William Stallings
Computer Organization
and Architecture
9th Edition
Chapter 2
Computer Evolution and Performance
History of Computers
First Generation: Vacuum Tubes
■ Electronic Numerical Integrator And Computer
■ Designed and constructed at the University of Pennsylvania
■ Started in 1943 – completed in 1946
■ By John Mauchly and John Eckert
■ Its first task was to perform a series of calculations that were used to help determine the feasibility
of the hydrogen bomb
■ Continued to operate under BRL management until 1955 when it was disassembled
Memory drawback
consisted was the need
Occupied of 20
Contained Capable
1500 Decimal accumulators, for manual
more of
Weighed square 140 kW rather each programming
than 5000
30 feet Power than capable
18,000 additions by setting
tons of consumption binary of
vacuum per switches
floor machine holding
tubes second and
space a
10 digit plugging/
number unplugging
John von Neumann
EDVAC (Electronic Discrete Variable Computer)
■ IAS computer
■ Princeton Institute for Advanced Studies
■ Prototype of all subsequent general-purpose computers
■ Completed in 1952
Structure of von Neumann Machine
IAS Memory Formats
■ Both data and instructions are stored
■ The memory of the IAS consists there
of 1000 storage locations (called
words) of 40 bits each ■ Numbers are represented in binary
form and each instruction is a binary
+ Registers
Memory buffer register • Contains a word to be stored in memory or sent to the I/O unit
(MBR) • Or is used to receive a word from memory or from the I/O unit
Memory address register • Specifies the address in memory of the word to be written from or read
(MAR) into the MBR
Instruction register (IR) • Contains the 8-bit opcode instruction being executed
Instruction buffer register • Employed to temporarily hold the right-hand instruction from a word in
(IBR) memory
Accumulator (AC) and • Employed to temporarily hold operands and results of ALU operations
multiplier quotient (MQ)
■ Backward compatible
■ Was the major manufacturer of
punched-card processing equipment
■ Cheaper
■ It was not until the late 1950’s that fully transistorized computers
were commercially available
Table 2.2
Computer Generations
Computer Generations
Second Generation Computers
■ Introduced:
■ Appearance of the Digital
■ More complex arithmetic and
Equipment Corporation (DEC) in
logic units and control units
■ The use of high-level
programming languages ■ PDP-1 was DEC’s first computer
■ Provision of system software
which provided the ability to: ■ This began the mini-computer
■ load programs phenomenon that would become so
■ move data to peripherals and prominent in the third generation
■ perform common
Table 2.3
Members of the
IBM 700/7000 Series
■ Discrete component
■ Single, self-contained transistor
■ Manufactured separately, packaged in their own containers, and soldered or
wired together onto masonite-like circuit boards
■ Manufacturing process was expensive and cumbersome
■ The two most important members of the third generation were the
IBM System/360 and the DEC PDP-8
+ ■ A computer consists of gates,
Integrated memory cells, and interconnections
among these elements
■ The gates and memory cells are
constructed of simple digital
■ Data storage – provided by electronic components
memory cells
Very Large
Semiconductor Memory Ultra Large
Microprocessors Scale
+ Semiconductor Memory
In 1970 Fairchild produced the first relatively capacious semiconductor memory
In 1974 the price per bit of semiconductor memory dropped below the price per bit of core
There has been a continuing and rapid decline in memory
Developments in memory and processor technologies
cost accompanied by a corresponding increase in
changed the nature of computers in less than a decade
physical memory density
Each generation has provided four times the storage density of the previous generation, accompanied by declining
cost per bit and declining access time
■ The density of elements on processor chips continued to rise
■ More and more elements were placed on each chip so that fewer and fewer
chips were needed to construct a single computer processor
a. 1970s Processors
b. 1980s Processors
Evolution of Intel Microprocessors
c. 1990s Processors
d. Recent Processors
Microprocessor Speed
Techniques built into contemporary processors include:
■ RC delay
■ Speed at which electrons flow limited by resistance and capacitance of
metal wires connecting them
■ Delay increases as RC product increases
■ Wire interconnects thinner, increasing resistance
■ Wires closer together, increasing capacitance
■ Memory latency
■ Memory speeds lag processor speeds
+ Processor
The use of multiple processors on
Multicore the same chip provides the
potential to increase performance
without increasing the clock rate
■ 8086
■ 16-bit machine
■ Used an instruction cache, or queue
■ First appearance of the x86 architecture
■ 80386
■ Intel’s first 32-bit machine
■ First Intel processor to support multitasking
■ 80486
■ More sophisticated cache technology and
instruction pipelining
■ Built-in math coprocessor
x86 Evolution - Pentium
■ Core
■ First Intel x86 microprocessor
with a dual core, referring to the
Instruction set
architecture is implementation of two processors
backward compatible on a single chip
with earlier versions
■ Core 2
■ Extends the architecture to 64 bits
X86 architecture
continues to ■ Recent Core offerings have up to
dominate the 10 processors per chip
processor market
outside of
General definition: Embedded
“A combination of computer
hardware and software, and perhaps
additional mechanical or other parts,
designed to perform a dedicated Systems
function. In many cases, embedded
systems are part of a larger system or
product, as in the case of an antilock
braking system in a car.”
Table 2.7
Examples of Embedded Systems and Their Markets
Embedded Systems
Requirements and Constraints
Small to large systems,
implying different cost
constraints and different needs
for optimization and reuse
Different application
characteristics resulting in
static versus dynamic loads,
slow to fast speed, compute Short to long life times
versus interface intensive
tasks, and/or combinations
Different environmental
conditions in terms of radiation, List 5 requirements
vibrations, and humidity
and constraints
+ Figure 2.12
Possible Organization of an Embedded System
Acorn RISC Machine (ARM)
▪ Secure applications
▪ Smart cards, SIM cards, and
payment terminals
▪ Application platforms
▪ Embedded real-time systems
▪ Systems for storage, automotive ▪ Devices running open operating
body and power-train, industrial, systems including Linux, Palm OS,
and networking applications Symbian OS, and Windows CE in
wireless, consumer entertainment
and digital imaging applications
System Clock
+ Table
Performance Factors 2.9
System Attributes
For example, consider this high-level language statement:
■ An industry consortium
■ Defines and maintains the best known collection of benchmark suites
■ Performance measurements are widely used for comparison and research
+ ■ Best known SPEC benchmark suite
■ Queuing system
■ If server is idle an item is served immediately, otherwise an arriving item
joins a queue
■ There can be a single queue for a single server or for multiple servers, or
multiples queues with one being for each of multiple servers