Topics: Problem/negative Effect of Tourism

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 Travel and tourism

The negative effects may include:
Problem/negative effect of tourism → The destruction of the natural environment. (The
destruction of wildlife and plant species)
Causes →

a) The occurrence of excessive construction in the vicinity of tourist centers.→

Environmental risks and problems caused by land-use planning, construction and
poor engineering tourist attractions and facilities → Ej. Construction of infrastructure
for the transportation industry (such as roads, terminals and airports) can also have
severe effects on the environment, for example, building a road and pouring asphalt
and road needs to blow up the mountain. A few kilometers or several hundred
kilometer route from different areas can have devastating effects on its environment.

b) waste disposal / waste thrown away by tourists and improper disposal facilities made
by tourist organizations. → Ecological disturbance of natural areas by using
excessive and inappropriate abuse of tourists and tourism development.// tourism
regions are particularly vulnerable in the face of ecological damage.

 Solution

a) charge higher fees to building companies → helps to pay for the preservation of
important natural areas and wildlife, including marine environment, national and
regional parks.

b) Increasing awareness of the local environment. → • Helping to improve the

environmental quality of the area. Because tourists are interested in visiting nice,
clean and pollution-free areas. → tourism planning in terms of the environment
Conclusion → In the case that good tourism comes to be planned, managed and developed
properly, then it can have positive environmental impacts
If good tourism planning, management and development is not given, it can cause a variety
of negative environmental effects that include:

 Terrorism


Intimidation → Attacks on 'collaborators' are used to intimidate people from cooperating with
the state in order to undermine state control.

Religious beliefs → intolerance towards other religions


Providing education in human values that focuses on the benefits and strengths of diversity,
compassion and friendship.

Teaching methods to release stress, tension, anger and anxiety in a safe, healthy manner. 

Educating and emphasizing the need for making non-violence and peaceful means the baseline
for resolving disputes and achieving objectives in life.


By taking these measures, we can help plant the seeds of humanity in today’s youth and lower
terrorist recruitment. Weeding out the hate-filled and destructive ideology of the extremists
will help to address the root causes of terror while working toward spiritual upliftment.

 Discrimination

 Immigration

Why do so many undocumented migrants on our Southern border risk danger and
deportation to seek a better life in the United States?

The answer is simple. For the most part they are fleeing extreme poverty and near
epidemic levels of criminal violence. According to a recent survey, 42 of the 50 most
violent cities in the world are in Latin America. The largest cities in El Salvador,
Guatemala and Honduras are all high on the list, as are several major cities in Mexico.

In addition, more than two-thirds of the population in Honduras lives in poverty and
most in extreme poverty, defined as living on less than $3.80 per day, according to the
World Bank. In Guatemala and El Salvador, high percentages of children suffer from
chronic malnutrition.
Moreover, in the Central American countries, which generate most of the illegal
migrants, confidence in government is non-existent, corruption endemic and impunity
the norm. Common people live in fear and misery.

Many of those who have been detained understood that, if caught, they might be
turned away. Many may even have understood they might be separated from their
children. They came anyway, confident that even life in the shadows would be better
than what they left.

What that should tell us is that immigration enforcement alone will not halt the
exodus of people fleeing their homelands. A wall may slow them down and so be
justifiable for some, but it will not solve the problem. Desperate people will find a way
to get over, under or around a wall.

Yet amnesty for those in immigration detention centers will make matters worse. If
poverty and fear are all one needs to demonstrate to get into the U.S., millions more
will soon be heading north.

As unwilling as some may be to recognize it, what is necessary is a long-term

commitment to helping the countries generating these migrants so the people don’t
feel the desperate need to leave. This means robust bilateral economic and technical
assistance programs and sustained support to key international organizations like the
World Food Program and the World Health Organization.

A substantially amplified program for temporary workers, perhaps like the Bracero
program of the 1940s which brought significant numbers of Mexican agricultural
workers into the U.S. for seasonal work during World War II, might relieve some of the

But that would not resolve the larger problem. Real economic and social progress is
essential if we want to stem the flow of illegals across our borders.

At the heart of the current impasse is the reality that these detained families are
economic migrants. They did not seek asylum and the vast majority would not have
been granted asylum had they done so because they are not targets of political, ethnic
or religious persecution.

The problem then is what to do with those now being detained while they wait for
their cases to be adjudicated. They cannot be paroled into the U.S. just because they
arrived with children. They violated U.S. law by entering the country illegally.

On the other hand, having been taken into custody by U.S. law enforcement, they
cannot be summarily deported.

Americans are understandably frustrated by our government’s inability to manage

illegal immigration, which did not originate with President Trump but rather has been
a problem for the past quarter century. The current crisis makes clear, though, that a
better effort, one consistent with both our values and our national interest, is more
urgently needed now than ever.

Patrick Duddy is the director of Duke University’s Center for Latin American and
Caribbean Studies. He previously served as the U.S. ambassador to Venezuela and as
deputy assistant secretary of state for the Western Hemisphere.

 Women empowerment

 Gap

 Military service

 Insecurity (crime)

 Money matters

 Employment

 Entertainment and leisure time

 Language and culture

 Family and relationships

 Safety and danger

 Health and lifestyle

 Science and technology

 Education and technology

 Politics
 Environment and transport

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