Yad Vashem
Recent papers in Yad Vashem
What the excavations at Sobibor they challenge a prehistorian?
En quoi les fouilles à Sobibor interpellent-elles un préhistorien ?
En quoi les fouilles à Sobibor interpellent-elles un préhistorien ?
Partisans in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict selectively use memory and forgetting.
Andrzej Kozicki - książka "Instytucjonalizacja symboliczna w Izraelu" (2019). Ściana Płaczu, Jad wa-Szem, gwiazda Dawida czy wzięte z Biblii hebrajskie nazwy - to wszystko symbole, które organizują współczesny Izrael. To książka o... more
History and Memory (Fall 2016)
At the end of 1944, an Italian ice cream maker hid several Jewish families in his ice cream shop in Budapest. This story was recorded by Tamar Meir in a children’s storybook (published in 2017). In this study, I demonstrate who Francesco... more
About 1000 names of Poles saving Jewish people. Many unique pictures and documents. Many moving Jewish and Polish testimonies. All in one book, which you can download here for free.
The 2017 Annual Raul Hilberg Memorial Lecture at the University of Vermont. The lecture deals with a) Hilberg's relations with Yad Vashem and my father; b) an analysis and critique of Hilberg's model/conceptualization of the Holocaust; c)... more
A study of the Messianic Jewish movement during the Holocaust period with special emphasis on the role of Jewish believers in Yeshua as related to and within the Warsaw Ghetto. How many were there? What was their relationship to the... more
Οι σωτήρες Εβραίων κατά τη Διάρκεια του Β Παγκοσμίου Πολέμου. Σύγκριση των ενεργειών των Ιταλών και Ισπανών Προξένων στη Θεσσαλονίκη το 1943 με αυτές των Προξένων ουδετέρων χωρών στη Βουδαπέστη ένα χρόνο αργότερα το 1944
This is an obituary for Yeshayahu Jelinek, 1933-2016, and an academic praise for his oeuvre on the Holocaust in Central Eastern and Southeastern Europe. Accepted for publication in Yad Vashem Studies.
"The new Holocaust History Museum Yad Vashem was inaugurated on 15 March 2005. Its new exhibition presents “other groups” of victims of Nazism and shows the Holocaust from a "Jewish perspective”. To what extent can an appeal to “other... more
O diplomata português que desafiou a ditadura de Salazar, além do dever concedeu vistos a dezenas de milhares de judeus, salvado-os dos Nazis durante a II Guerra Mundial. Os seus atos de humanismo e altruísmo e justiça, foram somente... more
About 1,000 Catholic priests in Poland risked their lives in order to save Jewish People. About 30 of them were killed for this reason – according to the newest research.
Mendes nasceu em 1885, em uma família aristocrática. Aos vinte e dois anos, licenciouse em Direito pela Universidade de Coimbra, destacando-se como um dos melhores alunos do seu curso. Em 1910, ingressou na carreira diplomática, como... more
ri fsr exq yp ryvyge iiegr sx seiv I PQ sidFD ppF IPVEEIRTF PIP | fye gyrix
ri fsr exq yp ryvyge iiegr sx seiv I PQ sidFD ppF IPVEEIRTF PIP | fye gyrix
Przyjmując perspektywę nowomaterialistyczną, artykuł poddaje analizie ekspozycję muzeum historycznego należącego do kompleksu Jad wa-Szem w Jerozolimie poświęconego upamiętnianiu Zagłady. Rozważania mają na celu ukazanie zastosowanych w... more
רבות נכתב אודות התקבלות ספרו של הילברג, ״חורבן יהודי אירופה״ , ועל יחסם העוין של אנשי מוסד "יד ושם" כלפיו. אולם ההצגה הקריקטוריסטית של אנשי מוסד ההנצחה כחבורת קומיסרים ציונית היא מוגזמת ופשטנית. למעשה, מדובר בסיפור מעט יותר מורכב: ראשית,... more
This paper tells two intertwining stories reflecting post-Holocaust power struggles between Jewish communities and organizations and their impact on Holocaust documentation: the efforts to create a Holocaust archive in Yad Vashem from the... more
Começo este trabalho por abordar o tema do “Museu Imaginário” na obra de André Malraux (militar, espirito empreendedor e visionário, critico de arte e ex-Ministro da Cultura da França) leva-nos a embarcar numa viagem imaginária sem... more
How does one, except the survivors, imagine unimaginable? Furthermore, how does one represent unimaginable horrors of Holocaust? Do we dare to disturb sterile sanctity of the authentic historical sources? The same question tormented... more
Obituary for Israeli Holocaust historian Professor Israel Gutman, published at Tablet Magazine (2 October 2013)
Kao i sve naučne discipline i ova evoluira, menja se, prilagođava i pokušava da pruži odgovore na izazove – unutrašnje i spoljašnje – koje nameće protok vremena i situacija na terenu. Iz tog razloga, svake druge godine, Jad Vašem... more
White paper about how the important subject of rescue by the few leading Jewish rescuers, Jewish Wallenbergs, whose activism led to protection and rescue of hundreds of thousands often despite obstruction by some free world progressive... more
Olsi Jazexhi looks at the often overlooked history of pro-Palestinian sentiment and pro-Israel lobbying in the Balkans. This history, he argues, is an essential portent for other countries.
This paper tells two intertwining stories reflecting post-Holocaust power struggles between Jewish communities and organizations and their impact on Holocaust documentation: the efforts to create a Holocaust archive in Yad Vashem from the... more
An interview concerning my acquaintance with Dr. Yosef Kermish, Nachman Blumental, and Rachel Auerbach - A memoire. A document of oral history. Follow these links:... more
This paper was commissioned for the catalogue of the Estonian Pavilion of the Venice Architecture Biennale, 2018 (Weak Monument). The paper sets out to investigate the strange and perhaps unexpected contemporaneity of the monument in... more
Holocaust Museums play a major part in today's urban planning of key cities of the Western World such as Jerusalem, New York, Berlin and Washington. The essay examines the geo-political roots, meanings and variations of this growing class... more