Data Communication & Networks
Data Communication & Networks
Data Communication & Networks
Text Books:
1.Stallings, “Data and Computer Communications”, 7thEdition,Pearson Education, 2012
Reference Books:
1. Andrew S Tanenbaim, “Computer Networks”, 4th Edition, Pearson Education.
2. BehrouzFerouzan, Introduction to Data Communication & Networking TMH, 1999. 3.
Larry &Peterson & Bruce S Davis; Computer networks Second Edition , Morgan
Kaufman, 2000.
Encoding 1 1
Transmission Media 1
II Multiplexing 1 1
Error Detection And
1 1
Peer to Peer Protocols 1 1
III Medium Access Control 1
1 1
IV Local Area Networks 1 1
Packet Switching 1
V Networks and 1 1
Congestion Control
5 2
TOTAL 12 8
SECTION – A (2 Marks)
[Nov / Dec 2016]
1. Expand HDLC and PPP?
2. What is framing?
SECTION – A (2 Marks)
[Nov / Dec 2016]
1. What is Ethernet?
2. What is meant by choke pocket?
3. What are the two types of LAN standards?
[Nov / Dec 2017]
4. What is flooding?
5. What is Ethernet?
[Nov / Dec 2018]
6. What do you mean by IEEE 802.11 standards?
7. What do you mean by flooding? Explain.
8. What is the difference between Ethernet and fast Ethernet?
[TMAQ – Important Tutor Mark Assignment Questions]
1. Explain different types of bridges.
2. Define routing.
3. What is bridge?
4. What is hierarchical routing?
5. What is fragmentation?
[Nov /Dec2017]
3.What is multiplexing? Explain TDM
4. Differentiate connectionless and connection oriented services.
SECTION – B ( 10 Marks )
[Nov / Dec 2016]
1. Explain the following (a) congestion control.
[Nov / Dec 2017]
1. Describe FDDI
2. Write Bellman Ford Algorithm.
[Nov / Dec 2018]
3.Explain the role of the following network devices:
2.Describe FDDI.
5. Define SNR?
SNR is ratio of the signal power to the noise power
SNR= Average signal power
Average noise power
6. What is modem?
Modem is abbreviation for Modulator – Demodulator. Modems are used for data transfer
from one computer network to another computer network through telephone lines.
7. What is FTP?
a) An analog signal is a continuous wave that a)A digital signal is a discrete wave that
changes over a time period. carries information in binary form
b) An analog signal is represented by a sine b) A digital signal is represented by square
wave. waves.
1. Simplex Mode
2. Half duplex Mode
3. Full duplex Mode
Simplex mode : In this type of transmission mode, data can be sent only in one direction
i.e. communication is unidirectional. We cannot send a message back to the sender.
Unidirectional communication is done in Simplex Systems where we just need to send a
command/signal, and do not expect any response back.
Examples of simplex Mode are loudspeakers, television broadcasting, television and
remote, keyboard and monitor etc.
Half duplex mode : Half-duplex data transmission means that data can be transmitted
in both directions on a signal carrier, but not at the same time
Full duplex mode : In full duplex system we can send data in both the directions as it is
bidirectional at the same time in other words, data can be sent in both directions
• Data is transmitted without delays.
• This method suitable for long continuous transmission.
• Long connection establishment delay
• Network does not provide flow control or error control.
7. How many layers are there in TCP\IP model? Mention the function of each layer.
TCP/IP means Transmission Control Protocol and Internet Protocol. It is the network
model used in the current Internet architecture as well. Protocols are set of rules which
govern every possible communication over a network. These protocols describe the
movement of data between the source and destination or the Internet. These protocols offer
simple naming and addressing schemes. TCP/IP that is Transmission Control Protocol and
Internet Protocol was developed by Department of Defence Project Research Agency
(ARPA, later DARPA) as a part of a research project of network interconnection to
connect remote machines
Transport layer
• It decides if data transmission should be on parallel path or single path.
• Functions such as multiplexing, segmenting or splitting on the data is done by
transport layer.
• The applications can read and write to the transport layer.
• Transport layer adds header information to the data.
• Transport layer breaks the message (data) into small units so that they are
handled more efficiently by the network layer. Transport layer also arrange the
packets to be sent, in sequence.
Application layer
• TELNET is a two-way communication protocol which allows connecting to a
remote machine and run applications on it.
• FTP (File Transfer Protocol) is a protocol, that allows File transfer amongst
computer users connected over a network. It is reliable, simple and efficient.
• SMTP (Simple Mail Transport Protocol) is a protocol, which is used to transport
electronic mail between a source and destination, directed via a route.
• DNS (Domain Name Server) The Domain Name System (DNS) is a hierarchical
decentralized naming system for computers, services, or other resources
connected to the Internet or a private network.
Multiple bit error: multiple bit error means that two or more non-consecutive bits in
the data unit have changed from 1 to 0 or from 0 to 1
10. What is multiplexing? Explain TDM
• Multiplexing is the set of techniques that allows the simultaneous transmission of
multiple signals across a single data link.
TDM (Time division multiplexing)
• Time-division multiplexing (TDM) is a method of putting multiple data streams in a
single signal by separating the signal into many segments, each having a very short
duration. ... The composite signal thus contains data from multiple senders.
• Time-division multiplexing is used primarily for digital signals, but may be applied
in Analog multiplexing in which two or more signals or bit streams are transferred
appearing simultaneously as sub-channels in one communication channel, but are
Connection-oriented service is
preferred by long and steady Connection-less Service is preferred by
communication. bursty communication.
Connection-oriented Service is
necessary. Connection-less Service is not compulsory.
Connection-oriented Service is feasible. Connection-less Service is not feasible.
Connection-oriented Service gives the Connection-less Service does not give the
guarantee of reliability. guarantee of reliability.
• Cheapest form of cable available for networking purposes.
• Easy to handle and install.
13. Explain 2-dimensional parity check for error detection.
• When a large amount of data is to be transmitted two dimensional parity checks can be
employed. In this method, the data words are arranged one above another and is
organized in a form of two dimensional binary matrix. For each row and column of the
matrix parity-check bit is calculated.
• A message consisting of n characters with 8-bits per character will now become n+1
character with 9-bits per character and is transmitted.
• The whole matrix is then sent to the receiver. At the receiver end, the sum of the bits in
the block of data is added again, and if the calculated sum is different than what was
1100111 1
1011101 1
0111001 0
0101001 1
0101010 1 column parities
Connection-oriented service is
preferred by long and steady Connection-less Service is preferred by
2. communication. busty communication.
Connection-oriented Service is
4. feasible. Connection-less Service is not feasible.
Connection-oriented Service gives the Connection-less Service does not give the
6. guarantee of reliability. guarantee of reliability.
• The flag field of an HDLC frame is an 8-bit sequence with the bit pattern
01111110, same as PPP flag field which indicates the beginning and end of the
• The second field of an HDLC frame contains the address of the secondary
station. If a primary station created the frame, it contains a to address. If a
secondary creates the frame, it contains a from address.
• The control field is used for flow and error control. It also determines the type of
the frame
• The information field contains the user’s data from the network layer or
management information.
• The frame check sequence is the HDLC error detection field. It contains either a
2 or 4-byte CRC
16. Illustrate CSMA
Carrier Sense Multiple Access with collision avoidance(CSMA/CA) was invented for
this network. Collisions are avoided through the use of three CSMA/CA strategies:
✓ Interface space(IFS): In this method when a station senses the channel id idle, it
does not send immediately. It waits for a period of time called the Inter-frame
space. Even though the channel may appear idle when it is sensed, a distant
station may have already started transmitting.
✓ Contention Window: The contention window is an amount of time divided into
slots. A station that is ready to send chooses a random number of slots as its
Then the shortest distance according to Bellman ford algorithm from node 2 to
destination node 6 is through node 4.
Let us understand the algorithm with following example graph. The images are taken
from this source.
Let the given source vertex be 0. Initialize all distances as infinite, except the distance to
source itself. Total number of vertices in the graph is 5, so all edges must be processed 4
Let all edges are processed in following order: (B, E), (D, B), (B, D), (A, B), (A, C), (D,
C), (B, C), (E, D). We get following distances when all edges are processed first time.
The first row in shows initial distances. The second row shows distances when edges (B,
The first iteration guarantees to give all shortest paths which are at most 1 edge long.
We get following distances when all edges are processed second time (The last row
shows final values).
• LAN refers to a group of computers that all belong to the same organization and that
are linked within a small geographic area using a network and often the same
technology (the most widespread being Ethernet).
• A local area network is a network in its simplest form. Data transfer speeds over a local
area network can reach up to 10 Mbps, such as for an Ethernet network, and 1 gbps, as
with FDDI or Gigabit Ethernet. A local area network can reach as many as 100, or even
1000, users. MAN
• MANs connect multiple geographically close LANs (over an area of up to several dozen
miles) to one another at high speeds. Thus, a MAN lets two remote nodes communicate
as if they were part of the same local area network.A MAN is made from switches or
routers connected to one another with high-speed links (usually fibre optic cables).
• A WAN connects multiple LANs to one another over great geographic distances. The
speed available on a WAN varies depending on the cost of the connections, which
increases with distance, and may be low.WANs operate using routers, which can
"choose" the most appropriate path for data to take to reach a network node.
The most well-known WAN is the Internet.
b) Explain OSI reference model with a neat diagram. Repeated [Nov-Dec 2018]
Layer 1: The Physical Layer
• A signal is pulse code modulated to convert its analog information into a binary
sequence, i.e., 1s and 0s. The output of a PCM will resemble a binary sequence. The
following figure shows an example of PCM output with respect to instantaneous values
of a given sine wave.
• Instead of a pulse train, PCM produces a series of numbers or digits, and hence this
process is called as digital. Each one of these digits, though in binary code, represent
the approximate amplitude of the signal sample at that instant.
• In Pulse Code Modulation, the message signal is represented by a sequence of coded
pulses. This message signal is achieved by representing the signal in discrete form in
both time and amplitude.
• Synchronous Optical Networking (SONET) and Synchronous Digital Hierarchy
(SDH) are standardized multiplexing protocols that transfer multiple digital bit streams
over optical fiber using lasers or light-emitting diodes (LEDs). Lower data rates can also
be transferred via an electrical interface. The method was developed to replace the
Co-coaxial cable
• Coaxial cable is a type of copper cable specially built with a metal shield and other
components engineered to block signal interference. It is primarily used by cable TV
companies to connect their satellite antenna facilities to customer homes and businesses.
It is also sometimes used by telephone companies to connect central offices to telephone
poles near customers. Some homes and offices use coaxial cable, too, but its widespread
use as an Ethernet connectivity medium in enterprises and data centres has been
supplanted by the deployment of twisted pair cabling.
5. Illustrate polynomial code with an example.Repeated [Nov-Dec 2018]
Polynomial codes are used extensively in error detection and correction. Polynomial codes can
be easily implemented using shift-register circuits. A k-bit data-word can be represented as a
polynomial with k terms ranging from x k-1 to x0 as
I(x)= ik-1xk-1 + ik-2 xk-2 +………….+i1 x +I0 .
For example, let’s take a 8-bit message 10011010. The corresponding polynomial is
M(x) = 1.x7 +0.x6 + 0.x5 +1.x4 + 1.x3 + 0.x2 + 1.x1 + 0.x0
=x7 + x4 + x3+ x1
• Electrical noise going into or coming from the cable can be prevented.
• Crosstalk is minimize.
• Cheapest form of cable available for networking purposes.
• Easy to handle and install.
• It is incapable carrying a signal over long distances without the use of repeaters only
because of high attenuation.
• It is not suitable for broadband applications only because of its low bandwidth capabilities
8.Explain SONET.
Synchronous optical networking (SONET) is a standardized digital communication protocol
that is used to transmit a large volume of data over relatively long distances using a fiber optic
medium. With SONET, multiple digital data streams are transferred at the same time over
optical fiber using LEDs and laser beams.
1. STS Multiplexer:
• Performs multiplexing of signals
• Converts electrical signal to optical signal
2. STS De-multiplexer:
• Performs de-multiplexing of signals
• Converts optical signal to electrical signal
3. Regenerator:
It is a repeater, that takes an optical signal and regenerates (increases the strength) it.
4. Add/Drop Multiplexer:
It allows to add signals coming from different sources into a given path or remove a
•Wave length Division Multiplexing is an effective approach to explore the bandwidth that is
available in optical fibre. In WDM multiple wave length are used to carry several information
simultaneously over the same fibre.
• It supports higher bandwidth
• It runs greater distance.
• Electromagnetic noise cannot affect fibre optic cables
• Usage of glass makes more resistant than copper
• Installation and maintenance is difficult.
• Unidirectional light propagation. Two fibres are used for bidirectional propagation
• The cable and the interfaces are more expensive.
• For example, if data to be transmitted is 1001 and predetermined divisor is 1011. The
procedure given below is used:
2. During this process of division, whenever the leftmost bit of dividend or remainder is 0, we
use a string of Os of same length as divisor. Thus in this case divisor 1011 is replaced by 0000.
• Used in Connection-oriented communication.
• It offers error and flow control
• It is used in Data Link and Transport Layers
• Stop and Wait ARQ mainly implements Sliding Window Protocol concept with Window
Size 1
Useful Terms:
• Propagation Delay: Amount of time taken by a packet to make a physical journey from
one router to another router.
Propagation Delay = (Distance between routers) / (Velocity of propagation)
• RoundTripTime (RTT) = 2* Propagation Delay
• TimeOut (TO) = 2* RTT
• Time To Live (TTL) = 2* TimeOut. (Maximum TTL is 180 seconds)
Simple Stop and Wait
Rule 1) Send acknowledgement after receiving and consuming of data packet.
Rule 2) After consuming packet acknowledgement need to be sent (Flow Control).
• To support Go-Back-N ARQ, a protocol must number each PDU which is sent. (PDUs
are normally numbered using modulo arithmetic, which allows the same number to be
re-used after a suitably long period of time. The time period is selected to ensure the
same PDU number is never used again for a different PDU, until the first PDU has "left
the network" (e.g. it may have been acknowledged)).
• The local node must also keep a buffer of all PDUs which have been sent, but have not
yet been acknowledged.
• The receiver at the remote node keeps a record of the highest numbered PDU which has
been correctly received. This number corresponds to the last acknowledgement PDU
which it may have sent.
Dynamic addressing Does not offer dynamic addressing. Dynamic addressing is used.
Compatibility with other Can not be operated with non-Cisco Interoperable with non-Cisco
protocols devices. devices also.
Aloha means "Hello". Aloha is a multiple access protocol at the datalink layer and
proposes how multiple terminals access the medium without interference or collision.
• In pure ALOHA, the stations transmit frames whenever they have data to send.
• When two or more stations transmit simultaneously, there is collision and the frames
are destroyed.
Slotted ALOHA
• Slotted ALOHA was invented to improve the efficiency of pure ALOHA as chances of
collision in pure ALOHA are very high.
• In slotted ALOHA, the time of the shared channel is divided into discrete intervals
called slots.
• The stations can send a frame only at the beginning of the slot and only one frame is
sent in each slot.
o CSMA is a network access method used on shared network topologies such as Ethernet to
control access to the network. Devices attached to the network cable listen (carrier sense)
before transmitting. If the channel is in use, devices wait before transmitting. MA (Multiple
Access) indicates that many devices can connect to and share the same network. All devices
have equal access to use the network when it is clear.
CSMA works on the principle that only one device can transmit signals on the network,
otherwise a collision will occur resulting in the loss of data packets or frames. CSMA works
when a device needs to initiate or transfer data over the network. Before transferring, each
CSMA must check or listen to the network for any other transmissions that may be in
progress. If it senses a transmission, the device will wait for it to end. Once the transmission is
completed, the waiting device can transmit its data/signals. However, if multiple devices access
it simultaneously and a collision occurs, they both have to wait for a specific time before
reinitiating the transmission process.
17.Explain FDMA, TDMA and CDMA
• Frequency division multiple access(FDMA): In FDMA, the available bandwidth of the
channel is divided into frequency bands and each frequency band is allocated to different
stations. Each station on demand is allocated a predetermined band to send its all the time.
To prevent station interference the allocated bands are separated from one another by
small guard bands.
• Time division multiple access (TDMA) : In TDMA, the stations take turns to share the
entire bandwidth of the channel. Each station is allocated a time slot during which it can
transmit data for the complete bandwidth. Since TDMA transmissions are slotted, the
receiver must be synchronized with the sender. Each station needs to know the beginning of
its slot and the location of its slot for transmission.
• In pure ALOHA, the stations transmit frames whenever they have data to send.
• When two or more stations transmit simultaneously, there is collision and the
frames are destroyed.
Slotted ALOHA
• Slotted ALOHA was invented to improve the efficiency of pure ALOHA as
chances of collision in pure ALOHA are very high.
• In slotted ALOHA, the time of the shared channel is divided into discrete
intervals called slots.
The data link layer is divided into two sublayers namely LLC (Logical Link Control) and MAC
(Media Access Control).
Logical Link Control (LLC) sublayer provides the logic for the data link. Thus, it
controls the synchronization, flow control, and error checking functions of the data link
Media Access Control (MAC) sublayer provides control for accessing the transmission
medium. It is responsible for moving data packets from one network interface card
(NIC) to another, across a shared transmission medium. Physical addressing is handled
at the MAC sublayer. MAC is also handled at this layer. This refers to the method used
to allocate network access to computers and prevent them from transmitting at the
same time, causing data collisions. Common MAC methods include Carrier Sense
Multiple Access/Collision Detection (CSMA/CD), used by Ethernet networks,
Carrier Sense Multiple Access/Collision Avoidance (CSMA/CA), used by AppleTalk
networks, and token passing, used by Token Ring and Fiber Distributed Data Interface
(FDDI) networks.
22. What is a bridge? Explain the various types of bridges.Repeated [Nov-Dec 2018]
• It is type of computer network device that provides interconnection with other bridge
network that uses same protocol
Types of bridges:
• Transparent bridges: The term transparent refers to the fact that stations are
completely unaware of the presence of bridges in the network. When a transparent is
added or removed from the system, reconfiguration of the stations in unnecessary.
• Source Routing Bridges: Source routing bridges were developed by the IEEE 802.5
Committee and are primarily used to interconnect token-ring networks. Unlike
transparent bridges where filtering frames, forwarding and blocking functions are
implemented in bridges, source routing bridges put these burden on the end stations.
The main idea of source routing is that each station should determine the route to the
destination when it wants to send a frame and therefore include the route information
in the header of the frame.
2. Source Routing bridges: It was developed by the IEEE 802.5 committee an are primarily
used to interconnect token ring networks Unlike transparent bridges where filtering
frames, forwarding and blocking functions are implemented in bridges, source routing
2. Mixed Media Bridges: Bridges that interconnect LAN of different type are referred to
as Mixed Media Bridge. This type of interconnection is not simple. Mixed media bridges
can be discussed in terms of the interconnection of Ethernet and token ring LAN. These
two LAN differ in their frame structure, their operation and their speed, and the bridge
needs to take these difference into accounts.
2.Data is divided into small units called packets 2. A physical path is established which is
with each packet carrying small header dedicated to a single connection between the two
containing signalling information end points.
3.Dynamic route is established for each packet 3. Data transmission takes place after the circuit
which carries the routing information. is established for the duration of the
4.Each data packet may take a different route to 4. A dedicated routing path is followed
reach the destination, making it flexible throughout the transmission and no other user
throughout the session. is allowed to use the circuit.
5. There is no end to end reservation of links. 5. It follows a uniform path throughout the
6.Each data packet carries the signalling 6. Data doesn’t carry the signalling information
information containing source and destination and moves on its own.
addresses in the packet header.
7.It’s mainly used for data and voice 7. It’s ideal for voice communication and the
communication, and the delay is not uniform. delay is uniform.
TCP/IP functionality is divided into four layers, each of which include specific protocols.
• The application layer provides applications with standardized data exchange. Its protocols
include the Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP), File Transfer Protocol (FTP), Post Office
Protocol 3 (POP3), Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) and Simple Network
Management Protocol (SNMP).
• The transport layer is responsible for maintaining end-to-end communications across the
network. TCP handles communications between hosts and provides flow control,
multiplexing and reliability. The transport protocols include TCP and User Datagram
Protocol (UDP), which is sometimes used instead of TCP for special purposes.
• The network layer, also called the internet layer, deals with packets and connects
independent networks to transport the packets across network boundaries. The network
layer protocols are the IP and the Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP), which is
used for error reporting.
• The physical layer consists of protocols that operate only on a link -- the network
component that interconnects nodes or hosts in the network. The protocols in this layer
include Ethernet for local area networks (LANs) and the Address Resolution Protocol
There is a change in the polarity of the signal, only when the incoming signal changes from 1
to 0 or from 0 to 1. It is the same as NRZ, however, the first bit of the input signal should have
a change of polarity.
If a 1 occurs at the incoming signal, then there occurs a transition at the beginning of the bit
interval. For a 0 at the incoming signal, there is no transition at the beginning of the bit
NRZ codes has a disadvantage that the synchronization of the transmitter clock with the
receiver clock gets completely disturbed, when there is a string of 1s and 0s. Hence, a separate
clock line needs to be provided.
Bi-phase Encoding
The signal level is checked twice for every bit time, both initially and in the middle. Hence, the
clock rate is double the data transfer rate and thus the modulation rate is also doubled. The
clock is taken from the signal itself. The bandwidth required for this coding is greater.
• Bi-phase Manchester
• Differential Manchester
Bi-phase Manchester
In this type of coding, the transition is done at the middle of the bit-interval. The transition for
the resultant pulse is from High to Low in the middle of the interval, for the input bit 1. While
the transition is from Low to High for the input bit 0.
In this type of coding, there always occurs a transition in the middle of the bit interval. If
there occurs a transition at the beginning of the bit interval, then the input bit is 0. If no
transition occurs at the beginning of the bit interval, then the input bit is 1.
The following figure illustrates the waveforms of NRZ-L, NRZ-I, Bi-phase Manchester and
Differential Manchester coding for different digital inputs.
a) Modems:Modem is abbreviation for Modulator – Demodulator. Modems are used for data
transfer from on computer network to another computer network through telephone lines. The
computer network works in digital mode, while analog technology is used for carrying
massages across phone lines.
Modulator converts information from digital mode to analog mode at the transmitting end
and demodulator converts the same from analog to digital at receiving end. The process of
converting analog signals of one computer network into digital signals of another computer
network so they can be processed by a receiving computer is referred to as digitizing.
Types of Modems
• Modems can be of several types and they can be categorized in a number of ways.
• Categorization is usually based on the following basic modem features:
1. Directional capacity: half duplex modem and full duplex modem.
2. Connection to the line: 2-wire modem and 4-wire modem.
3. Transmission mode: asynchronous modem and synchronous modem.
b).Congestion control.Congestion is an important issue that can arise in packet switched
network. Congestion is a situation in Communication Networks in which too many packets are
present in a part of the subnet, performance degrades. Congestion in a network may occur
when the load on the network (i.e. the number of packets sent to the network) is greater than
the capacity of the network (i.e. the number of packets a network can handle.). Network
congestion occurs in case of traffic overloading.
(b) Random walk – In this method, packets are sent host by host or node by node to one
of its neighbours randomly. This is highly robust method which is usually implemented
by sending packets onto the link which is least queued.