G80 – (un)Equitable variables

G80 is an interactive installation which proposes a contemporary interpretation of Buckminster Fuller’s “World Game”. Visitors interact with a matrix of sliders, each corresponding to a variable of one of 80 human conditions selected by the artist. When a single slider is moved, other sliders correlate with each other and forming changing patterns without their intervention, suggesting interference/effect to/on other variables.


burningcollection.tv is a generative artwork created by Swiss art collective Fragmentin in collaboration with artist Lauren Huret. This work is commissioned for the virtual space of the Jeu de Paume and is broadcast alongside the exhibition “Le Supermarché des images” from February 13 to June 7, 2020. Visitors to this website will be able to…

Artificial Arcadia – Measured and adjustable landscapes

Created by Fragmentin in collaboration with KOSMOS architects, ‘Artificial Arcadia’ is an interactive installation that creates a performative scenographic landscape for visitors to explore and calls them to consider how contemporary landscape entangles natural, artificial and digital realms.
