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 Maximize the use of your time.

 Avoid dead air.
 You can discuss some points or arguments with your team mates while the debate is ongoing.
 You may write down some information you have heard from your opponent to refute it.
 If you have a question, raise a hand first and say “Point of Information” before you ask a question.

Minimum: 2 mins and 30 secs
Maximum: 4 mins
OVERTIME: no deduction
Unanswered questions: -2

The speakers will be speaking in the following order:

1. Prime Minister
2. Leader of the opposition
3. Deputy Prime Minister
4. Deputy Leader of the Opposition
5. Government Whip
6. Opposition whip
7. Opposition Reply
8. Government Reply

Speaker 1 (Government team - Prime Minister)
 Present the definition
 Present the first argument as to why you agree

“Good morning to the respected speaker, adjucator, members of the opposite team and members of the floor.”
“I am Therese Margaret from Grade 9 - Compassion. My preferred pronouns are she/her My speech will
start in 3, 2, 1. “
“Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to this debate.First of all, the topic of our debate is “ Should be ROTC must
be a mandatory component for Senior High School Programs in the Philippines”
“Today I as the Prime Minister will be the 1st speaker of the government and will present the arguments. We the
government strongly believes with the motion that ROTC ought to be implimented as obligtory component for
the senior high school students.”
Before we come to to our actual argumentation , let us first define the important terms.
- Mandatory- as a universal political definition means “that which must be subscribed to or obeyed.”

- ROTC- The Citizen Armed Forces of the Philippines Resevist Act of 1991, referred to the ROTC as the
Reserved Officers’ Training Corps” one of the three component of the NSTP Program (National Service
Training Program) or the Civic Education Program. This course is intended to prepare and equip the
students with knowledge, skills, and attitude in carrying out national service in the event of national
emergencies and to assist the socio-economic development of the country.

- Senior High School - Senior High School or SHS refers to Grade 11 and 12, the last two years of K –
12 Basic Education Program. In SHS studdents are required to go through a core curriculum and
subjects under a track of their choice.

Why do I agree with the motion that ROTC must be a mandatory component for the Senior High School
Programs in the Philippines? is because ROTC program is designed to lay a strong basis for instilling
patriotism and nationalism among the youth to become useful citizens who posses the skills, knowledge, value
and the heart to uphold and defend the country’s national institutions and sovereignty.
Over the past and coming years, ROTC’s place in out nation’s educational institutions and, more broadly, the
relationship between citizens and their obligations to the nation in general is vied positively and nostalgically to
best improve our national defense posture.
According to Article II Section 4, of the Philippine Consitution : “The prime duty of the government is to serve
and defend the people. The government might decide upon the people to defend the State therefore all citizens
could also be needed.”
Considering this Law, the government might call all people to participate in war, my purpose is that, however
will a civilian fight or maybe of use if they have a proper information during this reasonably conflict? This
maybe whenever ROTC can be of use. ROTC-a reasonably education implemented by the government. This is
often thought of as a training for students to become emergency or re-served military officers just in case a
crucial moments : for example, once a military squad is lacking in members and is on that point of be launched
in war, trained students may be used as augmentation force.
National Security and nation-building is everyody’s concern. Thus, the youth plays a crucial role in this.
Now, let me come to my second point of my argument, today we are in the face of increasing tensions over the
West Philippines. The persisting threats posted by the domestic and international terrorism and the increasing
frequency and destructive force of recent national disasters. Undeniably, on a strategic level, the pervasiveness
of the ROTC Program provides a strong base of trained citizen soldiers that could be called upon in times if war
or another crisis, the ones I’ve mentioned. A brief summary of my second point, There is an urgent need to train
a robust military force because internal and external security threats andd other issues that concern th welfare of
our country.
Therefore, ladies andd gentlemen, as a conclusion,, we on the government side of the house hold on tight to the
motion of ROTC ought to be implimented as mandatory component of Senior High School Program in the
With this, I temporarily rest my case. Thankyou

2nd speaker (Deputy Prime Minister)

 Present the 2nd argument
 Elaborate facts
 Refute the argument of the opponent

“Good morning to the respected speaker, adjucator, members of the opposite team and members of the floor.”
“I am Ernesto Marti Montenegro from Grade 9 – Compassion My preferred pronouns are she/her or he/him.
My speech will start in 3, 2, 1. “
“As the 2nd speaker, I will present the 2nd argument and support the argument of our Prime minister, will also
refute the arguments presented by the Opposition team. Ladies and gentlemen, I am hereby standing for the
motion of implementing ROTC to be mandatory coponent of Senior High School program.
The second point why we agree with the motion is because, ROTC Mandatory is the solution in our country to
avoid terrorism and rebellion. First, ROTC does not only focusing on concerns such as practical problems
within the program itself, but also from greater political concerns over the role of the military in Philippine
society in general.

As we all notice killing people is one of the concerns that our country is facing. What do you think is the root of
this crime? For us, the root of the crime here in our country is that we don’t have unity towards each other.
Since not all people are well educated here at our country and they don’t have a job, money and some of the
young people at least they can have the idea and the spirit to save their country to those who planned to conquer
“Once again I strongly agree with the motion because ROTC program can help us and our country to be more
progressive, to have self – discipline, and a responsible citizen in our community and ROTC is important most
especially these coming days due to the country’s depute with China which can eventually result to war, if not
resolved over with peace..

That would be all for my speech. Thank you.”

3rd speaker (Government Whip)

 Present Summary of the arguments mentioned by the 1st and 2nd speakers of your team.
“Good morning to the respected speaker, adjucator, members of the opposite team and members of the floor.”
“I am (full name) ___________________________ from Grade 9 (section)___________________. My
preferred pronouns are she/her or he/him. My speech will start in 3, 2, 1. “
I am going to discuss .... points
“My first point is _______________________. “(Write down your first point/argument)
“This is because/the reason for this is __________________________” (Explain the reason that supports your
“Now to my second point, ____________________________ (write down your second point)
“This is because/the reason for this is __________________________” (Explain the reason that supports and
explains your second point/argument.)
Just now, the Opposition speaker tried to convince us that ______________________ (motion). The Opposition
Leader basically said that ______________________ (point to be refuted), whereas I believe that
__________________________. This is because _________________________ (refutation). (Expand
emphasizing weakest arguments) To sum up, once again I strongly agree with the motion which is
_______________________due to ______________ (restate the refutation)

Last Speaker (for the Government Reply)

 (Choose one: Prime Minister or Deputy Prime Minister)

“Once again, I am Therese Margaret Dascil from Grade 9 – Compassion. My preferred pronouns are she/her
or he/him. My speech will start in 3, 2, 1. “

“Ms. Adjucator and fellow classmates, allow me to make a conclusion, reaffirm, and clearly right in saying that,
we, the government strongly believe that ROTC should be mandatory component of Senior High School
because the Constitution is very clear in providing a compulsory military and civil service by the people. This is
the underlying philosophy of the ROTC Program, a belief in the role of Filipinos to be both citizens and soldiers
– both the intellectual and martial guardians of our country’s democracy.
Several officials and lawmakers have also pushed for mandatory ROTC, including Vice President Sara Duterte
and Gatchalian. Everyone, allow me to add the Gatchalian version fo the bill that has a lot of point to be proven.
Under Gatchalian's version of the bill, the Basic ROTC Program will include basic military training to motivate,
train, organize and utilize students for national defense preparedness or civil-military operations. Students who
completed the Basic ROTC Program will be automatically registered in the Reserve Force once they reach the
legal age.

Gatchalian's bill also provides exceptions to students who are certified psychologically and physically unfit by
the Armed Forces of the Philippines Surgeon General, have undergone or are undergoing similar military
training, and those who are chosen as varsity players in sports competitions.

Amid concerns on possible abuse in the ROTC program, the senator said that his proposal includes safeguards
and ensures compliance with the Department of Education’s Child Protection Policy and several legislation like
the Special Protection of Children in Situations of Armed Conflict Act, the Anti-Hazing Act of 2018, and the
Special Protection of Children Against Abuse, Exploitation and Discrimination Act.

So Laddies and Gentlemen, for all of those reasons the motion of ROTC must be a mandatory component for
Senior High School Programs in the Philippines” must stand.
“With that thank you.”


the aim of teaching basic military training is contrary to the idea that ROTC is the government’s way of
“militarizing” the youth. Aside from values that will be developed among the youth of today, the program is
designed to teach and help ROTC cadets to understand and appreciate the soldiers’ sacrifices for the nation,
why they chose to staunchly serve our motherland, and defend and keep the Filipinos safe while risking their
own lives.
Ladies and gentlemen, may I refute the opposition? How can you say that not all students and Filipinos doesn’t
agree with the implementation? IN fact, based on the survery as of 2022, Pulse Asia survey says 69% of
Filipinos favor in ROTC Program, according to Senator Win Gatchalian, the survey has indicated that 69% of
the Filipinos support implementing ROTC Pogram in Senior High school. With the 1,200 Students anddd others
respondents. The proposals were also backed by 67% of respondents in Balance Luzon, 78% of respondents in
Visayas and 64% in Mindanao. In the same study, 71% of respondents from Classes ABC as well as in Class D
favor the revival of the ROTC program for Grades 11 and 12 while 54% of participants from Class E are in
favor of the proposal.

How can be our Community can be more productive if we have ROTC Mandatory Program in our country? By
collecting some information is that we observed countries with great devotion in their country just like our
Asian neighbors like Singapore and South Korea have enhanced discipline, nationalism and cooperation among
their youth because of the required military training programs.

On May 11, 1998, Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo ran for the position of the Vice President and she won
overwhelmingly over the other vice presidential candidates, then appointed as secretary of Social Welfare and
Department. She was sworned in as President of the Republic in January 2001 as a result of the EDSA II
Revolution which was triggered by the impeachment trial of President Joseph Estrada.

the Estrada administration failed to capitalize on the gains of the previous administration. Estrada's
administration was severely criticized for cronyism, incompetence, and corruption, causing it to lose the
confidence of foreign investors.

1. The abolition of the ROTC program is a stepping-stone in ending the vicious cycle of irrelevance in our
education. It is a necessary and urgent democratic reform that must be implemented to make our education more
susceptible to the needs of the students.
2. The ROTC program has failed in promoting patriotism and nationalist consciousness among the youth but
rather instilled the sub-culture of fear, violence and hatred among the broad ranks of the students.

How can you say the program has failed? State examples and facts how is it failed.

-2002, UST Student

We can see what you’re saying. Here’s my reply, We all know that Estrada administration failed and severely
critized for cronyism, incompetence, and corruption, causing his impeachment. Arroyo was also been
chargeddd with electrion fraud. My point here is, the system is lousy in informal term., sucks. But since, the
government was more focused and really wanted this program work. They provide really goodd conditions and
more safety, balance, coordinate for it will not happen again.

3. The ROTC program has its foundation rooted in severe corruption. The program is nothing but a huge
money-making industry thriving at the expense of the students. It is a major source of corruption and
malpractice done by unscrupulous groups and protectors of this venal program.
4. The ROTC is an added unnecessary burden to us students and our parents. As if the rising cost of our
education and other school fees are not enough, we are being made to pay more for our own oppression.
5. The ROTC is a bastion of human rights violation. The students are being tormented ranging from direct
physical mistreatment to psychological abuses.
6. The program is outright discrimination and sexism. It directly discriminate and ostracize the gay student
community because of ROTCs excessive machismo and anti-gay character.
7. The ROTC program is undemocratic. The Philippines is one of the very few countries where conscription and
forced military training are practiced. The United States, which influenced our country to institutionalize the
ROTC, never made it mandatory.
8. The ROTC promotes a distorted sense of leadership. Students are molded in becoming more active
stakeholders of our country but on the contrary we are being exposed to bankrupt politics of status and
9. The ROTC is a futile exercise. It failed miserably in teaching students the basics of military training. Year
after year, students graduate from this program without any clue what learning have they gained from ROTC.

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