Wetlands Ecology
Recent papers in Wetlands Ecology
Este estudio presenta la densidad, composición taxonómica, distribución espacial y temporal de larvas de peces en el golfo de Guayaquil, así como la relación con algunas variables físico-químicas. Se recolectaron muestras en 16... more
Wetlands are areas of marsh, fen, peat land or water, whether natural or artificial, permanent or temporary with water that is static or flowing, fresh brackish or salt, including areas of marine water the depth of which at low tides... more
Peatlands are the “kidneys” of river basins. However, intensification of agriculture and forestry in Europe has resulted in the degradation of peatlands and their biodiversity (i.e., species, habitats and processes in ecosystems), thus... more
Perceptions of Smooth-Coated Otters are different in the various areas of their distribution. In some parts of the world, the species is regarded as deities, while in others parts they have been loathed as vermin. Smooth-coated Otters... more
Leptopanchax opalescens is a critically endangered small annual sh. Reproductive traits of this species were studied to improve our understanding of the strategies that facilitate the occupation of temporary wetlands. We compiled egg... more
The epibenthic encrusting fauna of 2 creeks of the Caete´mangrove estuary, northern Brazil, was studied over a 13 month period using collectors fixed at 2.5 and 3.5 m above the creek bottom and in which upper and lower sides of ceramic... more
The ecological health and challenges encountered by Ooty Lake, a prominent wetland area in India, have been comprehensively investigated in this research article. A multi-faceted approach was employed, combining focal animal sampling, pH... more
The ongoing debate surrounding genetically modified (GM) crops in India highlights the need for a comprehensive and farmer - centric policy. This paper critically examines the recent directive by the Supreme Court of India for a national... more
Figure 5.0. Mitigation measures in inland freshwater ecosystems and freshwater-dependent coastal and marine ecosystem. Source: SIWI. 100 | The essential drop to reach Net-Zero: Unpacking freshwater's role in climate change mitigation C H... more
India has a rich and varied heritage of biodiversity encompassing a wide range of habitats. India ranks among the top ten species rich nations and show high endemism.On the basis of area, our State Uttar Pradesh is 4th largest state of... more
Biological wastewater treatment methods are considered to be the most convenient ones owing to their efficiency and low economic cost. Activated sludge is the most popular biological method for treating wastewater, particularly those... more
Wetlands are distinct and the most biologically diverse ecosystems that are flooded or saturated by water, either permanently or seasonally. They are considered as the most significant natural water reservoirs on the earth and act as... more
The Lake Sünnet subject of our study, is located in the western part of the Black Sea Region, between Göynük and Mudurnu. It is 15 kilometers far from Göynük and 22 kilometers far from Mudurnu. The area in which the basin of Sünnet Lake... more
El objetivo de esta tesis es diseñar una Red de Investigación Ambiental en Paisajes Productivos con Equipamientos Complementarios, para amortiguar la Degradación, la falta de Protección y Conservación de los Humedales de Ciudad Eten.... more
Birds in their diversity constitute part of the natural environment and play functional role such as agents of flower pollination and seed dispersal, sources of food chain and agents in breaking seed dormancy (Nason, 1992). Birds are... more
This paper proposes some guidelines to compute complexity index in those mangroves where either seasonal or strong disturbances have occurred. We surveyed 31 mangrove localities in Buenaventura Bay, Central Pacific Coast of Colombia,... more
DOI: 10.3126/jowe.v1i1.1571No abstract. Journal of Wetlands Ecology Vol.1(1/2) 2008, p.7
Beavers (Castor canadensis) can cause dramatic changes in vegetative composition and diversity. Although alterations by beaver have been studied extensively, little attention has been paid to the effects beaver impoundments have on rare... more
During present study, the Mula-Mutha Riverine system (Station-1) and Kavadigaon wetland (Station-2) were considered for the study of Avifauna. A total of 30 species belonging to 12 families and 8 genera were reported. Riverine threats... more
Los bosques de ribera son ecosistemas importantes para la conservación de la biodiversidad y mantención de servicios ecosistémicos. El objetivo del presente trabajo fue conocer las diversas especies de mamíferos y aves que habitan el... more
We present the findings of a participatory experiment on integrated aquaculture-agriculture systems (Fingerponds) at the Lake Victoria wetlands, Kenya. Fingerponds are flood-based lacustrine or floodplain wetland fishponds. The aim of the... more
Jammu and Kashmir are rich in natural resources, especially in Wetlands. These Wetlands provide wintering, feeding and breeding grounds for millions of resident (local), and non-resident summer migrants and Migratory birds especially... more
The Environmental Economics Research Committee (EERC) was constituted to build nationwide capacity in environmental economics research under the Ministry of Environment and Forests implemented, World Bank aided India: Environmental... more
- by Kirit Parikh
SUMMARY A former military airfield at Orford Ness had naturally developed into a coastal grazing marsh, but limited water control and high evaporation caused it to be highly prone to drying out in summer. With the intention of attracting... more
The Ramakkal Lake is situated at Dharmapuri, Tamil Nadu, India, this Lake is extensively been used for the purpose of irrigation, fishing and also for the animal requirements. The fresh water pollution has long been overall water quality... more
(ISWS) and the former Illinois Department of Conservation (the latter two entities have since become part of the Illinois Department of Natural Resources, IDNR). This monitoring study, comprising in-situ observations and collection of... more
eventually be lost as well (Peters 1996). Ethnobotanical knowledge is useful for broadening our knowledge on plant use (Benz et al. 2000). Uasin Gishu County, Kenya, has many swamp wetlands which benefit the local people (e.g., harvesting... more
Phytoplankton are small, microscopic plants that live suspended in the open water. Phytoplankton are generally more abundant in lakes than rivers. Microorganisms are present in large quantities everywhere and can survive extreme physical... more
Tidal flats and marshes in intertidal environments and estuaries generally cover large areas. The access to these places is usually complicated. The area suffers cycles of flooding and drying under the influence of the tide, which in... more
The mineralization of soil organic nitrogen in two floating marshes types in Louisiana, USA with different vegetation and mat thickness (and biomass) was measured by incubating peat soil in situ in polyethylene bottles at depths of 10 and... more
The patterns of the occurrence and distribution of alien freshwater turtle species in an urban pond archipelago (Rome, Italy) were analysed, with the aim of exploring the role of a set of factors (type of ponds, landscape context, size... more
Riparian ecosystems are comprised of moderately moist plant communities and the faunas that are associated with them, and they are located between aquatic and more arid upland locations. The main aim of the study is The Elevation and... more
Zooplankton is crucial for transmitting energy from primary producers to higher trophic levels. A study was done in a Bangladesh eutrophic fish pond to know zooplankton's seasonal dynamics in relation to environmental factors. There were... more
The epibenthic encrusting fauna of 2 creeks of the Caete´mangrove estuary, northern Brazil, was studied over a 13 month period using collectors fixed at 2.5 and 3.5 m above the creek bottom and in which upper and lower sides of ceramic... more
Los artículos publicados se distribuye bajo una Licencia Creative Commons Atribución 4.0 Internacional (CC BY 4.0) basada en una obra en http://www. revistas.una.ac.cr/ambientales., lo que implica la posibilidad de que los lectores puedan... more
Los humedales de la microcuenca alta de la Quebrada Estero, en San Ramón, Costa Rica, son considerados una prioridad de conservación por su representatividad y ubicación que los hace únicos en su tipo. Por eso se planteó el objetivo de... more
Periphyton from rice-fish environment of Apatani Plateau, Arunachal Pradesh, India was studied for diversity and productivity (Chlorophylla and biomass) on artificial (glass slide) and natural (rice stem) substrates. Periphyton from rice... more