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3d Font

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Step 2

Create a new document and type out some text with the Text Tool (T) and apply the 04b_03 font !nce typed out" outline the text by #oin# to Type $#t Create !utlines (Shift % Command % !)

Step 3

Chan#e the color of the type to an oran#e so we can see the shadin# effect when we use the &xtrude and 'e(el )ilter" but we will be chan#in# the color later

Step 4

*ith the outline text selected #o to )ilter $#t &ffect $#t 3+ $#t &xtrude and 'e(el to open up the 3+ &xtrude $ 'e(el !ptions dialo# !nce in the dialo#" ,eep the default measurements except the &xtrude +epth The default settin# should #o as follows- ./0 for the 1otation around the 2 axis (red arrow)" .23 for the 1otation around the 4 axis (#reen arrow)" 0 for the 1otation around the 5 axis (blue arrow)" 0 for perspecti(e" and 60 for the &xtrude +epth !nce the settin#s are set to the default" chan#e the &xtrude +epth to 40

Step 6

*ith the 3+ text selected" #o to !b7ect $#t &xpand 8ppearance

Step 3

9se you :a#ic *and Tool (4) and clic, on the li#htest oran#e color This will select all the ob7ects containin# the li#htest color Chan#e the fill of the selected oran#e to a ;inear <radient from the <radient =anel :a,e the first swatch in the <radient Slider an oran#e color and the second swatch a dar,er oran#e

Step >

?ext we are #oin# to ad7ust the #radient on each indi(idual letter with the <radient Tool (<) Start by select the shapes of the first letter with the +irect Selection Tool (8) @f you use the Selection Tool (A)" you will select all the text" we 7ust want the to select the #radient in the first letter *ith the <radient Tool (<)" clic, at the top of the letter and dra# to the bottom of the letter" ma,in# the li#hter oran#e at the top of the letter

Step 0

1epeat the pre(ious step to all the letters of your type

Step B

9se your :a#ic *and (4) and select the the second li#htest oran#e

Step /0

)ill the selection with a ;inear <radient" and ma,e sure the first swatch in the <radient Slider is the dar, oran#e from the pre(ious #radient and the second swatch is a dar, oran#e.red color

Step //

*ith the new ;inear <radient still selected" chan#e the ;ocation in the <radient =anel to /00 so the dar,est part of the #radient is on the left side of the letters

Step /2

9se the :a#ic *and and select the last dar, oran#e

Step /3

)ill the selection with a ;inear <radient" and ma,e sure the the first swatch in the <radient Slider is the dar, oran#e.red from the pre(ious #radient and the second swatch is a dar,er oran#e red color

Step /4

*ith the new ;inear <radient still selected" chan#e the ;ocation in the <radient =anel to B0 so the dar,est part of the #radient is at the top side of the letters

Step /6

?ow that the type is done" we can start loo,in# at the bac,#round Create a rectan#le with the 1ectan#le Tool (:) that is the siCe of your document and place ti behind all your other artwor,

Step /3

)ill the rectan#le with a 1adial <radient from the <radient =anel" and chan#e the first swatch in the <radient Slider to a li#ht cyan color and the second swatch to a cyan color

Step />

*ith the <radient Tool" ad7ust the 1adial <radient by clic,in# close to the first letter of the text and dra# ri#ht to the center of the document

Step /0

Create an ellipse with the &llipse Tool that is >30 px by >30 px with no fill and a white stro,e" then place the center of the circle o(er the first letter of your text !nce placed" send the artwor, behind the text

Step /B

*ith the ellipse selected" chan#e the Stro,e to 000 pt from the Stro,e =anel *hile still in the Stro,e =anel" chec, the +ashed ;ine chec, box and chan#e the +ash to 60 pt" #i(in# you a nice radial burst

Step 20

*ith the ellipse still selected" chan#e the Transparency to 20D from the Transparency =anel

Step 2/

?ow we can start creatin# the cloud shapes *ith the &llipse Tool (;)" create ten to fifteen ellipses o(erlappin# each other to create a cloud shape

Step 22

Send the set of ellipse behind the type" Copy (Command % C) and =aste (Command % A) the ellipses and place them around the text

Step 23

Create another set of clouds with ellipses and send them behind the ori#inal clouds

Step 24

*ith the new set of clouds selected" fill them with a ;inear 'lend with the first swatch white and the second a li#ht blue

Step 26

*ith the <radient Tool 8d7ust the #radient so the white is at the top of the clouds

Step 23

Copy (Command % C) and =aste (Command % A) the #radient clouds a couple more times around the first set of clouds

Step 2>

8lmost done" but letEs add some shadows to the text Create an ellipse that is >0 px by >0 px )ill the ellipse with a 1adial <radient" and ma,e the first swatch if the #radient a dar, cyan and the second swatch white

Step 20

*ith the Selection Tool (A)" sFuish the ellipse to about a third of its ori#inal siCe and place it behind the bottom of the first letter

Step 2B

Copy (Command % C) and =aste (Command % A) the ellipse under e(ery letter @f the shadows o(erlap" chose :ultiply from the menu 8ll doneG

)inal @ma#e

'elow is the final type treatment @ su##est tryin# this treatment with other fonts" or draw your own pixel letters to experimentG

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