Dscussions of Findings
Dscussions of Findings
Dscussions of Findings
This section presents the parents involvement as perceived by teachers, students and
Table 1 to table presents the parents involvement as perceived by teachers. It can be seen
by an overall AWM of 3.51 that the teachers observed that parents are involved with the activities
of their children as they often observed indicators of their involvement These observations highly
manifest in giving allowances (4.64 AWM, Always) and in providing for their children’s
expenses in school (4.35, Always). These observations are more of an obligation of the parents to
send their children to school but plays a direct role in the involvement of the parents in their
children’s education. Teachers perceived that parents sometimes help in the assignments and
homework of their children (3.36 AWM), asks what they have learned from school (3.35 AWM)
Parents are observed to be hesitant in talking to their advisers about the performance of
their children (2.88 AWM) and in reviewing their children before tests or examinations (2.88
Table 1
Parents Involvement as perceived by Teachers
4. My parent asks what I have learned from school. 3.35 Sometimes Moderately
5. My parent signs/checks my written outputs. 3.23 Sometimes Moderately
6. My parent allows me to join extracurricular 3.68 Often Involved
7. My parent attends PTA and other school 3.37 Sometimes Moderately
meetings. Involved
8. My parent participates in Brigada Eskwela and 3.54
other school activities. Often Involved
9. My parent provides me learning materials such 3.36 Moderately
as internet connection, laptop, computer, books Sometimes Involved
etc. at home
10. My parent is willing to help financially to 3.49
school’s/classroom’s needs and improvements. Often Involved
11. My parent gets my School Report Card every 3.54
“Card Day.” Often Involved
12. My parent talks to my adviser/teachers about 2.88 Moderately
my performance in school. Sometimes Involved
13. My parent helps me in reviewing before Moderately
examinations or tests. 2.88 Sometimes Involved
that an overall AWM of 4.04 depicts that the parents are involved in all areas. Taking in note that
the grade 7 parents were highly involved in getting the report card of their children (4.73 AWM,
Always) giving allowances (4.67, Always) and providing school expenses (4.64, Always). All of
the indicators were rated Often to Always ranging from 3.61 AWM to 4.73AWM, except for
helping their children before examinations or tests which was rated 3.01 or moderate
Table 3
Parents Involvement as perceived by Parents
an overall AWM of 3.99 depicts that the parents are often involved in all areas. Taking in note
that the grade 7 parents were highly involved in giving allowances (4.1, Always).
This section presents the Academic Performance of the Grade 7 to Grade 10 students in
the 8 subjects namely Filipino, English, Mathematics, Science, Araling Panlipunan, Technology
and Livelihood Education (TLE), Edukasyon sa Pagpapakatao and MAPEH. The Academic
Performance is the grades of the students in the first Quarter of S.Y. 2019-2020 shown using
statistics namely Mean, Median, Mode, highest Score and Lowest Score.
Table 4
Academic Performance of the Grade 7 students by Subject
Table 10 above presents the statistics of the Academic performance of the Grade 7 students in
terms of mean, median, mode, Highest Grade (HS), and Lowest Grade (LG). it can be seen that the
highest mean in MAPEH (89.64) and lowest mean in Science (83.17). The highest median of 91 is in ESP
and MAPEH, while the lowest median is in Science (84). The highest mode is in MAPEH (92) and the
lowest mode is in the subjects Science, Araling Panlipunan and Mathematics with 86 respectively. The
highest Grade is in ESP (97) and the lowest grade in Science, TLE, ESP and MAPEH.
Table 5
Academic Performance of the Grade 8 students by Subject
Table 11 above presents the statistics of the Academic performance of the Grade 8 students in
terms of mean, median, mode, Highest Grade (HS), and Lowest Grade (LG). it can be seen that the
highest mean in ESP (87.05) and lowest mean in English (83.19). The highest median of 89 is in ESP,
while the lowest median is in English (84). The highest mode is in Mathematics (91) and the lowest mode
is in the subjects MAPEH and Filipino with 85 respectively. The highest Grade is in MAPEH and TLE
Table 6
Academic Performance of the Grade 9 students by Subject
terms of mean, median, mode, Highest Grade (HS), and Lowest Grade (LG). it can be seen that the
highest mean in Araling Panlipunan (89.54) and lowest mean in ESP (86.32). The highest median of 91 is
in Araling Panlipunan, while the lowest median of 85 is in Filipino. The highest mode is in Araling
Panlipunan (91) and the lowest mode is in the subjects MAPEH and Filipino with 85 respectively. The
highest Grade is in MAPEH and TLE (97) and the lowest grade 75 is present in Filipino, English,
Table 7
Academic Performance of the Grade 10 students by Subject
Table 13 above presents the statistics of the Academic performance of the Grade 10
students in terms of mean, median, mode, Highest Grade (HS), and Lowest Grade (LG). It can be
seen that the highest mean is in Araling Panlipunan (87.75) and lowest mean in Science (84.39).
The highest median of 89 is in Araling Panlipunan, while the lowest median of 85 is in Science.
The highest mode is in Araling Panlipunan (91) and the lowest mode is in TLE (85). The highest
Grade is in Araling Panlipunan (95) and the lowest grade 75 is present in the subjects Filipino,
The relationship of the parent’s involvement and academic performance is analyzed through chi-
square test in SPSS. The null hypothesis below is tested at 0.05 level of significance.
Table 14 below shows a cross tabulation result between the Parents Involvement as perceived by
Teachers (TP), as perceived by Students (SP) and as perceived by parents (PP) versus academic
Table 8
Chi Square Test Results
By Grade level along 8 Subjects
value (p) is greater than .05 in all Grade levels. The p value p>0.05 denotes that the hypothesis is rejected
There is significant relationship between the parent’s involvement and academic performance in
There is significant relationship between the parent’s involvement and academic performance in
There is significant relationship between the parent’s involvement and academic performance in