Unit 10 Grammar 2

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Subject English Language

Class Year 4 Unggul
Date 5th August 2015
Time 10:20 a.m. – 11:20 a.m. (60 minutes)
Level Low intermediate
Enrolment 26 pupils
Theme World of Self, Family and Friends
Topic Unit 10: Unity in Diversity
Focused skills Grammar
Integrated skill Listening & Speaking, Reading, Writing
Content standard 5.1 By the end of the 6 year primary schooling, pupils will be able to
use different word classes correctly and appropriately.
Learning standards 5.1.5 Able to use prepositions correctly and appropriately:
(c) beside
(d) next to
(f ) near
Objectives By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to :
1. Understand the meaning of beside, next to and near.
2. Construct at least 3 sentences from the prepositions.
Moral values Teamwork, cooperation
Educational emphasis Thinking skill: generating ideas, applying
Multiple intelligences: visual, verbal linguistics, linguistics, musical,
Teaching and Audio, realias, word cards, A4 papers, worksheets.
learning resources
Set Induction  Realia 1. Teacher takes any 1. To arouse pupils’
(±3 min) - Show pupils objects in the classroom interest on the
the position and put them next to topic.
of the things. each other.
2. Teacher asks the pupils Resources:
what they can see based Realia
on the arrangement.
3. Teacher explains on the Multiple intelligence:
topic that they are going Visual, verbal linguistic
to learn.
Generating ideas
Presentation  Whole class 1. Teacher shows word 1. To introduce the
(±15 min) activity cards about prepositions. prepositions t
 Word cards 2. Teacher explains the
- Show the meaning of each Resources:
prepositions: preposition. Word cards
1. Beside 3. Teacher explains the use
2. Next to of each preposition. Multiple intelligence:
3. Near 4. Teacher asks a few Visual, Verbal linguistic,
pupils to demonstrate Kinaesthetic
(refer to Appendix 1) based on the teacher’s
Practice  Whole class 1. Teacher asks the pupils 1. To ensure the
(±20 min) activity to sit close to each other. pupils are able to
 Poison box. 2. Teacher explains how to relate the topic
- Example: carry out the activity. that they have
Sit beside 3. Teacher starts to play the learnt with their
Ameer. music. daily life.
4. Pupils pass the box
(refer to Appendix 2) around them. Resources:
5. Teacher stops the music, Audio, box, messages
pupil who is holding the
box need to open the Multiple intelligence:
message and read it Musical, kinaesthetic,
aloud. intrapersonal,
6. The pupil needs to act it interpersonal
Moral value:


Production  Individual 1. Teacher gives a list of 4. To check the

(±20 min) work objects in the classroom. pupils’
 Write 2. Teacher asks the pupils understanding on
sentences. to construct five simple the lesson.
 Example: sentences using the
- Door. prepositions that they Resource:
- Table. have learnt. A4 papers
- Pencil 3. Teacher picks a few
case. pupils to read their Multiple intelligence:
sentences in front of the Linguistics
Closure  Recap the 1. Teacher recalls back the 1. To recap the
(±2 minutes) whole lesson by asking about lesson.
lesson. the prepositions.

Follow-up activity: Teacher gives worksheet for the pupils based on the topic.



next to



Sit beside Ameer.

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