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This article offers an overview of the most important developments in the Bulgarian media sphere after the changes of 1989. It fills a conceptual gap by analyzing the place of Bulgarian media in the context of the relationship between... more
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      CommunicationMedia StudiesPublic Sphere
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      Black Sea Region ArchaeologyArchaic PeriodGreek Architectural TerracottasBlacksea Archaeology
Alman Arkeoloji Enstitüsü'nün (DAI) Kısaltmalar Dizini'nde 'OLBA' şeklinde yer almaktadır. OLBA dergisi hakemlidir ve Mayıs ayında olmak üzere, yılda bir kez basılmaktadır. Published each year in May. KAAM'ın izni olmadan OLBA'nın hiçbir... more
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      Ancient HistoryArchaeologyIron AgePottery
This article presents a series of ceramic pots and sherds found at the site of Kamiros (Rhodes) and now preserved between the Archaeological Museum of Rhodes and the British Museum. The specimens share some common elements, both... more
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      Pottery (Archaeology)Greek ArchaeologyGreek PotteryArchaic Greece
A rim fragment of a handmade vessel with intaglio decoration is part of the ceramic finds from tomb complex 4+5 at Kition on the south coast of Cyprus. It can be identified as a cup/bowl of the Apennine culture group, which makes it the... more
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      Cypriot ArchaeologyMycenaean era archaeologyBronze and Iron Ages in Italy (Archaeology)Preistoria e protostoria
John Boardman was a towering figure who dominated the study of Greek art and archaeology in the second half of the 20th century and the first decades of the 21st. His was a brilliant mind, which could be intimidating as he often... more
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    • Greek Art
In this undergraduate research seminar at the NIA students from UCR's 300 level course in Greek Art ^& Archaeology will examine the ways in which craft activity in ancient Greece tied into ritual practice and so helped people form identity.
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      Classical ArchaeologyAncient Greek ReligionCraft production (Archaeology)Ancient Greece
The sanctuary of Apollo Amyklaios – also known as the "Amyklaion" – is best known for its unique archaic temple, called "Throne" of Apollo, and the feast of the Hyakinthia. However, the excavations carried out since 2005 as part of the... more
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      SpartaAncient Greek ReligionGeometric and archaic GreeceGreek sanctuaries
Budapest 1939, 32 (cat. no. 24); Liptay in István Bárkányi ed., A fáraók Egyiptoma. A Móra Ferenc Múzeum kiállításának vezetője [Egypt of the Pharaohs. Guide to the exhibition of the Móra Ferenc Museum], Szeged 2014 (cat. no. 12). 32... more
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      Museum StudiesScience for Conservation and Restoration of Cultural HeritageAthenian Vase Painting
A 7th-century b.c. cup from the sanctuary of Kommos in Crete presents what may be the most complex and multifigured scene on a Cretan ceramic vessel of any period, and it has long puzzled scholars. Based on a recent reexamination of the... more
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      Greek LiteratureHomerGreek ArchaeologyArchaic Greek history
This article presents the results of comprehensive studies of three Attic plastic vessels from the 4th century BC, drawn from the State Historical Museum collection. The application of X-ray tomography, large-scale XRF mapping,... more
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      X-Ray Fluorescence (XRF) SpectroscopyGreek PotteryAncient Greek and Roman ArtBlack Sea Studies
Results of the Thanar 2023 study campaign: new information on the Protobyzantine dwelling DOM5 and the history of the Archaic building BAT25; preliminary conclusions following the examination of movable finds (Archaic ceramics,... more
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      Classical ArchaeologyByzantine StudiesByzantine ArchitectureGreek Archaeology
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      ArchaeologyClassical ArchaeologyNear Eastern ArchaeologyClassics
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Οι ανασκαφές που πραγματοποιήθηκαν στο σπαρτιατικό ιερό του Απόλλωνα Αμυκλαίου μεταξύ του 2018 και του 2021 από το Ερευνητικό Πρόγραμμα Αμυκλών, υπό την αιγίδα της Εν Αθήναις Αρχαιολογικής Εταιρείας και τη διεύθυνση του Σταύρου Βλίζου,... more
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      Pottery (Archaeology)SpartaAncient SpartaLaconia
Acknowledgments for assistance are given below under appropriate sections. All illustrations except 580 JAMES C. WRIGHT ETAL. Melos, Lakonia, Thessaly, and elsewhere.2 These researches established archaeological sequences, defined... more
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      GeographyArchaeologyClassical ArchaeologyArchaeological survey
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      IconographyPottery (Archaeology)Greek PotteryGreek Vases
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      IconographyPottery (Archaeology)Greek PotteryGreek Vases
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Εκτύπωση: ΙΔΕΑ & ΤΥΠΟΣ-Φίλιππος Σπ. Λένης © Υπουργείο Πολιτισμού & Αθλητισμού-Ταμείο Αρχαιολογικών Πόρων & Απαλλοτριώσεων και Εργαστήριο Αρχαιολογίας Πανεπιστημίου Θεσσαλίας Ο τόμος τυπώθηκε με δαπάνες του Υπουργείου Πολιτισμού &... more
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      Burial Customsarchaic Greek Pottery
Recent research on ceramic and coroplastic production in Akragas: Reflections on some archaic and Hellenistic contexts · In the research carried out by the University of Bologna and the Park of the Valley of Temples in Agrigento, the... more
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      Greek PotteryCoroplastic StudiesArcheologia SicilianaArchaeology of Magna Graecia and Sicily
Like many other settlement sites, Aigeira was abandoned in the course of the 11th century BC. A renewed use of the site can only be recorded at the end of the 8th century BC with the foundation of a sanctuary on the acropolis. During W.... more
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      Greek ArchaeologyGeometric and archaic GreeceGreek sanctuariesEarly Iron Age Greece and Greek communities overseas
Статья посвящена проблеме производства светлоглиняной керамики в VI-IV вв. до н. э. (Поздний период). Незначительное количество памятников, на которых найдены гончарные мастерские этого периода, затрудняет изучение данного вопроса.... more
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      Pottery (Archaeology)Ancient Egyptian Art and ArchaeologyMemphis
В статье приведены результаты исследования формовочных масс древнеегипетских светложгущихся сосудов VI-IV вв. до н. э. (эпоха Позднего периода). Сосуды найдены в ходе археологических раскопок Центра египтологических исследований РАН на... more
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      EgyptologyPottery (Archaeology)Ancient Egyptian PotteryMemphis
Intervento al workshop TECHNITES (I). Mobilità degli artigiani, specializzazione e scambi culturali fra Italia ed Europa centrale (VIII-V sec a.C.), 27 giugno 2023
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      Anthropology of MobilityGreek PotteryAncient Trade & Commerce (Archaeology)Geometric and archaic Greece
UrbAr - TSUrban ArchaeologicalTownScapeson the Ioaniancoastof Calabria; Siena 2024
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      Greek colonies in Magna GraeciaGreek Colonization (Magna Graecia and Sicily)Archaeology of Magna Graecia and SicilyCrotone
The Roman Period ceramics recovered from Chamber Tomb I, Chamber Tomb II and their surroundings excavated in 2020 in the Ancient City of Syedra constitute the subject of this thesis. It is thought that the burial chambers built on a... more
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      SeramikRoma Dönemi SeramikleriDağlık KilikiaSyedra
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      Ancient Greek ReligionArchaic Greek historyAncient Greek HistoryAncient Greek and Roman Art
This is the abstract of an online lecture in São Paulo, Brazil, which will be held at an international series of discussions, entitled as “Archaeology of the Ancient East: materiality through time” and take place on 14 March 2025. In... more
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      ArchaeologyClassical ArchaeologyPottery (Archaeology)Anatolian Archaeology
El antiguo emporio de Huelva (siglos XVI a.C.). Sín tesis histórica y estudio de sus cerámicas griegas. Ono ba monografías, 14. Universidad de Huelva. Huelva.
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      Greek PotteryPhoenician Punic ArchaeologyEast Greek PotteryTartessos
The use of organic coatings on unglazed ceramic vessels, to seal surfaces and decrease permeability, has a long history extending from prehistory to modern traditional potters. A range of substances has been used, often water-insoluble... more
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      Memory StudiesGreek SculptureSpatial TurnGreek Art
The article is devoted to the genesis and cultural transformation of the population of the Late Bronze and Early Iron Ages of Taman and the Kuban left bank areas. In all probability, as well as the Greeks, it was associated with the Proto... more
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      ArchaeologyClassical ArchaeologyPrehistoric ArchaeologyNorth Caucasus
This paper examines the colonial foundation traditions and the archaeological evidence which connect Crete and Rhodes, and investigates their possible relevance to the foundation of Gela. I place emphasis on the mythological figure of the... more
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      Greek colonies in Magna GraeciaGreek ColonisationGreek ArchaeologyArchaic Greek history
Greek sanctuaries are iconic monuments of the ancient world and their archaeology has attracted much attention. Yet, final publications on these sites frequently focus on architecture, sculpture, metal finds, inscriptions and figurines,... more
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      Pottery (Archaeology)Greek ArchaeologyRoman PotteryArchaic Greek history
THE ACADEMY BEFORE PLATO.A CONTRIBUTION TO THE STUDY OF EARLY ATHENS by ALEXANDRA ALEXANDRIDOU & ALEXANDROS MAZARAKIS AINIAN and contributions by Maria Chountasi, Antonia Livieratou, Anastasia Papathanasiou & Katerina Trantalidou This... more
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      Classical ArchaeologyPrehistoric ArchaeologyGreek ArchaeologyGeometric and archaic Greece
In the Late Geometric period, the ceramic artist starts to communicate with the viewer by adding narrative content into the decorations. This article investigates how the artist decided on dimensions, aspect, and relative placement of the... more
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      Maritime HistoryDeath and Burial (Archaeology)Geometric and archaic GreeceArchaeology of burials
Purpose - Cemeteries, intrinsically linked to the history of people and communities, are places of historical remembrance and significant witnesses to local history. However, their abundant written and artistic testimonies often remain... more
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      Cultural TourismCultural Heritage ManagementCemetery Sculpture and MonumentsCultural Routes
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      Classical Greek ArtGreek Art of the archaic period
Metaphora sozcugu klasik Yunancada meta on ekini alan ve bir yerden baska bir yere tasimak anlamina gelen pherein fiilinden turemistir. Latinceye ise yine ayni anlama gelen transferre fiilinden tureyen translatio terimi ile aktarilmistir.... more
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      ArtCiceroFolklor Edebiyat
Gadolou, A. 2017a "Δύο κρατήρες πρώιμων ιστορικών χρόνων από την Αχαΐα. Εκφράσεις κοινωνικής διαφοροποίσης και εδραίωσης της συλλογικής ταυτότητας, στη διάρκεια του 8ου αιώνα π.Χ. " In: Vlachou, V. & A. Gadolou (eds.) ΤΕΡΨΙΣ, Studies in... more
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      Greek ArchaeologyAncient Greek HistoryGreek Potteryarchaic Greek Pottery
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Starting from a synthesis of previous data, this contribution focuses on the results of the investigations on the artisanal area located to the west of Porta V in Akragas; it intends to present an updated overview of the excavations... more
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      Pottery (Archaeology)Craft production (Archaeology)Greek PotteryAmphorae (Archaeology)
-Sur le plan théorique, l'identi cation de ar e rs inéralogi es per et de reconstit er géograp i e ent les grandes tendances de prod ction et de circ lation de ces atéria lit i es e pl s ils ont l a antage de ien se conser er en conte te... more
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      MineralogyAndean Archaeology
In the last 15 years, the excavations at the island of St. Kirik offshore from Sozopol (ancient Apollonia Pontica) on the Bulgarian Black Sea coast have yielded thousands of fragments of Archaic Greek pottery, including a sizeable... more
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      Greek ColonisationHistory of ancient ThraceBlack Sea Region ArchaeologyAncient Greek Colonies of the Northern Black Sea Shore
For decades, clay figurines, although they were fully part of the visual and cultural landscape of ancient cultures, have been neglected by scholars who favored other corpora deemed more "noble". For the pioneer of Egyptology W.M.F.... more
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      Terracotta FigurinesCoroplastic StudiesChaîne Opératoire
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    • Classical Archaeology