09 August News
09 August News
09 August News
St Cuthbert’s and St Agnes Weekly News
www. stcuthbertmarton.org.uk email: ask@stcuthbertmarton.org.uk
Vicar: The Rev’d Andy Grant. The Vicarage, Stokesley Road, Marton, 50p where sold
Middlesbrough, TS7 8JU. telephone: 01642 974176 email: vicar@stcuthbertmarton.org.uk
9th August 2020 FREE ISSUE
There’s a saying which relates to this week’s Gospel reading from Matthew (14:22-33) ‘If you want to
walk on water then you have to get out of the boat.’ At this point in time, I wonder where each of us
is in relation to this supernatural account of Jesus coming towards the boat early in the morning,
walking on the lake. He had gone up the mountain by himself to pray the night before, following the
feeding of over 5000 people, who had relentlessly followed him, despite trying to go off by himself in a
boat already, and now it is the disciples in a boat, being battered by the waves from a strong wind.
They see Jesus and are terrified, thinking it was a ghost. They cry out in their fear, and Jesus reas-
sures them. Then Peter decides to ask Jesus if he too can walk on the water and gets out of the boat. He’s doing ok until
he notices how strong the wind is, and then loses his confidence. He becomes frightened and begins to sink, crying out
to Jesus to save him. Jesus immediately reaches out his hand and catches him, asking him why his faith was so little.
So where are you in this story in relation to faith, particularly in these continuing uncertain times? Are you still in the
boat, afraid to get out, afraid to totally put your faith and trust in Jesus? Have you taken the courage to climb out of the
boat and are walking on the water in faith and trust? Have you become frightened by the strong winds of life and begun
to sink? Have you felt the hand of Jesus catching you, not letting you drown?
There will always be those things in life which may threaten to let us sink, be it lack of faith, fear of drowning in debt or
in our emotions or thoughts, fear of being out of our depth with things, fear of becoming seriously unwell or losing our
health, fear of a loved one becoming unwell, fear of death. During this pandemic, you might have seen a drop in income
through furlough or redundancy or benefits, or perhaps experienced an increase in anxiety, worry, uncertainty, or even
fear or paranoia. You might know someone who has suffered from it, someone who has perhaps recovered thanks be to
God, or even someone who has died.
We are given the promise that Jesus’ arms will always be there to save us, to welcome us, to make us safe. His arms
were out-stretched on the cross in love, to offer us salvation, to save us from our sins, to be our advocate in heaven, and
to bring us to eternal life, and his arms will catch us when we fall, when we feel we are going to sink. His arms will be
there at the end of our lives, outstretched to take our hand and welcome us into our eternal heavenly home.
Through Jesus’ prayer and faith in us we are saved, and through our prayer and faith in Jesus we are saved. But we have
to get out of the boat in faith, and walk on the waters of life, confident that Jesus is always there, has always been there,
and always will be there, to catch us, to save us, to restore us, not just in this earthly life, but for all eternity.
Monday 10th August Ezekiel 1.2-5, 24-end Psalm 148.1-4, 12-13 Matthew 17.22-end
Matthew 18.1-5,10,
Tuesday 11th August Ezekiel 2.8-3.4 Psalm 119.65-72
Ezekiel 9.1-7,
Wednesday 12th August Psalm 113 Matthew 18.15-20
During the pandemic we have concentrated in providing food for the needy as social distancing re-
strictions have prevented close contact with clients, the usual cup of tea and chat which should ac-
company every food parcel given out. With the easing of lockdown we are beginning to get back to “normal”, our sup-
port agencies such as CAB are working again so folk can begin to get the additional help they need.
Trussell Trust Foodbanks have always recognised that just providing food is not enough if we are to con-
quer food poverty and reach our goal of eliminating the need for foodbanks.
Sadly we are again seeing an increase in demand after the ship steadied a bit and we are looking for addi-
tional volunteers to man our distribution centres and depot. If you can help by giving just a few hours a
week then please get in touch.
APCM 6th September 2020
Election of PCC members
There are vacancies on our PCC and anyone who would
be willing to serve please contact the Parish Secretary or
either Churchwarden for an application form. It would be Digital resources
great if former St Agnes parishioners could join our elec- Weekly service broadcasts-detailed on the front page
toral roll. Live streaming services from St Cuthbert’s Church.
These are available through our Facebook page.
It is important that as we enter into vacancy we have a
PCC which represents the parish so please come forward Time to Pray app
if you are able to help. Everything you need for Prayer During the Day, with varia-
tions according to the day of the week and the season of the
All application forms are available from the parish office. Church’s year. Download for free.
Just get in touch and we can make sure you have all you
Daytime prayer and Night prayer service audio
need. Contact details are on page 4 of this newsletter.
Building on the existing daily prayer feed, this includes daytime
REPORTS prayer and night prayer for each day. It will be available as a
Could all who provide reports please get them to the Par- downloadable app in the coming weeks.
ish Secretary in good time prior to the meeting. There The BBC's Daily Service and Sunday Worship
will be the usual financial presentation and Andy will be
Prayer for the day - each day the Church of Eng-
saying farewell as it is his last day with us.
land publishes audio and text of the Prayer for the Day.
Live Streaming Issues Mental health reflections – 13 daily reflections that seek
Whilst it is absolutely wonderful to be able to worship to provide hope, reassurance and comfort. We have al-
together in the Parish Centre it has been brought to our so published five tips to help tackle loneliness and isolation.
attention that the quality of sound on the Facebook Live
Streaming sessions from the James Cook Hall is not as Pause for Prayer
good as it was from the Park Room Chapel. This is proba-
bly due to the laptop used being further away from the The Way of The Lord
person speaking in order to take in the wider view of the
stage. As well as being further away the laptop is below Lord, make us to walk in your way:
the level of the stage so the microphone has to work “Where there is love and wisdom, there is
harder. In order to rectify this issue a remote microphone neither fear or ignorance;
is being purchased, this has a 180cm lead so it can be
placed closer to the action and hopefully will resolve the where there is patience and humility,
issue, it should arrive in time for next Sunday’s service. there is neither anger or annoyance;
where there is poverty and joy, there is neither
New Book Case
greed nor avarice;
The new bookcase donated by St Agnes’s looks absolutely
where there is peace and contemplation,
great and was used on Sunday.
there is neither care nor restlessness;
This is a much better storage op-
tion then squeezing the books where there is the fear of God to guard the
into the cupboard which has dwelling, there no enemy can enter;
caused damage to some of the where there is mercy and prudence, there
spines. Freda Ford is making a
is neither excess nor harshness”;
cover for the case and has also
been repairing the damaged books this we know through your Son, Jesus Christ
a few at a time. A big thank you our Lord.
to the St Agnes PCC for this Amen
wonderful gift.
Saint Francis of Assisi (1181-1226)
Some time ago we committed to changing the name of the
Park Room Chapel to the St Agnes Chapel and I have tak-
en measurements of the existing label to get a new one
made in the same style and will be submitting the design One Million Step Challenge for Diabetes UK
for approval to the next SC meeting. Jackie Simmonds is doing a one million step challenge for
Great to get back into Church for night prayer on Sunday Diabetes UK. She has to walk 1,000,000 steps between July 1st
and September 30th and is trying to raise £100.
evening and to hear those bells ringing again! Lets pray
Jackie has set up a page which she has shared via Facebook and
that the slow return to normality continues without the has a sponsor sheet that she can add names to. If you would
return of further restrictions! like to contribute please contact her on 07306 099924 or
Email: events@stcuthbertmarton.org.uk
St Cuthbert’s and St Agnes’
Intercession Prayers
Please Remember in your prayers
Long Term
Barrie Harvey and family, Dorothy Murrell, Sue Hanson, Dorothy Ward-Thompson, Tony Simms, Eileen, Margery
Ormeston, Audrey Coulson
Medium Term
Libby, Charlotte, David, Jean Berry, Lydia, Gail, Neil, Gordon, Tom, John Shaw, Christine, Joyce Hodgson, Janet,
Olwen, Mary Featherstone, Hilary Clarke, Jack, The Roberts Family, Maggie, Francis Iseton, Emma Smithson, Sarah Clay-
ton, Joyce Lawrence and family, Pauline Howard, Ann Marie Dring, Brian Phillips, Gillian and Matthew Jacobs.
Pray for all who are suffering from Coronavirus, all who are self isolating, all, who are worried, the home-
less and all who are sick. If you would like us to pray for someone who is sick or prayers for yourself please email
your request to: pray@stcuthbertmarton.org.uk
Pastoral Care
Weddings Baptisms and Funerals can now go ahead in Church providing strict guidelines are adhered too. No
more than 30 people are allowed in Church this includes those officiating (vicar and verger).
Strict two metre guidelines must be adhered too. If two metre distancing is not possible 1metre+ is allowed and the
wearing of face coverings will be required.
Pastoral Care List. The list of those requiring pastoral care is being managed by Rev’d Claire Todd. Please contact
Andy or Claire if you would like someone from our Church to stay in touch.
A quiet week this week with no phone calls from anyone. We have begun to work on our Parish Profile and first
thoughts were “this will be easy, nothing much has changed since it was last used”. In for a surprise then! Even the
buildings have changed with the creating of a chapel in the Park Room and there are lots of new things to add regarding
our Church life, The Ark, Starz kids club, Rev’d Sam’s work in Coulby Newham to name but a few. It proves the point
that ministry is not all about buildings but about people and God’s presence amongst us.
I went to night prayer in Church last Sunday evening, the first time we have been able to worship in Church since the
lockdown. I have not missed a service since we began live streaming but it’s not quite the same as worshiping with oth-
ers, we need the heat from other coals to keep our faith burning so it has been beneficial to be able to “get warm” again.
Talking of warmth I understand that those who sit near the radiators during the services in the parish centre are slowly
being cooked! I have turned the heating off so all should be well on Sunday unless we have a cold spell!
It’s my birthday on Friday 14th, our younger son Iain and family are coming up from Nottingham for the weekend Covid-
19 permitting! I think I will have a day off!
Congratulations to Linda’s niece Laura, husband Chris (and daughter Robin) on the birth of son Frankie James on 1st
August. Four year old Robin really wanted a sister and suggested Frankie could be left at the hospital - no need to bring
him home ! Granny Pam tried to explain why that was not possible, “mmm can we talk about something else” was Rob-
in’s response. She will get over it and might even enjoy being the big sister!
Ann Pybus reported that she had received a very convincing email
purporting to be from HMRC telling her she was due a tax rebate
and all they needed was her bank details! She said it was very con-
vincing and is concerned that many people will be fooled by it.
There are a few simple rules to follow:
· Never click on a link when asked to give bank details.
· Check the site address or email address as this can provide clues as it
will probably be slightly different from the real one.
· Always contact an organisation separately if you are unsure, use a
number or email that you know and not connected with the suspi-
cious communication.
At St Cuthbert’s we are targeted regularly with dummy invoices, payment
demands from unknown suppliers, threatened with court action if we don’t
pay! Sadly these are a part of normal business life these days. The devil
makes work for idle hands as they say!
Prayer During the Day in Ordinary Time
Prayer During the Day in
Ordinary Time
O God, make speed to save us.
All O Lord, make haste to help us.
Sunday Psalm 48
Monday Psalm 2
Tuesday Psalm 44
Wednesday Psalm 45
Thursday Psalm 39
Friday Psalm 139
Saturday Psalm 140
Jesus said, I am the way, and the truth, and the life.
All No one comes to the Father except
through me. Copyright © The Archbishop’s Council 2006