Weaving Technology
Recent papers in Weaving Technology
Textiles produced by Tai-Kadai peoples are widely admired and much studied, but to date there has been no comparative survey of weaving techniques. Looms and techniques are transmitted between generations in a conservative manner, and... more
This paper presents progress in the development of practical applications for graph representations of meshes for a variety of problems relevant to generative architectural design (GAD). In previous work (Nejur and Steinfeld 2016), the... more
1. Identify the fabric face and warp direction.
Аннотация. Краткий экскурс в историю европейской шпалеры позволяет напомнить о разнообразных приемах использования шпалер в исторических интерьерах разных эпох, роли гобелена в СССР и на постсоветском пространстве. Анализируются проблемы,... more
En basit dokuma tezgahında bile tahar planı ve tahar işlemi, çözgü ipliklerinin daha sonra gerçekleştireceği hareketler için önceden düzenlenmesidir. Tarihsel süreçte önce kağıt, sonra karton, hatta ahşap plakalar üzerinde denenen, daha... more
AgAtA UlAnowskA odtwArzAnie dAwnych technik tkAckich w instytUcie Archeologii Uniwersytetu WarszaWskiego poprzez archeologię dośWiadczalną W roku akademickim 2011/2012 w Instytucie Archeologii UW odbyły się po raz pierwszy zajęcia z... more
Tablet woven bands were widely used to embellish various garments and even in some cases worn alone as a headband throughout the Viking Age. Numerous surviving examples have been found at Viking Age Norse archeological sites all... more
Industrial report on textile engineering for wet processing technology.share my friends document.
The intersection of wearable with new technologies is a discipline that develops new areas of theoretical research on the functionality and symbolism of clothing as such, which is intended to generate a rethinking of meaning, in the field... more
These weaves are constructed by means of developing elementary weaves. They are derived by changing the floats, number of shift, direction of diagonal lines, from plain, twill, and sateen/satin weaves, and retain their structural features.
This paper reexamines discoid loom weights, a specific type that originated in Early Bronze Age Crete and was widespread in the Bronze Age Mediterranean. The growing popularity of these tools, as attested by the archaeological record, is... more
This project shows need of study in knotting & gaiting, process flow, timing calculation; try to reduce the time while doing it manually in a worsted textile Industry.
It is my contention that by the Upper Paleolithic, many technologies were quite advanced. In particular, basket weaving or woven-fiber technology had reached a high point of development. A variety of basket weaving techniques had been... more
While few archaeological finds remain concerning dress during the Iron Age of the Celtic Tribes in Europe, if we consider historical commentary, Celtic art, oral traditions and archaeological data together we can amass a generic idea what... more
cost comparison of some of equipment and suitability for the particular application , analysis of the costing
Textiles are rarely found in archaeology because they decay due to climate and soil conditions. Objects that were used to make thread and fabric and that are found in excavations do, however, enable reconstructions of textile production.... more
VI PURPUREAE VESTES. INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM TEXTILES AND DYES IN THE MEDITERRANEAN ECONOMY AND SOCIETY Padova - Este - Altino, Italy. 17 – 20 October 2016 The high quality of Etruscan textiles is well known and attested by the Tarquinian... more
ABSTRACT Loom for weaving in Nigeria is an ancient craft as the evolution of the weaving industry in the country, like in many parts of the world; most have resulted from the effort of the people to device a means to produce coverings for... more
Colour, pattern and glamour are not usually terms associated with textiles in Bronze Age and even for Iron Age Central Europe. Such textiles are usually assumed to be merely functional - textile technology was not so developed and woven... more
DOI 10.23858/FAH31.2018.003, please also visit http://rcin.org.pl/dlibra/docmetadata?id=67581&from=publication for free download... more
We are indebted to various sources for our knowledge of the pre-Roman Iron Age textile production on the territory of Austria (800-15 BC), such as well-preserved textiles, grave finds, textile tools, archaeological evidence in settlements... more
12 original articles concerning the Paleolithic development of woven-fiber technology and its use in early civilizations. This 300+ page eBook is illustrated with over 250 photographs and pictures. More than 100 years ago Gustave Chauvet... more
This dissertation investigates how people in the northern US Southwest used clothing and representations of clothing in other media to signal aspects of social identities in the Chaco and post-Chaco eras (AD 850–1300). This was a time... more
A sword from a Mycenaean-style chamber tomb at Miletus in Turkey was described as being of the Hittite type, but it is dissimilar to traditional combat swords in having a tang at both ends. A sword with a tanged tip is ineffective as a... more
Das Thema „Produktion“ ist Ausgangspunkt, in deutlicher Weise die Komplexität des prähistorischen Textilhandwerkes aufzuzeigen. Die verschiedenen notwendigen Arbeitsschritte zur Herstellung eines Gewebes gehen weit über das reine Spinnen... more
2019 und 2020 wurden bei archäologischen Ausgrabungen (Ausführung: Novetus GmbH) im Vorfeld des Ausbaus der Pottendorfer Linie der ÖBB in der spätbronzezeitlichen Siedlung (1300-800 v. Chr.) von Ebreichsdorf ein insgesamt fünf Objekte... more
Abstract: During excavations on the summit of the hill Timpone della Motta near the village of Francavilla Marittima (Calabria), many decorated and heavy loom weights of a unique type were found. These loom weights were uncovered with... more
The Woolpack Road is an ancient packhorse trail that led from south Kildare and west Wicklow to Dublin, Ireland. It was used to transport woolpacks/woolsacks from early Medieval times. In the 1700s the trade expanded to include bales of... more
Abstract: Textile tools made of perishable materials such as wood are extremely rare in the archaeological contexts of ancient Mediterranean, but numerous complete and fragmentary boxes containing textile tools and other materials have... more
This paper aims at recognising potential innovations in weaving technology that may have occurred in Bronze Age Greece. It discusses whether these assumed developments may be examined diachronically. This discussion is based on... more
This paper is a document for an Arts & Science competition within the Society for Creative Anachronism (SCA). Thus, it is presented in such a way as to show the history of this weave pattern, particularly in the Iron Age. The item woven... more
All modules of the ‘Textiles and Seals’ project database (https://textileseals.uw.edu.pl/database/) have been published online. We welcome you to explore all records in modules for textile iconography, textile impressions from the... more
Published in ARTS & CULTURES, 2017:136-159, the magazine of the Barbier-Mueller Museum, Geneva (Switzerland).
In this chapter, we focus broadly on the mutual shaping of culture and technolo- gy in the context of a particular case in the history of the handloom industry of India through an examination of ruptures made visible in economic practices... more
Tuckmills (also called Fulling Mills) indicate the existence of a wool-weaving industry in west Wicklow, Ireland, since early medieval times. This article examines the location and history of some of these mills.
The contribution of this thesis to the existing field of tiraz textile studies is that it has tried to overcome the existing rift between historians and textile specialists, in approaching the subject in a more unified way, which takes... more
On silver imports into the Dnieper region in the Early Middle Ages Artefacts from tin alloys in the forest zone of Eastern Europe in I Millennium Manufacturing of heraldic belts by Ryazan-Oka Finns On production of glass beads Gnezdovo... more
|| EG = Egyptology || CO = Coptology || AA = Archaeoastronomy || TH = Theology || AN = Anthropology || || HRAPH = Helleno-Roman Archaeology/Philology, History || AT = Ancient Textiles || FOR = Forensics || || MEA = Middle Eastern... more