AI437128556700en-000102 (3)
AI437128556700en-000102 (3)
AI437128556700en-000102 (3)
Superheat Controller
Type EKE 100 (PV00)
Superheat Controller, type EKE 100
Portfolio overview
The unit is suitable for use on a circuit capable of delivering not more than 50A RMS (symmetrical Amperes)
For US and Canada, use class 2 power supply
External power should be used if sensor needs more than 5V input power.
The unit is suitable for use on a circuit capable of delivering not more than 50A RMS (symmetrical Amperes)
For US and Canada, use class 2 power supply
External power should be used if sensor needs more than 5V input power.
Sensor value should be read via Modbus
The input value for second temprerature/Pressure sensor should be read via modbus or use the EKE 100 2V variant ulitizing the second set of
temperature/pressure ports with only 1 valve output
Turn OFF open cirucit detection when using with ETS 6 valves
Product specification
The unit is suitable for use on a circuit capable of delivering not more than 50A RMS (symmetrical Amperes)
For US and Canada, use class 2 power supply
Table 7: Accessories
Description CodeNo.
EKE 2U battery backup 080G5555
EKA 200 KoolKey 2.0 080N0020
EKE 100 service cable 080G5058
Figure 1: Produt label
Above product label is an example. While programming the product its important to check the SW version and code
Table 8: Description
Superheat Controller Product description
EKE 100 2V Product type designation
080G5057 Product code number
24V AC/DC 50/60Hz Input power rating
PV00 Product version
SW0.92 Software version
Made in Slovakia Country of Origin
Danfoss A/S, 6430 Nordborg, Denmark Company address
The list contains all certificates, declarations, and approvals for this product type. Individual code number may have
some or all of these approvals, and certain local approvals may not appear on the list.
Some approvals may change over time. You can check the most current status at or contact your local
Danfoss representative if you have any questions.
Table 9: Approvals
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