1. A uniform chain of length ‘L’ has one of its
3L a
ends attached to the wall, while of the
4 l L
length of chain is lying horizontally on table
as shown in figure. The minimum coefficient
of friction between table and chain so that q
chain remains in equilibrium is L cos a + l
(a) cos −1
L + l
37° L cos a + l
(b) cos −1
L − l
L cos a − l
(c) cos −1
L − l
1 1 3 1 L cos a − l
(a) (b) (c) (d) (d) cos −1
3 4 4 5 L + l
2. The equation of a wave is given by (all quan- 4. The colour of a star indicates its
tity expressed in SI units) Y = 5 sin10p (t (a) weight. (b) size.
− 0.01x) along the x-axis. The magnitude of
(c) temperature. (d) distance.
phase difference between the points separated
by a distance of 10 m along x-axis is 5. Two identical solid spheres have the same
(a) p/2 (b) p (c) 2p (d) p/4 temperature. One of the spheres is cut into
two identical pieces. The intact sphere radi-
3. A simple pendulum consisting of a mass M ates an energy Q during a given small time
attached to a string of length L is released interval. During the same interval, the two
from rest at an angle a. A pin is located at hemispheres radiate a total energy Q′. The
a distance l below the pivot point. When the ratio Q′/Q is equal to
pendulum swings down, the string hits the pin 2
(a) 2.0 (b) 4.0 (c) (d) 1.5
as shown in the figure. The maximum angle 3
which string makes with the vertical after hit- 6. A small area is removed from a uniform
ting the pin is spherical shell of mass M and radius R.
| Test
Then the gravitational field intensity near the V
hollow portion is
(a) (b) (c) (d) zero +q +q
R2 2R2 2R2
(a) 0 (b) ∞
7. The radius of electron’s second stationary 2
4p¨0 r mv 2
12. We have two copper cables of same length. In 15. The binding energy of the deuteron is of order
the first cable, only one wire of cross-section (a) 106 eV (b) 108 eV
area A, and in second cable, ten wires each of 10
(c) 10 eV (d) None of these
cross-section area A/10 are present. When AC
and DC flow in it, choose the correct cable for 16. The Rydberg constant for hydrogen atom is
better efficiency. Ry. The Rydberg constant for positronium (a
(a) Only one wire for DC and the other for AC. bound system composed of a positron and an
(b) Only one wire for AC and the other for DC. electron) is
(c) Any wire for DC but only multi-wire Ry Ry
(a) Ry (b) 2Ry (c) (d)
cable for AC. 2 4
(d) Only one wire for DC and only multi-wire 17. A particle is moving along the x-axis under
packet for AC. the influence of a force given by F = −5x + 15.
13. Two plane mirrors, which are perpendicular, At time t = 0, the particle is located at x = 6
form two sides of a vessel filled with liquid and is having zero velocity. It takes 0.5 s to
of refractive index = 1.5. After all possible reach the origin for the first time. The equa-
refractions and reflections, find the deviation tion of motion of the particle can be repre-
(d ) in ray sented by
(a) x = 3 + 3 cosp t
30° (b) x = 3 cosp t
A B (c) x = 3 + 3 sin p t
m = 1.5 (d) x = 3 + 3 cos (2 p t)
18. A newtonian fluid fills the clearance between
a shaft and a sleeve. When a force of 800 N is
(a) d = 0º applied to the shaft, parallel to the sleeve, the
(b) d = 180º shaft attains a speed of 2 cm/s. If a force of
2.4 kN is applied instead, then the shaft would
(c) d = 90º
move with a speed of
(d) We cannot find out deviation as the other
(a) 2 cm/s. (b) 15 cm/s.
two angles A and B in the figure is not
given. (c) 6 cm/s. (d) None of these.
14. The index of refraction of glass can be 19. If L and m denote the angular momentum and
increased by diffusing in impurities. It is then mass of a particle, respectively, and P its lin-
possible to make a lens of constant thickness. ear momentum, then which of the following
Given a disk of radius a and thickness d, find can represent the kinetic energy of the particle
the radial variation of the index of refraction moving in a circle of radius R?
n(r), which will produce a lens with focal L2 P2
length F. You may assume a thin lens (d << a). (a) (b)
2m m
rF rd
(a) n( r ) = n0 − 2 (b) n( r ) = n0 − L2 1 2
2d 2F 2 (c) (d) Pm
2mR 2 2
r2 r 20. A combination of logic gates has the truth
(c) n( r ) = n0 − (d) n( r ) = n0 −
2dF 2F table below.
| Test
P Q Z 23. Choose the correct statement.
(a) Work done by internal forces is equal to
0 0 0
change in potential energy.
0 1 1 (b) Net work done on the body is equal to
1 0 1 change in total mechanical energy.
1 1 1 (c) Net work done by all forces other than
conservative forces is equal to change in
Which of the following combinations has this
total mechanical energy.
truth table?
(d) Net work done on the system by internal
NOT forces is always zero.
Z 24. A 2000 kg rocket in free space expels 0.5 kg
of gas per second at exhaust velocity 400 ms−1
P for 5 s. What is the increase in speed of rocket
(b) in this time?
Q NAND (a) 2000 ms−1 (b) 200 ms−1
NOR (c) 0.5 ms−1 (d) zero
25. Consider Fraunhofer diffraction pattern
(c) Q obtained with a single slit illuminated at nor-
NOT mal incidence. At the angular position q of the
P first diffraction minimum, the phase differ-
(d) ence (in radians) between the wavelets from
Z the opposite edges of the slit is
(a) p (b) 2p (c) p/4 (d) p/2
21. A charged particle with charge q enters a
region of constant, 26. Mark the correct statement.
and mutually
(a) Gravitational potential can never be posi-
orthogonal fields E and B with a velocity v
perpendicular to both E and B, comes out tive.
without any change in the magnitude or direc- (b) A particle can never be in equilibrium
tion of v.Then under the action of gravitational force
(a) v = E × B /B 2 (b) v = B × E /B 2
(c) Weight of an object as measured by a
(c) v = E × B /E 2 (d) v = B × E /E 2 spring balance is more at midnight than
22. A system of two particles moves under the that at noon because at midnight, sun and
influence of mutual gravitational attraction. earth pull the object in same direction.
P represent the linear momentum and J the (d) Every satellite revolving round the earth
angular momentum, then the correct formulae 2
at height h, given by ( Re + h)3/2
are GM e
(a) ∆J1 + ∆J 2 = 0 and ∆P1 + ∆P2 = 0 = 24 hours, is geostationary satellite.
27. Calculate the velocity with which the liquid
(b) ∆J1 + ∆J 2 ≠ 0 and ∆P1 + ∆P2 ≠ 0
gushes out of the 4 cm2 outlet, if the liquid
(c) ∆J1 + ∆J 2 ≠ 0 and ∆P1 + ∆P2 = 0 flowing in the tube is water and the liquid in
U-tube has a specific gravity 12. Velocity of
(d) ∆J1 + ∆J 2 = 0 and ∆P1 + ∆P2 ≠ 0 liquid at point A is 20.2 m/s.
Test Paper 5 | P-193
Path 2
30. An electromagnetic wave of frequency 1 ×
Path 1
1014 hertz is propagating along z-axis. The
amplitude of electric field is 4 V/m. If e 0 = 8.8
× 10−12 C2/N-m2, then average energy density
x of electric field will be:
(a) Average velocity along the two paths must (a) 35.2 × 10−10 J/m3
be equal. (b) 35.2 × 10−11 J/m3
(b) The particle may travel along both the (c) 35.2 × 10−12 J/m3
paths unaccelerated. (d) 35.2 × 10−13 J/m3
1. (b) 2. (b) 3. (c) 4. (c) 5. (d) 6. (b) 7. (b) 8. (b) 9. (c) 10. (b)
11. (c) 12. (c) 13. (b) 14. (c) 15. (a) 16. (c) 17. (d) 18. (c) 19. (c) 20. (c)
21. (a) 22. (a) 23. (c) 24. (c) 25. (b) 26. (a) 27. (b) 28. (b) 29. (b) 30. (c)
1. lL
F 37° F cos 37° = g and F sin 37° = T = f
3lLg 1
∴ f = ≤ mN ⇒ m ≥
16 4
T T f 2. Phase difference = k × 10 = [10p × 0.01] × 10 = p
λL 3. At the bottom most point, by energy
4 conservation
| Test
v2 = 2 gL(1 − cos a) n2 0.529 × 4
7. R = 0.529 =
It will rise further to a height, Z Z
h= = L(1 − cos a ) 0.529 × 9
2g R′ =
or (L − l) (1 − cosq ) = L(1 − cosa)
R′ 9
Thus, =
L cos a − l
−1 R 4
∴ q = cos
8. In these graphs, AB = l and CD = T
4. The colour of a star indicates the rate at which AB l
energy is emitted and hence indicates the tem- = = ul = V, that is, wave speed
kq 2
5. Heat radiated (at same temperature) ∝ A 9. F=
⇒ Q ∝ 4p R2 and Q′ ∝ (4p R2 + 2 × p R2)
kq 2 mv 2 mv 2 r 2 4pe 0 v 2 r 2 m
Q ′ 6pR 2 ⇒ = ⇒ R = ; R =
= = 1.5 (Here, p R2 is extra surface r2 RC C
kq 2 C
Q 4pR 2
area of plane surface of one of the hemi-
sphere.) 10. Since both voltmeters have equal resistance,
in series their potential differences are equal
6. Consider a small area (shaded strip)
in series. Hence, the total EMF induced in the
Here, Eself = gravitational field due to this strip circuit is 0.1 V + 0.1 V = 0.2 V
Eext = gravitational field due to the rest of
spherical shell. 11. B (R < r < 2R) = m0nkt = B0
Ein = gravitational field just inside the strip B (r < R) = 3 m0nkt = 3B0
Eout = gravitational field just outside the strip Magnetic flux = f = p R2 × 2B0 + p r2 × B0
Ein = Eext − Eself = 0 Eext = Eself
= (2R2 + r2) p m0 nkt
Eself E × 2Nr = Eq. (1)
Eext Find E from Eq. (1),
Eself Force acting on charge particle = qE
a= v = u + at
qEt mv 2
Then use, v = = = qvB
GM GM m r
Eout = Eext + Eself = 2
⇒ Eext =
R 2R2
12. Since DC flows on entire cross-section, only
After the shaded area has been removed, there
total area is important, which is same for both
is no Eself and only Eext.
wires. However, AC flows mainly on surface,
GM and hence, surface area is important, which is
Hence, Enet = Eext =
2R2 more for multi wire cable.
Test Paper 5 | P-195
r is their separation or p ~ . The binding
energy is then 2r
q1 q6
q5 p2 2c2 (6.6 × 10 −16 × 3 × 1010 ) 2
q 2 45° 45° ~ 2 2 =
q3 q4 2m 8r mc 8 × (1.4 × 10 −13 ) 2 × 940 × 106
q3 135°
90° = 2.7 × 106 eV
16. Rydberg constant Ry ∝ m
q2 + q3 + 135° = 180° For positronium atom, the reduced mass is m =
Thus, q3 = 45° − q2 mM
q3 + q4 = 90° m+ M
45° − q2 + q4 = 90° Since m = M = mass of positron = mass of
q4 = 45° + q2
m Ry ′ m 1 Ry
90° − q4 + q5 + 135° = 180° Hence, m = ⇒ = = ⇒ Ry ′ =
2 Ry m 2 2
45° − q2 + q5 + 135° = 180°
17. The mean position of a particle can be found
q5 = q2
by setting F = −5x + 15 = 0, so the mean posi-
∴q6 = q1 (By Snell law) ∴ d = 180°14. tion lies at x = 3. One extreme position is at
x = 6. Hence, the other extreme position for
14. Let the refractive index of the material of the
this particle undergoing SHM should be at
disk be n and the radial distribution of the
x = 0. Time taken by particle to reach from x = 6
refractive index of the impurity-diffused disk T
be represented by n(r), with n(0) = n0. to x = 0 is 0.5 s, that is, = 0.5 s. Hence, T =
1 s. Hence, the equation of motion is x = 3 + A
(sinw t + f0 ) where A = 3, w = 2p × 1 and f0 =
r p
F . So, x = 3 + 3cos (2pt)
18. F = hA
d d
F1 v1 800 2
Incident plane waves entering the lens refract = ⇒ = ⇒ v2 = 6 cm/s
F2 v2 2400 v2
and converge at the focus F as shown in the
1 2 1 I 2w 2 L2
We have 19. KE = lw = × =
2 2 I 2( mR 2 )
[ n(r ) − n ] d = −
0 F 2 + r2 + F
F 2 + r2 − F 0 0 0
That is, n(r) = n0 − 20. (a) Z = ( P + Q )
0 1 0
For F >> r, we obtain n(r) = n0 − ×4
15. The uncertainty principle gives 2Pr ~ , (b) Z = ( P ⋅ Q )
where P is the momentum of each nucleon and 0 0 1
| Test
P Q Z 26. Gravitational potential given by V = −GM
is always negative. r
0 0 0
(c) Z = (Q( P + Q )) 0 1 1 1 2 1
27. PA + rvA = PB + rvB2 ⇒ PA − PB
1 0 1 2 2
1 1 1 1
= r( vB2 − vA2 )
0 0 0 0.02 × 12000 × 10 = 1 × 1000( vB2 − 20.2)
(d) Z = ( P ⋅ Q ) 2
0 1 0
1 0 0 4.8 = vB2 − 20.2 ⇒ vB = 5 m/s
⇒ A3·vB = A1v1 + A2v2 ⇒ 30 = 4v1 + 8
21. FNet = Fe + Fm
⇒ 4v1 = 22 ⇒ v1 = 22 = 5.5 m/s
0 = qE + q( v × B) 4
⇒ E = B × v ⇒ E × B = ( B × v) × B 28. The particle cannot have zero acceleration
∴ B, E, and v are mutually ⊥ as given ⇒ along path 1 as direction of velocity is chang-
E×B ing with time.
B2 Average velocity = Displacement
22. External force and torque on system are zero.
Hence, linear and angular momentum are Hence, average velocity is equal along both
conserved. paths.
Average velocity is along AB, and instanta-
23. Net work done by all forces other than con-
neous velocity at P and Q is in same direction.
servative forces is equal to change in total
mechanical energy according to work energy
29. Pinside = P0 + rgh + 2T
theorem. The other statements are wrong. r
dm dv 2 × 0.06
24. ×u = M ⇒ Pinside − P0 = 103 × 9.8 × h +
d dt 0.1 × 10 −2
= 1100 ⇒ h = 0.1 m
Here, 0.5 × 400 = 2000 × ∆v ⇒ ∆v = 0.5 ms−1
5 30. Average energy density of electric field =
l 1 2
25. For Ist minimum q = and phase difference e 0 Ems
a 2
f= 2
l 1 E0 1 1
2p = = e 0 Erms
= × 8.8 × 10 −12 × 4 2
2 2
∆x = a sin q e0
l 4 4
2Π = 35.2 × 10−12 J/m3
f= aq = 2p