Waves Webquest
Waves Webquest
Waves Webquest
What is a Wave?
Click on the link: I
http://gpb.pbslearningmedialorg/asset/lsps07 int waves/?utm source-teachersdomain redirect/asset/lsps07 int waves/utm me
dium=teachersdomain/asset~lsps07 int waves/utm campaign=td redirects
1. Describe the motion of the wave of the people and the string. What type of wave is being demonstrated in these
examples? r
2. Under the "demo~stration" tab, experiment with different medium densities and wave controls. Describe the
changes (effects) you observe as you adjust the different variables (causes).
3. Under the "Waterlwaves" tab, watch the water waves animation and then describe the patterns you see in the
motion of a water wave. I
6. Illustrate and give[an example of transverse and longitudinal wave.
Parts of a Wave
Click on the link: !'Itt zona andeducation.com/mstm/physics/waves/partsOfAWave/waveParts.htm
7. Sketch a diagram fa transverse wave. Label the crest, trough, positive amplitude, negative amplitude, and
10. On the website, try ad~usting the frequency on the animation. Then explain how frequency and wavelength are
related. I
Graphing Waves
Click on the link:
htt : www.classzone.com b oks ml science share vis sim wslmOS 18 ra h wslmOS 18 ra h.html
11. Experiment with thew ve's frequency and amplitude. Observe what happens to the wavelength with each change
you make. Write 4-5 compl'ete sentences about the patterns you observe.
Changing Sounds
Explore the link: http://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/ks2/science/physical processes/changing sounds/play/
12. Follow the direction onlthe site. Write 3-4 sentences about what you learned.
13. Read the informatipn. Describe how is the amplitude of a wave is related to the wave energy.
Activity 1 Settings: Manual. Click the boxes next to rulers, timer and reference line. Keep "fixed end".
1. Move the wrench up acd down. What do you notice happens to the beads? Make 3 observations about the wave
patterns that are crealdl
2. Click "stow motion('. What additional observations can you make?
3. Change the "dam~ing". What cause and effect relationship is there between the damping and the time the wave
is in the string of beads? I
4. Change the "tensiJn". What is the cause and effect relationship between the tension and the wave?