... more
This paper discusses those features of the Lithuanian verbal system which happen to find no direct counterparts either in all the other languages of the East Baltic region, including the close genetic relatives of Lithuanian, or at least... more
Abbruch und Übertragung -ein sprachlicher Vorgang und seine sprachdiachronischen Folgen Im Französischen heißt "er ist" ‚il est', nach den Ausspracheregeln *ilε+. In der Frage "ist er?" ‚est-il?' erscheint in der Aussprache nicht *[... more
This collection presents typological work on tense, aspect, and epistemic modality in a variety of languages and against the background of different schools of thinking, among which the St. Petersburg Typological School developed and so... more
It has been known before that, while new verbal forms often develop first in assertive main predications, archaic forms tend to be preserved either in subordinate or in non-indicative uses. This presentation deals with the history of... more
(с особым вниманием к видо-временной системе)
This paper explores how individuals describe their residential trajectory. Based on more than 50 interviews with residents from three municipalities in Switzerland, it seeks to understand how individuals combine geographic categories and... more
Janda et al. (2013) propose an analysis of Russian aspectual prefixes as verb classifiers, arguing that the prefix which forms the 'natural perfective' from a given verb serves to classify that verb according to its semantic... more
Natural language can be easily understood by everyone irrespective of their differ- ences in age or region or qualification. The existence of a conceptual base that under- lies all natural languages is an accepted claim as pointed... more
The corpus-based analysis of the omission of esse in the Aeneid goes deeper than was possible in traditional stylistics and, as such, is an example of how state-of-the-art linguistic analyses can cast new light on literary works,... more
Natural language can be easily understood by everyone irrespective of their differences in age or region or qualification. The existence of a conceptual base that underlies all natural languages is an accepted claim as pointed out by... more
The paper discusses verbal markers meaning ‘go in order to P’ and ‘come in order to P’ in languages of Siberia and the Russian Far East. Special attention is paid to Forest Nenets and some Tungusic languages. Andative vs. ventive... more
O presente artigo busca caracterizar a classe verbal através de sua propriedade morfossintática distintiva de finitude.