2.1 Spectrum - technical v1.0
2.1 Spectrum - technical v1.0
2.1 Spectrum - technical v1.0
Source: GSA,
February 2023
700 MHz
850 MHz
900 MHz
2.6 TDD
2.6 FDD
2.1 GHz
1.8 GHz
Source: GSA,
April 2023
450 470 614 694 790 862 960 1427 1518 1710 1920 2025 2110
Рассматривается на ВКР-23 с учетом Идентификация на ВКР- Идентификация изначальных
Is considered
ситуации в Р2atи WRC-23 taking into account
Р3, в особенности в части Identification
12 и уточнение onусловий
WRC-12 Identification
полос 2G для of the
на ВКР- 2G
the situation
полосы 614-694 especially
in R2 and R3, МГц with and clarification
на ВКР-15 of bands for IMT on
2000 WRC-2000
regard to the 614-694 MHz band conditions on WRC-15
Identified for a small numberдля малого числа
of countries стран на ВКР-15.
on WRC-15.Expansion of the
OnНа ВКР-2000 (широкие каналы
WRC-2000 (wide channels only if Considered on WRC-23 for
только в случае использования всей Расширение списка
list of countries странchange
and partial и частичная сменаon
of conditions условий на ВКР-19. Рассматривается
WRC-19.Further на ВКР-23 для
the entire band is used
полосы для for TDD)
TDD) Дальнейшее уточнение на ВКР-23. identification for
идентификации дляIMT
clarification on WRC-23.
2.3 2.4 2.5 2.69 3.3 3.4 3.6 3.8 4.8 4.99 6.425 7.125
На ВКР-07 (широкие каналы На ВКР-15 для Рассматривается с ВКР-07, но
On WRC-07 (wide channels only
только в случае использования
On WRC-15 forстран,
отдельных individual Considered
будетwith WRC-07, but
used for oneоператора)
одного operator) countries, clarification
уточнение на ВКР-23 on will be re-considered
рассматриваться наatВКР-23
24.25 27.5 37 40.5 43.5 45.5 47 48.2 66 71
Identified on WRC-19,
Идентифицированы наconditions for some
ВКР-19, условия дляbands differ in
некоторых different
полос Regions of
различаются ITU-R Районах МСЭ-R
в разных
4.4 5.0
2.3 2.4 2.5 2.69 3.3 3.4 3.6 3.8 4.2 4.8 4.99 6.425 7.125
Unlicensed usage
24.25 27.5 29.5 37 40.5 43.5 45.5 47 48.2 66 71
spectrum deficit
compared to mid-
* - based on the forecast and the Coleago model (2020) to assess the needs of
Source: Coleago
the spectrum in medium frequencies with a rate reduction to 50/25 Mbit/s
Usually up to few tens km
The limitations can be minimized by using detailed data and Up to tens m (highly unlikely)
estimating C/I.
Interference to DTV from the DLна
in aЦТВ
wholeот DL воMHz)
470-694 всейband
Помехи наto
Interference IMT
IMT in the UL
в полосе UL(703-733 МГц) MHz)
band (703-733 полосе 470-694 МГц
БС Up to 100-150 km
The interference effect can be quite strong and exclude the possibility Up to few km
of normal operation of some sectors
B1) Reusing the topology of the CTV B2) Reusing the topology of mobile
networks for the actual replacement of networks to expand the capacity of
broadcast technology networks
Brazil. In Brazil, the spectrum in the 450 MHz band was distributed in addition to the auction in Spain. The company SIRDEE (State's Integral Digital Emergency Radio communication Service), which is
the 2.6 GHz band in 2012. The auction winners received regional licenses (different regions to a special state network operator for the interests of police and other services, received spectrum in
different operators) in the bands 451-458 MHz and 461-468 MHz with fairly strict coverage the 450 MHz and 700 MHz bands for the deployment of LTE networks. As in other bands, the LTE
requirements. In practice, operators have failed to meet these requirements. During the network for SIRDEE will be built and operated by the mobile operator Telefonica.
negotiations, two of the four operators (the smallest players) agreed to return the spectrum
due to the complete lack of deployment. The bigger players have implemented the deployment
to some extent.
Poland. In 2017, the mobile operator Orange Polska decided not to renew the license and returned
the frequencies to the state, the payment for the extension was $ 28 million. Subsequently, Orange
Finland. The mobile operator Elisa in 2019 bought the operator Digiset Oy, which owned a Polska and other operators considered the possibility of buying back the spectrum at a lower price.
spectrum license in the 450-470 MHz band. Based on it, the operator Elisa has created a However, in 2019, the Polish government decided to use this spectrum for the digitalization of electric
separate LTE network to serve housing and utilities companies and other professional users. networks. The spectrum was transferred to the energy company PGE Systemy.
Saudi Arabia. In 2022, the United States held consultations on the issue of releasing and licensing the
Sweden. In Sweden, the state operator Teracom, which serves government agencies, develops a
451-456 MHz and 461-466 MHz bands on a national basis to create an LTE network for specialized
network in the 450 MHz band under the Net 1 brand, provides services to a wide range of users,
users. At the same time, it is supposed to use a competitive procedure to determine the operator,
including rural communications services. In 2020, Net 1 renewed its existing license for the bands
taking into account that the band is not intended for commercial use. It is expected that the allocation
452.5-457.5/462.5-467.5 MHz until 2044 for the amount of $ 11.4 million.
of these frequency bands contributes to the formation of an ecosystem for the b72 frequency plan.
Band 50 = 1432 –1517 MHz (TDD 85 MHz, LTE + NR) TDD is self-
Band 51 = 1427 –1432 MHz (TDD 5 MHz, LTE + NR) sufficient
Band 11 = 1427.9 –1447.9 / 1475.9 –1495.9 (FDD 2x20 MHz, LTE only)
Band 21 = 1447.9 –1462.9 / 1495.9 –1510.9 (FDD 2x15 MHz, LTE only) FDD is self-
Band 74 = 1427 –1470 / 1475 –1518 MHz (FDD 2x43 MHz, LTE + NR) sufficient
3.4-4.2 GHz
3.45-3.98 GHz
0 MHz
3.3-3.6 GHz
200 MHz
3.4-3.8 GHz
300 MHz
400 MHz
500 MHz
or more Source: GSMA и открытые источники
-85 dBm
I/N=-10 dB
Impact assessment taking into account the modes Installation of filters for
actually used and the C/I ratio for them the protection of the ES
FSS above 3800 MHz
Brazil US China
National-scale networks are being deployed in the The 3700-4200 MHz band is being considered for
3700-3980 MHz band future 5G networks
National-scale networks are being deployed in the The 3800-4000 MHz band is being considered for
3800-4100 MHz band future 5G networks
The 3800-4000 MHz band is being considered for The 3800-4000 MHz band is being considered for
future 5G networks future 5G networks
The 3800-4200 MHz band is used for local licensing for The 3800-4200 MHz band is being considered for
the deployment of 5G networks in enterprises future 5G networks
The 3800-4200 MHz band is being considered for local As 5G develops and traffic grows, the next iteration
licensing for the deployment of 5G networks is expected in the development of the C-band for
both commercial and private 5G networks
Global campaign for additional spectrum The decisive EMC scenario on WRC-23 to determine
between 5G and Wi fi the possibility of use for 5G
5925 6425 7125
FSS Receiver
Europe for Wifi Decided at WRC-23 The compatibility issue with spacecraft requires
international regulation. National measures are
5925 6425 7125 limited or non-existent.
Global restrictions for the Local restrictions for the Local restrictions to protect
protection of space services protection of the ES EESS remaining RRL
Passive sensor of EESS
and inter-satellite
37 40.5 43.5
BS hotspots
Probabilistic interference
-800 -600 -400 -200 0 200 400 600 800
Based on the results of CEPT studies, a decision was made on the sufficiency of existing
standards for out-of-band interference, but monitoring of the situation is planned.
UMTS bands.
700 MHz
850 MHz
900 MHz
2.6 TDD
2.6 FDD
2.1 GHz
1.8 GHz
Source: GSMA