August 6, 2013 The Fellowship News
August 6, 2013 The Fellowship News
August 6, 2013 The Fellowship News
2013 - ISSUE 15 August 6, 2013
On Saturday, October 19, a one day Regional Gathering will take place at First Christian Church in Dear church, After a busy July, August brings with it a more relaxed pace, at least for me. However, it also gives me the opportunity to start looking forward to some exciting events coming our way in the season ahead. On September 8, we will begin a series of worship services with the theme, Focus on Excellence. These services will coincide with our stewardship campaign, and will help us discover how we can take our faith, our lives, and our church to the next level. On September 28, Rock the Loch takes place at Loch Leven, the camp and conference center that we own and operate (along with the other congregations of our Region) in the San Bernardino Mountains. This year, Rock the Loch will feature singer/ songwriter Andra Moran, who is coming from Nashville to headline the event; a number of the songs we sing in worship on Sunday morning were written by Andra Moran. Orange. Among the speakers will be Sharon Watkins, our General Minister and President. There will be worship, workshops, and a taco truck lunch! Best of all, registration is only $10 for adults, and ages 18 & under are free. So in these quiet weeks of August, I encourage you to grab your calendar and mark these dates. The youth I spent time with last week at Loch Leven have discovered the value of making connections with other Disciples. I hope you make that discovery as well. Blessings, Pastor Danny
Prayer Concerns:
Ester Troxel, Sumbal Sardar, Keri Clark, Ed Bremel, Sean May, John & Bill Solan, Scheri Dubon, James Owen, Anita Ramirez, Nargis & family in Pakistan, Keri France & family (A. Hillig), Ellis Spikes, Jr. (A. Hillig), Margaret Parker (G. Kobel)
ove In the Mirror continues its second annual backpack drive. Purchase a backpack and fill it with the items listed on the sheet that can be picked up from the narthex table. OR donate a one-time gift of $15 and the rest will be done for you. Donating online is also possible at or by mail to: Love in the Mirror 2632 East 4th Street Long Beach, CA 90814 Please make sure checks are made payable to Love in the Mirror and identified as backpack drive. Your backpack can be left in the box in the hallwlay of the rear building. The Backpack Drive ends on August 15.
August is special music month during Sunday services and Angela Hillig, David Rugh, Ken Kobel and the youth praise team will all be donating their musical talents this month. Our Improv for God group has been working on their own play/musical production. They are writing both the script and the score!! Currently in one Act with 8 scenes and a cast of characters like youve never seen. If any youth are interested it is not to late to join us THURSDAYS AT 6PMEvery Thursday in August.SOMEWHERE IN THE MUSIC ROOM OR ON THE CHURCH CAMPUS! Special Event on Thursday the 22nd food, fun and fire are involved! Youth praise need to let Barb know what they want to play on August 25th for Sunday service. We will be rehearsing on Saturday August 24th in the late afternoon, time to be announced (TBA). Tell me your favorites or your camp songs from this summer and we will sing and play them! Wednesday September 4th is the first day of school in Long Beach and we will have our first Choir rehearsal of the season! Come early JOIN US! This is a great time to come and try out dont have to perform until you are comfortable but come for fun, music and fellowshipright after 6pm dinner! EVERYONE is WELCOME! BLESSINGS ONE AND ALL Barb Music Director.
eginning next Tuesday, August 13 the eScrip promotion begins. Yellow tagged items purchased from Vons between Aug 15-Sept 15 gives 10% back to the church. Just keep your receipts and turn them in to the office before October 4. It is just that easy.
UNTAPPED RESOURCES While taking photos of the earth, the space shuttle Columbia made a surprising discovery: Underneath the harsh Sahara Desert were 26 lakes, as well as miles of underground rivers. That regions inhabitants face tough conditions because those abundant resources havent yet been tapped. Churches often suffer a similar problem. Congregations cant reach their full God-given potential unless people discover and use their gifts. When we tap into our talents, God promises that we will be like a well-watered garden, like a spring whose waters never fail (Isaiah 58:11, NIV).
Taken from The Newsletter Newsletter
The Fellowship News A publication of Bixby Knolls Christian Church of Long Beach (a Disciples of Christ Church) 1240 E. Carson Street Long Beach, CA 90807 Editor: Monica Lanz 562-426-0428 fax 562-426-0429 Pastor: Daniel Bradfield The Fellowship News is published twice monthly.
Bixby Knolls Vision Statement To know what the Lord requires of us; to do justice, and love kindness, and walk humbly with our God. (Micah 6:8)
(Disciples of Christ)
SUNDAY SCHEDULE: 9:00 a.m. Sunday School for Adults 10:15 a.m. Morning Worship and Childrens Church OFFICE HOURS: Monday - Thursday 7:00 a.m. - 3:30 p.m. Friday closed
BOARD OFFICERS: Ken Brown Pastor Daniel Bradfield -Board President -Minister Leo Dittemore Monica Lanz -Vice President -Church Secretary Pat Cohen Barbara Neal-Peebles -Secretary -Music Director/Organist Angela Hillig Christine Perkinson - Treasurer - Church Child Care Chrysan Naw Suzie Romero - Financial Secretary - Custodian -Church Clerk