Elec Rate
Elec Rate
Elec Rate
SC Item Rate (in
Sl No Activity description UOM
NPR) excl VAT
HDPE Pipe Laying in HDD method - Six Run including all manpower, plant & machineries, consumables, transportation etc to complete the work in all
32 Km 7,20,136
HDPE Pipe Laying in HDD method - Seven Run including all manpower, plant & machineries, consumables, transportation etc to complete the work in all
33 Km 7,12,785
HDPE Pipe Laying in HDD method - Eight Run including all manpower, plant & machineries, consumables, transportation etc to complete the work in all
34 Km 6,92,555
35 HDPE Pipe - Single Run (with HDD manual moling) Km 79,200
36 HDPE Pipe - Double Run (with HDD manual moling) Km 79,200
37 HDPE Pipe - Three Run (with HDD manual moling) Km 79,200
38 HDPE Pipe - Four Run (with HDD manual moling) Km 79,200
39 HDPE Pipe - Five Run (with HDD manual moling) Km 79,200
40 HDPE Pipe - Six Run (with HDD manual moling) Km 79,200
41 HDPE Pipe - Seven Run (with HDD manual moling) Km 79,200
42 HDPE Pipe - Eight Run (with HDD manual moling) Km 79,200
43 Manual HDD (Moling) Km 5,04,000
GI pipe 250mm dia, 14mm thick for crossing - complete in all respect. Rate is including all manpower, plant & machineries, consumables, transportation etc to complete the work
in all respect.
Km 91,200
45 Laying of FO Cable (48 Fiber) inside PLB Duct. Rate is including all manpower, plant & machineries, consumables, transportation etc to complete the work in all respect. Km 23,327
46 Laying of HDPE PLB Duct inside 160mm HDPE Pipe. Rate is including all manpower, plant & machineries, consumables, transportation etc to complete the work in all respect. Km 26,455
47 24 Fibre (DWSM) OPGW fibre optic cable. Rate is including all manpower, plant & machineries, consumables, transportation etc to complete the work in all respect. Km 12,160
Erection of STP Pole including stay - complete in all respect. Rate is including all manpower, plant & machineries, consumables, transportation etc to complete the work in all
Nos 3,417
HT AB Cable stringing including fixing of clamps/ connectors etc. - Size 3/C 150 mm2 11 kV cable, including all clamps, connecotrs, busbar materials. Rate is including all manpower,
plant & machineries, consumables etc (excluding transportation only) to complete the work in all respect.
Km 18,240
LT AB Cable stringing including fixing of clamps/ connectors etc. - Size 120 mm2 cable (3*120+1*95+1*16 sq.mm) , including all clamps, connecotrs, busbar materials. Rate is
including all manpower, plant & machineries, consumables etc (excluding transportation only) to complete the work in all respect.
Km 33,053
LT AB Cable stringing including fixing of clamps/ connectors etc. - Size 95 mm2 cable (3*95+1*95*1*16 sq.mm), including all clamps, connecotrs, busbar materials. Rate is including
all manpower, plant & machineries, consumables etc (excluding transportation only) to complete the work in all respect.
Km 28,846
52 GO Switch with accessories complete in all respect. Rate is including all manpower, plant & machineries, consumables, transportation etc to complete the work in all respect. Nos 5,074
Distribution Transformer including DO Fuse, LA, Structural assembling, earthing, busbar items. Rate is including all manpower, plant & machineries, consumables, transportation
etc to complete the work in all respect.
Set 14,378
54 Metering Unit - complete in all respect. Rate is including all manpower, plant & machineries, consumables, transportation etc to complete the work in all respect. Nos 1,520
Miscellaneous Structural steel used for rails , plates for rail fixing, gratings, gratings supports etc for transformer foundation, cable supports and earthing cleats, chequered plates,
embedments, edge protection angles for cable trenches but excluding the reinforcement steel and steel for lattice and pipe structures which shall be paid seperately.
MT 15,200
56 Danger Plate Enameled- complete in all respect. Rate is including all manpower, plant & machineries, consumables, transportation etc to complete the work in all respect. Nos 15
57 Number Plate Enameled- complete in all respect. Rate is including all manpower, plant & machineries, consumables, transportation etc to complete the work in all respect. Nos 15
Phase Plate for each phase set of 3- complete in all respect. Rate is including all manpower, plant & machineries, consumables, transportation etc to complete the work in all
Nos 15
HT & LT Cable RCC Route Marker and Straight Joint marker - complete in all respect. Rate is including all manpower, plant & machineries, consumables, transportation etc to
complete the work in all respect.
Nos 61
Burried Cable trench - brick Lining and laying of warning tape. (Without HDPE Pipe, With Brick- lining). Excavation/ Backfilling will be paid separately under respective BOQ item.
Rate is including all manpower, plant & machineries, consumables, transportation etc to complete the work in all respect.
Mtr 361
Burried Cable trench - brick Lining and laying of warning tape. (With HDPE Pipe, Without Brick- lining). Excavation/ Backfilling will be paid separately under respective BOQ item.
Rate is including all manpower, plant & machineries, consumables, transportation etc to complete the work in all respect.
Mtr 351
Accepted by Sub-contractor
SC Item Rate (in
Sl No Activity description UOM
NPR) excl VAT
Sub-contractor name: