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26076-110-GPP-GPX-00003-00B Preservation Procedure

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00B 4-Oct-21 Issued for Review Widodo Lv He Cui Guojun

00A 8-Jul-21 Issued for Review Widodo Lv He Cui Guojun

Rev. Date Description Prepared By Review By Approved By

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No. Page/Section Comments Response

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1. PURPOSE .....................................................................................................................................4
2. DEFINITIONS......................................................................................................................................4
3. ACRONYMS .......................................................................................................................................4
4. REFERENCES .....................................................................................................................................5
5. SCOPE OF PROCEDURE .......................................................................................................................5
6. RESPONSIBILITIES ..............................................................................................................................5
7. MATERIAL STORAGE ..........................................................................................................................7
8. MATERIAL PRESERVATION ............................................................................................................... 10
9. HANDLING OF SPECIAL MATERIAL .................................................................................................. 11
10. SUPPORTING TOOLS ...................................................................................................................... 19
ATTACHMENT I ....................................................................................................................... 21
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The purpose of this guideline is to describe minimum requirement and responsibility for activities related to
material and equipment PRESERVATION in warehouse, storage yard and work site of project.

PROJECT Engineering, Procurement and Construction of Lawe – Lawe
Faciities RDMP RU V - Balikpapan
OWNER PT. Pertamina(Persero)
IPMT Integrated Project Management Team consists of a
combination of OWNER personnel and PMC. Communication
between OWNER and CONTRACTOR to be executed through
IPMT as representative of OWNER. The PMC is represented by
CONTRACTOR Organization to which PERTAMINA awards the EPC Scope of Work
for the PROJECT i.e. Joint Operations of China Petroleum Pipeline
Engineering and PT. Hutama Karya (JO-CPPHK)
SUBCONTRACTOR means any company which EPCC CONTRACTOR has engaged or
proposes to engage (as the context may require) to undertake any
part of the EPCC CONTRACTOR Services
VENDOR Party that does a part of the Contract scope of work to support
and enhance works that CONTRACTOR is responsible for Material
of Equipment supplies.
Material(s) Related materials, cargo, machinery, equipment article, item,
services or work provided for in purchase order
Forwarder The firm or corporation to whom CONTRACTOR issue a contract
for shipment

ITP Inspection and Test Plan
NFI Notification for Inspection
MRR-C Material Receiving Report - Containerized
MRR-I Material Receiving Report - Itemized
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OSD Over, Shortage, Damage

NCR Non-Conformance Report

26076-110-GPP-GPS-00002 Material Handling Procedure

Vendor Document


The scope includes all management and operational activities to ensure that:

• Activities are carried out in accordance with approved procedures, specification, drawings, and vendor

• Equipment and material including special tools and spare part are controlled to prevent damage,
deterioration, and time contamination from time of receipt in warehouse/storage yard until handover from

• Material location can be easily traced

• Measurements and inspections required by the contract are performed

• Method, frequency, requirements, record and responsibilities for periodic maintenance or preservation of
materials and equipment are documented


6.1 CONTRACTOR shall responsible

• To ensure that the goods are received completely at project site

• To ensure storage of the goods met with classification & Instruction

• To Ensure the goods has properly preserved by internal & external preservation

• To ensure that the goods are met with the requirement before sending to project site

• To ensure that the goods are not damaged before transfer to CONTRACTOR

6.1.1 Contractor’s Procurement department

• To organize the goods receiving and issuing

• To be responsible for the preservation in warehouse/storage yard (by warehouse keeper)

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6.2.2 Contractor’s Construction department

• To be responsible for the preservation in work site (follow the same requirements with warehouse/storage
yard by site material controller)

• To be responsible for all preservation activities and maintain records on what actions have been taken and
when. A format for reporting all such activities would need to be submitted to the Owner and PMC for
approvals and subsequent implementation. The reporting of all such activities would need to be monthly
(or at a mutually agreed periodic intervals.

6.3.3 Contractor’s QA/AC department

• To take inspection and maintain records on preservation in all areas (by inspector).

• To be responsible for all inspections regarding preservation of material and equipment. The QA/QC
Department shall keep up to date, accurate records of all inspections, and follow up and conclude on any
actions recommended to the Contractor Construction Department. The QA/QC Department will report on
this activity monthly to the Owner PMC Quality Control Department on a format approved by the


QA/QC manager

QA/QC inspector

Warehouse keeper Site materials controller

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QA/QC inspector

Preservation Notification

preservation IPMT/OWNER Warehouse keeper/Site material controller

Supervise preservation Prepare preservation



7 .1. Classification

The type of storage shall be identified by warehouse keeper, according to characteristics and size of materials
and instructions received from Vendors and recorded in a register, to be reported to the Owner/Owner
Representative on a Monthly Basis.
Classification of materials shall be as follows:
Level A
Items classified Level A are those which are exceptionally sensitive to environmental conditions and require
special measures for protection from the effects of high or low temperatures sudden temperature changes,
humidity and vapors, gravitational (g) forces and airborne contamination (rain, snow, dust, dirt, salt, spray,
fumes). The area shall be provided with uniform temperature control to prevent condensation and corrosion.
Housekeeping shall be done regularly following vendor requirements.
The following shall be used, as guidelines for classifying items (Indoors storage):
• Electronic equipment such as computer or other similar devices,
• Special materials, such as chemicals that are sensitive to the environment,
• Materials which required license or special storage conditions (fuel, nuclear source) Level A items shall be
stored under similar conditions than Level B items but with additional
requirements such as temperature and humidity control within specified limits, ventilation
system with filters to provide an atmosphere free of dust and harmful vapors and any other appropriate
Level B
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Items classified Level Bare those which are sensitive to environmental conditions and requires measures for
protection from the effects of extreme temperatures, humidity and vapours (g) forces and airborne
contamination and should not require special protection required by Level A.
Level B items shall be stored within a weather tight and well-ventilated building or equivalent enclosure, not
subject to flooding, the floor shall be paved or equivalent, and well drained. Items shall be placed on pallets
or shoring to permit air circulation. The area shall be provided with uniform temperature control to prevent
condensation and corrosion.
The following shall be used as guidelines for classifying items (Indoors storage):
• Small size equipment (pump...)
• Motors of less than 100 MW, all motors and generators intended for indoor use
• Control and safety valves, valves 2" and below
• Instrument fittings and tubing
• Instruments, electric components
• Cement
• Fittings and flanges 2" and below, bolts and anchors, gaskets
Level C
Items classified Level C are those, which require protection from exposure to airborne contaminants and
forces. Protection from water, vapors and condensation is not as important as Level B items. Provided proper
protection, Level C materials may be stored outdoors.
The following shall be used as guidelines for classifying items (Outdoors storage with protection):
• Large size equipment (pump)
• Large size power motors with resistance's
• Fittings and flanges above 2", valves above 2"
• Stainless steel pipes and plates,
• Cables
• Hot insulation materials
• Paints, gases
Level D
Items classified Level D are those, which are not as sensitive as Level C. These items require superficial
protection against the elements and airborne contamination and protection from physical and mechanical
Level D items may be stored outdoors in an area marked and designated for storage, which is well drained,
preferably gravel covered and reasonably away from the construction area and traffic, so possibility of damage
is minimized. Items shall be stored on cribbing or equivalent to allow air circulation and to avoid trapping
water. Material shall be covered by blue sheet if those materials will be installed after 2 Months at open
laydown area (refers to Vendor/Manufactures requirements).
The following shall be used as guidelines for classifying items (Outdoors’s storage):
• Carbon steel pipes and plates, non-metallic pipes
• Piping supports, structural steel
• Vessels
7.2 Storage Condition
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The warehouse keeper shall define covered and uncovered areas for material storage. Cleanliness and good
housekeeping shall be enforced always in the storage areas to avoid the accumulation of trash, discarded
packaging materials and other detrimental soil.
Access to storage area shall be controlled and limited to personnel designated by the warehouse keeper. Fire
protection for the type of storage area and materials shall be provided and maintained.
All equipment items will be checked on receipt and the application of an inert gas purge will be verified if any.
Special attention shall be given to the inspection of items requiring inhibitors, silica gel, heat resistances, etc.
The initial storage inspection is to be carried out immediately after the material is received at site, and shall
ensure that all storage requirements indicated in the Vendor's instructions, relevant procedures have been
fulfilled. Where conflict between Vendor and any contract requirements arise, the more stringent
requirement shall prevail.
The scheduled maintenance / preservation program will be monitored to ensure that all materials are being
correctly maintained. Inspection results shall be recorded in the appropriate check sheets and shall be signed
off and a register for preservation checks shall be kept up to date.
All the lay down areas of piping and bulk materials shall be checked once a week as a minimum to ensure
proper drainage, cleanliness and housekeeping practices.
An equipment package or skid mounted auxiliary equipment, consisting of several sub-items is to be treated
as a single entity, and records generated by using one or more of the report formats (e.g. pumps, vessels,
filters etc.) to record inspection results. Manufacturer shall provide Material Safety Datasheet (MSDS) for
chemical and it should follow the MSDS preservation instruction.
The storage areas shall usually:
• Allow an easy access to the authorized persons and handling,
• Be adequately cleaned as required by material characteristics and free of foreign materials
Materials shall usually be:
• Grouped by type/size and so arranged as to facilitate traceability,
• Without direct contact with the ground and stored in such a way as to avoid deflections, Kept in their
original packing, if possible,
• Provided with dehumidifying agents (such as silica gel, etc.) and/or electric heat resistance's when
material is sensitive to moisture.
• Color coding of piping materials shall be renewed if not visible.

Attention shall be given to storage of stainless-steel materials. If carbon steel racks are used for storage of
stainless steel, adequate provisions shall be made to avoid any direct contact.
For uncovered areas, the following measures shall be taken:
• Any outdoor storage area shall be a traffic-free area, adequately separated from polluting sources (sea,
flare stacks, etc.), with satisfactorily tamped ground allowing drainage and slopes to avoid water
stagnant and puddles,
• Materials shall be arranged to avoid water deposits and moisture,
• Plates, pipes and prefabricated spools shall be stored on wooden beams,
• Stacking of spools is not permitted.
Where protections such as canvas, plastic foils are used, the following shall be observed:
• Protections shall be fastened to withstand wind and to avoid water seepage,
• Where required, the protections shall be temporarily removed to eliminate any moisture content.
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• Outdoor storage under cover

The following measures shall be taken:
• If the goods been stored outdoor, the goods should be placed with the support on flat ground then goods
covered by Temporary shelter, waterproof tarpaulin of similar type cover provided.
• Storage area shall be physically separated and safe from work areas to prevent the goods from damage
or deterioration
• The goods storage area shall be located as far as possible from corrosion sources like sea/marine
atmospheres or industrial wastes. The ground must be well drained, access ways of suitable width and
characteristics shall be arranged, providing easy passage to cranes and other means of transport.
• The goods that are stored outdoor with cover must be regularly checked to verify that identification /
traceability is not damaged by storage condition
• Indoor Warehouse
The warehouse shall meet waterproofing and size requirements, the flooring shall be waterproof type and
have suitable bearing capacity. Indoor storage warehouse shall have hygrometer to monitor temperature and
humidity condition.
Shelving systems shall be provided for standard material:
• Small duty racks with shelves designed for storage of manually handled material
• Heavy duty racks with wide span pallet shelves designed for storage of material handled by fork lift truck
• Heavier materials shall be stored on the floor with adequate separation from the ground. Measures shall
be taken to prevent the entrance of rodents and other animals into indoor storage areas or equipment
to minimize possible contamination and mechanical damage to the stored materials.


8.1 External Protection

Paint touch-up:
Paint touch up shall be done on all equipment where the paint is damaged during the lifting,
handling and transportation activities at site. Paint touch up shall be carried out with a prior approval form
equipment/ item manufacturer for the method of application and paint material.
Rust preventative shall be applied on all exposed metal surfaces. Before application, surfaces
shall be thoroughly cleaned and dried. Fluids and Ensis Compounds are temporary protectives suitable for the
bright-finished moving parts of mechanical equipment. Storage under cover is preferred.
Wrapping is done for the protection from the weather and airborne contamination. Item requires protection
from airborne contamination shall be covered under tarpaulin

8.2 Internal Protection

The interior protection of equipment shall be conformed to Vendor instructions or in accordance with the
following protection in function of type of equipment:
Oil Coating:
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Coating of stationary equipment may be carried out by Oil or by oil filling and subsequent
draining. Oil shall be of light oil of medium viscosity to form a protective film on the surface. Vendor's IOM shall
be referred for the details and Contractor's approval shall be obtained prior to oil coating.
Dry Inert Gas Filling:
Inert gas shall be checked and maintained until the equipment is handed over to the Employer. All hermetically
closed equipment may be protected by drying the air or displacing it by an inert gas e.g. nitrogen and maintaining
a slight positive internal pressure.
This pressure is not necessary if:
• not recommended by the Vendor or Contract documents,
• a desiccant is used.
Drying agents, such as silica gel, can be used inside closed equipment, indicator shall be used to check the
humidity of interior. The desiccant shall be placed in a suitable container and renewed when the colour of
humidity indicator is changed.
Electric Heating:
The following methods of electric heating may be considered:
• Fan heaters, for space heating, e.g. sub-stations, control rooms, basements,
• Warm air (strip heating, electric trace heating or- lamp bulbs), for equipment which is cocooned or otherwise
• Anti-condensation heaters for electrical equipment.


9.1 Austenitic Stainless Steel

Items shall be stored and separated from carbon steels on non-metallic or protected skids, Vessels, equipment
and piping of austenitic stainless steel shall be thoroughly cleaned and dried internally because deposits, pockets
of water or oil can lead to serious corrosion and shall be protected from carbon steel, galvanizing compounds
and zinc contamination.
Carbon steel materials shall not be used for cleaning and protection.

9.2 Ferritic Stainless (chromium) Steel

Ferritic stainless (chromium) steel equipment shall be cleaned and dried and be closed for preservation and
separated from carbon steels.

9.3 Plastic and Rubber

Direct sunlight, heat and weathering will cause deterioration of most plastic and rubber-based materials, and
shielding is thus required.
Rubber-lined equipment shall also be protected against exposure to direct heat or radiation by
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the sun, either by shielding or covering (allowing free circulation of air around the equipment) or by keeping it
filled with fresh clean water. Protection against mechanical damage is required.

9.4 Cement and Concrete Constituents

The name and brand, including batch number shall be marked on the bags.
The cement shall be stored in such a way that the date of manufacturing is clearly visible so that it is used in
sequence by the date of manufacture, oldest first.
The maximum height of storage of the bags shall be 2 m with a ventilated space between the
floor and lowest bags. A cement storage building shall be provided with the following:
9.4.1 concrete floor,
9.4.2 waterproof walls and roof,
9.4.3 ventilation in the building to prevent condensation,
9.4.4 adequate drainage system,
9.4.5 the temperature of the stored cement shall not exceed 40C.
If different types of cements are stored simultaneously at site, each type shall be separated and clearly be
The bulk cement shall be stored in a silo painted in a reflective white color. The silo shall be protected from direct
solar radiation. The temperature of cement shall not exceed 40C.
The cement shall be suitably protected during storage to avoid deterioration in quality. Cement, which has been
in storage for more than 12 months from the date of manufacture, shall be tested to verify that its quality is still in
accordance with the applicable standards. The presence of lumps will lead to rejection of the cement.
Aggregates shall be stored in such a way that the blending of different material is prevented, Aggregate shall be
protected from storms, rain and direct sunlight that affect the quality or characteristic.
Reinforcing bars and pre stressing steels shall be stored separately and kept clean and free from pitting, loose rust,
mill scale, oil, grease, mortar, paint or any other material which may impair the bond between the concrete and
reinforcement or which may cause corrosion of the reinforcement or disintegration of concrete.
Steel shall be stored in such a way that it will not be contaminated by chloride depositions. Steels shall be always
stored off the ground.

9.5 Tank Insulation Materials and Insulation Material for Piping

Fiber glass blanket, foam glass block, fiber glass cloth, resilient blanket and expanded perlite powder shall be
stored in weather sealed containers. Insulation materials shall only be taken out of the containers at the time
of usage in accordance with the construction schedule.

9.6 Refractory Materials

Refractory materials shaped as bricks have no limit of storage duration. However, it is advised to follow
recommendations given below:
• Do not store pallets, loaded with refractory material bags, where they are exposed to rain or where can be
wetted in any other way,
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• Always keep the bags that contain refractory materials on pallets away from wet areas. Do not place pallets
loaded with refractory materials in stale water,
• Do not store pallets, loaded with refractory material bags, where humidity is higher than in normal ambient
• If bags containing refractory material are covered with polythene sheeting, etc., ensure sufficient
ventilation to prevent condense,
• Do not use partially reacted refractory materials (i.e. bagged material containing hard lumps).
It is advisable to storage all refractory material a covered ambient, with a temperature of 15C and 30C max,
humidity not higher than 40oh. Due to pressure, stacked pallets and settlement in storage, it is possible for the
material in the bottom bags to become compacted but these lamps can readily be broken down by hand though
crumbling of material. Hard lumps indicate some setting-off, a chemical action between mortar and water, so
the bag must be used.

9.7 Steel Plates

The following requirements/checking/recommendations shall be fulfilled:

• All steel plates received shall be checked to ensure compliance with regard to quantity and quality in
accordance with material control procedure. Plates should be painted with primers if required by project
• Steel plates shall be stored off the ground in a stacked condition and handled in such a manner to ensure
that they are not damaged. Plates shall be stacked in such a way that each plate is separated with wooden
blocks. Adequate slope shall be provided during storage to avoid any water logging.
• Care shall be taken as not to place steel plates near any high voltage lines or heavy electrical equipment as
this may induce magnetism into the plate. Do not use electromagnets to handle steel plates
• Plates shall be handled by use of plate clamps and/or screw dogs. Where possible packing shims shall be
used between the plate and jaw of the clamp to avoid any damage to the plate. Records shall be prepared
and maintained accordingly

9.8 Piping, Fittings and Fabricated Spools

The following requirements/checking/recommendations shall be fulfilled:

• Small fittings and flanges of 2" and below size shall be stored indoors in a well ventilated building or
equivalent enclosures. Items shall be placed on pallets or shoring to permit air circulation.
• The area shall be constructed in such a way to avoid flooding,
• identification & color-coding shall be maintained,
• Heat numbers and isometric marking shall be legible and visible for traceable materials,
• End caps with hole for openings, and flange protectors shall be provided,
• Painting and other Protective coating shall be satisfactorily applied,
• Pipes and spools shall be stored clear off the ground on dunnage,
• Drainage of lay down area shall be adequate (No water logging),
• Elbows turned downwards to prevent standing water,
• Carbon steel, LTCS and stainless steel pipes and fittings shall be stored separately,
• Inspection shall be carried out on a monthly frequency to verify that storage and preservation is carried
out properly.
Records shall be prepared and maintained in accordingly
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9.9 Flanges, Gasket, Bolt, and Nut

The following requirements/checking/recommendations shall be fulfilled:

• Exposed flanges, gasket, bolt, and nut are vulnerable to corrosion if left unprotected. All flanges, fittings and
beveled ends shall be checked for any rust formation,
• All rust and dirties shall be removed and coated with an approved rust preventative and subsequently
protected wooden, plastic or hard PVC covers,
• Flanged openings are to be fitted with plywood, plastic covers or fitted PVC flange covers. Records shall be
prepared and maintained accordingly

9.10 Valves

The following requirements/checking/recommendations shall be fulfilled:

• Small valves of 2" and below size shall be stored indoors in a well-ventilated building or equivalent
enclosures. Items shall be placed on pallets or shoring to permit air circulation. The area shall be constructed
in such a way to avoid flooding,
• Large valves for outdoor storage shall be stored on pallets off the ground,
• Valve stem shall be kept preferably upright,
• Drainage of lay down area shall be adequate (No water logging),
• Flange face shall be protected with covers,
• All opening shall be closed with wooden planks,
• Control valves, motor operated valves and relief valves to be additionally protected by tarpaulin covers or
• Bevel / plain ends of the welded type valves shall be protected to avoid mechanical damage and to prevent
entrance of water or dirt,
• Valves should be left slightly open to avoid metal to metal contact, wherever possible, diaphragm valves
shall be left in the fully open position,
• Value packing is left in place during the period of idleness.
• Valve spindles should be protected with Ensis or equivalent Compound. Records shall be prepared and
maintained in accordingly

9.11 Structural Steel

The following requirements/checking/recommendations shall be fulfilled:

• Structural steel platforms, ladders and associated members should be placed on suitable wooden sleepers
so that all parts are kept off the ground. Structural bolts supplied in watertight containers shall be stored
Records shall be prepared and maintained in accordingly

9.12 Static Equipment

The following requirements/checking/recommendations shall be fulfilled:

• The equipment shall be protected according to Vendor's instructions,
• This procedure shall be referred for the initial and periodical preventative maintenance requirements,
frequency of the periodical checks, and the check sheets used for recording the inspection activities,
• If required, items may be preserved in accordance with long-term preservation (12 months or more).
Nitrogen purging if required shall be provided and maintained, all openings shall be properly sealed.
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Protective covers / spades shall be provided for nozzle openings. All exposed metal surfaces shall be coated
with rust preventative. Low point drain shall be opened and cheeked for water,
• All equipment, materials and piping shall be protected from rust, sand, water ingress and adverse climatic
effect (wind and weather damage) and cleaned,
• Vessels shall be drained, purged and cleaned,
• If required, equipment may then be preserved by filling with dry inert gas, by the use of desiccants, or by
spraying the internal surface with Oil. The vessel or column shall then be properly closed up. As an
alternative to applying Oil, vessels and columns may be sprayed internally with gas oil, then filled with gas
oil to a volume equal to 10% of the capacity, and properly closed up. Care shall be taken to avoid vacuum
pulling by cooling and condensation in airtight sealed vessel,
• Associated relief valves can be left in place or removed for servicing and storage. If left in place, the relief
valves shall be spaded off. If removed, the nozzles shall be blanked off.
Records shall be prepared and maintained accordingly

9.13 Line Pipe (Onshore and Offshore)

The following requirements/checking/recommendations shall be fulfilled:

• Bare pipe shall be stored under conditions which do not detrimentally to its performance characteristic.
Pipe with difference wall thickness shall be stacked at separate locations. Storage area shall be well drained
and free from any materials which may damage the pipe. The lowest pipe stack shall be equipped with
stopper or U clamp. Pipe shall be stockpiled on a horizontal surface.
• Coated pipe shall be stored on sand breams or use soft padded racks until time for delivery. All coated
pipes shall be stored in stacks segregating the by source, grade, diameter, wall thickness, coating type and
color-codes. Pipe interiors shall be kept clean and free from mud splashing or dirt deposits during storage.
Coated line pipe shall not have direct contact with other metallic object, ground, or plantation. Coated pipe
stored with direct exposed to sunlight shall be covered with tarpaulin to avoid UV deterioration. Color band
codification for different mills and thickness shall be similar to the bands on bare pipes received.
• Coated pipe will be stacked with due consideration to impact effects. Soft separators may be used such as
sawdust bags or gunnysacks to avoid coating contact. Nylon ropes shall not be used as separator.
• Concrete coated pipe shall be stored on sand breams or use soft padded racks until time for delivery. All
coated pipes shall be stored in stacks segregating the by source, grade, diameter, wall thickness, coating
type and color-codes. Pipe interiors shall be kept clean and free from mud splashing or dirt deposits during
storage. Coated line pipe shall not have direct contact with other metallic object, ground, or plantation.
• Concrete coated pipe shall not be stacked until minimum 7 days of curing. After 7 days, the concrete may
be stacked. Soft separators may be used such as sawdust bags or gunnysacks to avoid coating contact.

9.14 Rotating equipment

9.14.1 General

The following general requirements shall be fulfilled:

• Vendor's IOM shall be strictly followed for the rotating equipment preservation,
• All rotating equipment and their motors shall be covered with tarpaulins
• If required, a weekly check of rotating equipment shall be implemented to prevent rust formation ingress
of foreign material and to ensure that protection remains intact. Space heaters where provided shall be
energized. A log shall be maintained to record the item number, date and name of responsible person,
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• Fill the bearing box with approved oil and rotate shaft weekly if recommended by Vendor. Governors and
linkages are to be filled with oil, covered with rust preventative and protected properly.
• As a general rule, all exposed shafts and polished surfaces shall be thoroughly cleaned and coated.
• Manual rotation of shafts at an interval as specified by Vendor shall be carried out.
• Rotation through a minimum of 5 complete turns is good practice. The position of the shaft at rest shall be
advanced by a 1/4 turn each time, ensuring that shaft is not kept in the same orientation,
• Equipment with synthetic oil systems require special measures for preservation, specialist advice shall be
sought from the Manufacturer for these systems,
• Oil-mist lubricated bearings should be treated as oil-lubricated bearings,
• Ali exposed shafts, sheaves, mounting support faces, machined surfaces and bolts shall be coated with an
approved rust preventative.
Records shall be prepared and maintained accordingly

9.14.2 Pumps

The following requirements/checking/recommendations shall be fulfilled:

• All openings shall be sealed including Motor junction box,
• Oil levels of - bearing housing, gear/ crank casing, tanks, sumps etc. shall be checked,
• All mechanical surfaces shall be protected against rust,
• Water at drain points shall be removed,
• Flange faces shall be protected by Denso tape and dust blinds,
• Anchor bolts shall be covered with grease,
• Oil level at the internals or the Nitrogen pressure shall be maintained as applicable,
• Visual! inspection of equipment and accessories for damage and paintwork shall be carried out,
• Lube oil reservoirs to be filled with light oil to just below the seal (check manufacturer's instructions),
• Vertical inline pumps to be filled with recommended oil to a level above the bullseye,
• Oil filled bearing housing to be filled with light oil (check manufacturer's instructions),
• Check grease filled bearings are filled with recommended grease (Do not Over•
• fill),
• Seal shaft bearings with Denso tape,
• Ensure couplings are rust free and effectively encased in plastic or wrapped with denso tape. open ear
couplings, clean out and refill with new grease, clean outside of couplings and preserve
• Metal plugs or caps to be fitted over screwed openings. Other openings to be blanked off (e.9. "Denso tape")
• Shipping blinds to remain intact, and all flanges including main suction and discharge flanges to be fitted
with spades,
• All exposed metal surfaces are to be coated/sprayed with suitable rust preventive,
• Base frame supported adequately, to prevent bending/distortion,
• Equipment low point drains shall be checked for water,
• Rotate all shaft, pulleys, and lubricators 2-1/4 turns (As advised by Vendor),
• Check that pumps are protected from dust, sand, heat, moisture or corrosive vapor and vibrations,
• If interlocking device is provided with the pump/motor it has to be remounted after inspection,
• Check that terminal boxes of motors are provided with VSI or equivalent,
• For pump with gearbox the latter has to be filled with oil as per manufacturer's recommendation,
• Check that Pump internal has been flushed and filled 10-50%volume with Oil as per Vendor
• Check whether space heaters are provided, if yes, energize the same,
• Check the accessories and spares for the above applicable points. Records shall be prepared and maintained
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9.15 Instrumentation equipment

9.15.1 General

The following general requirements shall be fulfilled:

• The electric instrument power supply shall be switched off and the batteries shall be removed from the
• The air-conditioning/purification system shall stay on but the capacity can be trimmed to suit the loading
after other equipment is removed/preserved,
• Desiccant shall be checked regularly and be replaced as required,
• The wrapping and sealing of instruments shall be checked regularly and be repaired/replaced as required.
• During construction stage all outdoor instrument equipment including all enclosure, cable tray, fixings,
fittings and covers shall be protected from contamination due to, but not limited to, falling welding slag
and debris from items such as grinders and power tools, by covering the equipment with a fitted flame and
spark resistant cover.

9.15.2 Instruments - Pl & Tl

The following requirements/checking/recommendations shall be fulfilled:

• Apply compound to any unpainted metallic parts wiping of any preservative from surrounding non-metallic
surfaces. Attach a wooden plank to protect the gauge with self-adhesive tape.

9.15.3 Pressure, Temperature and Level Switches

The following requirements/checking/recommendations shall be fulfilled:

• Protect any damage painting with compound,
• Place Silica Gel bags inside switch housing,
• Seal with self-adhesive tape any cable entry holes,
• Apply suitable rust preventive to fasteners and all threads,
• Apply coating of silicon grease to housing lid contact faces and replace lid. Seal lid joint with waterproof
• Slide shroud back from cable glands and pack with silicon grease.

9.15.4 Electronic Transmitter

The following requirements/checking/recommendations shall be fulfilled:

• Protect any damage painting with compound,
• Remove the transmitter cover and insert color-changing type Silica Gel bag,
• Apply silicone grease to cover gasket and replace transmitter cover, apply suitable rust preventive to
fasteners and seal the joint with adhesive plastic tape. Tape any cable entry holes,
• Apply compound to any unpainted metallic parts wiping off any preservative from surrounding non-
metallic surface,
• On indicating transmitters, attach a wooden plank to protect the transmitter glass with self-adhesive tape,
• Slide the shrouds away from the cable glands, pack with silicon grease and replace shroud,
• Provide protection brackets to prevent transmitter damage
9.15.5 Pneumatic Transmitter
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The following requirements/checking/recommendations shall be fulfilled:

• Protect any damage painting with Ensis compound,
• Remove the transmitter cover and insert Silica Gel bag,
• Apply silicone grease to cover gasket and replace transmitter cover, apply suitable rust preventive to
fasteners and seal the joint with adhesive plastic tape. Tape any entries within housing awaiting the
installation of compression fittings,
• Apply Ensis compound to any unpainted metallic parts wiping off any preservative from surrounding non-
metallic surface,
• Attach a wooden plank to protect the transmitter glass with self-adhesive tape.

9.15.6 Actuator Control & Relief Valves

The following requirements/checking/recommendations shall be fulfilled:

• Units shall be inspected and if any anomalies found. shall be reported. e.g. corrosion damage, moisture,
• Care to be taking at the time de-stuffing the cases from the containers and ensured that the cases are not
damaged. Store the cases such a way that it shall not be getting damaged.
• All the cases are to be stored in closed / covered storage facility Adequate protection shall be taken to
protect the wooden packs from harsh environmental condition such as sun light, wave, rain, dust etc.
• Clean and dry unit carefully.
• Ensure that covers are not damaged. Report any damage.
• For control valves with Hydraulic Actuated Cylinder, refill cylinder with sufficient oil to make a film in the
cylinder when the actuator is stroked.
• Ensure that external surfaces or paintwork are not damaged,
• Ensure that recommended preservatives are in good condition. Reapply as necessary to unpainted sliding
and static surfaces. Do not apply to working electrical parts" Wipe off preservative from non-metallic
• Ensure that all necessary covers, end caps and plugs are in position on cables, tubing ends and associated
control equipment. Replace any missing covers, plugs, caps, etc.
• The valve positioner shall be treated as an instrument. The valve stem shall be cleaned and protected with
Ensis Compound.
• All instrument valve such as control valves, on-off valves, pressure safety valves shall be protected with
adhesive flange cover protector by CONTRACTOR. This protector shall be implemented at warehouse site
and not allowed to be removed unless for seat leak test
• The valves and control valves, the stem shall be cleaned and protected with preservative oil compound.
Apply silicone grease to the linkage of valve positioned. Wrap plastic or canvas.
Records shall be prepared and maintained accordingly

9.16 Electric equipment

9.16.1 General

For temporary preservation of electrical equipment, no special actions are required, unless otherwise required
by the equipment Manufacturer. Normal maintenance and checking shall be applied.
Doors, cable entries and other openings of switchgear and compartments shall be kept closed.
During construction stage all outdoor electrical equipment including all enclosure, cable tray, fixings, fittings and
covers shall be protected from contamination due to, but not limited to, falling welding slag and debris from
items such as grinders and power tools, by covering the equipment with a fitted flame and spark resistant cover.
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9.16.2 Motors

The following requirements/checking/recommendations shall be fulfilled:

• Lubricate bearings as per manufacturers recommendations (At 6 months' intervals, if Vendor's instructions
are not available),
• Seal motor shaft with Denso tape, wherever possible,
• Seal off all cable gland entry holes to terminal boxes, ensure Vapour Space
• Inhibitor is provided
• When sleeve-type bearings are fitted, the rotors shall be jacked up with wooden blocks, and Vapor Space
Inhibitor concentrate added to the lubrication system.
• When anti-friction bearings are fitted, they shall be re-greased in order to prevent moisture accumulation,
• Brushes, if installed, shall be lifted off the slip rings and commutators,
• Ensure that terminal covers are bolted and provide proper seal (after megger testing),
• Weatherproof protection covers shall be provided for HV motors and air fin cooler motors. Where electric
motors and generators are not installed inside a building, they shall be protected against the weather.
Where this is not possible, they shall be removed to warehouse storage. Slip rings shall be protected against
the weather by covering them with a suitable waterproofing material such as 'cling• film' plastic wrapping,
• Top bearing area (of air fin cooler motors) shall be checked for presence of water,
• Ensure passage of water through porous drain plugs (of air fin motors),
• Carry out megger test of windings every 3 months (Note: Test more frequently if readings get progressively
• When anti-condensation heaters are fitted, they should be switched on. All other auxiliary supplies shall
be switched off
• Ensure Vendor recommendations are being followed,
• Rotate motor shaft 2-114 turns (as advised by Vendor). Where a motor is required to be run periodically
for the preservation of the driven equipment, this shall be done for a minimum of one hour.
• Periodical check motor winding insulation resistance
Records shall be prepared and maintained accordingly

9.16.3 Junction Boxes

The following requirements/checking/recommendations shall be fulfilled:

• Inspect inside unit for cleanliness and any damage, if necessary, carefully clean with dry cloth,
• Protect all cable connections by spraying with Multiglass Universal or equivalent,
• Place Silica Gel bags inside each compartment of unit.
• Brush hinges and fasteners with suitable rust preventive, seal up all large openings and unused glands with
plastic sheet and plastic tape,
• Protect any damaged coating with Ensis Compound and apply to unpainted surfaces, do not apply to
working, electrical part. Wipe off preservatives from no metallic surface,
• Ensure that door or unit is properly locked and key removed. Key to be stored properly with specific key
Records shall be prepared and maintained accordingly


• Handling equipment (Slings, chains, ...)

• Lifting equipment (Forklift, pallet truck, cranes, ... )
• Storage facilities (Warehouses, containers, lay down areas ... )
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Discipline: PO No.:

Vendor: Item Description/Tag No.:

Storage: Unit/Area:

Preservation Inspection Date (Monthly) and Action (W/I/R)

Requirements/Action required 1-Oct Date Date Date Date Date Date Date

Quantity verification W W

... I I

... R R


Inspector Signature

W=witness; I=inspection; R=review




Verified by Approved by

Name: Name:

Date: Date:

Signature Signature
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Date Discipline (name of items) Inspector Remarks

Activity1 Activity2 Activity3 Activity4 ...

1-Oct √ √ √ √ √




Qualified: √


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