Evaluation and Production Support

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Chapter 5.


The value of geologic data gathered at mineral projects or the geotechnical engineer through review and analysis of the
mines lies in their effective use by other evaluation or production basic geologic data, including geologic maps, drillhole logs, and
specialists. Little benefit is gained from accurate geologic infor- interpretive geologic sections and plans.
mation and sound geologic ideas if data are not properly organ- Rock strengths are determined by rock substance between
ized and presented and if reports documenting the results are structural discontinuities and by fracture strength. Rock mass
poorly written. Thus written and oral communications of geo- fabric elements include faults, joints, bedding, veins, and folia-
logic information are essential to guide the evaluation process tion (Stewart and Sacrison, 1984). These types of data are used
and to achieve production goals. to establish classification systems in predicting and mitigating
Geologic data and interpretations form the foundation for potential ground stability problems.
both mine evaluation and mine production by providing essential Additional geologic data collected specifically to support the
information for estimating ore reserves and for mine planning geotechnical programs include estimates of rock competency and
and process design. Proper geologic work requires a keen aware- hardness, photographs of unsplit core that has natural fractures
ness of and an ability to anticipate the technical requirements of marked, representative rock or whole core samples for laboratory
geotechnical engineers, hydrologists, mining engineers, metallur- testing of physical strength, measurements of fracture character-
gists, and other technical specialists who all rely on the geologic istics in core and bedrock, and records of various water levels
data and samples. Presentation of pertinent data in a usable and flow rates. Engineering logs of fracture characteristics per
format and frequent communication of new geologic knowledge unit interval of drill core often include the following: core recov-
to the other technical specialists are integral parts of the geologic ery percentage, maximum length of unbroken core, fracture fre-
program. quency, rock quality designation (RQD), and rock competency
Geologic support for other specialists involved in mine evalu- estimate. Noting the fracture orientation, fracture-filling mate-
ation and production includes the following (Ranta et al., 1984): rial, and vein-filling material is also important. Monitoring of
1. Gathering and assessing geologic data and samples for geotechnical equipment for evidence of ground movement in a
geotechnical analysis. mine is often the responsibility of the geology department. These
2. Collecting groundwater data for hydrological investiga- data are collected by the geologic staff for use by the geotechnical
tions. engineer. According to Pillar and Drummond (1975), “the best
3. Defining the ore body and high-grade areas for mine information on the strength characteristics is obtained when the
planning; exploring for additional ore bodies and other materials geologist logging the core can see the interrelationships of the
in the district. various physical features and can make the appropriate nota-
4. Identifying ore types and collecting samples for metallur- tions.”
gical testing.
5. Evaluating geologic characteristics and ore potential of
sites designated for waste dumps, a mill, leach pads, shops,
offices, and associated facilities. 5.7.2 HYDROLOGIC SUPPORT
6. Assisting with land, legal, environmental, and permitting
studies. Hydrologists have the responsibility of locating sources of
both process and potable water for the mine operation. Several
superior mineral deposits in desert regions are not “ore” bodies
5.7.1 GEOTECHNICAL SUPPORT because of a lack in the quantity or quality of local water. Other
deposits are not viable because local rainfall or groundwater
Geotechnical engineers assist in mine planning and opera- inflow exceeds economic pumping capacity. Either too little or
tions by collecting, interpreting, and applying geologic data to too much water is a hydrological problem that often is a function
the solution of mine engineering problems. Geologists support of the local geologic setting.
this effort by collecting additional geologic data specifically use- Geology is helpful, and often essential, in locating available
ful to the engineer as well as standard geologic information. sources of water. Water encountered during exploration drilling
Geotechnical engineers use the data in helping to select a mining or in underground workings should be noted for location and
method, to design the mine, and to define and mitigate potential measured for flow rate, pH, various dissolved solids, and temper-
ground stability problems. ature. Water courses should be correlated with known geologic
Geologic data most useful for initial geotechnical analysis features, especially structures or aquifers, to predict potential
consist of descriptions and map and section representations of water source or problem areas. Surface water flow, springs, and
rock types, structures, and alteration, which could be considered seeps should be noted and plotted on maps, and measured, if
the “geologic model” of an ore deposit. First, ore types, wall possible, as a part of routine geologic mapping.
rock, and overburden are separated on maps into structural The mine planning department must have a reasonably accu-
domains and then physical characteristics are used to define rock rate estimate of groundwater flow that will be encountered in
strengths and rock mass fabric within each domain. Separate open pit or underground mine development. Dewatering by a
structural domains occur between major faults, which are the series of wells may be required in advance of the development.
zones of greatest weakness, and are partly dependent on lithology An accurate estimate of the time and costs of dewatering or of
and alteration. Structural domains are initially determined by water development is necessary for proper planning.
5.7.3 MINE PLANNING SUPPORT can be determined by summing the cumulative drillhole footage
of each ore type and calculating their percentages in the deposit.
Mine planning engineers require definition of the location, Composite samples of the various ore types are first identified
size, shape, attitude, boundaries, and internal grade distribution and then assembled by a geologist, in close coordination with a
of a mineral deposit for mining method selection, mine layout metallurgist, to ensure that the samples are representative of
and design, and production scheduling. Tonnage and average the entire deposit (or selected portions of the deposit) and are
grade above various cutoff grades of the geologic resource must adequate for bench-scale metallurgical testing. Samples of ore
be accurately estimated with a high degree of confidence. are usually collected from coarse rejects or cuttings resulting
Through a detailed mine plan, a large portion of the geologic from drillhole samples that have been prepared for assaying.
resource is designated as the minable “ore” reserve. Delineation Other samples for testing can be collected from surface trenches,
and reserve estimation of high-grade zones as the most valuable outcrops, mine benches, or underground workings. All coarse
portion of the ore deposit is especially important in selection of rejects of drillhole samples from a mineral deposit should be
an initial mining area. Any changes in ore body configuration retained for possible metallurgical testing. If larger bulk samples
resulting from new drilling and sampling results must be quickly are required for pilot plant-scale metallurgical testing, then
reported to mine planning engineers. Geologic resource data can large-diameter drillholes, test pits, or underground exploration/
be transmitted by sets of grade zone sections and plan maps that development workings into geologically specified areas may be
should be at the same scale as mine planning maps. A complete necessary. The bulk samples should be representative of all the
computer database of sample, assay, and pertinent geologic data deposit or, at least, of the most important ore types.
in a format compatible for mine planning also must be transmit- Geologic characteristics that define various ore types include
ted. A reliable inventory of all mineralization should be esti- lithologic type, alteration type and intensity (e.g., argillization
mated, also noting inferred resources and additional exploration vs. silicification), mineralization type and intensity, sulfide vs.
potential. Ore types, such as oxide, sulfide, mixed oxide and oxide, etc. Detailed mineralogic investigation of a deposit is
sulfide, strong argillization, strong silicification, etc., should be necessary to define the ore types. Of the various ore types, unusu-
identified to ensure proper production scheduling and blending, ally hard or soft rocks and deleterious trace elements, minerals,
if needed. Chemical analyses for a variety of elements should be or rock types should be identified to help alleviate potential
carried out on representative samples of ore and waste to identify processing problems. Detailed information on the ore and
potential byproducts and contaminants. gangue minerals, such as mineral assemblages, grain sizes and
Potential byproducts should be considered in an equivalent shapes, and textural relationships (e.g., interlocking or coating)
grade model if their value could have significant economic im- should be described for the metallurgist. Potential byproducts
pact on the mining operation. Unusual groundwater flow, faults, should be considered and evaluated. Routine spectrographic
alteration, or rock types that may affect ground stability and analyses of representative samples will help identify potential
mine design also should be located and described. Types and byproducts and deleterious trace elements. Mineralogic exami-
thickness of overburden, sharp assay boundaries, and post- nation of the intermediate materials resulting at different stages
mineral dikes and faults are identified to provide information on of the processing is often beneficial in determining how to im-
grade discontinuities that may limit mining recovery of ore or prove metallurgical recovery.
cause dilution. This detailed information is used by the mine
geologist for grade control on benches or in stopes. Selective
mining is largely dependent on a thorough geological under- 5.7.5 LAND AND LEGAL SUPPORT
standing of a deposit. Specific gravity measurements of the vari- Initial support for land and legal aspects of a project in the
ous ore and waste types are made to determine their tonnage United States can be provided by establishing mineral “discover-
factors for converting volumes to short tons (tonnes). Specific ies” (valuable minerals in place) on all claims within the mineral-
gravity measurements are also needed for deposits having highly ized area, thereby validating the claims in accordance with the
variable rock densities, for the selection of haulage equipment, mining law. In addition, an evaluation of the mineral potential
and in planning production schedules. and “mineral-in-character” of areas designated for plant sites,
Long-term planning can benefit from knowledge of addi- waste dumps, tailing ponds, leach dumps, and ancillary facilities
tional ore bodies and potential ore bodies in the district. Discov- is necessary from both the engineering and permitting aspects of
ery of new deposits could change the following: sequence of a project or expansion of a mine. The project or mine geologist
development and mining, optimum production rate, economies should make recommendations for acquisition or disposition of
of scale, and mine life. If a significantly better deposit were property and evaluate nearby property submittals. Patenting of
found, the overall operation could be substantially improved. claims requires significant geologic input.
Also transmittance of the ore deposit data to an associated explo-
ration group could benefit the entire company. Continuing explo-
ration in and near the existing deposit is a vital function of the 5.7.6 ENVIRONMENTAL SUPPORT
geological department.
Identification of environmental geology hazards, such as
potential landslides, flood plains, avalanche chutes, and active
5.7.4 METALLURGICAL SUPPORT faults, can help avoid risk-prone areas in siting surface facilities.
Environmental baseline studies and permitting often require geo-
Ore types, which may behave differently in ore processing, logic input. Environmental engineers require data on deleterious
must be identified and defined for the deposit according to their trace elements that may be naturally leached from waste dumps,
geologic characteristics. The various ore types should be plotted tailings, or mine workings. Final reclamation of the entire mine
on sections and plan maps to show their spatial distribution site may be partly controlled by geologic conditions, such as acid
throughout a deposit and transmitted to the metallurgist as the leachate from the mine or dumps, or the future preservation of
data become available for his/her short-term planning. An initial a low-grade resource. Because the exploration or project geolo-
indication of the proportions of various ore types in a deposit gist is often the first company employee to reside at a property,
he may be aware of valuable historical, political, sociological, Pillar, C.L., and Drummond, A.D., 1975, “Importance of Geological
and geographical information to pass on to the environmental Data in Planning Underground Ore Extraction,” CIM Bulletin, Vol.
and permitting specialist. 68, pp. 114-116.
More generalized discussion of several of these topics is Ranta, D.E., Noble, A.C., and Ganster, M.W., 1984, “Geology and
found in Sections 3 and 7. Geostatistics in Ore Reserve Estimation and Mine Evaluation,”
Mine Feasibility—Concept to Completion, Short Course, Northwest
Mining Association, Spokane, WA, 58 pp.
Stewart, D.R., and Sacrison, R.R., 1984, “Geological Engineering—A
Bridge Between Geologist and Miner,” Applied Mining Geology,
A.J. Erickson, Jr., ed., SME-AIME, New York, pp. 155-174.

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