Roster Karskin

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New Roster (Warhammer 40,000: Kill Team (2021)) [5EP]

Kasrkin Kill Team (Kasrkin) [5EP]


Game Type
Selections: Matched


Kasrkin Sergeant
Rules: Elite
Abilities: Leadership, Operative: Sergeant
Plasma pistol; chainsword
Selections: Chainsword, Plasma pistol
Rules: APx, Ceaseless, Hot, Rng x
Weapons: ⌖ Plasma pistol, ⌖ Plasma pistol - Standard, ⌖ Plasma pistol - Supercharge, ⚔

Abilities Ability Ref

Leadership In each Strategy phase, add 2 Elite points to your pool.

Operative M APL GA DF SV W Ref

Sergeant 3⬤ 2 1 3 4+ 9

Weapons A WS/BS D SR ! Ref

Each time this weapon is selected to make a
⌖ Plasma pistol - - - shooting attack with, select one of the profiles -
below to use:
⌖ Plasma pistol
4 3+ 5/6 Rng ⬟, AP1 -
- Standard
⌖ Plasma pistol
4 3+ 5/6 Rng ⬟, AP2, Hot -
- Supercharge
⚔ Chainsword 4 3+ 4/5 Ceaseless -

Operative [5EP]
Kasrkin Combat Medic
Selections: Gun butt, Hot-shot lasgun
Rules: Elite
Abilities: Medic!, Operative: Combat Medic, Unique Actions: Combat Stimms (1AP),
Weapons: ⌖ Hot-shot lasgun, ⚔ Gun butt

Abilities Ability Ref

Once per Turning Point, the first time another friendly KASRKIN operative
would be incapacitated while Visible to and within ⬛ of this operative and not
within Engagement Range of an enemy operative, if this operative is not within
Engagement Range of an enemy operative, this operative can revive it. That
friendly operative is not incapacitated, has 1 wound remaining, and if it was a
shooting attack, any remaining attack dice are discarded. That friendly
operative can then perform a free Dash action, but must finish that move
within ▲ of this operative. Subtract 1 from both operative's APL.

Operative M APL GA DF SV W Ref

Combat Medic 3⬤ 2 1 3 4+ 8

Unique Action Ref
Select one friendly KASRKIN operative Visible to and within ▲ of this
Combat operative. That friendly operative regains 2D3 lost wounds. An operative
Stimms cannot be selected for this action if it was revived using the Medic! ability
(1AP) during the same Turning Point. This operative cannot perform this action while
within Engagement Range of an enemy operative.

Weapons A WS/BS D SR ! Ref

⌖ Hot-shot lasgun 4 4+ 3/4 - -
⚔ Gun butt 3 4+ 2/3 - -
Kasrkin Demo-Trooper
Selections: Gun butt, Hot-shot laspistol, Melta mine
Rules: *Proximity, APx, Elite, MWx, Rng x
Abilities: Blast Padding, Operative: Demo-Trooper, Unique Actions: Plant Melta Mine (1AP),
Weapons: ⌖ Hot-shot laspistol, ⌖ Melta mine, ⚔ Gun butt

Abilities Ability Ref

Each time a shooting attack is made against this operative, if theranged
weapon has the Blast special rule, or makes a shooting attack against each
Blast operative within range of a specified point (e.g. melta mine), in the Roll
Padding Defence Dice step of that shooting attack, you can re-roll any or all of your
defence dice. In addition, this operative is unaffected by the Splash X critical
hit rule, unless it is selected as the target of the shooting attack.

Operative M APL GA DF SV W Ref

Demo-Trooper 3⬤ 2 1 3 4+ 9

Unique Action Ref
Plant Place your Melta Mine token in a location Visible to and within ▲ of this
Melta operative and more than ⬤ from any enemy operatives. This operative can
Mine only perform this action once, and cannot perform this action while within
(1AP) Engagement Range of an enemy operative.

Weapons A WS/BS D SR ! Ref

⌖ Hot-shot laspistol 4 4+ 3/4 Rng ⬟ -
⌖ Melta mine 4 2+ 4/2 AP2, Proximity* MW3
⚔ Gun butt 3 4+ 2/3 - -
Kasrkin Gunner w/ grenade launcher [1EP]
Selections: Adrenaline Shot [1EP], Grenade launcher, Gun butt
Rules: APx, Blast x, Elite
Abilities: Adrenaline Shot, Operative: Gunner, Weapons: ⌖ Grenade launcher, ⌖ Grenade
launcher - Frag, ⌖ Grenade launcher - Krak, ⚔ Gun butt

Abilities Ability Ref

Once per battle, when this operative is activated, you can use this ability. If
you do so, until the end of its activation, you can ignore any or all modifiers
to this operative's APL and Movement characteristics.

Operative M APL GA DF SV W Ref

Gunner 3⬤ 2 1 3 4+ 8

Weapons A WS/BS D SR ! Ref

Each time this weapon is selected to make a
⌖ Grenade
- - - shooting attack with, select one of the profiles below -
to use:
⌖ Grenade
launcher - 4 4+ 2/4 Blast ⬤ -
⌖ Grenade
launcher - 4 4+ 4/5 AP1 -
⚔ Gun butt 3 4+ 2/3 - -

Kasrkin Gunner w/ hot-shot volley gun [1EP]

Selections: Adrenaline Shot [1EP], Gun butt, Hot-shot volley gun
Rules: Elite, Fusillade, Px
Abilities: Adrenaline Shot, Operative: Gunner, Weapons: ⌖ Hot-shot volley gun, ⚔ Gun butt

Abilities Ability Ref

Once per battle, when this operative is activated, you can use this ability. If
you do so, until the end of its activation, you can ignore any or all modifiers
to this operative's APL and Movement characteristics.

Operative M APL GA DF SV W Ref

Gunner 3⬤ 2 1 3 4+ 8

Weapons A WS/BS D SR ! Ref

⌖ Hot-shot volley gun 5 4+ 3/4 Fusillade P1
⚔ Gun butt 3 4+ 2/3 - -
Kasrkin Gunner w/ plasma gun [1EP]
Selections: Adrenaline Shot [1EP], Gun butt, Plasma gun
Rules: APx, Elite, Hot
Abilities: Adrenaline Shot, Operative: Gunner, Weapons: ⌖ Plasma gun, ⌖ Plasma gun -
Standard, ⌖ Plasma gun - Supercharge, ⚔ Gun butt

Abilities Ability Ref

Once per battle, when this operative is activated, you can use this ability. If
you do so, until the end of its activation, you can ignore any or all modifiers
to this operative's APL and Movement characteristics.

Operative M APL GA DF SV W Ref

Gunner 3⬤ 2 1 3 4+ 8

Weapons A WS/BS D SR ! Ref

Each time this weapon is selected to make a
⌖ Plasma gun - - - shooting attack with, select one of the profiles -
below to use:
⌖ Plasma gun -
4 4+ 5/6 AP1 -
⌖ Plasma gun -
4 4+ 5/6 AP2, Hot -
⚔ Gun butt 3 4+ 2/3 - -
Kasrkin Recon-Trooper
Selections: Gun butt, Hot-shot lasgun
Rules: Elite
Abilities: Reconnoitre Killzone, Operative: Recon-Trooper, Unique Actions: Warden Auspex
(1AP), Weapons: ⌖ Hot-shot lasgun, ⚔ Gun butt

Abilities Ability Ref

In the Scouting step, after resolving your selection, you can resolve an
Reconnoitre additional Recon option (even if you have already selected that option).
Killzone Initiative is still determined by your original selection. If both players have
this or a similar ability, the Defender resolves this ability first.

Operative M APL GA DF SV W Ref

Recon-Trooper 3⬤ 2 1 3 4+ 8

Unique Action Ref
Select one enemy operative. Until the end of the Turning Point, each time a
friendly KASRKIN operative makes a shooting attack, that enemy operative is
not Obscured. This operative cannot perform this action while within
Engagement Range of an enemy operative.

Weapons A WS/BS D SR ! Ref

⌖ Hot-shot lasgun 4 4+ 3/4 - -
⚔ Gun butt 3 4+ 2/3 - -
Kasrkin Sharpshooter [2EP]
Selections: Gun butt, Hot-shot marksman rifle, Long-range Scope [2EP]
Rules: Elite, Heavy, MWx, Silent
Abilities: Camo Cloak, Equipment: Long-range Scope, Operative: Sharpshooter, Weapons:
⌖ Hot-shot marksman rifle, ⌖ Hot-shot marksman rifle - Sharpshot, ⌖ Hot-shot marksman rifle -
Snipe, ⚔ Gun butt

Abilities Ability Ref

Each time a shooting attack is made against this operative, in the Roll Defence
Camo Dice step of that shooting attack, before rolling your defence dice, if it is in
Cloak Cover, one additional dice can be retained as a successful normal save as a
result of Cover.

Equipment Equipment Ref

The hot-shot lasgun or hot-shot marksman rifle the operative is equipped
with gains the following critical hit rule for the battle.
range Long-range Scope: Each time a friendly operative makes a shooting attack
Scope with this weapon against a target more than ⬟ from it, in the Roll Attack
Dice step of that shooting attack, if you retain any critical hits, this weapon
gains the No Cover special rule for that shooting attack.

Operative M APL GA DF SV W Ref

Sharpshooter 3⬤ 2 1 3 4+ 8

Weapons A WS/BS D SR ! Ref

Each time this weapon is selected to make
⌖ Hot-shot
- - - a shooting attack with, select one of the -
marksman rifle
profiles below to use:
⌖ Hot-shot
marksman rifle - 4 3+ 3/4 - -
⌖ Hot-shot
marksman rifle - 4 2+ 3/3 Heavy, Silent MW3
⚔ Gun butt 3 4+ 2/3 - -
Kasrkin Trooper
Selections: Gun butt, Hot-shot lasgun
Rules: Elite
Abilities: Elite Trooper, Operative: Trooper, Weapons: ⌖ Hot-shot lasgun, ⚔ Gun butt

Abilities Ability Ref

Each time this operative makes a shooting attack, you can spend one Elite
point for free during that shooting attack (even if you don't have any in your

Operative M APL GA DF SV W Ref

Trooper 3⬤ 2 1 3 4+ 8

Weapons A WS/BS D SR ! Ref

⌖ Hot-shot lasgun 4 4+ 3/4 - -
⚔ Gun butt 3 4+ 2/3 - -

Kasrkin Vox-Trooper
Selections: Gun butt, Hot-shot lasgun
Rules: Elite
Operative: Vox-Trooper, Unique Actions: Battle Comms (1AP), Weapons: ⌖ Hot-shot lasgun,
⚔ Gun butt

Operative M APL GA DF SV W Ref

Vox-Trooper 3⬤ 2 1 3 4+ 8

Unique Action Ref
Battle Select one friendly KASRKIN operative in the killzone. Add 1 to its APL. This
Comms operative can perform this action twice during its activation, but cannot perform
(1AP) this action while within Engagement Range of an enemy operative.

Weapons A WS/BS D SR ! Ref

⌖ Hot-shot lasgun 4 4+ 3/4 - -
⚔ Gun butt 3 4+ 2/3 - -

Selection Rules
*Proximity: The first time an enemy operative moves within ⬤ of this operative's Melta Mine token, make a
shooting attack against each operative within ⬤ of that token with this weapon (even if this operative is not in
the killzone, and ignore all Ballistic Skill modifiers). When making those attacks, those operatives are always
valid targets and cannot be in Cover. At the end of those shooting attacks, remove that token. An operative
cannot make a shooting attack with this weapon by any other means, or if its Melta Mine token is not in the
killzone. ()
APx: Each time a friendly operative makes a shooting attack with this weapon, subtract x from the Defence
of the target for that shooting attack. x is the number after the weapon's AP, e.g. AP1. If two different APx
special rules would be in effect for a shooting attack, they are not cumulative - the attacker selects which
one to use. ()
Blast x: Each time a friendly operative performs a Shoot action and selects this weapon (or, in the case of
profiles, this weapon’s profile), after making the shooting attack against the target, make a shooting attack
with this weapon (using the same profile) against each other operative Visible to and within X of the original
target – each of them is a valid target and cannot be in Cover. X is the distance after the weapon’s Blast,
e.g. Blast . An operative cannot make a shooting attack with this weapon by performing an Overwatch
action. ()
Ceaseless: Each time a friendly operative fights in combat or makes a shooting attack with this weapon, in
the Roll Attack Dice step of that combat or shooting attack, you can re-roll any or all of your attack dice
results of 1. ()
Elite: You start the battle with a pool of 10 Elite points. Each time a friendly KASRKIN operative fights in
combat or makes a shooting attack, in the Roll Attack Dice step of that combat or shooting attack, you can
spend one or more of your Elite points to adjust one (and only one) of your dice. For each point you spend,
add 1 to the dice result, and reduce the number of Elite points in your pool by 1.

For example, a friendly KASRKIN operative makes a shooting attack. In the Roll Attack Dice step of that
shooting attack, you roll 4 attack dice and the results are 1, 2, 4 and 6. You spend 2 Elite points to increase
the result of one of your attack dice, modifying a 2 into a 4. Note that you cannot spend Elite points to modify
more than one dice from the roll.

In each Strategy phase, add 2 Elite points to your pool. ()

Fusillade: Each time a friendly operative performs a Shoot action and selects this weapon, after selecting a
valid target, you can select any number of other valid targets within ⬤ of the original target. Distribute your
attack dice between the targets you have selected. Make a shooting attack with this weapon (using the
same profile) against each of the targets you have selected using the attack dice you have distributed to
each of them. ()
Heavy: An Operative cannot perform a Charge, Fall Back or Normal Move action in the same activation in
which it performs a Shoot action with this ranged weapon. ()
Hot: Each time a friendly operative makes a shooting attack with this weapon, in the Roll Attack Dice step of
that shooting attack, for each attack dice result of 1 that is discarded, that operative suffers 3 mortal wounds.
MWx: Each time a friendly operative makes a shooting attack with this weapon, in the Roll Attack Dice step
of that shooting attack, for each critical hit retained, inflict x mortal wounds on the target. x is the number
after the weapon's MW, e.g. MW3. ()
Px: Each time a friendly operative makes a shooting attack with this weapon, in the Roll Attack Dice step of
that shooting attack, if you retain any critical hits, the weapon gains the APx rule for that shooting attack. x is
the number after the weapon's P, e.g. P1. ()
Rng x: Each time a friendly operative makes a shooting attack with this weapon, only operatives within x are
a valid target. x is the distance after the weapon's Rng, e.g. Rng ⬟. All other rules for selecting a valid target
still apply. ()
Silent: While an operative has a Conceal order, it can perform Shoot actions if this is the ranged weapon (or
weapon profile) that is selected for the shooting attack(s). ()

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