Catalogue Thirteen Ben Kinmont 13
Catalogue Thirteen Ben Kinmont 13
Catalogue Thirteen Ben Kinmont 13
Corn Pone
Choice receipts, Hartford, 1872
p. 15
Purslan Sallet
May, The Accomplisht cook, London, 1660
p. 73
Scotch Collopps
Martha Smith, Manuscript, 1655 c.1697
p. 66
The Young womans companion, Manchester, 1811
p. 118
Platina, De honesta voluptate et valetudine, Venice, 1517
p. 88
Cranberry Sherbet
Mrs. Johnstones cook book, Butte, 1911
p. 46
To fry Smelts
Martin, The New experienced English-housekeeper,
Doncaster, 1795
p. 70
Spanish Shortcake
The Los Angeles Times Cook Book, No. 2, 1905
p. 112
Bound with:
16mo. in 4s and 8s. Woodcut title page devices. 144 pp.; 192 pp.
Contemporary black morocco, spine gilt, gilt fillet around
sides, black morocco doublures framed with gilt dentelles,
pastepaper free endpapers, all edges gilt.
The extremely rare Second Editions of these two ordinances
from the court of Louis XIV of which neither the first nor
second editions are known to exist in American libraries. The
first editions are known in two locations only (the Bibliotheque Interuniversitaire Cujas, Paris, and one at Keio Univeristy, Japan) and the second editions are in the Bibliotheque
Nationale (Arsenal) and the Rijksuniversiteit Groningen only.
The Ordonnances of May and June of 1680 cover the sale
of salt and its use in preserving fish, meat, and butter. The
second Ordonnance of 22 July 1681 discusses the sale and consumption of fish, the rights to the sale of wine, the sale of
tobacco, and regulations around the sale of gold and silver.
This is a particularly handsome copy in an unusual contemporary binding. With the leather bookplate of Kilian Fritsch, the well-known 20th-century collector of wine books, on
verso of the upper free endpaper.
Not in Vicaire.
(1705?1785). The first edition was published in 1760. MussetPathay, in his Bibliographie Agronomique, notes that LAgronome est
trs-complte, et contient toutes les connaissances ncessaires
pour gouverner avantageusement les biens de la campagne,
daprs la pratique des agronomes les plus clbres (no. 32,
referring to the first edition). Arranged alphabetically, the
work contains many recipes as well as information on what was
then a rapidly developing rural economy.
A handsome copy in tree-calf and with spines richly gilt.
This edition is not in OCLC.
Essays relating to agriculture and rural affairs (first ed.: 1775) was
Andersons first work. Sections discuss inclosures and fences (including much on making hedges); draining bogs and swamps;
how to plant grass and make hay; the nutrition offered by
various plants to farm animals; animal husbandry and the
production of wool; pastures and the different types of grasses; legal and economic impediments to the cultivation of the
land; and the corn laws of Great Britain.
The numerous engravings include a lovely series depicting different grasses, finely drawn and representing more than
fifteen types.
A wonderful copy in original state. With the contemporary
ownership signature of William Trabyan of Ashburton dated
23 December 1800 in each volume.
See Fussell, vol. II, Old Farming Books, pp. 1047, 132, and 135
for more on Anderson.
8vo. Three volumes. vi, 432 pp.; 2 p.l., 433815, [1] pp.; 2 p.l.,
[817]1252 pp. Each vol. is preceded and followed by a publishers catalogue. Original blind-stamped blue cloth, spines
slightly sunned, crisp and clean internally.
12mo. Woodcut head and tailpieces. 5 p.l., 164, [4] pp. Contemporary mottled-calf, marbled endpapers, edges stained red,
some faint dampstaining on the final signatures. $2500.00
Possibly the FIRST EDITION (see below) of this early treatise on raising figs and flowers. Chapters discuss different types
of figs; planting location; espalier methods; pruning and trellising; preservation in winter; ripening; and the best uses of
figs. The section on flowers has chapters on the order of flowers
during the year; particularly rare varieties; and sections on specific types including tulips, oeillets (a small yellow flower), anemones, oreille dours (or lambs ears), tuberoses, and ranunculus.
Regarding the edition: on a preliminary leaf there is a certificat testifying to the usefulness of the Trait; interestingly,
it is dated 30 May 1692, nearly 100 years earlier than our title
page date. It should be noted, however, that typographically,
the Trait appears to have been printed sometime at the end
of the 17th century, excepting the title page. It is, therefore,
our guess that our copy is either the first edition reissued with a
new title page or the actual first edition as we have been unable
to locate an earlier edition.
The attribution to Ballon and Garnier, both royal gardeners,
is taken from OCLC; in the Le Libraire au Lecture we learn
that they were responsible for reviewing the texts. Another
possible author, however, might be Pierre Morin (16501690).
Le Libraire au Lecture also states that the author of the Trait
is the same author that wrote a work on Les Orangers & les
Citronniers; Morin wrote a work entitled Nouveau trait des
orangers et citronniers, 1692, the same date as the certificat.
A good copy of a very rare book.
OCLC: Davis and two in Europe. Not in the Bibliotheque Nationale or RLIN.
Item 8, Barbe
The extremely rare FIRST EDITION of Brunetire Desrochettes dissertation on milk and its chemistry. Sections also
discuss milks medicinal uses and nutritive properties.
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Bound with:
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Potatoes to Flour
CHALLAN, Antoine Didier Jean Baptiste.
Rapport fait a la sance publique de la socit
royale et centrale dagriculture, le 29 mars 1818,
surla culture des pommes de terre, la prparation et lemploi de leurs produits, linvention
ou le perfectionnement des machines propres les convertir en farine. Paris: Madame
Huzard, 1818.
8vo. One woodcut, one folding printed table, and one folding
engraved plate. 16, 71 pp. Antique red quarter-morocco over
red paste paper boards, green vellum tips, black morocco label
on spine, untrimmed.
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Corn Pone
Sift about one quart of corn flour; make a thin batter, adding by degrees spoonfuls of clabber [similar to
yogurt], beating it all the time one way; add three or
four eggs, well beaten, a teaspoonful of salt, and one
of soda, dissolved in a little warm milk; grease the pans
well; then sprinkle corn meal thickly over the buttered
parts before putting in the batter.
Item 16, Choice receipts, Hartford, 1872
[ ]
12mo. 28 p.l., 346 pp. Contemporary calf, spine gilt, red morocco lettering piece, head of spine restored, joints cracked
but strong, corners bumped.
The FIRST EDITION of Jean Deslyons (16151700) second
diatribe against banqueting written in answer to Nicolas Barthelemys Apologie du banquet sanctifi de la veille des Rois (1664).
Separated into three sections, Deslyons first discusses fasting,
second the Saturnales of the ancients, and third the superstition of Phoebus. For Deslyons the time of Epiphany was one for
prayer and dedication to God; it was not a time for carnival.
Fritsch 484; Oberl 496; OCLC: UCLA, USC, Yale,
Indiana University, Harvard, Cleveland Pub. Library, Brigham
Young University, and Oxford; Simon Gastronomica 485; Vicaire
col. 272.
[ ]
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Snow in Wine
Dissertation sur lusage de boire a la glace. Paris:
Valleyre, 1762.
12mo. Woodcut device on title page. viii, 31 pp. Recent halfcalf over marbled boards, lettered in gilt on spine, edges
stained red.
The extremely rare FIRST & ONLY EDITION of this discussion of the benefits and pleasures of chilled drinks. After preparing a dinner for nine or ten friends, Durey dHarnoncourt
tells of the effect of placing ice in his wine and water: quel
usage singulier! quil est extraordinaire! Quelle sensualit! His
guests, however, found the chilling of their drinks to be scandalous and so the author decided to write the following essay
to explain the history and purpose behind using ice to refresh
ones drink.
In his Dissertation, Durey dHaroncourt discusses the history of iced drinks in hot climate regions (mentioning Greece,
Asia, China, India, Persia, and Egypt); the ways in which iced
drinks can refresh the mind and body; how doctors throughout the ages have used cold drinks to great effect; and the
different ways liquid was chilled and the containers used (e.g
pewter, stoneware, and leather, which the Persians flavored
with rose water).
Much of his research is based upon travel accounts from
the 17th and 18th centuries and writers such as Le fameux
Mdecin Bernier who wrote from Deli in 1663 about having
been served drinks chilled through the use of saltpeter. Franois Bernier (16251688) was personal physician to the Mu-
[ ]
12mo. Two engraved plates and one small woodcut in the text.
6 p.l., 176 pp. Contemporary polished-calf, spine richly gilt,
red morocco lettering piece on spine, upper board giltstamped with a coat of arms, the lower board gilt-stamped
M.r Bronnier de la Mosson within a gilt border. $5000.00
I. The FIRST EDITION of Elsholtz study of distillation,
one of the oldest processes used to produce chemically pure
substances. From applied chemistry to culinary purposes,
distillation is a process where at least two compounds are
separated due to their different boiling points. The higher the
vapor pressure of a substance (i.e. the lower its boiling point),
the sooner it will begin evaporating leaving behind the compound with the higher boiling temperature. The evaporated
substance is then cooled and condensed and thereby separated
from the other compound. In the current work Elsholtz argues that the resulting distillate is due to the type of curcurbit
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Bound with:
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26 FILLASSIER, Jean Jacques. Culture de la grosse
asperge. Nouvelle dition, revue et corrige.
Amsterdam: Mquignon, 1788.
12mo. 2 p.l., 151, [1] pp. Original blue wrappers, stitched as
issued, crisp and untrimmed.
Second edition (first ed.: 1779) of Fillasiers rare study of asparagus cultivation. The first 70 pages are devoted to a history of
asparagus studies, with references to Bauhin, Gesner, Fuchs, and
Gerard (amongst numerous others) as well as early plant catalogues and famous gardens of the time. Fillasier (c.1736c.1806)
then continues with specifics concerning asparagus cultiva-
[ ]
tion, its best terrain, how to deal with adverse soil conditions,
when and how to plant, harvesting, and fertilizing. For recipes,
he recommends Buchozs Manuel alimentaire for instructions on
the asparagus use in omelettes, ragouts, in a cream sauce, in its
own juices, in butter, in soup, and with peas. A very rare book
on a delightful subject.
NUC: DNAL only; Oberl 696. Not in Bitting, Cagle,
Simon, or Vicaire.
In Praise of Salami
27 FRIZZI, Antonio. La Salameide, poemetto
giocoso con le note. Venice: G. Zerletti, 1772.
8vo. Engraved frontispiece and engraved title page. 4 p.l.,
cxxxv pp. Contemporary boards, title in manuscript on spine,
entirely untrimmed, two early library stamps appear in the margin of the title page and on the final leaf.
The FIRST EDITION of Frizzis (17361800) famous burlesque poem to salami. Sections describe the history of salamis as well as the various types produced: cotechino, salami
di fegato di Ferrara, zampone di Modena, salami allaglio di
Firenze, Lucca and Verona, cervellato di Milano, mortadella di
Bologna, etc., etc.
The handsome engraved frontispiece depicts a customer
inspecting a salami while above his head hang various cured
meats; in the background a man cleans a wild boar which is
strung up by its hooves. There were four later editions plus one
reprint in Ferrara in 1983.
A very good copy in original state.
B.IN.G. 852; Paleari-Henssler p. 310; Simon Gastronomica
1342; Westbury p. 197.
[ ]
A REMARKABLE DISCOVERY. This collection of lithographs of the viticultural regions of Bordeaux is something we
have been searching for for years. Only once have we ever seen
a collection of these lithographs and that set was lacking nearly
half of those issued. The collection we are offering includes
44 of the prints as well as all twelve of the lithographed wrappers. Among the 44 views include are those of Chateau Lafite;
Chateau de Segur & Garamey; Chateau de la Grange, Cos
dEstournelle; Chateau Haut Brion; Domaine de Mr. J.B.
Lanoire; and Chteau dYquem (and that is only from the first
two livraisons, or parts).
This album should be seen as a precursor to the famous
early photographic album of Bordeaux by Alfred Danflou.
Entitled Les Grands Crus Bordelais, it was published in 1866 and
then in an expanded form in 1867. While the Danflou is also
rare, the Album vignicole is only known to a few who have perhaps
seen it once, or just heard about it. There is no copy located
in OCLC.
Gustave Galard (17891841) was descendent from an important family from Gascogne. After traveling to the Antilles
island of St. Thomas and then England, Switzerland, Spain,
and the United States (where he settled in Philadelphia in
1800), he moved to Bordeaux, where his mother was from. It
[ ]
was on a trip to Paris in 1815 that he was introduced to lithography and subsequently published several lithographic collections, of which this was his last. He was a self-taught artist
who known for his illustrations, miniatures, portraits, and caricatures (one of which landed him in jail for his portrayal of
Louis Philippe).
The lithographs are printed on papier de Chine, drawn by
Galard, and printed by Lg of Bordeaux. On the verso of
two livraisons is pasted an engraved receipt for the purchase of
that particular livraison as well as a description of how one could
purchase and subscribe to the Album.
A very good set of this early monument to viticultural history.
From the collection of Bernard Chwartz (see vol. 3 of his
library catalogue for reproductions and a complete list of the
lithographs included).
Not in Bitting, Cagle, OCLC, Simon, or Vicaire.
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4to. Eight plates (four of which are in color) and 119 wood
engravings in the text. vii, 573 pp. Original gilt and black stamped
red cloth publishers binding, all edges gilt, bright green endpapers, absolutely bright and crisp.
Item 30, Gardening
[ ]
8vo. Engraved frontispiece and one plate (Tab I & Tab II)
on one folding leaf. 3 p.l., 652, [4] pp. Contemporary half-calf
over marbled paper boards, spine gilt, red paper lable on spine,
lightly rubbed, edges stained red.
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wine vinegar, sugar, mustard, capers, cloves, walnut oil, pickled olives, olive oil, pepper, ginger, nutmeg, and cinnamon.
Harts principal work, Klinike, or the diet of the diseased
though little known, is of interest and value.It had scarcely
any forerunner in medical literature since the classical times,
and though the importance of such matters is now generally
recognised, it has had till quite recently but few successors.
In rationality and freedom from the tyranny of therapeutic
routine it is far in advance of most medical works of the
time, and apart from its professional interest presents instructive pictures of the manners and customs of the seventeenth
century. D.N.B.
With an early inscription on the verso of an initial blank
This Book though an old one is well worth Reading and ought
not to be passed from.
Cagle 725; ESTC (US locations): Huntington, Harvard,
University of Wisconsin, New York Academy of Medicine,
and the New York Public Library; Krivatsy 5278; Oxford p. 20
The earliest book on the subject in the English language;
STC 12888. Not in Bitting, Maggs, or Vicaire.
[ ]
recipes made with flour and eggs, braten, salads, savory pastry
dishes made from wild game, compotes from fresh and dried
fruit, baked goods (from sweet pastries to savory dishes), ice
creams, and hot and cold drinks. From the title page we learn
that Hauptner was head chef to Prince Albrecht of Prussia as
well as head of a Berlin cooking institute for women.
This is a particularly interesting copy because it comes from
the library of the well-known 19th-century chef and food
writer Emile Bernard (17971888). Bernard was the chef de
cuisine to William 1st, King of Prussia and German Emperor.
He was also the author, along with Urban Dubois, of Cuisine
Classique (first ed.: 1856), a very popular 19th-century coffee
table cookbook that was printed in a large quarto and was profusely illustrated with full-page engravings of elaborate dishes,
or pices montes. It is very unusual to find cookbooks from the
libraries of known chefs from the 19th century.
With the bookplates of Emile Bernard and Rouvier de Vaulgran on the upper pastedown.
A very good copy.
OCLC: New York Academy of Medicine only; Weiss 1479.
[ ]
Not in Schoellhorn
HAYMAN, E. N. A Practical treatise to render the art of brewing more easy. London:
Longman, 1819.
[ ]
4to. Title pages and several additional leaves printed in red and
black, two folding engraved plates, and one woodcut in the
text. Three volumes in one. [32] ll.; 10 p.l., 44 pp.; 14 p.l., 48 pp.
Contemporary speckled-paper boards, marginal worming in
the upper gutter of the first few signatures, bright and crisp
The extremely rare FIRST EDITIONS of Heppes calendar
and guide to country living for the years 1777, 1778, and 1779.
Sections discuss how to manage a kitchen garden, the orchard,
and forests including a two page entry on how to make a healthy
and tasty tea from strawberry leaves. Heppe also wrote texts
on natural history, birds, hunting, and fish anatomy. The illustrations depict an apparatus to measure tree growth and varieties of grass.
This appears to be the only known complete copy.
Very fresh. With the library stamp of Rolf Dittmar on the
upper pastedown.
Weiss 1557 (lacking several leaves). Not in OCLC, Poggendorff, or RLIN.
[ ]
8vo. Two photographic illustrations on one page of the Columbia Gardens. 154, [1 index], [2 advertisements], followed by 5
blank leaves. Original white cloth boards, title stamped in blue
on the upper board, very clean throughout.
The very rare Second Edition of this early Montana cookbook.
The first edition (1905) is known in one location only (Montana
Historical Library) and our edition is known in two locations
only (Montana Historical Library & Johnson and Wales University Library). Montana cookbooks are very rare; the Browns,
in their Culinary Americana 18601960, list only two other Montana cookbooks beyond the two editions of Mrs. Johnstone.
A particularly fine copy.
Brown 1997.
Rational Farming
40 KAMES, Henry Home, Lord. The gentleman
farmer. Being an attempt to improve agriculture
by subjecting it to the test of rational principles. Edinburgh: Printed for W. Creech, 1776.
8vo. Three engraved plates. xxiv (misprinted as xxvi), 409 pp.,
followed by a [2] pp. booksellers catalogue. Contemporary
polished calf, red morocco lettering piece on spine, double gilt
fillets on spine, corners slightly rubbed.
FIRST EDITION. Kameswas born at Eccles, Berwickshire,
in 1696 to an impoverished family estate which only allowed him
to be privately educated. In 1712 he was indentured to a Writer
to the Signet and eleven years later he was called to the Bar,
[ ]
Cranberry Sherbet
One pint of cranberry pulp. Once coffee cupful of
granulated sugar, the juice of two lemons. Cook for five
minutes. Cook and freeze, and just before finishing,
add the beaten white of one egg and one tablespoonful
of sugar mixed in.
Item 39, Johnstone, Butte, 1911
and became Judge of the Court of Session in 1752, Lord Justiciary in 1763. Fussell, Old English Farming Books, vol. II, p. 107.
He died in 1782.
From the authors Preface: Behold another volume on husbandry! exclaims a peevish man on seeing the title-page: how long
shall we be pestered with such trite stuff ? As long, sweet Sir,
as you are willing to pay for it: hold out your purse, and wares
will never be wanting.
It must indeed be acknowledged, that the commerce of
books is carried on with no great degree of candour: those of
husbandry, with very little. A bookseller contrives a new title,
collects books upon the subject, delivers them to his author
to pick and cull; and, Here, Sir, is a spick and span new work,
full of curious matter. Kames sought to remedy this situation by basing his book upon his own experiences and writing
it for landlords as they were the ones with the resources and
the profit interest to follow his recommendations. Apparently
he was right: the work went through six editions by 1815.
Chapters discuss farming apparatus; cattle and carriages;
the culture of plants for food (including wheat, rye, oats, barley,
beans, turnips, potatoes, carrots, and cabbage); the preparation of cattle intended for the butcher; the theory of agriculture; and the adaptability of a plant species to its environment.
The engraved plates depict various apparatus.
Kames was a man of literary talents who also published works
on morality (for which he was attacked by Hume and Voltaire), education, literary criticism, history, jurisprudence, and
From the library of John Earl of Hyndford with his engraved
bookplate and the early ownership signature of David Cook on
the upper pastedown.
A very good copy.
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Weinstocke den hchsten Nutzen abzugewinnen. Erfurt: bei dem Verfasser [gedruckt bei
Johann Immanuel Uckermann], 1828.
[ ]
Oblong 8vo. [32] ll. Original printed boards, spine with some
wear and loss to head and tail of spine, clean and crisp internally.
A charming gastronomic childrens book printed in red and
black ink. Dorothy Kunhardt (19011979) was a popular childrens book author best known for her touch-and-feel book
entitled Pat the bunny (first ed.: 1940). In the current work Kunhardt has written and illustrated a story about an old man
with a red beard and red slippers, who is continually eating
rennet dessert out of a red bowl. When the people all come
to see what he is doing, he tells them that they must guess what
he is thinking about and if they guess correctly, he will give
them something nice.
[ ]
8vo. Wood engraved portrait. viii, 125, [1] pp. followed by [18]
of advertisements. Original illustrated wrappers, entirely uncut
and unopened.
The very rare FIRST EDITION of Lahns guide to the production of honey and its culinary and medicinal uses. Recipes
are provided for its use in wine, champagne, liqueur, syrup,
vinegar, limonade, cakes, and in the preservation of fruit. To
maintain health recipes are also provided for a honey-balsam,
an eye-water, and an African cactus-lotion.
In fine condition and the first of three editions.
The upper wrapper illustrates gnomes helping a woman in
the kitchen.
OCLC: the University of Minnesota only.
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(Madison), Dumbarton Oaks, University of Michigan, Alleghney College (PA), Northwestern University, Virginia Historical, New York Academy of Medicine, Williams College,
Harvard, Hunt Library, Folger, and Yale. Not in Bitting, Cagle,
or Vicaire. In the exhibition catalogue Four Hundred Years of
English Diet and Cookery at the Bancroft Library, it is noted
that This may be the first use of cross-referencing. Like the
Lilly Library, the Bancroft has the second edition only.
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Small 8vo. Engraved title page vignette, woodcut head and tailpieces. 5 p.l., xxxv, 229, [13] pp. including the blank leaf P4.
Contemporary calf, spine richly gilt, red morocco lettering piece
on spine, boards with a double blind fillet around sides, edges
of boards richly gilt.
The FIRST EDITION of Lindsays recommendations for the
revival of the Scottish linen industry, farming, and fishing.
After having served with Sir Robert Riche in his regiment of
foot in Spain, Lindsay settled in Edinburgh as an upholsterer.
His business was prosperous and he became dean of his guild
and was elected lord provost in 1729 and 1733. From 173441 he
was a member of Parliament for Edinburgh. He died in 1753
shortly after having been appointed the Governor of the Ile
of Man.
Lindsay begins by noting the terrible conditions of the poor
in Scotland and the high level of unemployment and begging.
He then goes on to discuss various laws in commerce (both
domestic and international) which have negatively affected the
state of trade in Scotland and to suggest the possibility of
cultivating silk manufacture, trade with the West Indies, the
linen trade, flax farming, and the fisheries within Scotland as
a solution. To do this, however, he calls for government intervention and provides examples of its success in some areas
of Scotland and other countries. There is also a large section
about the herring trade, including a discussion of the relative
merits of herring from different areas, how they taste, and
their conservation.
[ ]
FIRST EDITION. A very charming guide to eating in London, written, the book tells us, to address the tens of thousands, not only of our country population, but of foreigners
attracted to the Great Exhibition. Strangers in London, with
money at command to dine when, where, and how it may suit
their fancy, can, with perseverance and tact, always gratify their
propensities in reason, but those whose palate is their only
thought, must be left to the self-inflicted torments which their
voluptuousness and selfishness are sure to entail. This book
seeks to rectify this situation. Restaurants, clubs, and dishes are
described in great detail, as well as table decorations, how to
serve, recipes for various dishes and drinks (including Mississippi Punch), and aphorisms for health and life. One section
even mentions buying cookery books in London: Cookerybooks, from the celebrated Ude, the brilliant and accomplished
Soyer, down to humble Meg Dodds, about in every booksellers shop, in all of which ample instructions will be found
for the guidance and study of those anxious to excel in the profound science of Gastronomy. (p. 41).
The title and frontispiece (by Phiz i.e. H. K. Browne) were
probably inspired by Briffaults Paris A Table, (1st ed.: 1846)
with illustrations by Bertall, which bear a striking resemblance
in tone and humor.
Bitting p. 573; Cagle 832; NUC: DLC NN ICN PPRF;
and Simon Gastronomica 967. Not in Maggs or Vicaire.
Apple Cookery
LHRING, Katharina. Die erfahrene Aepfelkchin. Leipzig: Carl Wilfferodt, 1865.
[ ]
4to. Title page woodcut vignette, woodcut headpieces, woodcut initials. 38, [2] pp. Modern quarter-calf over cloth boards,
faint dampstaining on a few leaves, crisp.
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(Harvard University), Huntington Library, University of Wisconsin (Madison), University of California (Los Angeles), New
York Public Library, University of Chicago, University of Illinois, Chemical Heritage Library, and University of North
Carolina. Not in Bitting, Cagle, Simon, or Vicaire.
& MEDICINE.) Martha Smith, 1655c. 1697.
[ ]
Scotch Collopps
Take the best part of a leg of veale, cut in thin slices
& hack them very well, then take a small quantity of
thym & sweet margeram minct, with a little pepper &
nutmeg & strew upon them with a little salt & fry them
with a little butter. Your sauce must be made with gravy
two or three spoonfulls of clarrett & a small piece of
butter thickned with two or three eggs so beat up that
& collops together in your pan. For your foret meat,
take halfe a pound of veale & the same quantity of biefe
suet, & beat them very fine, season it with a little thym
& sweet margeram, sage, nutmeg, ginger & black pepper
with some grated white bread, make it up with 2 or 3
eggs throwing away one of the whites, then make up on
halfe into little balls & put the other into that which
you roast.
Item 54, Martha Smith Manuscript, 1655c.1697
20cm x 17cm. [40] pp. with [17] additional pp. of recipes laidin. Original marbled wrappers with Receipt Book written on
the upper cover and A Book of Receipts written on the lower
cover, light wear overall.
A legible and interesting early 19th-century English manuscript
with directions on how to make medicinal and veterinary
remedies, as well as beer and wine. Some of the medicinal cures
include how to make cough medicine; how to treat gout and an
inflammation of the eyes; a cure for Hooping Cough and
another for scurvy and rheumatism. Veterinary remedies cover
those for horses and dogs and there are even an few household
[ ]
recipes for blackening ones shoes and how to kill rats. The
culinary recipes include how to make grape, elderberry, currant,
and ginger wine; how to bake mackerel; and several recipes for
making, caring for, and bottling beer.
An interesting manuscript covering a range of domestic
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To fry Smelts
Take the guts out at the gills with a skewer, wipe them
with a clean dry cloth, put six of seven on one skewer,
rub them with the yolk of egg, strew over them bread
crumbs and dredge them; have ready a pan with sweet
dripping made very hot, put them in and fry them a
light brown, then take them out and lay them before the
fire on clean straw to drain; serve them up with good
melted butter.
Item 58, Martin, Doncaster, 1795
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By its sheer size (over 450 pages and more than 1,000 recipes) and comprehensive scope this book eclipsed its predecessors, none of which had treated all branches of cookery.
Davidson, The Oxford Companion to Food, p. 485.
ESTC: British Library, Birmingham University Library,
Library of Congress and University of California (Berkeley) to
which OCLC adds Trinity College (Hartford), Cornell, and
Bowdoin College; Wing M1391. See Bitting p. 318, Cagle 867,
Une Affaire de Got 69, and Wellcome IV, p. 88 for later editions.
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Purslan Sallet
Take green purslan and pick it leaf by leaf, wash it and
swing it in a napkin, then being dished in a fair clean
dish, and finely piled up in a heap in the midst of it, lay
round about the center of the sallet pickled capers, currans, and raisins of the sun, washed, picked, mingled, and
laid round it; about them some carved cucumbers, in
slices or halves, and laid round also. Then garnish the
dish brims with burrage [borage] or clove-jelly-flowers.
Or otherwayes with jagged cucumber peels, olives, capers, and raisons of the sun, then the best sallet oyl and
wine vinegar.
Item 59, May, London, 1660
17.7cm x 12.5cm. Two cards, both printed in blue and red ink:
one is a menu of twelve courses, the other a card announcing
the club name as well as the time and place of the dinner. On
the verso of each are the signatures of the attending diners.
A remarkable survival. As Laurence Hutton, the famous American essayist and critic describes in Talks in a Library: The
initial idea of The Kinsmen was Lawrence Barretts; the name
was an inspiration of my own. The actor had long contemplated
the foundation of a little club upon the lines of the Green Room
or the Beefsteak in London, to which none but professionals
should be admitted and only those of the right sort. He wanted to bring together the players, the writers, the sculptors, the
painters, into some simple organisation which would be select
and fraternal.There were to be no dues, no fees, no clubhouse, no constitution, no by-laws, no officers, no nothing but
good fellowship and good times. We were to breakfast or dine,
or lunch, or sup, together; each member was to bring to each
symposium a guest of his own choosing and his own profession, whom he felt would be acceptable to the other members.
pp. 32526.
The club was founded in New York in early 1882. By June
of the same year it had met at the Blue Posts Tavern in London.
Members included Mark Twain and Henry Irving, who presented each Kinsman with a perpetual free pass to any theater
in which he might be playing.
Our menu bears the signatures of the twenty club diners for
the evening of May 9th, 1897. It is particularly spectacular
because that evenings attendees, some of whom signed their
names twice. The list includes the painter John Singer Sargent
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8vo. Engraved and woodcut title page vignettes. xxiv, 184, [1]
pp.; 10, xi-xviii, 11186, [2] pp.; xxxii, 374, [2] pp. Three parts
in two volumes. Contemporary half-calf over marbled boards,
vellum lable on spines, spine gilt-stamped, bindings signed
F. C. Raben.
The extremely rare FIRST EDITION of Johanna Katharina
Morgenstern-Schulzes book of teachings for a lady. Parts
cover the education of the heart; preparation for living with
a man; how to raise children; and guidance to run the kitchen
and all aspects of the household economy.
Morgenstern-Schulze was one of the most popular 18thcentury German authors of works on domestic economy written for women and was also the author of the Magdeburgisches
Kochbuch. For more on the attributions to works by Morgenstern-Schulze, see the Deutsches Anonymen-Lexicon by Holzmann
& Bohatta.
A very fine set. Volume two mistakenly has 3.4 stamped on
the spine; although part three is equal in size to parts one and
two together, a fourth part was never issued. With the bookplate of Hans Gieraths on the upper pastedowns and library
stamp of Tilhrer, Grevskabet Christiansholm on the upper
free endpaper.
Weiss 2266 claims it to not be by Morgenstern-Schulze
and, although he calls for three parts, he only lists the pagination for the third and final part. Not in OCLC or RLIN.
In a Lovely Binding
64 [NEILL, Patrick]. Journal of a horticultural
tour through some parts of Flanders, Holland,
and the north of France, in the autumn of 1817.
By a deputation of the Caledonian Horticultural
Society. Edinburgh: Bell & Bradfute, 1823.
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12mo. in 6s. 1 p.l., ii, [5]-93, [3] pp. Later quarter-calf over
marbled boards, raised bands red morocco lettering piece on
spine, mild dampstaining throughout, the upper corner of the
first five leaves removed not affecting text.
The FIRST & ONLY EDITION of this extremely rare work
on beer and ale writtenin particular to the vulgar and mechanic Part of this Nation to improve the quality of malt
liquors and the safety of their consumption. Chapters discuss
Of the kinds of grain proper for malt; Malt-making; The
Vertues of barley and malt; Of brewing; Of fermentation; Of tunning and keeping ale; Of restoring of decayed
ale or beer; Of the uses of the grains and barm; Of the
general uses of malt and malt-liquors; and An appendix concerning alegar [malt vinegar] and malt-spirits.
The author seems to have been very much impressed by
Worlidges Vinum Britannicum (first ed.: 1676) as he cites it often
and offers a recapitulation of the [works] vertues in chapter
nine. In the introduction he mentions that he is also indebted
to the works of Markham and Boerhaave though all these
make not up a fifth Part of his work.
An interesting manual for beer and ale-making from early
18th-century England. Despite the inconsistences in pagination, the collation and catch-words show the work to be complete: AH6.
Extremely rare.
ESTC & OCLC: Wellcome Institute, British Library, &
Stanford; Schoellhorn p. 242.
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In Original State
66 PALLADIO, Rutilius Tarus Aemilianus. Volgarizzamento di Palladio. Testo di lingua la
prima volto stampato. Verona: Dionisio Ramazini, 1810.
4to. Title page woodcut vignette, woodcut head and tailpieces
xiii, 300 pp. original blue wrappers, unopened, crisp and bright.
A handsome edition of Palladios famous work on agriculture, in this case, translated from a codex in the Biblioteca
Laurenziana in Florence. Finally, there isPalladius, who
learned much from Columella and ended up knowing more
about grafting than todays typical horticultural graduate. Palladius grew up in Poitiers, France, where his father, ca. 320
A.D., supplied grain, fruit, and wine to Rome. His De re rustica is the worlds first versified gardening, fruit growing, and
grafting calandar and was, the inclusion of superstitions notwithstanding, a long-time trusted source of gardening information. Janson, Pomonas Harvest, p. 18.
An extremely fine copy in original state.
OCLC: Dartmouth, UCLA, and one location in Europe.
B.IN.G. 1423, Jenson 1472, Westbury p. 168.
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Beautifully Framed
68 (PERFUME LABELS.) Montpellier, c. 1800.
Framed: 46.5cm x 67.7cm. Individual labels range from 2cm x
6cm to 4.5cm x 7cm. $950.00
A lovely collection of thirty perfume bottle labels from the
firm of Dubois Marchand Montpellier. Scents range from
eau de citron to eau dor to eau de Belle de Nuit.
In fine condition (it appears that the printed labels were
never used).
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26.7cm x 34.5cm (photograph alone: 16.6cm x 22.5cm). Printed by Xavier Bick from Dijon. Some wear and spotting to the
board on which the photograph is mounted.
A charming early photograph of twelve men and boys from the
kitchen of La Cloche, a restaurant which continues in Dijon.
They are all sitting or standing together outside, all appearing
quite serious in their toques and aprons.
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A Unique Issue?
[PLAIGNE.] Lart de faire dameliorer et de
conserver les vins, ou le parfait vigneron. Paris:
Samson, 1782.
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Mussels are a kind of shellfish. They ought to be cooked
in a pan without water. When you see the shells open
because of the heat, put in verjuice with a bit of ground
pepper and chopped parsley, and mix and transfer immediately into serving dishes. First, they should be kept
a night or day in well-salted water so that they lose their
natural bitterness.
Item 72, Platina, Venice, 1517
4to. Large woodcut Royal coat-of-arms on title, one woodcut initial, lettre btarde. [4] pp. Full red morocco by Cuzin,
spine lettered in gilt, small ink-stain to front cover.
FIRST EDITION. An extremely rare and beautifully printed
price and regulation guide for the Paris poulty and fowl trade.
A valuable document giving detailed information on the gastronomic customs of Renaissance Paris.All kinds of roast
fowls were offered for sale on the stalls of medieval poulterers, who did not belong to any particular merchant corporation or craft guild. These poulterers sold the birds ready cooked,
and in Paris, from the Middle Ages to the Revolution, they operated in the Rue de la Huchette, taking their spits and braziers
out of service only during lent.Poultry featured on the menus
of the clergy as well as the secular middle classes, popular malice crediting monks with a weakness for capons. The fattened
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Large 4to. Four folding plates. 4 p.l., viii, 9316 pp. Contemporary half-vellum over drab boards.
The scarce FIRST EDITION of Prestas study of olive cultivation and olive oil production in Puglia, Italy. After conducting experiments for nearly ten years, Presta advises that
the underground crushers then in use be replaced by modern
olive mills. He also proposes the removal of the olive pits
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ity back at their stoves cooking as if the Civil War had never
occurred. William Rabisha was Master Cook to many honourable Families before and since the war began; His Broths,
Pottages, to the taste and sight, would Esau-like, make some
to sell their right. Although little is known about his life and
career, he was evidently brought up in the service of a noble
household, which spared no cost or charge in his instruction
and education.
He left Britain during the Commonwealth and evidently
worked at the Royal court while it was in exile. His cookery
book went through five editions.The text is a remarkable
statement of the art of cookery as it was in the 1660s, and proved
to be surprisingly influential over the period: there are examples of wholesale borrowing from his recipes as late as the middle of the eighteenth century. from the Prospect Books facsimile of the 1682 edition.
The initial blank is inscribed on the recto Mary Long her
Book and Mary Noave her Book 1750 (twice). Bookplate of
Charles Whibley on inside cover.
See Bitting and Cagle for later editions; ESTC: British
Library, the Bodleian Library, Harvard, and the University of
Chicago; OCLC adds the University of Pennsylvania.
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from cows, horses, mules, pigs, sheep, goats, birds, and bats,
to name but a few. Re also covers methods of composting and
how manure enrichs the soil.
A lovely copy in original state.
Not in OCLC or RLIN.
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8vo. viii, [2], 190 pp. Contemporary grey boards, red morocco
lettering piece on spine.
An extremely fine copy of the FIRST EDITION of this very
rare work on hops for beer-making. In the Middle Ages, Hersbruck was situated on the Golden Route between Nurem-
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8vo. Three hand-colored folding plates. 8 p.l., 66, [2] pp. Contemporary pale green boards, small gilt-roll pattern and fillet around sides, light wear overall, pale orange pastepaper
endpapers, short tear at the hinge of the final folding plate
affecting about one inch of image.
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This publication was issued on the occasion of the Exposition Gnral de Bordeaux. The Exposition itself is depicted
in the frontispiece of the tude.
OCLC: University of California (Davis), California State
University (Fresno), and one in Europe.
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No Location in OCLC
DER SORGFLTIGE HAUS- und Wirtschfats-VerwalterUnd bey dieser newuen
Auglage Mit einem wohl eingerichteten Kochund Trenchier-Bchlein Und mit Dem wohl
unterwiesenen Brandtwein-Brenner und Destillirer, auch einer Anweisung vom ConfectBacken vermehret. Brelau & Leipzig: Daniel
Pietsch, 1746.
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Spanish Shortcake
Three eggs, whole of two, white of one saved for frosting, one cup sugar, one-half cup butter, two-thirds cup
of milk, two cups flour, one teaspoon baking powder.
Cream butter and sugar, and beat in eggs till very light,
then add the mild and flour with baking powder siften
in it, and one-half teaspoon ground cinnamon. Bake in
shallow tins and put on a thin frosting made with white
of one egg and one teaspoon ground cinnamon. Put in
oven and brown a golden brown. The cinnamon turns
the frosting pink.
Item 93, The Los Angeles Times Cook Book,
No. 2, 1905
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Put into the bodies of your pigeons a seasoning made
with pepper and salt, a few cloves and mace, some seeet
herbs, and a piece of butter rolled in flour. Tie up the
necks and vents, and half roast them. Then put them
into a stew-pan, with a quart of good gravy, a little white
wine, a few pepper corns, three or four blades of mace,
a bit of lemon, a bunch of sweet-herbs, and a small onion. Stew them gently till they are enough; then take the
pigeons out, and strain the liquor through a sieve; scum
it and thicken it in your stew-pan, with a piece of putter rolled in flour; then put in the pigeons, with some
pickled mushrooms; stew it about five minutes, put the
pigeons into a dish, and pour the sauce over them.
Item 99, The Young womans companion,
Manchester, 1811
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Figs: 7
Flowers: 7, 11, 69
Games: 97
Gardening: 11, 30, 64
Honey: 45
Illustrated Books: 28, 69
Japanese Cookery: 57
Law: 1, 2, 73
Manuscripts: 54-57
Meat: 27, 88
Medicine, Diet, & Health: 5, 11,
29, 34, 46, 62
Milk: 10, 49
Menus: 61
Olives & Olive Oil: 75
Perfume & Cosmetics: 8, 47,
67, 68, 84
Photography: 70
Poetry: 17, 18, 27, 79
Poultry: 73
Restaurant & Tavern History:
52, 70
Salt: 2, 53
Sugar Beet: 42
Technology: 31, 85
Tobacco: 2
Veterinary Science and
Zoology: 4, 91
Watercolors: 55
Wine and Viticulture: 2, 13, 17,
72, 28, 43, 55, 71
Womens Studies: 21, 63, 99