Pandemics Sets New Wave in Education: Mozear Z. Gili Teacher Iii Jimenez Elementary School Mapandan, Pangasinan
Pandemics Sets New Wave in Education: Mozear Z. Gili Teacher Iii Jimenez Elementary School Mapandan, Pangasinan
Pandemics Sets New Wave in Education: Mozear Z. Gili Teacher Iii Jimenez Elementary School Mapandan, Pangasinan
Pandemics of influenza can cause catastrophic illness and societal disruption and
consequently rank high among natural threats that necessitate ongoing public health and
medical preparedness efforts. A high degree of uncertainty is intrinsic to pandemic planning and
response because of the variability of influenza viruses and wide range of features of previous
pandemics. The ability to generalize from patterns of transmission or risk factors for disease
observed in seasonal influenza to pandemics is unclear. Because of these uncertainties, having
the capacity to gather data quickly and develop a strong evidence base provides the foundation
for an effective response. The H1N1 pandemic provided an opportunity to capitalize on many
scientific investments but also illuminated areas in which gaps in available science made the
development and implementation of policy difficult.
Today the emergence of A new type of corona virus he nCOV-SARS 2 which causes
COVID19 challenges the known Science of human kind to go further into the unknown towards
these types of viruses.
The advent of the COVID19 Pandemics did not only cause Science to stumble but also
halted and challenged the present educational system, which depicts that it is not secured for
events such as a pandemic.
Thus, in this regard new systems in education must be initiated and installed such as
distance learning which is not new but was poorly developed specifically to third world countries
such as the Philippines.
A new wave in education bringing in new sets of teaching and learning strategies and
processes is about to unfold in the 21st century with its 21st century learners. Blended learning,
modular instruction, online learning is about to evade homes as learning environments for the
learners in the era set by the Pandemics. A new wave… new level… it is not a setback. but for
me an advancement towards a beter future in education.
Pandemics sets new wave in Education MOZEAR Z. GILI TEACHER III JIMENEZ
ELEMENTARY SCHOOL MAPANDAN, PANGASINAN Pandemics of influenza can cause
catastrophic illness and societal disruption and consequently rank high among
natural threats that necessitate ongoing public health and medical
preparedness efforts. A high degree of uncertainty is intrinsic to pandemic
planning and response because of the variability of influenza viruses and wide
range of features of previous pandemics. The ability to generalize from
patterns of transmission or risk factors for disease observed in seasonal
influenza to pandemics is unclear. Because of these uncertainties, having the
capacity to gather data quickly and develop a strong evidence base provides
the foundation for... (only first 800 chars shown)
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