FPE2113 - Agrochemical Use in Capsicum SP
FPE2113 - Agrochemical Use in Capsicum SP
FPE2113 - Agrochemical Use in Capsicum SP
One of the most prevalent and lucrative vegetable crops in the Solanaceae family is
capsicum (Capsicum annuum L.). It is sometimes referred to as shimla mirch, bell pepper,
or sweet pepper. It is an annual crop with origins in South and Central America. According
to Jean et al., 2013, because capsicum is grown so extensively throughout Africa, people
there view pepper as a traditional condiment or as a fruit or vegetable. On the other hand,
in India, capsicum is considered a high-value crop as the consumption keeps increasing
with greater demands by urban consumers (Shukla, et al., 2016). All climatic and tropical
continents are home to Solanaceae species, however, the western hemisphere has by far the
most biodiversity of the family. Many of the most significant agricultural species in the
world are found in the Solanaceae family, which also includes tobacco, petunia, tomatoes,
potatoes, eggplants, chilli peppers, and several other crops of regional importance.
After long beans, chilli (Capsicum annuum L.) is regarded as the second most popular fruit
in Malaysia, which explains capsicum species being the fruiting vegetable that most
Malaysians like to include in their everyday cuisine. Twenty-five species of the genus are
cultivated all over the world. Domesticated plants include C. annuum, C. chinense, C.
frutescence, C. pubescence, and C. baccatum. (Sudré et al., 2010; Ibiza et al., 2012). Farmers
in Malaysia frequently grow the Capsicum annuum L. variation like ‘Kulai’ because of its
high economic value among the species. Most Malaysians consume capsicum in the form of
powder, dried, and fresh. Based on the Department of Agriculture Malaysia, in the year
2023, 35347mt of Capsicum species vegetables were produced nationwide. Most of the
capsicums produced were from Kelantan, Pahang, and Johor. (JPM, 2023).
Capsicum species plants are mostly planted from seeds. It takes about 200–300g of seeds to
cultivate one hectare of chilis. The seeds can be sown in planting trays with Peat Gro or
nursery beds that have been thoroughly prepared in fertile soil. Due to that for healthy
growth of the seedling foliar fertilizers and agrochemicals are necessary. The agrochemicals
that are used are Mono ammonium phosphate (MAP) and Copper oxychloride (COC). Mono
ammonium Phosphate contains 12% of nitrogen and 61% of phosphorus. The amount of
application is 3 grams per litre. This helps plants rely on sustained growth before
transplanting. Copper oxychloride (3g/L) will be applied to the seedlings which is a kind of
fungicide that is frequently applied to crops to prevent a variety of fungal infections. All
agrochemicals are water-soluble, which can mixed and applied. This has to apply before
transplanting. (Hegazi A. M., et al., 2017).
Land preparation
For land preparation agrochemicals that will be used are chicken dung and dolomite. This
will be prepared before transplanting the Capsicum species seedlings to land. Chicken
Dung is an organic fertilizer that is cheaply available for farmers. Chicken dung can enhance
the development, productivity, and quality of capsicum species. Dolomite can boost
capsicum species plant growth, mature fruit yield, and P uptake efficiency. Before
transplanting, a base fertilizer dose of 20:25:20 NPK per acre must be administered evenly
to the beds in the form of 80 kilograms of calcium ammonium nitrate, 125kg of
superphosphate, and 32kg of mutate of 40kg of potash sulphate or potash. NPK fertilizers
can be applied also according to the ratio for the fertility of the soil and are rich in
nutrients. (Hebbar, S. S., et al., 2012, Khandaker, M. M., et al., 2017, Cahyono, et al., 2023).
Fertilizer application
Herbicides are used to selectively destroy weeds and promote the growth of plants, which
significantly boost crop yield. Capsicum annuum L. initially grows slowly and becomes
plagued with broad-leaf and grassy weeds, which creates intense competition for nutrients,
moisture, light, and space for them to keep growing healthily. Studies by Sharma et al.
(1988) and Narayana Rao (1990) found that weeds caused a 60% - 80% yield loss in chilli
plants. Adding to that, using chemical herbicides instead of manual labour can increase the
output of yields by about 10%. Phenoxy acid, benzoic acid, phenolic, dinitroaniline,
carbamate, urea, sulfonylurea, s-triazine, quarternary ammonium, and organophosphate
are a few examples of synthetic herbicides.
A diphenyl-ether herbicide called oxyfluorfen is used in a range of tree fruit, nut, vine and
field crops including capsicum to provide broad-spectrum pre-emergent and
post-emergent control of annual broadleaf and grassland weeds. The product is a Group G
herbicide for managing weed resistance. Adding to that, there are forestry and decorative
non-agricultural uses of oxyfluorfen. In residential settings, it is also used to manage weeds
on patios, driveways, and other similar areas. The active constituent for this herbicide is
240g/L oxyfluorfen with 606g/L of liquid hydrocarbon and 108g/L of n-methyl pyrrolidone
as solvents. Consistent application of Evident Oxyfluorfen 240 herbicide to the base of trees
is done using a low-pressure herbicide sprayer that has been precisely calibrated (Semidey
et al., 1989). Furthermore, there is a plant protection chemical called
glufosinate-ammonium, a Group 10 herbicide that blocks an enzyme essential to plant
metabolism. It is used for capsicum spp and other chilli plantations too. This material is
mainly absorbed by plants through the leaves as well as other green components.
Glufosinate-ammonium is only effective as a contact herbicide in areas where it comes into
touch with the plant. This makes it possible for it to suppress weeds without damaging the
roots or necessitating tillage, which is especially crucial in regions that are vulnerable to
erosion. The active ingredient in this Glufosinate 280 is 24.5% glufosinate-ammonium and
75.5% of other ingredients. Spraying of this herbicide should only be done on branches that
are mature or callused brown bark that are shielded from the spray. When Glufosinate 280
comes into contact with any portion of the plant other their mature brown barks, it can
cause significant harm to the crops.
While plant-based insecticides (PBI) have been used for centuries to control insects and
pests before and after the harvest season of crops, their potential has been rather limited
and they have been disregarded (Oparaeke et al., 2005). PBIs are becoming increasingly
useful and act as efficient solutions in integrated pest management (IPM) practices these
days to advance human health, environmental sustainability, and agricultural productivity
across the globe. In this sense, several researches have been done on the potential of
capsicum spp. as a biopesticide to manage insects that feed on different plant parts. The
fruit's cracks are where the female fly will deposit her eggs. As the larvae feed on the fruit,
the fruit rots and sustains significant harm. Hence, removing and discarding impacted fruits
from the tree or the ground can help lower the number of Atherigona sp i.e. fruit borers.
During a severe infestation, insecticides like deltamethrin and cypermethrin can be applied.
Deltamethrin is a typical pesticide used to manage pests on a range of crops, including
capsicum plants. It is a member of the synthetic pyrethroid class, which is based on the
natural insecticides called pyrethrins that are present in chrysanthemum blooms. It is
essential to adhere to the manufacturer's instructions and guidelines regarding dosage,
application technique, and safety measures when using deltamethrin on capsicum plants.
The common pest that usually attacks the capsicum plants are Aphis spp., Bactrocera
dorsalis, Helicoverpa armigera, Scirtothrips dorsalis and Thirps spp. Approximately 300ml of
deltamethrin should be applied at a rate of 5 litres per 100 square meters after diluting it
with 8 litres of water. This can be applied when the plant is after 2.5 months. (Lim L. L. et
al., 2016, Lim T. L. et al., 2007, Rehman H. et al., 2014).
The majority of chemicals used in the agricultural platforms have been very useful and
life-changing solutions to many farmers and produce companies as these agrochemicals aid
in maximizing crop production and increasing yields for higher profit. Agrochemicals also
contribute to maintaining the good health of growing crops. It can be observed from the
significant effects of agrochemical use on plants by their height, number of leaves, diameter
of leaves and stems, and disease incidence. Many farmers may benefit from this additional
nutrient in producing higher-quality crops and lowering the expense of managing diseases
in their cultivation area. Of all the veggies, capsicums have the highest overall pesticide
usage (Shukla, V. R., et al., 2017). Sometimes when applying some herbicides and pesticides,
safety measures must be applied for farmers. Before handling the toxicity or hazardous
chemicals, protective clothing and equipment are a must. Mostly, biopesticide or
bioherbicide, some organic matters recommended due to sustainability of the environment.
This is due to, pesticides and herbicides that contain chemicals that are more harmful to the
environment compared to organic materials contain. From Malaysia's perspective, the
agrochemicals used in capsicum spp. are more likely chemical contains. Chemicals
contained in fertilizers, herbicides, and pesticides are showing reaction faster. Therefore,
agrochemical uses in capsicum spp. increase profitability by increasing the productivity of
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