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Well completion Report

Drilling, Construction and Pumping test
of 02 deep well in Dire (Deed Jarsa) and
Miyo (Meti) woredas’ of Borona Zone

Client: Ministry of Agriculture & Livestock Resources,

RPLR Project
Contractor: Mahder Mehari Mesfin WWDW

April, 2020
Addis Ababa
Mahder Mehari Mesfin Water Well Drilling Works


1 INTRODUCTION ...................................................................................................................... 4
1.1 GENERAL................................................................................................................ 4
1.2 LOCATION AND ACCESIBILITY................................................................................. 4
1.3 KEY PERSONNEL EMPLOYED .................................................................................. 5
1.4 OBJECTIVE ............................................................................................................. 6
1.5 METHODOLOGY ...................................................................................................... 6
2 GEOMORPHOLOGY OF THE AREA..................................................................................... 7
2.1 PHYSIOGRAPHY ...................................................................................................... 7
2.2 CLIMATE AND TOPOGRAPHY ................................................................................... 8
2.3 SOIL AND VEGETATION........................................................................................... 8
3 GEOLOGY AND STRUCTURE ............................................................................................... 9
3.1 LOCAL (PROJECT AREA ) GEOLOGY ........................................................................ 9
4 HYDROGEOLOGY OF THE AREA ...................................................................................... 10
4.1 PREVIOUS WORKS ..................................................................................................12
4.2 EXISTING WATER SUPPLY ......................................................................................12
4.3 GROUND WATER OCCURRENCE ..............................................................................13
4.4 GROUND WATER POTENTIAL ..................................................................................13
4.5 GROUNDWATER LEVEL OF THE AREA .....................................................................13
4.6 GROUNDWATER QUALITY OF THE AREA.................................................................14
5 WELL DRILLING AND CONSTRUCTION HISTORY ....................................................... 15
5.1 PERSONNEL AND DRILLING EQUIPMENTS...............................................................15
5.2 DRILLING HISTORY OF THE TWO DEEP WELLS ........................................................16
5.2.1 DIRE-DEE JARSA DEEP WELL S ITE (FIRST. DW-1)..................................................16
DRILLING SYSTEM AND DIAMETER ........................................................................16
LITHOLOGIC LOGGING AND WELL DESIGN ............................................................17
BOREHOLE CAMERA SCANNING.............................................................................17
5.2.2 MIYO - METI DEEP WELL S ITE (SECOND DW-2) ....................................................19
DRILLING SYSTEM AND DIAMETER ........................................................................19
LITHOLOGIC LOGGING AND WELL DESIGN ............................................................19
BOREHOLE CAMERA SCANNING.............................................................................20
INSTALLATION OF PRODUCTION CASING P IPES .......................................................22
GRAVEL PACKING .................................................................................................22
WELL DEVELOPMENT ............................................................................................22
6.1 PURPOSE OF THE PUMPING TEST ............................................................................24
6.1.1 GENERAL OBJECTIVES ...........................................................................................24
6.1.2 SPECIFIC OBJECTIVES ............................................................................................24
6.2 MATERIALS AND EQUIPMENTS USED FOR TESTING ................................................25
6.2.1 SUBMERSIBLE PUMP AND GENERATOR ..................................................................25
6.2.2 WATER LEVEL MEASURING DEVICE ......................................................................25
6.2.3 DISCHARGE MEASURING DEVICE...........................................................................26
6.3 PUMPING TEST DATA COLLECTION AND ANALYSIS ...............................................26
6.3.1 STEP DRAWDOWN TEST.........................................................................................26
6.3.2 CONSTANT RATE DRAWDOWN TEST ......................................................................28
6.3.3 RECOVERY TEST....................................................................................................30
6.4 RESULT AND DISCUSSION ......................................................................................31

Technical Report for Drilling, Construction and Pumping Test of Dire-Deed Jarsa & Miyo –Meti Deep Wells in
Borona Zone for Rural Kebelle Domestic & Livestock Water Supply Purpose
Mahder Mehari Mesfin Water Well Drilling Works

7 GROUNDWATER QUALITY................................................................................................. 34
7.1 WATER QUALITY INDICATORS ......................................................................34
8 CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION ........................................................................ 36

Technical Report for Drilling, Construction and Pumping Test of Dire-Deed Jarsa & Miyo –Meti Deep Wells in
Borona Zone for Rural Kebelle Domestic & Livestock Water Supply Purpose
Mahder Mehari Mesfin Water Well Drilling Works


1.1 General

A Supplementary agreement No.1 has been signed between Ministry of Agriculture (the client)
and Mahder Mehari Mesfin Water Well Drilling Works (the contractor) to undertake Drilling,
Construction and Pumping test of 02 Additional Deep well in Dire woreda (Deed Jarsa site), and
Miyo woreda (Meti site) around Borena zone Oromia Regional state, for Livestock production,
Water supply and Sanitation Purpose. The work includes Drilling, Construction, Water quality
laboratory test, and Pumping test data collection, processing and analysis.

Following the Supplementary contractual agreement signed between the two parties, the drilling,
and construction of the additional two proposed deep water well is successfully completed.
Among the two completed deep wells the first drilled one is found to be dry well whereas the
other one found to be productive with high yield potential. Hence, this technical report
incorporates the well completion report of two deep well sites together with the pumping test
analysis of Miyo–Meti productive deep well site.

1.2 Location and accesibility

The project area is located at about 660km and 690km south of Addis Ababa in Oromia Region,
Borena zone. It is accessible through asphalt road. However to the specific deep well site it is dry
gravel road. The project area can be accessed through Addis Ababa- Shashemene- Hawasa-Dila-
Bulehora-Yabelo- Moyalle asphalt road. Meanwhile interring to the sites is through gravel road.
The excellent cooperation rendered by Zonal water office with collaborating of the community by
providing clearing and maintenance of the road and facilitate our project during the field work, the
woreda staff administrations and RPLRP Coordinator during the drilling site visit and more

Technical Report for Drilling, Construction and Pumping Test of Dire-Deed Jarsa & Miyo –Meti Deep Wells in Borona Zone for
Rural Kebelle Domestic & Livestock Water Supply Purpose
Mahder Mehari Mesfin Water Well Drilling Works

detailed fieldwork to the project area is highly appreciated and such is required for successful
completion of the project. (pls refer the location Map).

Table 1.2.1 the administrative Location of the two additional deep well sites in Borona Zone

Well Well Remark

Zone Woreda kebelle Site name GPS Location
ID Depth (m)
DW-1 Borona Dire Deed Jarsa Deed Jarsa 421407 437483 115.0 Dry
DW-2 Borona Miyo Genda Meti 453351 408005 70.0 Productive

1.3 Key Personnel Employed

The drilling rig together with tools and accessories, and personnel were mobilized to execute the
works as per the specification of the contract accord. The key project staff that was deployed to
execute the project is outlined in table. 1.3.1 below:-

1.3.1. Water Well Drilling and Construction Team Composition

Year of
S.No. Name Qualification Position
1 Ephrem Kinfe Tesfamariam MSc Project Manager 16
2 Yisak G/Medhin BSc Junior Hydro Geologist 6
3 Hadera Nega Diploma Drilling Superintendent 30
4 Sintayehu Batu Gemeda Diploma Chief Driller III 11
5 Wendiwosen Bayu Ayele 8th grade Assistance Driller 6
6 Seyoum Teshome / Certificate Senior Pumping Test 20 / 12
Alemayehu Yehualawork Technician
7 Guta Regasa 4th Grade Rig Driver/Crane operator 12
8 Frezer Habtewold 3rd Grade Isuzu Driver 6
9 Mujahid Bediru 4th Grade Crane Operator 8
10 Ashenafi Abreha 3rd Grade Hilux Driver 5
11 Tesfaye Alem 10th complete Assistance Driller 6

Technical Report for Drilling, Construction and Pumping Test of Dire-Deed Jarsa & Miyo –Meti Deep Wells in Borona Zone for
Rural Kebelle Domestic & Livestock Water Supply Purpose
Mahder Mehari Mesfin Water Well Drilling Works

1.4 Objective

The main objective of the work is to drill, Construct, and Pumping test of previously selected sites
by the Client for deep groundwater development in areas where the Client is plan to alleviate the
problems of target community related to lack of sanitation and potable water and enhance the
development of the same community by providing safe potable water. According to the
agreement, during the construction close supervision is done by the client (Zonal Expert from
Yabello Zone Water, and Energy Resources Development Office). Based on this, close follow up
observation in lithological logging, drilling rate, drilling sound, smoothness and roughness of
penetration was done in order to understand the hydrogeological situation of the well
comprehensively and to arrange the screen position or well design properly in order to maximize
the efficiency of the well.

1.5 Methodology

As per the technical specification &design of the contract agreement, the drilling &construction of
the proposed deep well has been carried out. To achieve the objective of the project, the following
methodology has been used.
 The drilling of the top surface or unconsolidated formation was done using 17 ¼” rock bit
and drilling to the remaining depth was progressed using 12” BTH bit.
 By observing the drilling rate, drilling sound, smoothness, roughness of penetration &
relating it with the samples collected, fair lithological log for each Deep well is tried to
 A great attention was paid in well design program such as gravel packing and screen
positioning. Then
 Finally, sufficient time was allocated for the well development so as to remove fines and
clean the well to satisfaction

Technical Report for Drilling, Construction and Pumping Test of Dire-Deed Jarsa & Miyo –Meti Deep Wells in Borona Zone for
Rural Kebelle Domestic & Livestock Water Supply Purpose
Mahder Mehari Mesfin Water Well Drilling Works

2 Geomorphology of the area

2.1 Physiography

The major part of the farm area can be described as flat topography with dendritic drainage pattern
from the mountains areas. The elevation of the farm area is ranges from 750-1m a.s.l. Common
physiographic features in the Project area are flat land with small and open rolling ridges and the
like. The Miyo woreda area is somewhat hanging in the great mountain block as hanging walls
and then an abrupt change of elevation is observed in the dawn thrown part of the feature
physically towards the Kenyan boundary. This is may be geological structure related to faulting
which runs in the NW-SE direction.

400000.000000 480000.000000


# Sodo




El Melbana

El Gof




# Borehole Sites

24,000 12,000 0 24,000 Meters Aspalt Road

etriver01co arc
.000000 .000000
400000 480000

Figure 1.2.1 SRTM and Drainage map of the project and surrounding area

Technical Report for Drilling, Construction and Pumping Test of Dire-Deed Jarsa & Miyo –Meti Deep Wells in Borona Zone for
Rural Kebelle Domestic & Livestock Water Supply Purpose
Mahder Mehari Mesfin Water Well Drilling Works

2.2 Climate and topography

The elevation of the woredas ranges 750-1400 m a.s.l., According to the Ethiopian altitude-climate
relationship, the average elevation of these Borena zone is around 1075m a.m.s.l. which can be
classified as hot climatic zone ("Kola”) climatic zone. The zone has bimodal low rain fall
distribution with 500-1000 mm annual average rain fall (from finance and economic development
bureau; physical planning department GIS center 1995E.c).The highest rain fall is occurring
March to April (spring rainy season) and from September to October (summer rainy season).

2.3 Soil and Vegetation

The most important soil developed in woredas’ are depositional soil, clay silt and sand most
probably derived from the depositional lacustrine. It is generally thick at place more than 5m. In
terms of vegetation cover; it can be described generally as densely vegetated area with Indigenous
kolla trees and forest comprising natural only.

Technical Report for Drilling, Construction and Pumping Test of Dire-Deed Jarsa & Miyo –Meti Deep Wells in Borona Zone for
Rural Kebelle Domestic & Livestock Water Supply Purpose
Mahder Mehari Mesfin Water Well Drilling Works

3 Geology and Structure

3.1 Local (Project area ) Geology

The local geology of the project area is characterized as quaternary upper basaltic flow; Meta-
sedimentary gneisses, loose sediment, non-alluvial soil deposit and recent alluvial deposit have
been observed during field served. The over laying rock unit found exposed up on the top hill of
the area which is highly fractured and highly weathered basalts, Black in color, vertically fractured
and discontinuity structured and mineralogically from hand spacemen observation, this rock
contains minerals like olivine, pyroxene, quartz and black to dark colored with fine grained texture
which automatically indicates an extrusive igneous rock Basalt in case of deed Jarsa where as in
miyo it is coarse grained quartizo feldsphatic gneiss and muscovite. This basalt unit is overlaid by
thick red soil (non-alluvial soil) formation and the basalt out crops is confined in dire mountainous
area land form.

The Project area characterized different litho logical unit mainly Tertiary volcanic rock and
Gneisses Basement with Quaternary sediments. The rock succession from top to Bottom is:-
Quaternary material, Basalt, Biotite Gneisses Basement.

Technical Report for Drilling, Construction and Pumping Test of Dire-Deed Jarsa & Miyo –Meti Deep Wells in Borona Zone for
Rural Kebelle Domestic & Livestock Water Supply Purpose
Mahder Mehari Mesfin Water Well Drilling Works

4 Hydrogeology of the area

The head water is Originate from highland areas that emerge from the vast mass of quaternary and
Tertiary volcanic rocks on the plateau and post and pretectonic basement rocks. It may therefore
be inferred that the Tertiary volcanic rocks and their weathering products are useful as aquifers.
The main recharge of the groundwater for our study area is precipitation (rainfall) that comes from
the surrounding high land area. Our site is relatively lowland & gentle slope to undulating land

Nevertheless, not all of the volcanic and basement rocks are of equal hydro geological importance.
The geological maps of Ethiopia published by Merle et al (1972) and Kazmin (1972) differentiate
the Tertiary volcanic rocks into two groups. In this scheme, the youngest group represents sub-
horizontal to tilting basalts predominantly. Due to the differences in mineralogy, texture and
structure of volcanic rocks and basement rocks, water bearing Potential also varies. Ground water
circulation and storage in the volcanic and basement rocks depend on the type of porosity and
permeability formed during and after the rock formation. All rock structures possessing a primary
porosity may not have necessarily permeability; i.e. without the original interconnection, the
primary porosity may not give rise to the primary permeability, but the letter connection, by means
of weathering or fracturing may results secondary permeability.

Therefore, the most important features governing the groundwater flow and storage in volcanic
rocks are the following:
 Vertical permeability due to primary and secondary fractures;
 Horizontal permeability due to horizons containing openings due to the lava flow and gas
expansion during solidification;
 Occurrence of impervious horizons and dikes.

All fractured and porous volcanic rocks do not always serve for groundwater circulation. On this
regards the main controlling factors are:

Technical Report for Drilling, Construction and Pumping Test of Dire-Deed Jarsa & Miyo –Meti Deep Wells in Borona Zone for
Rural Kebelle Domestic & Livestock Water Supply Purpose
Mahder Mehari Mesfin Water Well Drilling Works

 Type frequency and distribution of the fractures

 Degree of the fracture and pore interconnection
 Thickness of the lava flow
 Occurrence of cementing material and their hydraulic characteristics
 Constitution of the soil cover
 The depth of the lava flow
At depth, volcanic rocks may have low permeability due to the pressure exerted by the overlying

From hydro geological point of view, occurrence of ground water controlled by:
 Permeability of the rocks types
 Nature of aquifer and aquiclude layer
 The topographic position of the aquifers
 The possibility of recharge area to ground water and the depth to the ground water.

Geologically which found in the Project area such as basalt, gneisses and shicst have not primary
porosity but have got its permeability by affected geological structure and weathered process. On
River out Crops and Cuttings from the drilled well; we observed fractured structure on basalt and
weathered rock on light to grey Trachyte. The area topography is flat to gentle slope (plain
morphology) and some vegetation cover that induce high infiltrations than runoff. Therefore, it is
favourable area for groundwater storage. The general topography of the area facilitates percolation
of water into groundwater system. The drainage patterns of the selected site are dendrite pattern.

The dominant rock units in the project area are volcanic mainly of Basalt flow in case of deed
jarsa and quartizo feldspatic gneiss in case of Miyo Meti. As can be observed from the geological
log of boreholes the top 0 - 16 m is composed of clay layer with in-situ decomposed rock and
transported units. The remaining depth of the well consists of light dark fine to medium grained
aphanitic and scoraceous Basalt with different degree of weathering and fracturing in case of deed
Jarsa and Gneiss in case of Meti deep well sites.

Technical Report for Drilling, Construction and Pumping Test of Dire-Deed Jarsa & Miyo –Meti Deep Wells in Borona Zone for
Rural Kebelle Domestic & Livestock Water Supply Purpose
Mahder Mehari Mesfin Water Well Drilling Works

From the hydrogeological point of view, the groundwater flow in the project area is highly
controlled by the regional structure, weathering effect and lithologic contact of the different units.
Lithologic logg data of the drilled well reveal that the fractured and weathered part of the
Basement rocks and lithologic contacts of different layers at different depths is the main aquifer
through which groundwater movement is effected very easily (see lithological logg). The major
aquifer of the most of the productive deep well is highly fractured and weather quartizo feldspatic

4.1 Previous works

The tremendous increment of potable water demand of the rural community for Miyo and the
other weredas’ and the absence of surface water and general decline of water level of the existing
well has necessitated to concentrate more on the drilling of boreholes in the nearby potential well
field as the recommendation of the zonal water mine and energy office. As a result of the
recommendation by Zonal Office, in collaboration with the RPLR-project office proposed Deep
borehole for the Kebelle dwellers’ and livestock’s have been drilled.

4.2 Existing water Supply

Groundwater potential developed by Deep boreholes (very few in no.) and Traditional Ponds
appears to be the principal sources of water supply in the Project area. Traditional ponds are
common and unprotected and unsanitary in the Project area. Boreholes drilled in the project areas
are caped and fitted with pumps. These boreholes provide hygienic water for the different rural
and town community population.

Technical Report for Drilling, Construction and Pumping Test of Dire-Deed Jarsa & Miyo –Meti Deep Wells in Borona Zone for
Rural Kebelle Domestic & Livestock Water Supply Purpose
Mahder Mehari Mesfin Water Well Drilling Works

4.3 Ground water occurrence

Ground water storage and flow is primarily influenced by the precipitation and the type of rocks
occurring in the area. The dominant rock types are basalt flows, & basement Gneisses rocks. As a
result, no primary porosities are expected. On the other hand, lineaments developed on these rocks
can produce secondary porosity due to fracturing and weathering. This secondary porosity could
permit the flow and storage of ground water in favorable conditions. In these types of rocks the
aquifer is expected from fractures and hardly from weathering. Ground water storage and flow is
also expected in contact of different geological formations, both vertical and lateral contacts.

4.4 Ground water potential

The total numbers of boreholes drilled in the project area for the two Kebelles’ water supply is two
(02). Unfortunately for Deed Jarsa kebble is found to be dry whereas for the Miyo-Meti is found
to be productive. More over the general boreholes data and analysis of the project area indicates
that the groundwater potential of the Dire woreda is either deep or low potential whereas for the
Miyo-Meti woreda is highly potential. Since proper pump test was conducted for the drilled
productive Miyo-Meti deep borehole, the recommended yield given is to be used with precaution.

4.5 Groundwater level of the area

All the Deep boreholes drilled in the Project area are sealed and are not furnished with observation
pipes. So it was not possible to get enough data of water level measurements. Although the
distribution and density of water level data obtained are not to meet the need required to prepare
water level contour map in order to show a reliable groundwater flow direction. However aquifer
characteristics studded in this project area, from field observation and from the existing deep water
wells condition, aquifer of the area are localized and much controlled by the local topography and
geology condition. They have little hydraulic connection with each other. Therefore it is very
difficult to put last conclusion on the general ground level and flow direction.

Technical Report for Drilling, Construction and Pumping Test of Dire-Deed Jarsa & Miyo –Meti Deep Wells in Borona Zone for
Rural Kebelle Domestic & Livestock Water Supply Purpose
Mahder Mehari Mesfin Water Well Drilling Works

4.6 Groundwater Quality of the area

There is no enough data found to discus and prepare water quality maps about the water quality
condition of the borona Zone. But from visual observation and testing of water samples from
boreholes, hand-dug wells and springs was found to be all constituents are within the WHO
standards for drinking water. According to existing reports, water samples taken from relatively
high elevation, shows lower concentration TDS and water whereas, samples taken from relatively
lower elevation shows and lacustrine calcareous deposits are relatively high TDS value. This
variation is probably attributed to infiltrating groundwater at lower elevation may have more
contact with the surrounding rocks to dissolve rock constituents to give rise to higher value of
TDS values.

For detail information on the drilled productive deep well; the water quality analysis’ was done in
the pumping test and water quality section below (pls see).

Technical Report for Drilling, Construction and Pumping Test of Dire-Deed Jarsa & Miyo –Meti Deep Wells in Borona Zone for
Rural Kebelle Domestic & Livestock Water Supply Purpose
Mahder Mehari Mesfin Water Well Drilling Works

5 Well Drilling and Construction History

5.1 Personnel and Drilling Equipments

As the intended purpose of these wells is for water supply; prior to construction of the borehole a
due attention was given to the well design. The well design was prepared based on the contract
agreement, drilling logg data and facts gained from previously done hydrogeological studies and
related investigation works. Clues regarding to the suitable drilling method and drilling machine to
be deployed for penetrating the target aquifer of the selected site have also been obtained.

Accordingly, a drilling crew consisting of well qualified senior Hydrogeologist, chief driller,
mechanics, assistance drillers, drilling technicians and other supporting manpower along with high
capacity one drilling PRD Rig was deployed to accomplish the drilling works. During the drilling
operation, the following Machinery and equipment was used:-
 PRD (Max drill 2000) Rotary-Cum Drill Machine
 Compressor of 24 Bar capacity
 41/2” Drill pipe (5.0m long)
 17½” steel teeth Tricone (Rock) bit and
 12” diameter Tungsten carbide inserted teeth Hammer bit
 14” ID Steel temporary and 8” ID Permanent surface casing
 One Supply trucks
 5 Tone Half Crane
 Light vehicle (1 Land Cruiser)
 22 KW Capacity Submersible electrical Pumps
 120KVA Perkins Diesel generator and,
 Other Drilling and Testing Equipment

Technical Report for Drilling, Construction and Pumping Test of Dire-Deed Jarsa & Miyo –Meti Deep Wells in Borona Zone for
Rural Kebelle Domestic & Livestock Water Supply Purpose
Mahder Mehari Mesfin Water Well Drilling Works

5.2 Drilling History of the two deep wells

Drilling operation to the wells is carried out using an air rotary (DTH) drilling system. The top
unconsolidated part of the wells is drilled with 17 1/2” tricon bit while the remaining depth of the
borehole is drilled with 12” diameter Hammer bit. During drilling, short comings like: Caving, the
highly weathered schist and alluvial deposits was overcome. The diameter of the well is designed
to obtain adequate amount of groundwater required for water supply and to accommodate proper
size of submersible pump. Depth of the borehole is decided based on the actual hydrogeological
conditions of the area, drilling logg data and the order of the site supervisor. The wells are drilled
so as to fully penetrate the water bearing formations.

5.2.1 Dire-Dee Jarsa Deep well Site (First. DW-1)

The Dire – Deed Jarsa Deep well (First. DW-1) is found in the Borona zone, Dire wereda, Deed
Jarsa Kebelle. It is accessible through the Yabello-Mega asphalt road and turn to the right for
about 13 km to the specific site additional dry weather gravel road. The area has rolling and flat
topography with dendritic drainage pattern, kola climatic condition, relatively moderate to rare

Drilling System and Diameter

The first 10m were drilled with 171/2” rock roller bit using compressed air then temporary Steel
surface casing of 14”ID diameter and 10m length was lowered to prevent collapsing problem of
weathered rock with unconsolidated deposits. The remaining depth was drilled with 12” hammer
bit (DTH). The diameter of the well is designed to obtain adequate amount of groundwater
required for water supply and to accommodate proper size of submersible pump. Depth of the
borehole is decided based on the actual hydrogeological conditions of the area, drilling log data
and the order of the site supervisor. The well is drilled so as to fully penetrate the water bearing
formations. But unfortunately we have not encountered good water bearing formations.

Technical Report for Drilling, Construction and Pumping Test of Dire-Deed Jarsa & Miyo –Meti Deep Wells in Borona Zone for
Rural Kebelle Domestic & Livestock Water Supply Purpose
Mahder Mehari Mesfin Water Well Drilling Works

Lithologic Logging and Well Design

A geological log is constructed from sampling and examination of well cuttings collected during
the drilling operation. The frequency of sampling is every 2.5 meters and the respective logging
results are arranged in a manner that they can indicate the water bearing and the less pervious
formations. From these descriptions the water bearing formations for the specific drilled borehole
is weathered and fractured qurtizo feldspatic gneiss found on top with very low yield and
recovery. The section of the borehole showing the lithologic log and well design is annexed

Borehole Camera Scanning

As per the request of the client borehole camera scanning (underground survey) using Laval R-
Cam 1300XLT was done for the first time on 05/05/2012 and the borehole found to be collapsed
and backfilled unto 70m depth. Then after, we move our rig to the deed jarsa site to clear the
collapsed unit up to 115m depth. And then we do borehole camera scanning of the open dry well
for the second time on 06/07/2012e.c. after 5days of clearing the collapsed unit. We scan 95m
depth dawn and reverse the remaining depth was back filled or collapsed since the formation is
weather collapsing schist unit. (Pls Refer the Bore hole scanning video in the attached VCD).

Technical Report for Drilling, Construction and Pumping Test of Dire-Deed Jarsa & Miyo –Meti Deep Wells in Borona Zone for
Rural Kebelle Domestic & Livestock Water Supply Purpose
Mahder Mehari Mesfin Water Well Drilling Works

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Mahder Mehari Mesfin Water Well Drilling Works
Tel.: +251-11-6 45 0772, Mob:-+251 930 097307/+251-930-097306, Fax: +251 116 45 04 16, P.O.Box: 6579
Lithological Logging and Well Design
Region = Oromia Zone = Borona Water Strike = -60 m
Woreda = Dire Site name = Deed Jarsa Yield = up to 0.5 l/s Total Dev't hrs = 0.0 Hr
Commenced on = 27/01/2012 E.C. Gravel packed = 0.0 m3
Completed on = 12/03/2012 E.C Drilling diameter ; 0- 10.0m = 17^1/2"; 10.0-115.0m = 12"
14" Temporary Surface casing Used= 10.0 m Drilling Method = air Roraty/DTH
14" Permanent Surface casing Used= 0.0 m Production casing diameter & type = Not Used

Depth Hole
Screen Position Well Design Lithology Lithological Description Fomation
(m) diam.
2.5 Surface Casing 2.5
5.0 12" Reddish Brown Color silty sand top Soil Soft
Basalt Moderately fractured Vesiculated Basalt Medium
25.0 25.0
30.0 30.0
Deposite Lacustrine deposits Soft
40.0 40.0
45.0 Basalt Fractured Vesiculated Basalt
47.5 47.5
67.5 67
80.0 82
82.5 Schist Highly weathred Schist
107.5 107
115.0 115.0

Figure 5.2.1. As built Well design of Dire–Deed Jarsa Dry deep well site

Technical Report for Drilling, Construction and Pumping Test of Dire-Deed Jarsa & Miyo –Meti Deep Wells in Borona Zone for
Rural Kebelle Domestic & Livestock Water Supply Purpose
Mahder Mehari Mesfin Water Well Drilling Works

5.2.2 Miyo - Meti deep well Site (Second DW-2)

The Miyo – Meti deep well (Second DW-2) is found in the borona zone, Miyo woreda, Genda
Kebelle. It is accessible through the Yabello-Mega-Moyale Asphalt road for about 30Km from
mega and then turn to the right for about 23 km additional dry weather gravel road to the Specific
site. The area has rolling and flat topography with dendritic drainage pattern, Kola climatic
condition, relatively moderate to rare vegetated.

Drilling System and Diameter

The first 16m were drilled with 171/2” rock roller bit using compressed air then temporary Steel
surface casing of 14”ID diameter and 16 m length was lowered to prevent collapsing problem of
weathered rock with unconsolidated deposits. The remaining depth was drilled with 12” hammer
bit (DTH). The diameter of the well is designed to obtain adequate amount of groundwater
required for water supply and to accommodate proper size of submersible pump. Depth of the
borehole is decided based on the actual hydrogeological conditions of the area, drilling log data
and the order of the site supervisor. The well is drilled so as to fully penetrate the water bearing

Lithologic Logging and Well Design

A geological log is constructed from sampling and examination of well cuttings collected during
the drilling operation. The frequency of sampling is every 2.5 meters and the respective logging
results are arranged in a manner that they can indicate the water bearing and the less pervious
formations. From these descriptions the water bearing formations for the specific drilled borehole
is highly fractured stained colored Gneiss found at depth with very high recovery. The section of
the borehole showing the lithologic log and well design is annexed below.

Technical Report for Drilling, Construction and Pumping Test of Dire-Deed Jarsa & Miyo –Meti Deep Wells in Borona Zone for
Rural Kebelle Domestic & Livestock Water Supply Purpose
Mahder Mehari Mesfin Water Well Drilling Works

Borehole Camera Scanning

As per the request of the client borehole camera scanning (underground survey) using Laval R-
Cam 1300XLT was done on 06/07/2012 and the borehole found to be well cased up to 62.50m.
And the screen and blind positions are clearly visible. The static water level was found at 4.0m
b.g.l. (Pls Refer the Bore hole scanning video in the attached VCD).

Technical Report for Drilling, Construction and Pumping Test of Dire-Deed Jarsa & Miyo –Meti Deep Wells in Borona Zone for
Rural Kebelle Domestic & Livestock Water Supply Purpose
Mahder Mehari Mesfin Water Well Drilling Works

ማህደር መሃሪ መስፍን የውሃ ጉድጓድ ቁፋሮ ስራ

Mahder Mehari Mesfin Water Well Drilling Works
Tel.: +251-11-6 45 0772, Mob:-+251 930 097307/+251-930-097306, Fax: +251 116 45 04 16, P.O.Box: 6579
Lithological Logging and Well Design
Region = Oromia Zone = Borona Water Strike = 5 m
Woreda = Miyo Site name = Meti Yield = up to 15 l/s Total Dev't hrs = 10.0 Hr
Commenced on = 19/05/2012 E.C. Gravel packed = 12.0 m3
Completed on = 19/06/2012 E.C Drilling diameter ; 0- 16.0m = 17^1/2"; 16.0-65.0m = 12"
14" Temporary Surface casing Used= 16.0 m Drilling Method = air Roraty/DTH
14" Permanent Surface casing Used= 16.0 m Production casing diameter & type = 8" ID Mild steel casing pipes

Depth Hole
Screen Position Well Design Lithology Lithological Description Fomation
(m) diam.

0.0 1
2.5 Surface Casing 14" grouting

Silty Sand with some gravel core sone river
7.5 River deposits Soft
food deposits


15.0 15.0
Highly fractured Granitic gneiss with quartz
vein intercalations wich is saturated with
20.0 Gravel Packed 20.0 water
22.5 Highly fractured Granitic gneiss with
satained color and saturated with water
25.0 24.4 25.0

27.5 Blind Positin

Moderately fractured and hard granitic
30.0 Hard
gneiss with satined color
32.5 32.5

37.5 36.0 Highly fractured , stained color, moderately
40.0 weathred , light green in color saturated Medium
granitic gneiss
45.0 45.0

Fresh, masive and hard light green color
50.0 50.0 granitic gneiss with some muscovites

55.0 Silghtly fractured & fresh granitic gneiss

57.5 Screen Position

v Fresh , Masive & hard Granitic Gneiss
60.0 59.2 60.0 Slighly Fractured Granitic Gneiss


65.0 65.0
Massive, fresh and very hard Ganitic gneiss
67.5 67

70.0 70.0



Figure 5.2.2. As built Well design of Miyo –Meti productive deep well site

Technical Report for Drilling, Construction and Pumping Test of Dire-Deed Jarsa & Miyo –Meti Deep Wells in Borona Zone for
Rural Kebelle Domestic & Livestock Water Supply Purpose
Mahder Mehari Mesfin Water Well Drilling Works

Installation of production Casing Pipes

Casing arrangement and installation is done according to the actual hydrogeological conditions
based on the lithologic logs. For the purpose of this project 8’’ID Steel screen casing is installed
across the most permeable strata (aquifer), while the remaining relatively less permeable and
impermeable portions is cased with 8” ID Steel Blind casing.

Table 5.2.2 Casing arrangement the Miyo-Meti Deep well (Second DW-2)

Well Depth(m) Casing

Casing Type
Designation Diameter
From To
65.00 59.20 Steel blind 8”
59.20 53.40 Steel Screen 8”
Meti DW 53.40 36.00 Steel blind 8”
36.00 24.40 Steel Screen 8”
24.40 +1.92 agl Steel blind 8”

Blind length=49.40m Screen length=17.40m

Gravel Packing

The annular space between the casing and the borehole wall is packed with 6-9mm diameter of
selected, well sorted and rounded Natural River gravel of Basaltic nature. The pouring of the
gravel in to the annulus is done in a step wise fashion to prevent bridging and in order to fill
properly the space between the casing and the borehole wall used 12 M3. The entire well depth is
packed with gravel except the top 5.0m grouted part.

Well Development

Every type of drilling operation alters the hydraulic characteristics of formation materials in
vicinity of the borehole. These alterations often result in a sever reduction of the hydraulic
conductivity close to the well bore.

Technical Report for Drilling, Construction and Pumping Test of Dire-Deed Jarsa & Miyo –Meti Deep Wells in Borona Zone for
Rural Kebelle Domestic & Livestock Water Supply Purpose
Mahder Mehari Mesfin Water Well Drilling Works

To maintain the natural porosity and permeability of the formation around the borehole, well
development is a very critical task. The wells are developed using an air compressor until the
water becomes clean and free of turbidity and any suspended loads for about 10:00hrs.

Based on the order of the site supervisor, 16.0m long, 14’’ID permanent steel surface casing is
installed to retain the wall of the top lose material and protect the well from leakage of foreign
materials to the well. All wells are grouted with cement concrete to a depth not exceeding 5.0m
b.g.l and finally the casing is sealed by welding until the permanent pump is installed.

Technical Report for Drilling, Construction and Pumping Test of Dire-Deed Jarsa & Miyo –Meti Deep Wells in Borona Zone for
Rural Kebelle Domestic & Livestock Water Supply Purpose
Mahder Mehari Mesfin Water Well Drilling Works

6 Pumping Test Data Collection, Processing and


6.1 Purpose of the Pumping Test

Pumping tests is critical task where very important information is collected regarding to the
overall groundwater condition of a given area. Proper data collection, processing analysis and
interpretation of the pumping test data greatly help in the proper defining of the subsurface
condition of the target area. However, the utilization of pumping test data in the solution of
hydrologic problems requires an understanding of some of the fundamental aspects of subsurface
ground water flow conditions. This enables to make assumptions about the aquifer and
idealization of it. Hence assumptions and idealization, on the other hand help to reach to a solution
for hydrologic problems. The evident to control the hydraulic behavior of the aquifer is so much
complex. Therefore, few parameters utilized to estimate the approximate values of some of the
hydraulic parameters. To undertake the pumping test operation, a pumping test crew consisting of
hydrogeologists, electrician and pumping test technicians along with pumping test equipment’s
and materials were mobilized to the site. Basically the pumping tests in the specific wells are
conducted with the following general and specific objectives.

6.1.1 General Objectives

The general objective of the pumping test is to determine;

 The performance characteristics and efficiency of the well
 The hydraulic parameters of the aquifer such as Transmisivity, hydraulic
conductivity and Storativity

6.1.2 Specific Objectives

The pumping test in the productive borehole is carried out with the following specific objectives:-
 To check the well efficiency;
 To determine the potential of the well and the sustainable discharge rate;

Technical Report for Drilling, Construction and Pumping Test of Dire-Deed Jarsa & Miyo –Meti Deep Wells in Borona Zone for
Rural Kebelle Domestic & Livestock Water Supply Purpose
Mahder Mehari Mesfin Water Well Drilling Works

 To determine the pump position and select appropriate type of pump.

6.2 Materials and Equipments Used for Testing

During the pumping test, pumping test crews consisting of well qualified pumping test technician,
electrician and a water level recording personnel with all the necessary materials and equipment
were deployed to the site. The materials and equipment used for the pumping test are listed below.
 22KW submersible pump and accessories
 120KVA diesel generator to run the submersible pumps
 3.0” B-class pipes with heavy duty coupling
 200M Long Deep meter to measure water level
 V-notch and height – yield relation table : to measure the discharge rate
 Welding Machine
 Steel Ruler
 5TON FTR Half Crane
 Plumbing tools, clamp, and so on.

6.2.1 Submersible Pump and Generator

To perform the pumping test operation of the productive well 22KW submersible electrical pumps
and a power source of 120 KVA Generator, is used to pump the water. To avoid the distorted flow
pattern that could occur in the vicinity of the well screen, the pump position is placed in the blind
portion of the casing.

6.2.2 Water Level Measuring Device

An electrical water level measuring device (Deep meter) was used to measure the water level
(drawdown) created in the well. The deep meter consists of an electrode, wire cable light and
sound sensor which helps to detect the water level of the well.

Technical Report for Drilling, Construction and Pumping Test of Dire-Deed Jarsa & Miyo –Meti Deep Wells in Borona Zone for
Rural Kebelle Domestic & Livestock Water Supply Purpose
Mahder Mehari Mesfin Water Well Drilling Works

6.2.3 Discharge Measuring Device

To measure the required discharge rate of the well, a V- notch and standard Known Volume has
been used. To avoid circulation of the pumped water, special care has been made. In this regard,
the discharged water was made to flow downstream and far away from the vicinity of the well.

6.3 Pumping Test Data Collection and Analysis

During the pumping test operation, the test duration for the step drawdown and constant rate test
was set. The step drawdown test was conducted for short duration with equal time interval of each
step and a successively increasing discharge rates. The constant pumping test was conducted for
relatively long duration and fixed discharge rate. The discharge rate for the step drawdown test
was determined from estimated compressor yield. The discharge rate for the constant test was
determined from the analysis of step drawdown tests.

6.3.1 Step Drawdown Test

Step drawdown test to the well is performed to obtain all the necessary information regarding to
the borehole performance, well efficiency (whether the well needs farther development or not), to
decide the pump position and discharge rate for the next stage (constant test) and to determine the
hydraulic characteristics of the well such as well loss (CQ 2) and aquifer loss (BQ).

For the purpose of this project, step drawdown test consisting of four steps of equal time interval
was designed. The duration for each step was two hours (120 minutes). During this test, the
discharge rates are arranged in a manner that the initial step has lower discharge rate than the
expected yield. The increments of discharge from the preceding to the next step are determined
from the estimated compressor yield of the well as measured during the well development. The
recommended discharge rates and duration of two step tests are summarized in the table below.

Technical Report for Drilling, Construction and Pumping Test of Dire-Deed Jarsa & Miyo –Meti Deep Wells in Borona Zone for
Rural Kebelle Domestic & Livestock Water Supply Purpose
Mahder Mehari Mesfin Water Well Drilling Works

Table Recommended discharge rate and duration of step drawdown test
Recommended discharge rate (l/s) Duration of
Well Designation
Step -1 Step -2 Step -3 Step -4 each step
Miyo-Meti (DW-2) 8 10 13 15 120 Minutes

Table Time intervals set for the step drawdown test

Time since pumping started Measurement time interval

0 -10 minutes Every 1 – minute
10-20 minutes Every 2 – minute
20-60 minutes Every 5 – minute
60-120 minutes Every 10 – minute

During the step drawdown test, the water level measurements and the respective discharge rate for
each step are properly recorded on the standard pumping test data collection format and are made
ready for analysis. The time versus drawdown data are plotted on semi-logarizmic paper and the
change in water level (drawdown) for each step is calculated from the graph. This enables us to
calculate the specific drawdown (SD) and specific capacity of each step.

Once the discharge rate and the respective specific drawdown of each step are known, the well
loss (CQ2) and aquifer loss (BQ) parameters can be determined from the plot on the linear paper of
the pumping rate versus specific drawdown.
The specific drawdown is given by the formula;
SD= ∑∆S/Q
Where: SD - is the specific drawdown;
∆S - is change in the drawdown of each step and
Q - is the discharge rate of each step
From the above formula, the specific drawdown for each step can be calculated as follows:-
SD1= ∑ (∆S1/Q1), SD2= ∑(∆S1+∆S2)/Q2, SD3 = ∑(∆S1+∆S2+∆S3/Q3), and
SD4 = ∑ (∆S1+∆S2+∆S3 + ∆S4)/Q4
Where: SD1, SD2, SD3 and SD4 are specific drawdown of step1, 2, 3 and 4 respectively.
: Q1, Q2, Q3, and Q4 are discharge rate of step 1, 2, 3 and 4 respectively.
: ∆S1, ∆S2, ∆S3, and ∆S4 are the change in the drawdown of each step.

Technical Report for Drilling, Construction and Pumping Test of Dire-Deed Jarsa & Miyo –Meti Deep Wells in Borona Zone for
Rural Kebelle Domestic & Livestock Water Supply Purpose
Mahder Mehari Mesfin Water Well Drilling Works

The efficiency of the well, aquifer loss and well loss are also important hydraulic parameters used
to determine the performance of a well. Well efficiency is given by the following formulas:-
Well Efficiency = (BQ/BQ+CQ2)*100%
Where: - BQ & CQ2 are aquifer loss and well loss respectively;
Q - is the discharge rate;
B and C are well loss and aquifer loss coefficients respectively;
B is the y-intercept and C is the slope of the straight line.

Another hydraulic parameter which is important to determine the performance of a well is specific
capacity. The specific capacity of a well is defined as the ratio of discharge rate to the
corresponding drawdown and is given by the formula;

Specific capacity (m2/d) = Pumping rate (m3/d)

Drawdown (m)

6.3.2 Constant Rate Drawdown Test

Constant rate pumping test is conducted with the main objectives to determine the various
hydraulic parameters of an aquifer such as transmisivity and storativity so that the well can be
used in sustainable manner. It is also important to know the maximum drawdown that can be
induced when the well is pumped at its optimum rate. Furthermore; the results of the analysis
helps in determining the pumping duration, proper pump position and selection of appropriate type
of pump to the well.

The constant pumping test is carried out after the water level of the well has returned to the normal
static water level right after the last step drawdown test. The discharge rates for the constant
pumping test are determined from the result of the successive step drawdown tests. From the step
drawdown test data, the average discharge rate for the constant test was fixed. During the constant
rate test, the fixed discharge rate was maintained throughout the pumping period.

Close follow up on the discharge measuring device was also made to maintain and control the
fixed discharge rate. According to the contract agreement, the duration of constant pumping test

Technical Report for Drilling, Construction and Pumping Test of Dire-Deed Jarsa & Miyo –Meti Deep Wells in Borona Zone for
Rural Kebelle Domestic & Livestock Water Supply Purpose
Mahder Mehari Mesfin Water Well Drilling Works

was fixed to 48 hours. But since the drawdown of the well has been stabilized the pumping has
been stopped after 48hrs pumping. Similar to the step drawdown test, the water level
measurements are taken at frequent time intervals during the early stage and relatively large
interval during the later stage.

Table Time intervals set for the constant rate drawdown test

Time since pumping started Measurement time interval

0-10 minutes Every 1- minute

10-20 minutes Every 2- minute
20-60 minutes Every 5- minute
60-100 minutes Every 10- minute
100-240 minutes Every 20- minute
240-360 minutes Every 30- minute
360-1440 minutes Every 60- minute

Finally, the collected raw data are analyzed using different software’s such as, AQUIFER TEST
3.5 version and excel spread sheet. The AQUIFER TEST software is mainly used for the
determination of transmisivity and storage capacity of the aquifer. It requires data on the time and
corresponding water level measurements of the constant test. Data on the type of aquifer are also
important. During the analysis, the early time drawdown data are not included in order to avoid
the effect of well storage. Hence, the analysis gives more emphasis for the smoothly collected
middle and late drawdown data.

Usually the sustainable abstraction rate (safe yield) of a well is determined from the constant
pumping test. Under normal condition, the sustainable discharge rate (Q) beyond the maximum
discharge rate that causes an inflection point on the linear graph of specific drawdown versus
discharge of step drawdown test is not recommended.

It is obvious that the maximum yield of a well is controlled by the available drawdown and the
specific capacity. The available drawdown of a well is determined at the time of construction of
the well, and is given by the difference of the static water level (SWL) and the lowest practical
pumping level that can be imposed on the well and is taken as 1m or 2m above the top of the

Technical Report for Drilling, Construction and Pumping Test of Dire-Deed Jarsa & Miyo –Meti Deep Wells in Borona Zone for
Rural Kebelle Domestic & Livestock Water Supply Purpose
Mahder Mehari Mesfin Water Well Drilling Works

upper most screens for confined aquifers. In case of unconfined aquifers the available drawdown
is taken as 60% of the saturated aquifer thickness. Once the specific capacity and available
drawdown are determined, the maximum yield can be calculated using the following formula;
Specific capacity = Pumping rate (m3/d)
SWL – PWL (m)
Available drawdown = SWL – Lowest practical pumping level)
Maximum yield = Specific capacity * Available drawdown and
Safe yield = Safety factor * Maximum yield

Under normal condition, a safety factor in the range of 60% to 80% is usually taken. Depending
up on the actual condition of the area such as, geology, hydrogeology, Transmisivity and recovery
capacity of a well, the safety factor may vary within the given range. Thus, the optimum or
sustainable discharge rate of the well can be computed by multiplying the safety factor to the
maximum yield of the well. The collected constant pumping test data of the well is annexed.

6.3.3 Recovery Test

Recovery test for the wells are conducted with the main objectives to understand the recovery
capacity of the wells and also to confirm the accuracy of the hydraulic parameters calculated from
the constant pumping test. The interpretation of recovery test serves similar purpose as a constant
test in determining the aquifer parameters.

The basic assumption behind the recovery test is that after the pump has been shut down, the well
pumped at the same discharge as before, and that a recharge, which is equal to the discharge, is
injected in to the well. The recovery test is carried out right after the constant pumping test has
stopped. The duration for the recovery test conducted to the wells last till the water level of the
well recover to 90% of the total drawdown after 2hrs reading has been taken.

Technical Report for Drilling, Construction and Pumping Test of Dire-Deed Jarsa & Miyo –Meti Deep Wells in Borona Zone for
Rural Kebelle Domestic & Livestock Water Supply Purpose
Mahder Mehari Mesfin Water Well Drilling Works

6.4 Result and Discussion

The various data collected from the drilling and pumping test of the production wells are
systematically analyzed using different techniques. Based on the results of the analysis the various
hydraulic parameters such as specific drawdown, specific capacity, Transmisivity and storativity
of the wells are determined. The results obtained from the analysis are briefly discussed below.

Based on the information gained from the drilling and well development, the design of the
pumping test of the specific wells is prepared. Accordingly, four steps of equal time interval was
designed for this well. The duration for each step test was two hour (120 minutes). During the step
drawdown test, the discharge rates are arranged in a manner that the initial step has lower
discharge rate than the expected yield. The increments of discharge from the preceding to the next
step are basically determined from the estimated compressor yield of the well (see table 6.4.1.).

The collected water level readings and the accompanying discharge rates of the respective steps
are properly recorded on a pumping data sheet and are made ready for analysis. Finally the data
obtained from the step test are systematically analyzed using an excel spread sheet and the
hydraulic parameters such as the specific drawdown, specific capacity and well loss and aquifer
loss coefficients of the well are determined. The results obtained from the analysis of the step
drawdown test of this specific well are summarized in the table below.

Technical Report for Drilling, Construction and Pumping Test of Dire-Deed Jarsa & Miyo –Meti Deep Wells in Borona Zone for
Rural Kebelle Domestic & Livestock Water Supply Purpose
Mahder Mehari Mesfin Water Well Drilling Works

Table 6.4.1 Specific drawdown of the wells calculated from the time Vs drawdown plot.
Well Step test Change in water level, Discharge Specific drawdown,
3 2
Designation No. ∆S(m) Q(m /d * 10 ) SD (d/m2*10-2)
1 9.75 6.91 1.41
2 15.40 8.64 1.78
(DW-2) 3 17.85 11.23 1.59
4 20.58 12.96 1.59

Table 6.4.2 Efficiency and Specific capacity of the wells at different discharge rate
Step Specific
Well Q
test capacity B*10-2 C*10-4 BQ CQ 2 BQ + CQ2 (BQ/BQ+CQ2)*100
Designation (m3/d)
No (m2/d)

1 691.20 70.89 1.46 0.013 10.10 0.63 10.73 94.12

Miyo Meti 2 864.00 152.92 1.46 0.194 12.63 14.46 27.09 46.61
(DW-2) 3 1123.20 458.45 1.46 0.194 16.41 24.44 40.85 40.18
4 1296.00 474.73 1.46 0.194 18.94 32.53 51.47 36.79

Where C= Well loss coefficient B= Aquifer loss coefficient

From the analysis of step drawdown test data, the response of the wells to different discharge rates was
clearly visualized and the respective specific capacity of each of the step tests are calculated and the
optimum discharge rate for the constant test is determined based on the results of the step test. The
results obtained from the analysis are summarized in table 4.4.2. The collected step drawdown test data
of the well is annexed.

Based on the information gained from the step test, the average discharge rate and duration of the
constant test is fixed. During this test, the fixed discharge rate is maintained throughout the pumping

The various hydraulic parameters such as the Transmisivity, storativity, maximum yield and safe yield
of the well is determined from the analysis of the constant test. The Transmisivity and storativity are

Technical Report for Drilling, Construction and Pumping Test of Dire-Deed Jarsa & Miyo –Meti Deep Wells in Borona Zone for
Rural Kebelle Domestic & Livestock Water Supply Purpose
Mahder Mehari Mesfin Water Well Drilling Works

directly calculated from the time versus drawdown data of the constant test plotted in semi-logarithmic
scale using Aquifer test software (see annex).

The maximum and safe yield of the well is determined using the above mentioned formulas. The major
aquifer of the wells of Miyo-Meti deep well site has a unconfined nature; Hence, Theis method of
analysis is employed. The results obtained from the analysis are summarized in the table below.

Table 6.4.4 Summary of the hydraulic parameters calculated from the constant test of the well
Draw Specific Safe
Well SWL DWL Transmisivity Maximum
Q(l/s) down Storativity capacity yield
Designation (m) (m) (m2/d) 2
yield (l/s)
(m) (m /d) (l/s)
Miyo-Meti 15 3.50 26.90 23.40 80.11 4.19*10-2 0.48178*10+2 >23 14.35

From the recovery test data, the Most of the wells have been recovered the largest proportion, i.e.
82% of the drawdown after 2:00 hours indicating fast recovery capacity of the well in the first 2hrs
uniformly and residual drawdown which indicates that it is unconfined aquifer. The well has
generally very good recovery capacity for the bottom aquifer.

Technical Report for Drilling, Construction and Pumping Test of Dire-Deed Jarsa & Miyo –Meti Deep Wells in Borona Zone for
Rural Kebelle Domestic & Livestock Water Supply Purpose
Mahder Mehari Mesfin Water Well Drilling Works


The Project of the groundwater quality of the specific wells is carried out with the main objectives
to determine the suitability of the groundwater for the domestic use. Water samples from the
productive wells are collected during the pumping test operations and the samples are taken to the
Federal Water Works Design and Supervision Enterprise Water Quality laboratory for physical
and chemical analysis.


As discussed earlier the main water quality indicators are physical and chemical constituents of
water. These constituents are highly influenced as a function of geological formation and human
interferences. In this section the main characteristics of the groundwater are described as follows:

I. Physical Characteristics
The physical characteristics considered in the present Project are color, turbidity, temperature,
odor, taste, electrical conductivity (EC) and pH. The water quality analysis showed that almost all
of the water samples analyzed are colorless, odorless, non-turbid and tasteless.

II. Chemical Characteristics: In the chemical analysis the following parameters are

 The main Cations (NH+, Na+, K+, Ca2+, Mg2+, total Iron and
 The main anions (Cl-, NO2-, NO3-, F-, HCO3-, SO42-, and PO43-)
 Total alkalinity as mg/l of CaCO3 and
 Total hardness as mg/l of CaCO3
 Total dissolved solids @105oC

Technical Report for Drilling, Construction and Pumping Test of Dire-Deed Jarsa & Miyo –Meti Deep Wells in Borona Zone for
Rural Kebelle Domestic & Livestock Water Supply Purpose
Mahder Mehari Mesfin Water Well Drilling Works

Based on the results of the laboratory test, an attempt has been made to compare the quality of the
groundwater with the World Health Organization (W.H.O) standards. The results of the laboratory
test of the Physico-chemical analysis reveal that the quality of the groundwater of Miyo-Meti deep
well is within the permissible limit of W.H.O standards for domestic use

The statistical values of the physico-chemical analysis of the groundwater obtained from the
laboratory are annexed.

Based on the results of the laboratory test, an attempt has been made to compare the quality of the
groundwater with the World Health Organization (W.H.O) standards. The results of the laboratory
test of the Physico-chemical analysis reveal that the quality of the groundwater of Meti somewhat
differ from the permissible limit of W.H.O standards for domestic use due to the followings:-
o The TDS Content @105oC of Meti is 1563 mg/l which is higher that of W.H.O
standards for domestic i.e.1000mg/l.
o The Sodium (Na+) Content of Meti is 560 mg/l which is higher that of W.H.O
standards for domestic i.e.300mg/l.
o The Total Hardness (CaCO3) content of Meti is 954.80 mg/l which is higher that of
W.H.O standards for domestic i.e.500mg/l.
o The Calcium (Ca+2) Content of Meti is 310.64 mg/l which is higher that of W.H.O
standards for domestic i.e.200mg/l.
o The Sulphate (SO42-) content of Meti is 716.40 mg/l which is higher that of W.H.O
standards for domestic i.e.400mg/l.
o The Floride (F-) content of Meti is 3.15 mg/l which is higher that of W.H.O
standards for domestic i.e.1.5mg/l.

Therefore due to the above water quality test result analysis of Miyo – Meti deep well is not
recommended for domestic use unless it is treated. The statistical values of the physico-chemical
analysis of the groundwater obtained from the laboratory are annexed.

Technical Report for Drilling, Construction and Pumping Test of Dire-Deed Jarsa & Miyo –Meti Deep Wells in Borona Zone for
Rural Kebelle Domestic & Livestock Water Supply Purpose
Mahder Mehari Mesfin Water Well Drilling Works

8 Conclusion and Recommendation

Based on the results obtained from the drilling log data and pumping test data analysis, the
following conclusion and recommendation are forwarded.
 To determine the various hydraulic parameters of the wells, all the available data such as
drilling log and pumping test data are systematically analyzed using different techniques
and softwares.
 The drilling log data is basically used to identify the type and nature of aquifers of the
wells. The major aquifer of all wells has unconfined nature and hence, Theis Method of
analysis has been employed.
 According to the high yield of the well and design of the pumping test, Four step tests are
conducted for the well and the discharge rate and duration of the constant test is fixed
based on the results of step tests and the actual finding of the well.
 The hydraulic parameters of the aquifer such as Safe yield, recommended pump position
and safe yield of the well is also calculated and the results are summarized in table 7.1
 Generally, the results of the analysis reveal that the well has good discharge capacity
indicating for the good groundwater potential of the area.
 Based on the results of the analysis, the pump position and pumping duration of the well
are determined. The recommended pump position and pumping duration of the well is
summarized in the table below.
 As compared to the pumping duration and the total drilled depth of the well, the drawdown
recorded during the constant test is small.
 The sustainable abstraction rate or safe yield of the well as determined from the available
drawdown, the specific capacity of the wells and safe factor. For the efficient and
sustainable use of the groundwater, discharge rates of the wells have to be maintained
throughout the pumping period.

Technical Report for Drilling, Construction and Pumping Test of Dire-Deed Jarsa & Miyo –Meti Deep Wells in Borona Zone for
Rural Kebelle Domestic & Livestock Water Supply Purpose
Mahder Mehari Mesfin Water Well Drilling Works

 This well can be efficiently pumped for 16 hours per day and should be late to recover for
4 hours every day.
 Ground water system are dynamic, thus, to insure the sustainability of the well close
follow up and/or continuous monitoring and periodically evaluation of the groundwater
system in and around the vicinity of the well is paramount important

Table 7.1 Recommended pump position and duration of pumping of each well.

Well Recommended Recommended

SWL DWL Sustainable (Safe
Well Designation Depth pump position pumping duration
(m) (m) yield) (l/s)
(m) (m) (Hrs/day)
65.00 3.50 26.90 14.35 48.00 16

 The safe yield is the optimum discharge capacity that the well can be pumped and the
pump to be installed to the well must have a discharge capacity greater or equal to the safe
yield. The pump should also be lowered to the required depth (table 7.1.).
 From the results of the pumping test data, the well has moderate to high recovery capacity,
hence there must be sufficient time gap between the recharge and discharge period of the
specific well. The pumping duration of the well should not exceed from the recommended
 The laboratory analysis result of water quality of the productive well reveal that the
groundwater of Miyo-Meti well is within the permissible limit for domestic use.
 For the efficient and sustainable use of the well, continuous monitoring and evaluation of
the groundwater in and around the well should be carried out. Hence it is important to
establish a long term systematic measurements of water levels from observation or
production wells that will provide essential data needed to evaluate fluctuations in the
groundwater resource over time.
 The pump capacity should have the capacity to pump the safe yield or the required yield if
it is below the safe yield at total head (from the recommended pump position up to the

Technical Report for Drilling, Construction and Pumping Test of Dire-Deed Jarsa & Miyo –Meti Deep Wells in Borona Zone for
Rural Kebelle Domestic & Livestock Water Supply Purpose
Mahder Mehari Mesfin Water Well Drilling Works

maximum height of the reservoir); and the generator to run the pump should be three fold
the capacity of the pump.
 The recommended submersible pump type should be, stainless steel, diameter can lower
down to 8” casing, rewindable with 80 up to 110m long 4*16 Double insulated electrical
cable, control panel, vulcanize 3” Heavy duty GI Riser pipes with clamp, sensors, and all
 For sustainable and efficient use, there must be sufficient time gap between the recharge
and discharge period. As a result, the pumping duration of the well should not exceed from
the recommended period. Since the wells have fast recovery means high recharge can be
pumped for longer time per day.
 For the efficient and sustainable use of the well, continuous monitoring and evaluation of
the groundwater in and around the well should be carried out. Hence it is important to
establish a long term systematic measurements of water levels from observation or
production wells that well provide essential data needed to evaluate fluctuations in the
groundwater resource.
 Due to the loose nature of the subsurface aquifer formation siltation is expected, so
rehabilitation work is recommended every 8 years or less.

Technical Report for Drilling, Construction and Pumping Test of Dire-Deed Jarsa & Miyo –Meti Deep Wells in Borona Zone for
Rural Kebelle Domestic & Livestock Water Supply Purpose
Mahder Mehari Mesfin Water Well Drilling Works

ANNEX-I, Linear relation Ship of the Miyo-Meti Deep Well

Technical Report for Drilling, Construction and Pumping Test of Dire-Deed Jarsa & Miyo –Meti Deep Wells in Borona Zone for
Rural Kebelle Domestic & Livestock Water Supply Purpose
Mahder Mehari Mesfin Water Well Drilling Works

Hantush-Bierschenck (1964) Graphical Plot: Miyo Meti DW




Sw(n)/Q(n): Linear


0.01 y = 1E-06x + 0.0146 Series1

0.008 (Series1)




0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400

Qn (m^3/day): Linear

Fig 1.Linear relationship of Specific Drawdown SD (d/m2) Vs Discharge (Q(m3/d ) for Miyo Meti
Borehole site

Technical Report for Drilling, Construction and Pumping Test of Dire-Deed Jarsa & Miyo –Meti Deep Wells in Borona Zone for
Rural Kebelle Domestic & Livestock Water Supply Purpose
Mahder Mehari Mesfin Water Well Drilling Works

ANNEX-II, Time drawdown curve for the Miyo Meti Deep Well

Technical Report for Drilling, Construction and Pumping Test of Dire-Deed Jarsa & Miyo –Meti Deep Wells in Borona Zone for
Rural Kebelle Domestic & Livestock Water Supply Purpose
Mahder Mehari Mesfin Water Well Drilling Works

Step-drawdown Plot: Miyo Meti DW

Time since pumping started (Minutes): Logarithmic

1 10 100 1000

Drawdown (Meters): Linear






Fig 1.step test analysis of Miyo Meti deep well site

Technical Report for Drilling, Construction and Pumping Test of Dire-Deed Jarsa & Miyo –Meti Deep Wells in Borona Zone for
Rural Kebelle Domestic & Livestock Water Supply Purpose
Mahder Mehari Mesfin Water Well Drilling Works

Plot:Miyo Meti Haro
Yabello DW Wayu DW
Time since
Time sincepumping
0 500
500 1000
1000 1500
1500 2000
2000 2500
2500 3000
3000 3500






Constant Rate Curve

Constant Rate Curve

Time-drawdownPlot: Miyo
Plot: Meti DW
Yabello Haro Wayu DW
Time since
Time sincepumping
started(Minutes): Logarithmic
(Minutes): Logarithmic
1 10
10 100
100 1000
1000 10000






Constant RateCurve
Constant Rate Curve

Fig 2. Constant test analysis of Miyo Meti Deep well Sites

Technical Report for Drilling, Construction and Pumping Test of Dire-Deed Jarsa & Miyo –Meti Deep Wells in Borona Zone for
Rural Kebelle Domestic & Livestock Water Supply Purpose
Mahder Mehari Mesfin Water Well Drilling Works


Technical Report for Drilling, Construction and Pumping Test of Dire-Deed Jarsa & Miyo –Meti Deep Wells in Borona Zone for
Rural Kebelle Domestic & Livestock Water Supply Purpose
Mahder Mehari Mesfin Water Well Drilling Works



Project: Add 02 Deep wells project Date: 25/08/12 Location:

Location: Borona Zone Final Drawdown: 20.58m Adindan UTM ; 0453351E
Well Designation: Meti DW-2 Datum Level: 1.92 m a.g.l 0408005N
SWL: 3.50m Casing Diameter: 8" Mild Steel Elevation: 1202m
Dynamic Water Level (DWL): 24.08m Capacity of Pump: 125 KVA
Discharge Measuring Device: 900 V-Notch Riser Pipe (inch): 3" Location: Miyo Woreda
Pump Type: Grundfos Well Depth: 70m Kebelle: Genda
Power Supply: Generator Pumping Completed: 6:00 P.M Site Name: Meti
Pumping Started: 10:00 A.M Pump Position: 48m
No. of Steps: 4

Step-1, Q = 10.0 L/s Step-2, Q = 13.0 L/s Step-3, Q = 16.0 L/s Step-4, Q = 20.0 L/s

Time Time Time

since Time since since since
pumping Water Draw- pumping Water Draw- pumping Draw- pumping Water Draw-
started level down started level down started Water-level down started level down
(minutes) (meters) (meters) (minutes) (meters) (meters) (minutes) (meters) (meters) (minutes) (meters) (meters)
0 3.50 0 120 13.25 9.75 240 18.9 15.40 360 21.35 17.85
1 5.7 2.20 121 14.2 10.70 241 19.5 16.00 361 21.5 18.00
2 6.3 2.80 122 14.80 11.30 242 19.9 16.40 362 21.9 18.40
3 7.5 4.00 123 14.9 11.40 243 20.1 16.60 363 22.2 18.70
4 8.3 4.80 124 15.1 11.60 244 20.15 16.65 364 22.35 18.85
5 8.83 5.33 125 15.18 11.68 245 20.18 16.68 365 22.38 18.88
6 9.1 5.60 126 15.3 11.80 246 20.25 16.75 366 22.4 18.90
7 9.55 6.05 127 15.4 11.90 247 20.28 16.78 367 22.43 18.93
8 9.55 6.05 128 15.55 12.05 248 20.3 16.80 368 22.45 18.95
9 9.80 6.30 129 15.65 12.15 249 20.32 16.82 369 22.5 19.00
10 10.20 6.70 130 15.75 12.25 250 20.35 16.85 370 22.55 19.05
12 10.35 6.85 132 15.9 12.40 252 20.5 17.00 372 22.65 19.15
14 10.45 6.95 134 16.05 12.55 254 20.6 17.10 374 22.7 19.20
16 10.8 7.30 136 16.15 12.65 256 20.63 17.13 376 22.8 19.30
18 11 7.50 138 16.25 12.75 258 20.65 17.15 378 22.85 19.35
20 11.2 7.70 140 16.4 12.90 260 20.70 17.20 380 22.9 19.40
25 11.5 8.00 145 16.65 13.15 265 20.75 17.25 385 23.2 19.70
30 11.75 8.25 150 16.80 13.30 270 20.8 17.30 390 23.3 19.80
35 11.9 8.40 155 16.95 13.45 275 20.85 17.35 395 23.4 19.90
40 12.1 8.60 160 17.05 13.55 280 20.95 17.45 400 23.5 20.00
45 12.3 8.80 165 17.15 13.65 285 21 17.50 405 23.6 20.10
50 12.50 9.00 170 17.25 13.75 290 21.05 17.55 410 23.75 20.25
55 12.7 9.20 175 17.4 13.90 295 21.1 17.60 415 23.8 20.30
60 12.9 9.40 180 17.6 14.10 300 21.15 17.65 420 23.85 20.35
70 13 9.50 190 17.8 14.30 310 21.25 17.75 430 23.9 20.40
80 13.1 9.60 200 18 14.50 320 21.28 17.78 440 23.98 20.48
90 13.15 9.65 210 18.4 14.90 330 21.30 17.80 450 23.98 20.48
100 13.2 9.70 220 18.7 15.20 340 21.32 17.82 460 24.02 20.52
120 13.25 9.75 240 18.9 15.40 360 21.35 17.85 480 24.08 20.58

Technical Report for Drilling, Construction and Pumping Test of Dire-Deed Jarsa & Miyo –Meti Deep Wells in Borona Zone for
Rural Kebelle Domestic & Livestock Water Supply Purpose
Mahder Mehari Mesfin Water Well Drilling Works


Project: Add 02 Deep wells project SWL: 3.50m UTM Location:
Location: Borona Zone FWL: 26.90m Adindan UTM
Owner: PRLRP MOA Discharge Measuring Device: 90 V-Notch Weir 0453351E
Well Designation: Miyo Meti Pump Type: Grundfos 0408005N
Power Supply: Generator Total Pumping Hours: 48 Elevation: 1202m
Discharge: 15.0 l/s Pump Position: 48m
Capacity of Pump: 120KVA Final Drawdown: 26.39m Location: Miyo Woreda
Well Depth: 70m Riser Pipe (inch): 3" Kebelle: Genda
Datum Level: 1.92m a.g.l Testing Date: 26/08/12 - 28/08/12 Site Name: Meti

Water-level Drawdown
Date Time pumping Diascharge (l/s) Remark
(meters) (meters)
26/08/2012 9:00A.M 0 3.50 0 15
1 6.3 2.8 "
2 8.1 4.6 "
3 9.60 6.1 "
4 11.1 7.6 "
5 12.3 8.8 "
6 13.70 10.2 "
7 14.5 11 "
8 15.30 11.8 "
9 15.7 12.2 "
10 16.1 12.6 "
12 17.6 14.1 "
14 18.3 14.8 "
16 19.9 16.4 15
18 20 16.5 "
20 20.1 16.6 "
25 20.5 17 "
30 21.5 18 "
35 21.6 18.1 "
40 21.7 18.2 "
45 21.8 18.3 "
50 21.95 18.45 "
55 22.1 18.6 "
10:00A.M 60 22.50 19 "
70 22.70 19.2 "
80 22.85 19.35 "
90 22.95 19.45 "
100 23.15 19.65 "
11:00A.M 120 23.15 19.65 "
140 23.2 19.7 15
160 23.3 19.8 "
12:00P.M 180 23.5 20 "
210 23.8 20.3 "
01:00P.M 240 23.95 20.45 "
270 24.15 20.65 "
02:00P.M 300 24.30 20.8 "
330 24.4 20.9 "
03:00P.M 360 24.55 21.05 "
04:00PM 420 24.65 21.15 "
05:00P.M 480 24.75 21.25 "
06:00P.M 540 24.9 21.4 "
07:00P.M 600 25 21.5 "
08:00P.M 660 25.3 21.8 "
09:00P.M 720 25.5 22 "
10:00P.M 780 25.65 22.15 "
11:00P.M 840 25.75 22.25 15
12:00P.M 900 25.85 22.35 "
01:00A.M 960 25.95 22.45 "
, 02:00A.M 1020 26.05 22.55 "
03:00A.M 1080 26.13 22.63 "
05:00A.M 1200 26.24 22.74 "
26.08/2012 07:00A.M 1320 26.3 22.8
09:00A.M 1440 26.36 22.86
1560 26.42 22.92
1680 26.51 23.01
1800 26.55 23.05
1920 26.61 23.11
2160 26.71 23.21
2400 26.83 23.33
2640 26.88 23.38
2880 26.9 23.4

Technical Report for Drilling, Construction and Pumping Test of Dire-Deed Jarsa & Miyo –Meti Deep Wells in Borona Zone for
Rural Kebelle Domestic & Livestock Water Supply Purpose
Mahder Mehari Mesfin Water Well Drilling Works



Project: Add 02 Deep wells project SWL: 5.10 m Datum Level: 1.92 m a.g.l
Location: Borona Zone Final Recovery Water Level: 26.90 m Pump Capacity: 22 KW
Owner: PRLRP MOA Discharge Measuring Device: 90 V-Notch Weir Total Depth: 70 m
Well Designation: Miyo Meti Pump Type: Groundfos
Power Supply: Generator Total Recovery Hours: 2hrs UTM Location:
Discharge: 15.0 l/s Size of Riser Pipe: 2" Adindan UTM
Location: Borona Zone Pump Position: 48m 0453351E
Woreda: Miyo Date: 28/08/2012 0408005N
Site Name: Genda -Meti Elevation: 1202m

Recovery Residual
Time since pumping Stopped
Date Time Water-level Drawdown Recovery (metres) Remark
(metres) (metres)
15/01/2018 09:00A.M 0 26.90 21.80 0 0
1 21.10 16.00 5.80 27%
2 18.30 13.20 8.60 39%
3 16.4 11.30 10.50 48%
4 14.35 9.25 12.55 58%
5 12.70 7.60 14.20 65%
6 10.9 5.80 16.00 73%
7 10.5 5.40 16.40 75%
8 10.25 5.15 16.65 76%
9 10 4.90 16.90 78%
10 9.91 4.81 16.99 78%
12 9.85 4.75 17.05 78%
14 9.7 4.60 17.20 79%
16 9.6 4.50 17.30 79%
18 9.55 4.45 17.35 80%
20 9.5 4.40 17.40 80%
25 9.45 4.35 17.45 80%
30 9.4 4.30 17.50 80%
35 9.37 4.27 17.53 80%
40 9.35 4.25 17.55 81%
45 9.3 4.20 17.60 81%
50 9.25 4.15 17.65 81%
55 9.21 4.11 17.69 81%
60 9.20 4.10 17.70 81%
70 9.17 4.07 17.73 81%
80 9.15 4.05 17.75 81%
90 9.13 4.03 17.77 82%
100 9.10 4.00 17.80 82%
120 9.05 3.95 17.85 82%

Technical Report for Drilling, Construction and Pumping Test of Dire-Deed Jarsa & Miyo –Meti Deep Wells in Borona Zone for
Rural Kebelle Domestic & Livestock Water Supply Purpose
Mahder Mehari Mesfin Water Well Drilling Works


Technical Report for Drilling, Construction and Pumping Test of Dire-Deed Jarsa & Miyo –Meti Deep Wells in Borona Zone for
Rural Kebelle Domestic & Livestock Water Supply Purpose
Mahder Mehari Mesfin Water Well Drilling Works

Technical Report for Drilling, Construction and Pumping Test of Dire-Deed Jarsa & Miyo –Meti Deep Wells in Borona Zone for
Rural Kebelle Domestic & Livestock Water Supply Purpose

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