Plagiarism Check
Plagiarism Check
Plagiarism Check
Road traffic congestion becomes a major issue for highly crowded metropolitan cities like,
Bangalore. Ambulance service is one of the significant services which gets impacted by
traffic jams. To smoothen the ambulance movement this paper had come up with the solution
of “Traffic Management System for Smart Cities”. The proposed system work on density-
based traffic control and smart lane changes over for ambulance.
The fundamental idea behind the proposed system is, if the Ambulance ends on the way
because of the traffic signal, RF Receiver introduced at the traffic signal tracks the RF Signal
from the emergency vehicle and sends the data to the control unit. After signal received from
the RF transmitter, that signal is made Green for some time and at the same time road divider
starts moving right side for few feet and after the ambulance passes by, it regains its original
flow of sequence of signalling, if these rules are fully automated, it finds the exact point of
ambulance, will control the traffic lights. This system will control the traffic lights and save
the time in crucial periods. Thus, it acts as a “life saver project”.
The traffic light was first found in 1912 by a Detroit cop named Lester Wire like two colour,
red-and-green light with a ringer to caution walkers in front of the looming progress. Later
that, in 1920, this fundamental plan was refreshed by William Potts to incorporate the tri-
hued red, yellow, furthermore, green lights broadly utilized today.
The main concept behind this paper is to come up with a free path for the ambulance to arrive
at the hospitals as soon as possible and thereby keep down the time detained that is caused by
traffic blockage. The Microcontroller based RF system is used to customize the traffic lights
on its arrival at traffic signal junction which can help in saving lives at critical time. Radio
Frequency (RF) is a small electronic device that will be composed of a small chip and an
antenna. The RF receiver which is located at the traffic junction signal study the information
from the RF transmitter located and installed at the ambulance.
This paper helps us to make an easy path for an ambulance without getting stuck in the
traffic. In this current situation, transportation of a patient to a nearby hospital in emergency
conditions seems easy but in actual it is very difficult during peak hours mainly in heavy
traffic cities. Moreover, the circumstances get unpleasant when an ambulance has to wait for
the other vehicles in the road to clear the way at junction with traffic signals. According to a
survey ninety five percent of the emergency heart attack cases can be treated, if the
ambulance can reach the hospital within the possible time without getting stuck down in the
traffic. In future it may get even grew higher and can become worse . In this cause Recovery
move should be made right away. Thus, for our over populated climate there is a genuine
requirement for this paper for the general public to make simpler everyday transportations.
This paper will assist with decreasing blockage of crisis vehicles in rush hour gridlock and
assists with giving quick recuperation.
REFERENCES[1]Nowadays technology has become an important role in human life. And
accidents are part of our era, which were caused due to uncertain negligence and uncertain
levels. To avoid accidents we human sources have discovered some essential rules. Traffic
congection and tide current(often dangerous) are the main reasons which cause delays to
ambulances. There may be several reasons for traffic slowdown, like rapid growth of human
population and temporary traffic flow disruption. These are the most unwelcomed situations
that cause the roadway to be blocked, a construction zone causing unpredectable and change
in road patterens or inclement weather conditions that leads to all accidents.
To get away from all kinds of accidents and to save the human race we implemented a
scheme called ITLS (Intelligent Traffic Light system). The main theme behind this theory is
to provide a smooth flow for emergency vehicles and other important vehicles to reach the
hospitals in time which leads to minimizing the delay caused by the traffic congections. The
basic function of traffic lights requires more than sight function and coordination to make
sure that traffic and living things move in a coordinate system, as smoothly as possible.The
idea is to implement the ITLS which mechanically controls the traffic lights and which leads
the path to ambulances. The ambulances here are controlled by the control unit which leads
an unique route to the ambulances and also controls the traffic signals according to
ambulances location and makes it to the hospital. The sensor system attached to the vehicle
identifies the accident spot and passes the signal through the control unit to nearby hospitals.
This theory is fully automated,finds the accident spots and controls the traffic lights, and also
helps the ambulances to reach the hospital in a short period.
REFERENCES[6]There is a different color control system to accomplish this, ranging from
clockwork to computerized control and self adjustment to minimize the delay in the traffic
field. The first automated traffic signals were discovered in 1954, by the inventors Leonard
Casciato and Josef Kates and were used in Toronto. Traffic signals use the concept of phases,
Which are directions of grouped movements such as pedestrians, cyclists, bus lanes or
tramways. This junction has three vehicle phases (A, B and C) and a pedestrian phase (D). The
phases operate together in three stages (1, 2 and 3). Moving phases are shown in green and
stopped phases are shown in red..In Australia and New Zealand, the word terminology is unique.
A phase is a period of time, where the set of traffic movements revise a green signal which leads
to the concept of a "stage" in the UK and USA. One time electrical output from the traffic signal
controller is called a signal group similar to the UK and USA concept of "phase". PTV VISSIM
also uses the signal group terminology . Traffic signals are typically controlled by a mounted
controller inside the signal controller box.However, modern traffic controllers are solid
state. The cabinet typically contains a power panel, to distribute electric power in the
cabinet.Adding battery backup system to the traffic controller system can increase the
chances of safety for pedestrians. In the past a large amount of electricity has been supplied to
run traffic controllers. The cost of the system was prohibitive.By now new generations of traffic
signals use LED lights which leads to 80-90% less energy. Now battery backups are installed
inside the cabinet of the traffic controller. It is used as emergency mode, with the red light
flashing. In 2004 california energy commission recommended to local governments to have
battery backups to the traffic controllers.The backup acts as fully functional traffic signals for two
hours after power breakdown.
III Objectives
● The significant objective of this paper is to give a broadcasting among ambulance and
the different gadgets or people groups at traffic lights thus that the opportunities for
traffic blockage is diminished.
● Density based traffic signal control and monitor.
● During peak hour and heavy traffic time to pass emergency vehicles and VIP vehicles
lane shifting can be done using RF technology.
IV Block Diagram
A. Receiver
IR Sensor4 IR Sensor7
IR Sensor6
RF Receiver
IR Sensor5
V Working / Methodology:
1.PIC Microcontroller
The 16F877 is one of the most famous PIC microcontrollers and it's not difficult to see it
arrives in a 40 pin and it has numerous inward peripherals. The 40 pins make it simpler to
involve the peripherals as the capacities are fanned out over the pins. This makes it more
straightforward to choose what outer gadgets to connect without stressing excessively
assuming there an adequate number of pins to do the work.
One of the fundamental benefits is that each pin is just divided among a few capacities so it's
more straightforward to conclude what the pin work (different gadgets have up to 5 capacities
for a pin. All port connectors are carried out to standard headers for simple associate and
separate. In-Circuit program download is likewise given, empowering the board to be handily
refreshed with new code and altered as expected, without the need to eliminate the
2. 16X2 LCD
The 2 X16 Parallel LCD is an 8-bit or 4-bit parallel interfaced LCD. This unit allows the user
to display text, numerical data and custom created characters. The LCD is connected to a
female 14-pin connector for easy interface with the BS2p24/40 Demo Board (#45187) and
the Professional Development Board (#28138). Many manufacturers of displays integrated
the controller with their product making it the informal standard for this type of displays.[1]
The device can display ASCII characters, JapaneseKana characters, and some symbols in two
28 character lines. By the usage of extension driver, up to 80 characters can be displayed on
this device.
There are 2 very important registers in LCD
3.IR Sensors
The transmitter some portion of the sensor is an Infrared (IR) Led which communicates
persistent IR beams to be gotten by an IR received. The result of the recipient shifts relying
on its gathering of IR rays. Since this variety can't be examined in that capacity, consequently
this result can be taken care of to a comparator. Here functional amplifier (operation amp) of
LM 339 is utilized as comparator.
At the point when the IR collector doesn't get signal the potential at the altering input goes
higher than that that at non-reversing contribution of the comparator (LM 339). Consequently
the result of the comparator goes low and the LED doesn't sparkle. At the point when the IR
beneficiary gets signal the potential at the altering input goes low. Subsequently the result of
the comparator (LM 339) goes high and the LED begins sparkling. Resistor R1 (100), R2
(10k) and R3 (330 ) are utilized to guarantee that base 10 mA current goes through the IR
LED, photodiode and ordinary LED, individually. Resistor VR2 (preset= 5k) is utilized to
change the result. Resistor VR1 (preset=10k) is utilized to set the awareness of the circuit.
A relay is an electrically worked switch. Current moving through the coil of the
relay makes a magnetic field which draws in a switch and changes the switch
contacts. The coil current can be ON or OFF so transfers have two switch
position and they are twofold toss (changeover) switches. Relay permit one
circuit to switch a second circuit which can be totally different from the first.
The coil of a relay passes a generally enormous current, regularly 30mA for a
12V relay, however it tends to be however much 100mA for transfers intended
to work from lower voltages. Most ICs (chips) cannot give this current and a
semiconductor is generally used to intensify the little IC current to the bigger
worth expected for the transfer curl
Advantages OF RELAY:
6.RF TX RX pair:
The comparing recurrence range differs between 30 kHz and 300 GHz. In this RF framework,
the advanced information is addressed as varieties in the sufficiency of transporter wave. This
sort of adjustment is known as Amplitude Shift Keying (ASK).
MPLAB Integrated Development Environment (IDE) is a complete manager, project
manager and design desktop for application development of embedded designs using
Microprocessor PIC MCUs.
The underlying utilization of MPLAB IDE is covered here. Instructions to make projects,
alter code and test
an application will be the subject of a short instructional exercise. By going through the
instructional exercise, the
essential ideas of the Project Manager, Editor and Debugger can be immediately educated.
MPLAB IDE offers full command over programming both code and information, as well as
Design pieces to set the different working methods of the objective microcontrollers or
advanced signal regulators.
CCS C Compiler:
Each C program should contain a fundamental capacity which is the beginning stage of the
program execution. The program can be parted into numerous capacities as indicated by their
motivation and the capacities could be called from fundamental or the sub capacities. In an
enormous task capacities can likewise be put in various C documents or header records that
can be remembered for the super C record to bunch the connected capacities by their
classification. CCS C likewise expects to incorporate the suitable gadget record utilizing
#include order to incorporate the gadget explicit usefulness. There are likewise some pre-
processor mandates like fuses to determine the wires for the chip and #use postponement to
indicate the clock speed. The capacities contain the information revelations, definitions,
LCD Display
Transmitter part