Artificial Nails-Beauty Salon
Artificial Nails-Beauty Salon
Artificial Nails-Beauty Salon
Some people are blessed with salon every 2-3 weeks to get
perfect nails, but for those of fills as your nails grow, so
us who have difficulty growing upkeep can be expensive.
nails, or who are nail biters,
artificial nails are a guaranteed Gels are a different type of
way to have attractive hands. artificial nail. The application
process is more pleasant for
Acrylic nails and tips are the gels than acrylics because
strongest and most popular gels are odorless and cure
type of artificial nail. Removal quickly. They provide a more
is straightforward and they can natural appearance and do
easily be customized to not need to be filled as often.
reflect your personality with However, gels are not without
decals. However, acrylics their disadvantages. They cost
have some undesirable traits. more and are not as durable
For instance, they are more as acrylic nails. Furthermore,
likely to damage your natural they must be removed by filing
nails, and they can look fake, and nail polish isn't always Vocabulary
unless applied by an expert. easy to apply.
Also, you must go back to the
e Write a word that is similar in meaning to
the underlined part.
Get ready!
o Before you read the passage, talk about 1 The elderly couple wanted a house that
required minimal cost and effort to maintain.
these questions. _ p _ ee_
1 Do you prefer artificial or natural nails? Why? 2 Jasmine got rose designs that are applied to
2 What are some advantages of artificial nails? the surface of nails because roses are her
favorite flowers. _ e _ a __