Bulletin - February 9, 2014
Bulletin - February 9, 2014
Bulletin - February 9, 2014
Augustine Church, Barberton, OH) (February 9, 2014) Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time Today we celebrate World Marriage Day. Relationships die from neglect or harsh criticism. At least five positive interactions are needed to balance one negative interaction. Be light and salt in your family by saying that kind word with a note or gift. Go the extra mile in helping with family chores. Give encouragement rather than criticism. Let those you love hear and see that love! Do not neglect your own.
325 Holy Hours were kept with Our Lord last week in Eucharistic Adoration. These hours are in need of adorers; Monday 9-10:00 am, 3-4:00pm, Tuesday 9 -10:00am, Friday 7-8:00am, 9-10:00 pm, Sunday 11-noon, noon-1:00pm, and 2-3:00 pm. A special thank you goes out to all the adorers who are covering several hours a week. Could you not watch one hour with me? (Mt. 26:40) Please call Judy Soltis at 330-212-0926 if you are able to assist.
The Divorced, Separated and Widowed Catholics of Akron is sponsoring a talk on "Predisposition for Genetic Issues." Dr. Kelly Gallagher of Advanced Chiropractic and Wellness Center will be speaking. It will be held on Monday, February 10 at 7:30 pm at Immaculate Heart of Mary, Convent Building, 1945 Portage Trail in Cuyahoga Falls. This event is open at no cost to single people of all faiths. Refreshments will be served at 7:15 pm. For information call Denny 330-285-9824 or Sharon 330-612-3635. The next WOMEN OF FAITH MEETINGS will be held this Tuesday, February 11, at 10:00 am in the Rectory Meeting Room and at 6:30 pm in the school cafeteria. The topic will be Glorifying God through Our Words. Please call Karen (745 -0011 x 18) if you plan on attending the morning session. PLEASE NOTE THE DATE CHANGE: Cards Anyone? Join us Friday, February 14 as we play Euchre. Cards begin at 6:30pm in the school cafeteria. Beginners and experienced players are welcome to try a hand. Come and enjoy an evening of fellowship and fun! (Insert Graphic 2404-0082.tif) The next Coffee and Donuts will be served Sunday, February 16 in the school cafeteria following the 10:30 Mass. Hosts will be Jean Luxeder & Cindy Cook. Attention Youth Group Members: The next meeting for the Jr. High Youth Group will be Wednesday, February 12 from 7-8:30pm in Room #101 in the School. All students grades 6-8 are welcome and encouraged to attend.
The next High School Youth Group date will be Sunday, February 16 from 68pm in Room #103 in the School. This is open to students grades 9-12, lets make this a fun, faith filled experience, bring friends they are always welcome. ATTENTION LITURGICAL MINISTERS: The annual Ministry Night Dinner will be held on Tuesday, February 18 at 6:30 pm in the school cafeteria. Please save the date so you can attend! Reservations may be made by calling 330-745-0011. Thank you.
The St. Augustine Athletic Board Reverse Raffle New Jersey is being held on Saturday, February 22 at 6:00pm in the SAC. There were only 125 tickets being sold with the grand prize of $1,000 to be won. Anyone interested in enjoying dinner and fellowship for only $10.00 please call the school office at 330-753-6435 as soon as possible. Dont miss out on this opportunity to enjoy an evening of fun and fellowship while supporting our youth sports programs here at St. Augustine. Go Bobcats! (Insert Graphic 1102-0004.tif) Immaculate Conception Church in Kenmore is offering an Anointing of the Sick Mass on Wednesday, February 26, 2014 at 5:30pm. Anyone in need of physical, emotional and spiritual healing is invited to attend. If you know someone in need of this healing sacrament, please feel free to invite them to this special Mass. Join us as we journey together through Catholicism Thursday, March 6 . It will continue with Word Made Flesh, True Bread from Heaven. Registration forms can be found on the bookrack in the back of the church, sessions will be held at Immaculate Conception Church, Kenmore in Waldesien Hall from 6:30-9:00pm. Enjoy a meal at 6:00pm followed by the session. All are welcome to attend. The Culture of Life is in need of a volunteer to lead the Holy Hour for Life at 11:00am on the First Friday of each month. Anyone interested or for more information, please contact Lynn Willig at 330-658-2642
Please dont forget to save your treasures for the ST. AUGUSTINE RUMMAGE SALE that will be held the last weekend in June. Lots of stuff and many volunteers will be needed. Please call Karen if you are interested to helping. Thank you!
(Insert Graphic 2404-0191.tif) The Soup Kitchen is in desperate need of a Crew Chief. Someone to work with a team that buys the food, prepares and serves it. The position is on a rotating basis for approximately once every 6 weeks. If you are interested, please contact Jim or Barb at 330-753-8296. The St. Monica Gift Shop is throwing an after Christmas Sale. All Christmas items are 25% off. Stop in the gift shop between Masses on Sundays to see the many items for sale.
Join us for the annual Esther Ryan Shoe Fund Spaghetti Dinner to be held at Prince of Peace on Shannon Avenue on February 28 from 4-7:00pm. Prices are $6.00 for adults and $3.00 for children. The Esther Ryan Shoe Fund was started over thirty-two years ago. This past August over 600 pairs of shoes were distributed. The need is growing by the day. The Barberton Firefighters will be cooking as usual. Please come and support this worthy cause.
Celebration of Life Baby Shower - We have now come to the end of our BABIES life in the womb and it is time to celebrate! Join us February16, 2014 at 11:30 am. in the school cafeteria following Mass to celebrate our babies. All are welcome; please bring a new baby gift that will be donated to babies in need that the Community Pregnancy Center of Barberton supports.
(Insert Graphic 2000-0069.tif) Please pray for our Sick especially: Patrick Blasdel, Karl Bartel, Jacob Hurley, John Baylock, Jim Santilli Sr., Amy Brickels, Frances Trenta, Patrick Doyle, Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl, Judy Kriston, Camilla Pieffer, Marilyn Stump, the family of Joshua Weigand, Betty Biagetti, Arthur Gorman, Vickie Bhe, Andrew Gombaski, Connie Liegey (Weigand), Bob Luxeder, Donald Ruegg, Christy Foder, Joseph Benear, Joan Salman (Weigand), Trevor Homsher, Helen Deibel, Ed Leiberth, Keith Morlan, Emma Young, Leonard Hamilton, Betty Bartel, Charles (Jack) Weigand, Mary Jane Somerick, Lisa Gnap, Denny Braman, Irene Lyle, Debbie Taylor & Albert Roth (Insert Graphic 2000-0040.tif) Helen E. Smith Eternal rest grant unto her, O Lord! Please contact the rectory if you or someone you know has been returned back to health! In the February/March envelope packets, there is an envelope for Easter Flowers. Donations to the Flower Fund help to defray costs of flowers and decorations in our church during the Easter Season. Monies received also aid the Parish Sacristan in keeping the sanctuary supplied with all necessary items throughout the year. For those using Faith direct, if you make a contribution, please drop an envelope in the offertory basket with the name of your intention. (Insert Graphic 1300-0021.tif) Stewardship Time, Talent & Treasure Sundays Offering Faith Direct Offering Total Offering Weekly Budget to meet Operating Cost (Shortfall) Overage School Support St. Vincent de Paul Missions El Salvador/Latin America January 26 $ 5,997 $ 2,115 $ 8,112 $ 10,400 $ $ $ (2,288) 35 78 February 2 $ 11,697 $ 2,115 $ 13,812 $ 10,400 $ $ $ $ 3,412 1,182 621 480
2014 First Step Programs: Continuing education regarding marriage and divorce in the Catholic Church - Attempting to pick up the pieces of ones life after the tragedy of divorce is complex and demanding. One of the significant issues that a person faces is their place in the Church. Does the Church still care about me even though I am divorced? Am I allowed to go to Mass? Can I receive communion? How can the Church help me heal? If I decide to marry again, what do I have to do? The Tribunal of the Diocese of Cleveland is continuing to offer its very successful First Step Program in order to help individuals deal with these questions. The Churchs teachings on marriage, divorce, and remarriage are often misunderstood. This program is offered to help everyone, especially those who have experienced divorce, learn more about Catholic teaching in these areas. For more information check our website: www.dioceseofcleveland.org/tribunal or call the Tribunal at 216-696-6525/800-869-6525, ext. 4000
(Insert Graphic 1000-0030.tif) February 10-16 Monday, February 10 St. Scholastica, Virgin 12:05 William & Isabel Rehman 6:00 Confessions Tuesday, February 11 Weekday 8:30 All Souls 5:15 Mary Steiner Wednesday, February 12 Weekday 12:05 Special Intention of Stanley & Helen Lucas Thursday, February 13 Weekday 12:05 Craig Wilson Friday, February 14 St. Cyril, Monk & Methodius, Bishop 12:05 Catherine Davis Anniversary Saturday, February 15 Weekday 8:30 Sarah Tonya 3:00 Confessions 4:00 Karen Jones Anniversary Sunday, February 16 Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time 8:00 Andy Ligas 10:30 Mary Alice Pavkov 5:15 The People of St. Augustine Church Readings for the Week of February 10 1 Kgs 8:1-7,9-13, Ps 132:6-7,8-10, Mk 6:53-56 1 Kgs 8:22-23,27-30, Ps 84:3,4,5,10,11, Mk 7:1-13 1 Kgs 10:1-10, Ps 37:5-6,30-31,39-40m Mk 7:14-23 1 Kgs 11:4-13, Ps 106:3-4,35-36,37,40, Mk 7:24-30 1 Kgs 11:29-32; 12:19, Ps 81:10-11,12-13,14-15, Mk 7:31-37 1 Kgs 12:26-32; 13:33-34, Ps 106:6-7,19-20,21-22, Mk 8;1-10 Sir 15:15-20, Ps 119:1-2,4-5,17-18,33-34, 1 Cor 2:6-10, Mt 5:17-37
The 2014 Catholic Charities Annual Appeal invites us to reflect on what it means to be One in Christ. For Catholic Charities and its many supporters, we are one by; making sure that people who are hungry and homeless receive food and shelter, provide skilled care that focuses on the emotion, social and spiritual needs of people who are elderly and chronically ill, help families in crisis gain strength through counseling and emergency services, assist disabled children and adults with social and recreational activities, life skills training and in-home personal care. Many parishioners received a letter in January, inviting them to support the Annual Appeal. Please prayerfully consider increasing your pledge of support to Catholic Charities as it continues the mission of Jesus by responding to those in need. We invite you to view the Catholic Charities Prayer, stories of inspiration and more at www.catholiccommunity.org/2014Appeal The second Women of Grace study (not to be confused with the St. Augustine Women of Faith group) is about to start. This 8-week study is based on the Bible and the Catechism of the Catholic Church. There are a few openings, for those interested contact Pat Shea at 330-825-4659 or Therese Harper 330-7605780 to receive the day and time of the next study.