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Work is on your way. Are you prepared to work? Do you have the potential, character,
talents, and skills to take up the vigor of being a worker? What should you possess to
become a good worker? How will you prepare for work immersion?

Work has been defined as to fulfill duties and regularly for wages or salary. Work may
sometimes be called as job, employment or occupation. It is a person’s role in a society and is
one of the reason why lives keep going. A person does work in exchange for payment. More
work implies a productive growth of economy, while lack of this may result to major economic
problem in the society which will lead to poverty.

In order to perform a quality work, one must be good worker. A good worker must
possess a strong personal and professional skills. He must have the character and the capability
to perform his job in the most productive and effective manner. He must have the sufficient
knowledge and expertise in his skill to be an asset to his company. A good worker must also have
excellent organizational and teamwork skills to be an effective leader and follower to his boss
and colleague.

In this regard, as per DepEd Order No. 30, s.2017 also known as Guidelines for Work
Immersion. A memo mandating all senior high school students to undergo work immersion.
Work immersion is one of the course requirements for graduation. Its goal is for senior high
school students to become familiar with work-related environment related to their field of.
Students will experience how it feels to be in an actual workplace and how to deal with real life
work conflicts. This is also the exact time to apply all the principles and theories taught in school
and prepares them to meet the needs and challenges of employment.

I always envisioned myself to be the breadwinner of the family. Until now, I always look
forward working and earning money for them. In fact, I had promised and set myself that I may
able to finish my study or not, I will still find work to help them. And now that I am on my last
year in high school, I am a few steps closer to my dreams. Few years from now, I will be
working but before that, I have to undergo work immersion first and practice myself to be a good
worker. If I am going to assess myself, I think I am not 100% ready and prepared to be in an
actual workplace. First, I must submit my complete documents. I must have enough knowledge,
adequate skills and good moral character. I must also be aware of the company’s dos and don’ts,
policy and guidelines of the company. I must be able to resolve the possible needs and challenges
I may encounter. And lastly, I should practice myself to be open minded to any changes and new
learnings in my whole immersion process.

After the pre-immersion orientation, list the Do’s and Don’ts employed in the
workplace you are assigned.

1. Do arrive early. Don’t be late.
2. Do greetings to your clients and coworkers. Don’t talk back to your coworkers, employer and clients.
3. Do keep client’s information with outmost Don’t forget to give clients the best service possible.
4. Do your work productively and effectively. Don’t bring your emotions into the office.
5. Do a certain task within a given timeframe. Don’t share client’s personal information to unauthorized
6. Do friendly conversations with others. Don’t interfere to client’s personal business.
7. Do find the best solution to conflicts you Don’t use your position to discriminate clients.
8. Do listen if somebody’s speaking. Don’t preach your clients.
9. Do try to adopt changes from time to time. Don’t hesitate to assist clients.
10. Do build a good public relation among Don’t use working hours for leisure.
11. Do ask questions for clarifications. Don’t wear weekend attire to the office.
12. Do be willing to work hard. Don’t be close-minded to other’s opinion.
13. Do be willing to answer client’s questions and Don’t tolerate misbehavior in the office.
14. Do be documented in all transactions. Don’t make arguments with clients.
15. Do try to be as transparent as possible. Don’t have a personal conversation at your desk.


1. Do you agree to the company’s policy guidelines, rules and agreement? Support your

Yes. Because a good worker must know how to respect and obey the company’s rules and
regulations. LAMP COOP LENDING INC’s policy and guidelines are easy to follow and gives
clear instructions that will help me fulfill my job in the most productive and effective manner.

2. Was there a rule that you think is not acceptable to you? Why?
None. Because for me, every rules are concern about both employee and client’s welfare.
Everything is set to achieve best work result and to give the clients and customers the best
product and service possible.



Suppose you work in a police station or a law firm and signed a confidentiality agreement
regarding all their cases at hand, suddenly your friend who was a suspect to a crime asked
you for some documents that are in your office’s possession that may help him in his case.
How would you deal with the situation?

Confidentiality in the workplace is one the work ethic a good worker should possess. It is
defined as keeping the employee, customer and client’s information private. Confidentiality in
the workplace is of paramount importance. It is the employee’s obligation to treat all the
information in the workplace with care and caution. An employee should be prudent enough no
to disclose any information that the organization considered to be sensitive and confidential. Not
until he consulted and ask permission to his supervisor. Confidentiality in the workplace tests the
honesty and the loyalty of an employee to his job and company.

An employee must be aware of the files or materials he is permitted to access and utilize.
He should be reminded that under no circumstances these files be shared and given to
unauthorized person. This is because an individual has the right to keep his personal information
with confidentiality. Failure to this is a breach of confidentiality. This is why employees do not
discuss business dealings, outside work.

If I am an employee of a law firm and I have a friend who’s asking me for some
information that can be for some information that he can use for his case, I will refuse and say no
to him. As an employee, it is my primary obligation not to reveal any information to
unauthorized. I am fully responsible of the files I am entrusted to access. I will not give him
anything until he undergoes proper procedure or ask authorization. I could not just give
something that’s not mine at the first place. I don’t want to be bias because I know the feeling of
being a victim by the poor justice in the country. As a friend, I will advise him to do the right
thing it doesn’t mean that he is my friend I will tolerate him. Giving him what he wanted is like
committing another crime together. And if he really committed the crime he’s been accused, he
must pay for it. I want him to take account and learn from his mistake.

Yes, I am willing to sacrifice our friendship for the sake of my job. Because if I won’t,
this could bring negative repercussions to me as an employee and to the company’s reputation as
well. I will always bear in mind that I have rules and regulations to follow and there is God who
sees nothing but the truth. And besides, working in a law firm makes no sense if I would not do
the right thing. So might as well perform my job with outmost integrity and absolute dignity.



Did you ever experience disagreement and conflict with co-workers? How did you handle
the situation? How would you rate your skills in handling differences of opinion? Please
give an example that illustrates that skill.

Having an effective conflict resolution is one of the work ethic a good worker must
acquire and access. Conflict resolution is the process by which two or more parties reach a
peaceful resolution to a dispute. Conflict may occur between co-workers, or between supervisors
and subordinates, or between service providers and their clients or customers. Conflict can also
occur between groups, such as management and the labor force, or between whole departments.
Conflict resolution requires leadership skills, problem-solving abilities and decision making.

Conflict is defined as a serious disagreement or argument typically a protracted one. This

usually happens because no two individuals have exactly the same expectations and desires.
Conflict is a natural part of our interaction with others. Conflict in the workplace is normal since
you are working as a team in a company. To avoid conflicts, a good worker must have an
effective teamwork skill. Teamwork is the ability to work amicably with fellow employees in all
kinds of situations and empathy. Teamwork in essence requires not only people skills but also a
sense of maturity. Teamwork also involves helping each member of your team to achieve a
common goal quickly and effectively.

During my immersion, I remembered I had a conflict with my coworker. We were

assigned a certain task and we are half way done when suddenly an employee told us to change
everything and start from the top for easier and faster work. I was so upset because it took me
how many hours working before he could tell us how it should be done. I cannot complain and
do anything but to follow him and start my work all over again. When I’m almost done, I
realized that he is right. that it really made my work faster and easier. And was able to submit it
on time. The conflict has been resolved through teamwork. He coordinated with me to share his
expertise while my job is to follow him. We helped each other as a team.

From this circumstance, I learned that as a worker I must have an effective conflict
resolution and strong communication skills. Because when conflicts go undressed, it can have
negative repercussions and unpleasant impact on the productivity of the work. I addition,
teamwork is one of the most important competencies in employment because without it,
companies tend to fail. And if we combined both, it will help maintain healthy work


A job interview is an interview consisting of a conversation between a job applicant and a

representative of an employer which is conducted to assess whether the applicant should be
hired. How you answer questions during job interview can have a big impact on you being
hired or accepted as a work immerse. Jot down questions that you have come across during
your first dialogue with the partner-industry work supervisor or head of office you will be

Job interview is one of the most vital procedure in employment. It is one of the course
requirement in job research process. Aside from completing all the documents, one should
prepare himself on a one on one interview. It is conducted primarily to assess the credibility and
capability of a job applicant. It measures how deserving and competitive candidate he is for the
position. This is considered as the crucial part of applying because it builds impression and
perceptions of the employer to the employee.

A job applicant must surpass this stage. He must be able to answer the questions
appropriately and accordingly. He must possess a strong personal and professional skills. He also
must have a persuasive ability in communication to convince the employer that he deserves the
position. He must leave a positive impression to catch the employer’s heart. He must be both
mentally and physically prepared and be able to meet the company's standard.

Our first day of immersion served as the day of our mock job interview. We were
interviewed by the HR representative of the company. I was asked with questions like tell me
about yourself, tell me about your past work experiences, what is your strength and weaknesses?
How do you envision yourself 10 years from now? Why should I hire you? What is your edge
among other applicant? What do you know about our company? And why did you choose our

Among the six questions, the question: why should I hire you that has brought a big
impact to me. For me, it’s the only question that challenged me most. It took me a minute before
I answered. And my answer goes like this: you should hire me ma’am because aside from this is
one of the course requirement for graduation, work is on my way. Few years from now, I will be
working. And as early as now, I need to practice myself to be a good worker. I need to acquire all
the skills I needed to be an asset of the company. I needed to be familiar with the actual work
environment. I also needed to be familiar with the possible needs and conflicts of employment I
may encounter. If you hire me ma’am, all the things that I have learned and experienced here in
your reputable firm will be a big help for me and will be applied soon in my actual workplace.



During the conduct of the mock job interview, do you think you did well?

I think I wasn’t able to give my best the last time I was interviewed by our Oral
Communication teacher. I wasn’t able to answer all the questions well. I was not mentally and
physically prepared to the interview. I had a poor communication skills and could not speak in
English fluently. I was afraid of making mistakes and has low self-confidence. Although I did not
fail the interview but I know I could have done better.

What are the areas that you think you are good at and areas that needed to be improved?

I think I am good at understanding the question and interpreting it correctly. I also think I
am good at constructing and organizing my idea in my mind. My problem is that when I have to
say those words using English language as a medium. I can't say the idea exactly and coherently.
And that's something I need to practice and improve. I have poor communication skills. I even
prefer writing than speaking especially in front of a big crowd. I always get mental blocked and
could not be able to speak my mind out. The idea that I said is way more different and
unorganized than tha idea I actually wanted it would be.

Are you more confident to answer now to answer during an actual job interview?

I think I am more confident now that I already have an experience of being interviewed
for a job application. I have acquired all the skills I needed to. I have developed my
communication skills and critical thinking abilities which will help me find the best answers to
the questions given. I have also gained so much self-confidence and conquered my fear of having
mistaken. I have set myself now to give out my best in everything and believe in what I could
actually do. I am so excited and looking forward to an actual job application interview soon.


This Work Immersion Portfolio will serve as a workbook for the students who will take up the
course/subject Work Immersion in Senior High School. The framework is based on DepEd Order
No. 30 s. 2017, entitled Guidelines for Work Immersion.

This workbook will essentially foster in-depth learning of the world of work and assessment of
student’s performance during work immersion.

Furthermore, the purpose of this portfolio includes but is not limited to the following:

For Student-Trainees:

• The portfolio will be used as a source of motivation and guide for work immersion.

• This will serve as a documentation and approval of lessons learned.

• This will provide feedback of their performance level.

• This will pave the way in preparation for real job application.


• This contains regulations and conditions regarding contract between school and student.

• This is an information about curriculum and record of lessons learned.

• This is a record of student-trainees performance for assessment.

Agency / Company:

• This contains introduction of company in general.

• This enumerates training rules and regulations for training inside the agency/company.

• This provides feedback to and from student-trainees.


Grade: 12 No. of Hours: 80 hours

Pre-requisite: Should have taken at least 4 Specialized Subjects

Course Description:

Work Immersion is one of the course requirements for graduation. A Senior High School student
has to undergo Work Immersion in an industry that directly relates to the student’s postsecondary
goal. Through Work Immersion, the students are exposed to and become familiar with work-
related environment related to their field of specialization to enhance their competence.
Specifically, the students are able to: (i) gain relevant and practical industrial skills under the
guidance of industry experts and workers; (ii) appreciate the importance and application of the
principles and theories taught in school; (iii) enhance their technical knowledge and skills; (iv)
enrich their skills in communications and human relations; (v) develop good working habits,
attitudes, appreciation, and respect for work. These prepare them to meet the needs and
challenges of employment or higher education after graduation.

Duties and Responsibilities of the Learner

In this course, the learners are expected to:

1. Attend Pre and Post Immersion Activities;

2. Report to the Work Immersion Partner Institution Supervisor during actual immersion;

3. Perform the duties and tasks as indicated in the prescribed template for work immersion
list of tasks/activities; and

4. Prepare the documentations and reports required in the curriculum and by the Partner

The Work Immersion Teacher and the Work Immersion Partner Institution Supervisor will jointly
assess the learner’s performance following the DepEd Order No. 8, s. 2015 Policy Guidelines on
Classroom Assessment for the K to 12 Basic Education Program.

Republic of the Philippines

Region VIII- Eastern Visayas



Sir / Madame:

This is to request permission from your good office to please allow MARY MARGARETTE
ESCAMIS ESPAŇOLA, a Senior High School - Grade 12 student, to undergo a 80 hours of WORK
IMMERSION in your company/agency to acquire industrial ORIENTATION. The training period will
start immediately upon your acceptance of the bearer under the terms and conditions as stipulated in the
duly accomplished memorandum of agreement hereto attached for your confirmation.

Moreover, a student evaluation is provided where a student is to be assessed on his/her

performance, attitude and behavior to be attested by the supervisor. The Immersion Teacher and
Trainer handling each field of specialization from our school will visit your establishment from time to
time to find out how the student perform in the working area.

Thank you very much for your usual cooperation and assistance extended to the school.

Sir / Madame:

This is to introduce, MARY MARGARETTE ESCAMIS ESPAŇOLA, who is a grade 12 Senior High
School student enrolled in our school under the K to 12 program with Strand in GENERAL
ACADEMIC STRAND and to further endorse (his/her) application with your company to undergo
WORK IMMERSION for 80 hours as a requirement of the curriculum for graduation. We believe that
schools must link up with industry in order to update, upgrade and make the education of our youth more
relevant to the actual needs of the industry. It is in this regard that we request you to give such
opportunities to our students by allowing them to do part time work with your company. Together with
this letter is an Acceptance Form.
We request that said form be accomplished and returned to this office upon acceptance of
our student in your company. We are confident that given the opportunity, our student will be an
asset to your company.

Thank you for the favorable action and we look forward to a more fruitful linkage with you.

Very truly yours,


Work Immersion Teacher

Noted by:


School Head


NAME: Mary Margarette E. Espanola
DATE OF BIRTH: February 19,2020
PLACE OF BIRTH: Jubas, Libagon, Southern Leyte
POSTAL ADDRESS: Jubas, Libagon, Southern Leyte
E-mail ADDRESS: marymargarette4545@gmail.com
RELIGION: Roman Catholic
LIST OF FAVORITES: Family, friends and foods
How do you feel about the school?
Our school for me is a conducive place of learning and offers a quality education.
What are the most memorable subject/class? Why?
My favorite subject is creative writing because it practice and improve my skills in writing.
What are your plans after senior high?
I am planning to take college degree and pursue my dreams in life.
What is your career path?
I will be taking up Bachelor of Science in English which studies about writing and literature.
What is your philosophy in life?
When the pain is deep, go deep in prayer.
Do you have plans to go abroad? If yes, where and why?
Yes. I have been dreaming to travel around the world especially England. I want to experience how it
feels to be in the place of renowned writers.
What are your dreams and ambition?
My ultimate dream is to become the world’s most prominent writer. I want the world to love my
works masterpiece.
How do you plan to achieve your ambitions and goals in life?
I want to achieve all my ambitions and goals in life through prayers and perseverance.
What are your expectations and apprehensions for work immersion?
I think work immersion will be a roller coaster ride. It will be new milestone and venture for me that
will surely mold me both as a student and as a worker in the future.

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