SWMS Worn Gear Drive
SWMS Worn Gear Drive
SWMS Worn Gear Drive
Work Details
What is the scope of the work? Repairing & Replacement Worn gear drive unit (Escalator & Moving Walks)
What high risk work activities are 1. Falling Hazard (Open Escalator Pit)
covered by this SWMS? 2. Electrical Hazard (Electrocution)
3. Crash by a Moving parts
4. Suspended load
5. Mechanical Failure
Inform the customer: Inform the customer about the work description and procedure
Safety Toolbox Talk Conduct TBT with the Team; Fill the START Card, discuss about the risk and hazards involved in the task,
Warning signs Place the caution signage board and barricading the place where risk of falling exists.
PPE Required Hand gloves, Safety shoes, safety goggles, dust masks and Hard Hat.
Self-supporting hoist frame (A Frame) and chain hoist rated for the maximum weight of the heaviest
Tools & Equipment machine/gearbox combination (up to 600 kg)
Torque wrench 85-190 Nm
Load ring M12 standard 3,4kN,
Load ring M12 reinforced 19,6kN
Lifting equipment (Chain Block, Slings etc.)
3 chisels
Sponge or rough cloth for cleaning
Cleaning detergent
4. Burn on gearbox
6. Re-assemble motor
and gearbox and
connect drive and Connect motor and gearbox
gearbox, proceed as
follows 1. Load ring