May 2020 Newsletter From ST Johns Church
May 2020 Newsletter From ST Johns Church
May 2020 Newsletter From ST Johns Church
May 2020
A Message from our Rector The VE Day anniversary weekend draws to a close. Our spirits have been
lifted by the reminder that wars do come to an end, threats to freedom and flourishing can be averted and our
families and neighbourhoods have not forgotten how to party! This glimpse of freedom has been tempered
by the recognition in the PM’s broadcast that the pandemic is far from over, and that coming out of lockdown
will involve cautious steps forwards and backwards over an extended period of time, with careful monitoring
of the effect of each and every step.
Late last year as a Ministry Team we chose Isaiah 43.19 as the Bible verse for our bookmark, as a motto for
2020:- See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the
wilderness and streams in the wasteland. We had no idea how relevant that verse would be, what wilderness
and wasteland we would find ourselves in or what signs of new life and hope would be revealed there. Even
though plans have been put on hold and time has in some ways stood still, our learning and development as a
community has been enlivened and accelerated in unexpected ways. It has been great to learn new skills and
to get to know each other more deeply and make new friendships and alliances. But as the novelty wears off,
patience is strained, and a growing number of our families are directly impacted by the virus and its
consequences I offer another passage of scripture for us to contemplate:
Put on then, as God’s chosen ones, holy and beloved, compassion, kindness, lowliness, meekness, and patience,
forbearing one another and, if one has a complaint against another, forgiving each other; as the Lord has
forgiven you, so you also must forgive. And above all these put on love, which binds everything together in
perfect harmony. And let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, to which indeed you were called in the one
body. Colossians 3.12-15
May God enable us to grow in these Christian characteristics and to share his love with our neighbours.
A team of volunteers is helping out with shopping and A monetary donation is being made every month
other urgent requests for those who are housebound. to Gatehouse in lieu of being able to make our
normal sandwich supplies.
Regular church services are taking place electronically.
As expertise is gained, these are now being pre- A hardship fund has also been set up which may
recorded to improve the sound quality and familiar be able to help in a limited way. Contact Billie or
faces from the group of service volunteers can also be Lyndsay for more information.
seen contributing readings and leading intercessions.
Links to the services can be found on our website.
Church of England Daily Hope Telephone Line
Messy Church continues in a “virtual” format.
A new national FREE phoneline offers music,
For those unable to connect electronically, materials are prayers and reflections as well as full worship
being hand delivered. These include a “Pray through services. The line is available 24 hours a day on
the Day” booklet, available from Lyndsay. 0800 804 8044
Press the following numbers or symbol for the
If you have any specific prayer needs, contact the Clergy following. If in doubt press 0 to return to the
Team. main option list.
*Full message from Archbishop Justin Welby.
Meetings on Zoom: Home Groups are meeting 1 Hymns we love – short talks on well-known
regularly. If you would like to join one, contact Lyndsay hymns
who will put you in touch with a group leader. The PCC 2 Hymn line – selection of daily hymns on a loop
held its first meeting at the end of April. The Clergy 3 Prayer line- specific and relevant to the
Team meet each Monday. coronavirus pandemic
4 more options available
5 Church of England weekly service
6 Join in with traditional morning and evening
And finally … something to celebrate!
7 Listen to latest government COVID 19 advise
0 return to the main menu
Funeral resources are available if you are unable
Many people will have had birthdays with limited to get to the funeral. A simple
opportunities to celebrate with others at this time, but reflection
our special greetings go to Hilda Parrott who was content/uploads/2020/03/Funeralreflectionhom
looking forward to being able to share her big 90th e.pdf
A prayer -
birthday on 10 May with the rest of the church family.
We sent a card and look forward to cake when we can
Light a virtual candle
all meet again face-to-face! -