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Lesson Plan Graphics 11

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Student Name: Diarmuid Butler

ID: G00393839

Subject: Graphics Topic(s): Conic Sections

Pupil Year Group: 2nd Year No. of Pupils: 21
Lesson Number: 11 Length of lesson: 60 Mins
Date: 14 Nov 2023 Time of Lesson: 03:00


Previous Knowledge

Students have gained knowledge on how to construct parabolas. They have learned how to visualise
them and incorporate them into questions (Graphicacy). Students have also been shown how to add
dimensions and angles to questions using their equipment (Numeracy). Students have learned the
correct terminology used in association with parabolas and conic sections (Literacy).

Previous Skills

Students have picked up on previous skills such as sliding set squares, how to use a compass to its full
capability, how to use a protractor, how to bisect a line.

Teacher Observations

Class has a wide range of learning needs such as autism, ASD, dyslexia and dysgraphia. There is a high
differentiation between abilities within this group. There are a number of students who work very
fast and efficiently. There are also students who require additional guidance in the work.


Brief outline of WHY this content is the basis of the lesson, and why these teaching KEY*
methodologies were selected- a justification.

In this class students will be constructing a parabola question to reinforce their learning on RL
the topic. They will be given a recap on prior knowledge they have learned on the topic to
refresh their minds before the question.

*KEY: RL=Reinforced Learning, NL=New Learning


*KEY: C=Cognitive, PM=Psychomotor, A=Affective

1.2 Analyse graphical information for the planning of a 2D solution

Learning Intentions (LI’s) Assessment of Learning Success Criteria for LI’s Key
At the end of this lesson the students will
be enabled to: Visual inspection Students will have neat, PM
Use their drawing equipment clean lines which are
accurately straight and accurate.

1.12 Construct 2D solutions accurately in accordance with graphical conventions.

Learning Intentions (LI’s) Assessment of Learning Success Criteria for LI’s Key
At the end of this lesson the students will Visual inspection Be able to construct
be enabled to: parabola C
Understand how parabolas are

1.6 Apply their understanding of geometric principles to solve problems

Learning Intentions (LI’s) Assessment of Learning Success Criteria for LI’s Key
At the end of this lesson the students will
be enabled to: Students be able to C
Complete questions with Parabolas Visual inspection accurately construct PM
incorporated into them parabolas incorporated
into questions



3:00- 3:15 Students will enter classroom and Students will enter the class and CL
take out their equipment from the take their assigned seats and
press and prepare for class. prepare for class.

Roll call will be taken

Students will be given a recap on Students will engage in the recap

parabolas. I will use a spinning activity
wheel to determine who to ask for
the steps to completing a parabola


3:15- 3:50 Transitioning into the recap to the Students will take on the new
main aims of todays class. Students learning and apply their drawing
will aim to Complete the drawing skills in completing drawing
question with the aid of an question
animated PowerPoint.

Students will be introduced to new

learning where they will have to
combine two parabolas into the
one question.

Students will be given 35 minutes

to complete the question. I will be
drawing along with them with the
aid of an animated PowerPoint to
help them along (Vygotsky). The
stronger students will be able to
work ahead themselves.

I will be walking around assessing

the students work while they work
away (Piaget).

Students who get the question

done quickly will be given a short
worksheet to keep them busy
before we do the recap at the end
of class.


3:50 – 4:00 Coming towards the end of the Students will listen to recap and
lesson I will ask the students to put store their recap sheet within their
down their equipment and listen folder.
up for the recap. Students will
receive a recap sheet with the Students will engage in the exit
important steps needed when cards strategy which gives them a
constructing a parabola. chance to give anonymous
feedback on how they feel the
Students will then receive exit lesson went.
cards and asked to write down
something new they learned in Students will put away their
todays class or it also gives them an equipment and leave in an orderly
opportunity to ask a question they fashion when the bell rings.
might not feel comfortable asking
in class (Dewey).

Students will then put away their


*KEY: L=Literacy, N=Numeracy, O=Oracy, G=Graphicacy, SEN=Special Educational Needs, MA=Mixed Ability,
CL= Cooperative Learning, GI=Gender Inclusion & MI=Multicultural Inclusion.



Discover graphics PowerPoint presentation

Drawing Question

Random name Generator

Recap Sheet

Extra sheet in case students complete the question early

Exit Cards


Q1. What went well in this lesson today, and why? (1 short paragraph or 3-4 bullets)

This class went well. Classroom management is improving a lot. Students understand what they
are doing. The students got the parabola question done which was quite challenging and some
students got the next question started and were to finish it for homework.
Q.2 What did not go as well as expected in this lesson today, and why? (1 short paragraph or 3-4

Students struggled a bit with drawing the question. Some students were at different levels then
other students when we were supposed to be focusing on the parabola

Q. 3. What might I have done to improve the standard of this lesson? (1 short paragraph or 3-4

To improve this lesson I would have drawn along with the students using the visualiser so the
students can follow along and not get confused because they weren’t paying attention.

Q. 4 What must I take note of from this lesson that I need to consider when planning the next
lesson? (1 short paragraph of 3-4 bullets)

Try drawing along with students as opposed to using animated PowerPoint as it shows the
students what equipment to use and when to use it.

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