Bulletin - July 28, 2013

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Augustine Church, Barberton, OH) (July 28, 2013)

Seventeenth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Living Faith in July: Luke 11:1-13 Lord on the day I called for help, you answered me. (Psalm 138) When you ask, what do you expect to receive? When you seek, how do you know what to look for? When you knock at the door, what do you hope the one who answers will say? 320 Holy Hours were kept with Our Lord in Eucharistic Adoration last week. The only time Our Lord asked the Apostles for anything was the night He went into agony. Not for activity did He plead, but for an hour of companionship. (Archbishop Fulton Sheen) Do you hear Jesus calling you? Please give Judy Soltis a call at 330212-0926. The Parish Picnic St. Augustine Luau is one month away, Sunday, August 25 beginning with the 10:30am Mass. Raffle tickets will be available for sale following the weekend Masses, dont miss out on the opportunity to be the big winner of $5,000. Tickets are being sold for $10.00 each. The first earlybird drawing will be held today July 28 and the second one August 4. Volunteers are always needed, the next volunteer meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, August 7 at 6:30PM in Cafeteria, hope to see you there. Basket items are still needed. We are asking for individual items (not completed baskets, unless of course that is what you prefer). Anyone wishing to donate items for the themed baskets can drop them off at the Rectory during regular business hours. Basket themes are: Red, White & Blue - Patriotic items Kitchen - towels, pot holders, utensils, olive oil etc. Wine Cheese, Crackers, Wine etc. Sports Fans cups, hats, tickets, blankets, key rings etc. Baby Shower anything for a newborn Italian Spaghetti Sauce & Spaghetti, spices, apron, etc. Mexican Tequila, Chips, Salsa, peppers, etc. Couples Night Out Movie or Dinner Tickets, Theatre Back to school Backpack, crayons, glue, tickets, gas card, etc. Scissors, folders, etc. T-shirts are available for sale following all weekend Masses or at the rectory during regular business hours, they are being sold for $8.00 each. Please make sure to get yours, sizes range from youth medium to Adult 4XL. Please show your support, get your tickets and tees now.. Aloha! Holy Hour For Life: First Friday, August 2, at 11:00am. Join us near the Sacred Heart to pray, prior to the 12:05 Mass. Please make sure to sign in at the Holy Hour table. (Insert Graphic1508-0016.tif) First Saturday Devotion to our Blessed Mother under the title of Our Lady of Fatima will take place this Saturday, August 3 at 5:15pm in the church following the 4:00pm Mass. All are welcome to attend.

Holy Hour family of the Week:

M/M John Angerer

Community Corner
Barberton Area Community Ministries items for the Month of August: Boxed dinners, rice, noodles, potatoes etc. Springtime of Hopes item for the month of August is toilet paper

Please place your donations inside the bench in front of the giving tree in the vestibule, items will be picked up on Monday morning. Thank you very much for your donations, especially at this time of the year, when there are so many in need. Your thoughtfulness is greatly appreciated. ________________________ PSR REGISTRATION 2013-2014 PSR is offered to children starting in the first grade through eighth grade; classes are held at St. Augustine School beginning on Sunday, September 8 from 9-10:15am. in the SAC. If a child is going into the first grade, and not attending a Catholic School or was in a Catholic school and is no longer attending, you are able to register for PSR. If you have not received a registration form in the mail, or are interested in registering a new child/children, or would like to volunteer, please contact Renee Barker at 330-745-1080. REGISTRATION FEES ARE AS FOLLOWS: Parishioners of St. Augustine & All Other Parishes Immaculate Conception If paid by August 1 1 Child $ 90.00 1 Child $ 95.00 2 or more $110.00 2 or more $115.00 Paid After August 1 1 Child $ 95.00 1 Child $100.00 2 or more $115.00 2 or more $120.00 If you are unable to pay the registration fee at the time of registration, please contact Renee Barker to make payment arrangements. For those wishing to volunteer, your help will be greatly appreciated. Just a reminder, PSR begins on Sunday, September 8, 2013.

DO YOU KNOW SOMEONE WHO MIGHT BE INTERESTED IN LEARNING ABOUT CATHOLICISM? An RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults) Inquiry Night will be held on Monday, July 29 at 7:00 pm in the Rectory. This will be an opportunity to ask questions, find out what the RCIA is about, and register if desired. Please consider whom you might invite. Or invite your spouse, friend, neighbor etc. to call Karen at 330-745-0011 x 18 or talk to one of our priests. Sometimes all it takes is a personal invitation
It is not too early to think about how you would like to use your gifts and talents to help with the RCIA. Prayer Partners, possible sponsors, and people to help with refreshments are needed. If you would like to find out more or to volunteer, please call Karen. Thank you. Cards Anyone? Join us Friday, August 2 as we play Euchre. Cards begin at 6:30pm in the school cafeteria. A light meal will be provided. Beginners and experienced players are welcome to come and try a hand. Come and enjoy an evening of fellowship.

(Insert Graphic 2000-0069.tif) Please pray for our Sick especially: Patrick Blasdel, Karl Bartel, Jacob Hurley, John Baylock, Jim Santilli Sr., Amy Brickels, Ellen Morlan, Frances Trenta, Patrick Doyle, B. J. Ranier, Andrew Gombaski, John Fahey, Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl, Mary Ann Drobnak, Mary Seal, Ron Moore, Judy Kriston & Irene Lyle (Insert Graphic 1103-0004.tif) Annabelle Grace Weigand Daugher of Christopher & Amanda (Sense) Weigand (Insert Graphic 1108-0067.tif) II Jeffrey Lysiak & Megan McKee II Jeffrey Branham & Audra Brooks I Aaron Long & Chris Pamer Please contact the rectory if you or someone you know has been returned back to health. (Insert Graphic 2128-0041.tif) Attention St. Augustine Youth Group The FEST is Sunday August 4, those interested in attending, please contact Renee Barker for your reservation. Enjoy a day of fun, fellowship, music, games, giveaways, Mass and fireworks. Bring snacks and drinks, food is available for purchase if you would like. The FEST is located at the Center for Pastoral Leadership in Wickliffe, OH. Hope you see you there! (Insert Graphic 1000-0005.tif) Stewardship: July 21 Information not available see next weeks bulletin Culture of Life meets this Tuesday, July 30 in the rectory following Mass and benediction. At this most critical time in our nations history we must not despair but put our trust in the solemn promise of our Lord who said, If my people which are called by My name shall humble themselves and pray, and seek My face, AND TURN FROM THEIR WICKED WAYS, THEN WILL I HEAR FROM HEAVEN AND WILL FORGIVE THEIR SIN, AND WILL HEAL THEIR LAND. (2 Chron. 7:14) Our prayers and sacrifices ARE significant and our country needs them more than ever. All are invited to attend the weekly Holy Hour for Religious Freedom on Wednesdays at 1:00pm. For more information, please contact Lynn Willig at 330-658-2642. In addition to the RCIA INQUIRY NIGHT this Monday, July 29 at 7:00 pm in the Rectory Meeting Room, another opportunity to learn about the Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults will be held on Monday, August 26 at 7:00 pm. Please consider whom you might invite... and do so! The RCIA is for anyone who would like to learn about what Catholics 745-0011). Thank you. (Insert Graphic 2304-0072.tif) A very special thank you is extended to Fr. James Kramer and the parishioners of Guardian Angels for their generous donation to the St. Vincent de Paul society for those affected by the flooding in Barberton. What a wonderful display of stewardship.

believe, what it means to be Catholic and/or to be baptized and or come into full communion with the Church. Please call Karen, Fr. David, or Fr. Pfeiffer if you have questions (330-

The next St. Augustine Women's Group will meet on Tuesday, August 20 from 6:30-8:30 pm in the school cafeteria. All women are welcome to attend.

(Insert Graphic 1000-0035.tif) July 29 August 4 Monday, July 29 St. Martha 12:05 Frances Momchilov 6:00 Confessions Tuesday, July 30 Weekday 5:15 Deceased of the Andrew Horvath family Wednesday, July 31 St. Ignatius of Loyola, Priest 12:05 Rev. Carl Ciprian Thursday, August 1 St. Alphonsus Liguori, Bishop & Doctor of the Church 12:05 Mary Guenther Friday, August 2 Weekday 12:05 Lucina Roth Saturday, August 3 Weekday 8:30 Rosemary Davis 12:00 WEDDING Jeffrey Lysiak & Megan McKee 2:00 Jeffrey Branham & Audra Brooks 3:00 Confessions 4:00 Anthony & Mary Luxeder Sunday, August 4 Eighteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time 8:00 The People of St. Augustine Church 10:30 Michael Jerin Sr. Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Readings for the Week of July 29 Ex 32:15-24, 30-34, Ps 106:19-20,21-22,23, Jn 11:19-27* or Lk 10:38-42* Ex 33:7-11; 34:5b-9,28, Ps 103:6-7,8-9,10-11,12-13, Mt 13:36-43 Ex 34:29-35, Ps 99:5,6,7,9, Mt 13:44-46 Ex 40:16-21,34-38,Ps 84:3,4,5-6,8,11, Mt 13:47-53 Lv 23:1,4-11,15-16,27,34b-37, Ps 81:3-4,5-6,10-11, Mt 13:54-58 Lv 25:1,8-17, Ps 67:2-3,5,7-8, Mt 14:1-12 Eccl 1:2;2:21-23, Ps 90:3-4,5-6,12-13,14,17, Col 3:1-5,9-11, Lk 12:13-21

What is Sin? A sin is a word, deed, or intention by which a man or woman deliberately and voluntarily offends against the true order of things as Gods loving providence has arranged them. It is more than violating some rules; sin turns freely and deliberately against Gods love and ignores him. St. Augustine wrote, Sin is ultimately love of oneself even to contempt of God. It does become possible to recognize sin and its seriousness by drawing near to God. (From the Youth Catechism of the Catholic Church) (Youcat #315)
Make plans to come to the FEST this weekend on Sunday, August 4th at the Center for Pastoral Leadership (28700 Euclid Avenue in Wickliffe). As one Dad commented last year, the place rocks, I had one of the best times of my life with my kids last year, the concerts were awesome, and the Mass was excellent, people as far as you can see, not to mention the music, and the Mass was just phenomenal, fireworks and all Check out the web www.theFEST.us for exciting events happening all day for FREE at the FEST. For questions, please call 440-943-7662 or e-mail fest@thefest.us. See you at the FEST our Catholic Family FESTival. The FEST Mass begins at 8 pm. Theres plenty of close parking. Please join us. Special thanks to Medical Mutual, MARCs, Notre Dame College and Sherwood Foods for their support to keep The FEST FREE.

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