Created by Hugo Arcier, Ghost City is a video installation reinterpreting the set of the very popular game Grand Theft Auto V. The spectator is plunged into an environment without any population using the camera’s front clipping plane as a tool to reveal structure hidden within GTA landscape.
Hugo Arcier
Hugo Arcier is a French digital artist who uses 3D computer graphics in various ways: video installations, prints and sculptures.
Created by Hugo Arcier, FPS is an installation inspired by the November 2015 Paris attacks where the visitors are invited to interact with a game controller, constructing a “memorial” from gunshots, and the only visible elements are pyrotechnic effects, gunshots, muzzle flashes, sparks, impacts and smoke.
Created by Hugo Arcier, 11 Executions is a recreation of scenes of terror and violence within Grand Theft Auto V. Inspired by Alan Clarke’s short film Elephant (1989), Hugo stages, using similar techniques, the scenes of modern terrorism.