STCW Table A II 3

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STCW Code Table A-II/3

Specification of minimum standard of competence for officers in charge of

a navigational watch and for masters on ships of less than 500 gross tonnage engaged on
near-coastal voyages

Function: Navigation at the operational level

Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Column 4

Competence Knowledge, understanding Methods for Criteria for
and proficiency demonstrating evaluating competence
Plan and conduct a Navigation Examination and Information obtained from
coastal passage and assessment of evidence nautical charts and
determine position Ability to determine the obtained from one or publications is relevant,
ship’s position by the use of: more of the following: interpreted correctly and
Note: Training and properly applied
assessment in the use .1 landmarks .1 approved in-service
of ECDIS is not experience The primary method of fixing
required for those
who serve exclusively .2 aids to navigation, the ship’s position is the most
including lighthouses, .2 approved training appropriate to the prevailing
on ships not fitted
with ECDIS. These beacons and buoys ship experience circumstances and conditions
limitations shall be
reflected in the .3 dead reckoning, taking .3 approved simulator The position is determined
endorsement issued to into account winds, training, where within the limits of acceptable
the seafarer tides, currents and appropriate instrument/system errors
concerned estimated speed
.4 approved laboratory The reliability of the
equipment training information obtained from the
primary method of position
using: chart catalogues, fixing is checked at
charts, nautical appropriate intervals
publications, radio
navigational warnings, Calculations and
sextant, azimuth mirror, measurements of navigational
electronic navigation information are accurate
Thorough knowledge of and equipment, Charts and publications
ability to use nautical charts echo-sounding selected are the largest scale
and publications, such as equipment, compass on board suitable for the area
sailing directions, tide tables, of navigation and charts are
notices to mariners, radio corrected in accordance with
navigational warnings and the latest information
ships’ routeing information available

Reporting in accordance
with General Principles for
Ship Reporting Systems and
with VTS procedures

Note: This item is only

required for certification as
-2- Table A-II/3

Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Column 4

Competence Knowledge, understanding Methods for Criteria for
and proficiency demonstrating evaluating competence
Plan and conduct a Voyage planning and
coastal passage and navigation for all conditions
determine position by acceptable methods of
(continued) plotting coastal tracks,
taking into account, e.g.:

.1 restricted waters

.2 meteorological

.3 ice

.4 restricted visibility

.5 traffic separation

.6 vessel traffic service

(VTS) areas

.7 areas of extensive tidal


Note: This item is only

required for certification as
Thorough knowledge of and Examination and
ability to use ECDIS assessment of evidence
obtained from one or
more of the following:

.1 approved training
ship experience

.2 approved ECDIS
simulator training
Table A-II/3 -3-

Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Column 4

Competence Knowledge, understanding Methods for Criteria for
and proficiency demonstrating evaluating competence
Plan and conduct a Navigational aids and Assessment of evidence Performance checks and tests
coastal passage and equipment obtained from approved of navigation systems comply
determine position radar simulator with manufacturer’s
(continued) Ability to operate safely and recommendations, good
determine the ship’s position navigational practice and
by use of all navigational IMO resolutions on
aids and equipment performance standards for
commonly fitted on board navigational equipment
the ships concerned
Interpretation and analysis of
information obtained from
radar is in accordance with
accepted navigational practice
and takes account of the
limits and accuracy levels of
Knowledge of the errors and Errors in magnetic compasses
corrections of magnetic are determined and applied
compasses correctly to courses and
Ability to determine errors
of the compass, using
terrestrial means, and to
allow for such errors
Automatic pilot
Knowledge of automatic Selection of the mode of
pilot systems and steering is the most suitable
procedures; change-over for prevailing weather, sea
from manual to automatic and traffic conditions and
control and vice versa; intended manoeuvres
adjustment of controls for
optimum performance
Ability to use and interpret Measurements and
information obtained from observations of weather
shipborne meteorological conditions are accurate and
instruments appropriate to the passage

Knowledge of the
characteristics of the various
weather systems, reporting
procedures and recording
Ability to apply the Meteorological information is
meteorological information evaluated and applied to
available maintain the safe passage of
the vessel
-4- Table A-II/3

Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Column 4

Competence Knowledge, understanding Methods for Criteria for
and proficiency demonstrating evaluating competence

Maintain a safe Watchkeeping Examination and The conduct, handover and

navigational watch assessment of evidence relief of the watch conforms
Thorough knowledge of obtained from one or with accepted principles and
content, application and more of the following: procedures
intent of the International
Regulations for Preventing .1 approved in-service A proper look-out is
Collisions at Sea, 1972, as experience maintained at all times and in
amended conformity with accepted
.2 approved training principles and procedures
Knowledge of content of the ship experience
Principles to be observed in Lights, shapes and sound
keeping a navigational watch .3 approved simulator signals conform with the
training, where requirements contained in the
Use of routeing in appropriate International Regulations for
accordance with the General Preventing Collisions at
Provisions on Ships’ .4 approved laboratory Sea, 1972, as amended and
Routeing equipment training are correctly recognized

Use of reporting in The frequency and extent of

accordance with the General monitoring of traffic, the ship
Principles for Ship and the environment conform
Reporting Systems and with with accepted principles and
VTS procedures procedures

Action to avoid close

encounters and collision with
other vessels is in accordance
with the International
Regulations for Preventing
Collisions at Sea, 1972, as

Decisions to adjust course

and/or speed are both timely
and in accordance with
accepted navigation

A proper record is maintained

of movements and activities
relating to the navigation of
the ship

Responsibility for safe

navigation is clearly defined
at all times, including periods
when the master is on the
bridge and when under
Table A-II/3 -5-

Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Column 4

Competence Knowledge, understanding Methods for Criteria for
and proficiency demonstrating evaluating competence
Respond to Emergency procedures, Examination and The type and scale of the
emergencies including: assessment of evidence emergency is promptly
obtained from one or identified
.1 precautions for the more of the following:
protection and safety of Initial actions and, if
passengers in emergency .1 approved in-service appropriate, manoeuvring are
situations experience in accordance with
contingency plans and are
.2 initial assessment of .2 approved training appropriate to the urgency of
damage and damage ship experience the situation and the nature of
control the emergency
.3 approved simulator
.3 action to be taken training, where
following a collision appropriate

.4 action to be taken .4 practical instruction

following a grounding
In addition, the following
material should be included
for certification as master:

.1 emergency steering

.2 arrangements for towing

and for being taken in

.3 rescuing persons from

the sea

.4 assisting a vessel in

.5 appreciation of the
action to be taken when
emergencies arise in
Respond to a Search and rescue Examination and The distress or emergency
distress signal at assessment of evidence signal is immediately
sea Knowledge of the contents obtained from practical recognized
of the International instruction or approved
Aeronautical and Maritime simulator training, Contingency plans and
Search and Rescue where appropriate instructions in standing orders
(IAMSAR) Manual are implemented and
complied with
-6- Table A-II/3

Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Column 4

Competence Knowledge, understanding Methods for Criteria for
and proficiency demonstrating evaluating competence
Manoeuvre the ship Ship manoeuvring and Examination and Safe operating limits of ship
and operate small handling assessment of evidence propulsion, steering and
ship power plants obtained from one or power systems are not
Knowledge of factors more of the following: exceeded in normal
affecting safe manoeuvring manoeuvres
and handling .1 approved in-service
experience Adjustments made to the
The operation of small ship ship’s course and speed
power plants and auxiliaries .2 approved training maintain safety of navigation
ship experience
Proper procedures for Plant, auxiliary machinery
anchoring and mooring .3 approved simulator and equipment is operated in
training, where accordance with technical
appropriate specifications and within safe
operating limits at all times
Table A-II/3 -7-

Function: Cargo handling and stowage at the operational level

Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Column 4

Competence Knowledge, understanding Methods for Criteria for
and proficiency demonstrating evaluating competence
Monitor the Cargo handling, stowage and Examination and Cargo operations are carried
loading, securing assessment of evidence out in accordance with the
stowage, obtained from one or cargo plan or other documents
securing and Knowledge of safe handling, more of the following: and established safety
unloading of stowage and securing of rules/regulations, equipment
cargoes and cargoes, including dangerous, .1 approved in-service operating instructions and
their care hazardous and harmful experience shipboard stowage limitations
during the cargoes, and their effect on
voyage the safety of life and of the .2 approved training ship The handling of dangerous,
ship experience hazardous and harmful cargoes
complies with international
Use of the International .3 approved simulator regulations and recognized
Maritime Dangerous Goods training, where standards and codes of safe
(IMDG) Code appropriate practice

Function: Controlling the operation of the ship and care for persons on board at the
operational level

Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Column 4

Competence Knowledge, understanding Methods for Criteria for
and proficiency demonstrating evaluating competence
Ensure Prevention of pollution of the Examination and Procedures for monitoring
compliance marine environment and assessment of evidence shipboard operations and
with pollution- anti-pollution procedures obtained from one or more ensuring compliance with
prevention of the following: MARPOL requirements are
requirements Knowledge of the fully observed
precautions to be taken to .1 approved in-service
prevent pollution of the experience
marine environment
.2 approved training ship
Anti-pollution procedures experience
and all associated equipment
-8- Table A-II/3

Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Column 4

Competence Knowledge, understanding Methods for Criteria for
and proficiency demonstrating evaluating competence
Maintain Ship stability Examination and The stability conditions
seaworthiness assessment of evidence comply with the IMO intact
of the ship Working knowledge and obtained from one or more stability criteria under all
application of stability, trim of the following: conditions of loading
and stress tables, diagrams
and stress-calculating .1 approved in-service Actions to ensure and
equipment experience maintain the watertight
integrity of the ship are in
Understanding of .2 approved training ship accordance with accepted
fundamental actions to be experience practice
taken in the event of partial
loss of intact buoyancy .3 approved simulator
training, where
Understanding of the appropriate
fundamentals of watertight
integrity .4 approved laboratory
equipment training
Ship construction

General knowledge of the

principal structural members
of a ship and the proper
names for the various parts
Prevent, Fire prevention and Assessment of evidence The type and scale of the
control and fire-fighting appliances obtained from approved problem is promptly identified
fight fires on fire-fighting training and and initial actions conform
board Ability to organize fire drills experience as set out in with the emergency procedure
section A-VI/3 and contingency plans for the
Knowledge of classes and ship
chemistry of fire
Evacuation, emergency
Knowledge of fire-fighting shutdown and isolation
systems procedures are appropriate to
the nature of the emergency
Understanding of action to be and are implemented promptly
taken in the event of fire,
including fires involving oil The order of priority, and the
systems levels and time-scales of
making reports and informing
personnel on board, are
relevant to the nature of the
emergency and reflect the
urgency of the problem
Table A-II/3 -9-

Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Column 4

Competence Knowledge, understanding Methods for Criteria for
and proficiency demonstrating evaluating competence
Operate Life-saving Assessment of evidence Actions in responding to
life-saving obtained from approved abandon ship and survival
appliances Ability to organize abandon training and experience as situations are appropriate to the
ship drills and knowledge of set out in section A-VI/2, prevailing circumstances and
the operation of survival craft paragraphs 1 to 4 conditions and comply with
and rescue boats, their accepted safety practices and
launching appliances and standards
arrangements, and their
equipment, including radio
life-saving appliances,
satellite EPIRBs, SARTs,
immersion suits and thermal
protective aids
Apply medical Medical aid Assessment of evidence The identification of probable
first aid on obtained from approved cause, nature and extent of
board ship Practical application of training as set out in injuries or conditions is prompt
medical guides and advice by section A-VI/4, and treatment minimizes
radio, including the ability to paragraphs 1 to 3 immediate threat to life
take effective action based on
such knowledge in the case
of accidents or illnesses that
are likely to occur on board
Monitor Basic working knowledge of Assessment of evidence Legislative requirements
compliance the relevant IMO conventions obtained from relating to safety of life at sea,
with legislative concerning safety of life at examination or approved security and protection of the
requirements sea, security and protection training marine environment are
of the marine environment correctly identified
Contribute to Knowledge of personal Assessment of evidence Appropriate safety and
the safety of survival techniques obtained from approved protective equipment is
personnel and training and experiences correctly used
ship Knowledge of fire prevention as set out in
and ability to fight and section A-VI/1, Procedures and safe working
extinguish fires paragraph 2 practices designed to safeguard
personnel and the ship are
Knowledge of elementary observed at all times
first aid
Procedures designed to
Knowledge of personal safety safeguard the environment are
and social responsibilities observed at all times
Initial and follow-up actions on
becoming aware of an
emergency conform with
established emergency
response procedures

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