Jenny 2023

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Jenny J. Marquez, PhD
Principal I
Bacnono Elementary School
Bayambang I

There has never been a period when agreement in both academics and
teaching has been more difficult than it is now. practitioners. Even less is known about what
Teachers have long been concerned about kids believe it means for a teacher to be
looking out for their pupils' social and caring.
emotional wellbeing in addition to their
academic development. In a recent study published in the Journal
Teachers now have a lot more to deal with of Adolescent Research, students were asked
for their kids as a result of the pandemic, explicitly what characteristics define a loving
ecological crises, and international conflicts— teacher. Their comments concurred with a
all while they are also attempting to deal with growing viewpoint among education scholars,
what is going on themselves. However, despite according to which the most sincere, sincere
the fact that many teachers are struggling to educators are those who are serene, lucid, and
simply remain afloat in these trying times, we kind. The good news is that these qualities
frequently hear them bemoan the fact that they might not only benefit kids during these trying
feel as though they are not doing enough for times, but also enhance teacher wellbeing.
their kids. Education researchers also claim that the
Years of study in the area of social- abilities that enable educators to teach
emotional learning (SEL) have shown that thoughtfully and commit their whole self to
kids succeed more academically and feel the classroom are an important but poorly
better well-being when they have supportive defined element of their expertise. The Calm,
relationships with their teachers. Additionally, Clear, and Kind (CCK) framework combines
this is true for pupils in middle and high decades of research regarding the emotional
school, who do better when their environment labor of teaching, SEL, and contemplative
includes teachers who are helpful and caring. approaches to education. In a recent chapter,
What does it entail to be a kind and Kevin J. Hulburt and his colleagues propose
encouraging educator? Despite the increased three characteristics to be key: being "calm in
interest in researching this issue, there is still body, clear in mind, and kind-hearted."
Principal I Bacnono Elementary School Bayambang I There has never been a period when
teaching has been more difficult than it is now. Teachers have long been concerned
about looking out for their pupils' social and emotional wellbeing in addition to their
academic development. Teachers now have a lot more to deal with for their kids as a
result of the pandemic, ecological crises, and international conflicts—all while they are
also attempting to deal with what is going on themselves. However, despite the fact that
many teachers are struggling to simply remain afloat in these trying times, we frequently
hear them bemoan the fact that they feel as though they are not doing enough... (only
first 800 chars shown)

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