COVID is slowly becoming a “third world” disease. While first world countries are hoarding vaccines, having doses for populations many times their size, third world countries can’t get any because pharma companies want to sell to the first world countries first. Even then, first world countries will receive them first. While rich countries recover from COVID, they will forget about the pandemic while many other countries live the absolute worst moment of the pandemic without being able to vaccinate their population.
Watch also when some first world countries finish vaccinating their populations, they will turn to third world countries and “donate” or sell surplus vaccines. People in these countries will go “Oh how sweet! The government is donating vaccines to the poorer countries <3” when it was their hoarding that led to many, many third world citizens dying before they could even get vaccinated in the first place.
african and latin american countries are also pushed by pfizer to give up sovereign assets as part of their vaccine agreement
Yo europeans, sign the fucking petition, get the european commission to lift the patents
This is not a bullshit useless change dot org petition by the way this is an actual thing with legal consequences. If this petition gets to a million signatures, the european commission HAS to examine it.
They need not only a million signatures but to pass thresholds in at least seven member states - which only Belgium has done so so far. Especially if you have Italian, Irish, or Cypriot citizenship, please sign. Sign it in general, but try to circulate if you can to anyone with those nationalities specifically.
231,195 / 1,000,000 signatures as of 10/28/21
237,730 / 1,000,000 signatures as of 11/28/21 and the Signatory Deadline(it has to be signed by this date) is January 8th, 2022.
PLEASE sign, especially if you’re from one of the countries that has not reached it’s threshold. (France, Sweden, Greece, Germany, The Netherlands, Austria…basically every country except Italy and Belgium)
Minimum thresholds must be met in at least five more countries in addition to the 1,000,000 signatures requirement.
The countries closest to reaching their minimum threshold are Ireland(89% of required signatures), France(75%), The Netherlands (75%), Spain (69%), and Cyprus (46%). If you or anyone you know have citizenship in these countries, please sign it, encourage them to sign it, and pass it forward.
If the requirements are met, the European Commission will be forced to examine this and take legal action. Real change is a possibility if enough signatures are collected.
Spread this.
“Blue Sky Through the Window of a Moving Car” - Jordan Bolton
Part of “Scenes from Imagined Films” Comic
always choose to be with someone who is emotionally intelligent. don’t get caught up in the fact that you are loved, because love comes easy. but loving someone in the way they need, and understanding why they need to be loved like that is what a relationship is about.
Ok so Haumea, a dwarf planet beyond Pluto, spins so fast it gets elongated like this. This is just what it looks like. Something deeply unsettles me looking at it. Terrifying.
this is so fucked up
we HAVE to sexualize poland
omg boris and drainklogskytovichinskydutch r soooooo hot here i cant 😩😮💨😮💨😩😮💨😩😩😩😩😩😮💨😮💨😩😩😮💨😖😖😩😖😮💨😖😩😖😳🤧😳🤧😮💨😩😮💨😳😮💨🤧😖🔥🔥🔥🔥
c'mon not every slav is a russian... if you're gonna make up stereotypical names do it right... that's Stanisław Skzszsczwkszzzczkwski and Bóbr
me & my ex wife in divorce court trying to get the dog to choose which one of us he wants to go with
i'm not like other girls. i'm an evil wizard
and yet you don’t have the url… i’d cast a fireball at ya if you were worth the spell slot
if i needed a themed blog and url to signal to people that i'm an evil wizard i would've quit out of shame already
all that anyone needs to know about my time in japan
i am proud of this bear and i implore everyone applaud this man and the actual pain on his face delivering those lines for the teddy
beats a maid cafe
hey remember how awhile back i mentioned that tiktok has a whole trend where people mix cleaning supplies well i redownloaded tiktok so im finally able to show you what i mean
I put my bare hands in this sink and get a chemical burn so bad it oozes and bubbles nonstop for days
i have GREAT news for you
potion of cough up blood
people are so fucking stupid oh my god
Cleaning TikTok: We’ve mixed the perfect cleaning solution!
Everyone Else: You’ve created mustard gas is what you’ve done. Your lungs look like you’ve just returned from the Western Front.
I expect there to be blunts in rotation at my funeral
Red Knight by Ami Thompson