Computer ICSE 8
Computer ICSE 8
Computer ICSE 8
ICSE class 8
What is Cyber?
The term, ‘Cyber’ is used in relation to the culture of computers, information
technology, and virtual reality. The connection between internet ecosystems forms
cyberspace. The threat to cyberspace leads to an issue and gives rise to the need for
Threats to Cyberspace:
1. Interconnectedness of Sectors
2. Increase in the number of exposure points
3. Concentration of assets
As per the NITI Aayog report, the threats to cyberspace have increased dramatically
over the last 10 years. The cyber attacks lead to the exposure of:
1. Sensitive information
2. Personal information and
3. Business information
1. Cyber Attacks
2. Damage to Cyberspace
3. Misuse of Cyberspace
4. Economic Espionage
Prepared by Swarnajit
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Siksha Srijan Academy Of Technology and Management
Prepared by Swarnajit
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Siksha Srijan Academy Of Technology and Management
8. Cyber Warfare – Deliberately attacking the information systems through the
use of computer technology to disrupt the state’s activities, especially for
military purposes.
The table below gives the list of cyberattacks that India has witnessed in the past:
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Cyber Criminals
Cyber Terrorists
Cyber Espionage
Cyber Hacktivist
As per the Niti Ayog report, the following are the sets of the group behind the
cybersecurity breaches
Internal Actors
State-affiliated actors
Multiple parties
Attacks in partnerships
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Find the difference between Malware and Virus by visiting the linked article.
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Definition of Cyber
Digital Signature
Recognizing the
role of CERT-In
To authorize the
inspector to
investigate cyber
offenses against
DSP who was given
the charge earlier
The Select Case statement provides you with an easy way of testing for
the contents of a variable. However, it is only suitable for use when a
variable in question has only a limited number of options.
while( condition )
where the body can be either a single statement or a block of statements within
{ curly braces }.
1. Example:
int i = 0;
while( i < 5 )
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Prepared by Swarnajit