Ent Short Notes
Ent Short Notes
Ent Short Notes
Most common cause of conductive hearing loss in childhood is: GLUE EAR/ OTTITIS MEDIA WITH
EFFUSION. Bluish grey retracted or bulging tympanic membrane, ear pain is rare, parental
smoking is a R/F, audiogram show conductive hearing loss, reassure and review after 3 months,
surgery grommet insertion, hearing aids
ACUTE OTTITIS MEDIA: usually preceding viral URTI, red, erythematous or cloudy bulging
tympanic membrane, absence of cone reflex or light reflex not visible rapid onset of ear pain,
fever, bacterial [s.oneumonia] or viral [conservative treatment, PCM, analgesics] , Amoxicillin 5
days course. erythro or clarithromycin.
Tonsillar CA: SCC [70%] Lymphomas, smoking, plummer vinson syndrome [R/F]
Laryngeal CA: last resort: chemoradiation + larynx preservation, cordectomy, initial advice s/b to
avoid smoking [major R/F], HPV 16
Lipoma: soft, mobile, round and painless mass within dermal layer of the skin. Epidermoid cyst:
firm, round nodules of various sizes with a central punctum, cutaneous cyst results from
proliferation of epidermal cells within a circumscribed pace of dermis. Cystic hygroma:
transilluminates. Branchial cleft cyst: do not transilluminate
Viral sinusitis: no fever and clear nasal discharge. Bacterial sinusitis: fever present and nasal
discharge can be colored
Allergic rhinitis: for mild to moderate cases oral or intra-nasal antihistamines can be used; for
moderate to severe cases intranasal corticosteroids can be used. Topical decongestants should
not be used for more than a week as they may cause rebound congestion [rhinitis
medicamentosa] on withdrawal, also tachyphylaxis.
Nasal polyps: if small and bilateral not causing severe nasal obstruction managed with saline
nasal douche and intranasal steroids. If unilateral, large polyps causing obstruction or bleeding
present refer to ENT or nasal endoscopy.
Otoscopy for examination of external auditory canal, tympanic membrane, and the middle ear.