Vertical Differentiation
Most downloaded papers in Vertical Differentiation
This paper develops a model of price competition between two international airline alliances, with consumers' preferences vertically differentiated by the number of stops. Alliances benefit the interline passengers. Alliances with... more
In this paper, we examine national conditions that encourage the growth of a private regulatory environmental system to govern forests. Economic, institutional and social capital variables for 117 countries are used to examine factors... more
Sur le marché des semi-conducteurs, deux géants se livrent une bataille féroce : Intel et AMD (Advance Micro Devices). Nous nous intéressons dans cet article à la compétition au sein du marché de microprocesseur de type x86 entre ces deux... more
The concept of polycentric development has emerged as one of the hallmarks of the emerging field of European spatial planning. It was one of the key principles in the European Spatial Development Perspective (ESDP), it has been frequently... more
If you experience problems downloading a file, check if you have the proper application to view it first. Information about this may be contained in the File-Format links below. In case of further problems read the IDEAS help page. Note... more
As was shown in some previous studies, the creation of the North American Free Trade American (NAFTA) has significantly increased trade and investment flows between member countries. Consequently, it seems appropriate to analyze the... more
In this article, we try to elicit whether an information on food safety is consistent with a more environmental-friendly agriculture. As the policy makers generally intervene to limit negative externalities in agriculture on the supply... more
Film is an example par excellence of a product that is vertically differentiated, in that although each film is unique in some respects in relation to other films, they are not of equal attractiveness to audiences, perhaps because each... more
We consider two firms introducing vertically differentiated products to a market ruled by the consumers’ willingnessto-pay. If consumers behave indifferently to all the products, they would always choose the product which offers highest... more
This study identifies country and industry-level determinants of intra-industry trade (IIT) between the United States and developing countries. IIT is found to decline with greater differences in relative factor endowments. Economic size... more
In this paper, we examine national conditions that encourage the growth of a private regulatory environmental system to govern forests. Economic, institutional and social capital variables for 117 countries are used to examine factors... more
This thesis investigates the relationship between the distribution of non-European Union (EU) international students across the UK higher education sector and the characteristics of UK higher education institutions (HEIs) and the... more
Montréal. Il a pour mission la promotion et la valorisation de la recherche. Érudit offre des services d'édition numérique de documents scientifiques depuis 1998. Pour communiquer avec les responsables d'Érudit : more
This paper tests industry-specific hypotheses of the determinants of intra-industry trade in the context of Australia-UK trade. In doing so it separates intra-industry trade (IIT) into IIT in horizontally differentiated products and IiT... more
We adopt a vertical differentiation model to study the effect of deregulation in the airline industry. In particular, we show that traditional carriers form international alliances on hub-and-spoke networks to compete against low cost... more
This paper addresses the question of how the vertical structure of a product line relates to brand equity. Does the presence of "premium" or high-quality products in a product line enhance brand equity? Conversely, does the presence of... more
With higher shares in world merchandise trade and improvements in product quality, China is better positioned than India in the near term for influencing global trade. From the Malaysian perspective, China represents a non-negligible... more
CITATIONS 13 READS 165 2 authors: Some of the authors of this publication are also working on these related projects:
We document the evolution of product innovation and features in the mobile telephone handset market. We distinguish between two types of product innovation: vertical and horizontal innovation. Using data from 1990 -2003, we find that some... more
Our analysis is motivated by cases of cigarette smuggling in Canada and in the UK. In the 1990s, domestic cigarettes were legally exported to be subsequently illegally imported. At first, smuggling was done by individual consumers who... more
In a lysimeter experiment with juvenile beech trees (Fagus sylvatica L.) we studied the development of depth gradients of soil organic matter (SOM) composition and distribution after soil disturbance. The sampling scheme applied to the... more
We analyse positional effects in a monopoly market with vertical differentiation, comparing monopoly and social planning. The provision of quality under monopoly depends upon the relative size of positional effects and the hedonic... more
Ultramafic rocks cover about 1% of the continental surfaces and are related to ophiolitic bodies formed near convergent plate boundaries (Coleman, 1977). The most typical ultramafic rocks are dunite and harzburgite, which are composed of... more
JEL Classification numbers: L13, L51, Q55, Q58.
In this paper we combine qualitative and quantitative analyses to understand the evolution of productivity in the Colombian hotel sector. We use firm-level data to calculate total factor productivity (TFP) based on revenues and... more
This paper empirically examines the joint pricing decision of products in a firm's product line.
The aim of this study was to characterize the relation of dimensional changes of dental ceramic materials as function of temperature. The thermal dimensional behavior of one glass ceramic core, four commercially available veneering... more
We formulate higher order variations of a Lagrangian in the geometric framework of jet prolongations of fibered manifolds. Our formalism applies to Lagrangians which depend on an arbitrary number of independent and dependent variables,... more
Drilling at Soultz-sous-Forêts, France, conducted as part of the European 'Hot Dry Rock' Project, penetrated the Rhine Graben basement down to 5 090 m and revealed a porphyritic monzogranite. Chemical composition and REE patterns of three... more
We examine a vertically differentiated duopoly where firms invest in process and product innovation and then compete in prices under full market coverage. We show that (i) process and product innovation are complements (substitutes) for... more
This study examines the determinants of Turkish outward FDI employing a gravity model. The model estimates the impact of traditional gravity variables, as well as openness, labour productivity, infrastructure, institutions and economic... more
We examined linkages between technology and structure at the group level of analysis as predictors of group performance. The general hypothesis is that group technology/structural fit is a better predictor of work group performance than... more
Bivalve assemblages on coral carpets in the Northern Bay of Safaga do not form distinct associations, but gradually shift in faunal composition. The taxonomic shift is accompanied by continuous variations in bivalve density and percentage... more
JEL Classification numbers: L13, L51, Q55, Q58.
The three-dimensional (3D) Rossby wave energy dispersion of a tropical cyclone (TC) is studied using a baroclinic primitive equation model. The model is initialized with a symmetric vortex on a beta plane in an environment at rest. The... more
We consider a model of vertical competition where downstream firms (retailers) purchase an upstream input from a monopolist and are able to differentiate from each other in terms of quality. Our primary focus is to study the effects of... more
W hen selling a product line, a firm has to consider the costs of communicating about the different products to the consumers. This may affect the product line design in general, and which products or services are offered in particular.... more
This paper offers theoretical foundations to price-and-quality cap regulation of recently liberalized utilities in which vertically differentiated services are provided by a regulated incumbent and an unregulated entrant competing in... more
SUMMARY In this project, a method to extract tectonic activity - induced vertical displacements from InSAR along one-dimensional features (roads, pipelines, aqueducts), is presented and the reliability of this method is evaluated. The... more