Research Methodology
Research Methodology
Research Methodology
This chapter includes the discussion on the research method, the research design,
Research Design
research will be used in this study. Descriptive method is used to describe systematically
This study analyzed the relationship between parental involvement and academic
performance, together with the analysis of related profile variables of students and
Sources of Data
The respondents of the study were the Junior High School students of Bayambang
National high School. A sample was taken from each grade level (Grade 7 to Grade 10)
and selected using convenience random sampling. Using Yamane Formula, the sample
A questionnaire checklist was the main data gathering instrument used. The items
were constructed based from the problems posed. To be able to gather accurate
information, the questionnaire was validated by five (5) aspects (SEE APPENDIX).
objectivity and clarity. Also they checked thoroughly if the item purposely using the
In the conduct of this research study the researcher first sought the permission
from the Principals of the said schools to conduct the study and to float the
questionnaires. The questionnaires were then floated and gathered personally by the
researcher. The questionnaire responses were then tallied, tabulated and analyzed
After the survey results were collected, the researcher then arranged, tabulated and
analyzed them . Inoder to answer specific problem 1, Average Weighted Mean (AWM)
AWM = (fx/N)
f = number of frequency
4.21-5.00 Always Highly Involved
3.41-4.20 Often Involved
2.61-3.40 Sometimes Moderately involved
1.81-2.60 Seldom Sometimes Involved
1.00-1.80 Never Not involved
based from the first quarter grade of school year 2019-2020, using the subjects namely