PERFECT BLUE (1997) dir.
Satoshi Kon
Darren Aronofsky
guys, tell me movies to watch and gif please :)
PERFECT BLUE (1997) dir.
Satoshi Kon
Darren Aronofsky
A Woman Is a Woman (1961) dir. Jean-Luc Godard
We’re together now. Everything’s going to be fine, you’ll see.
Beauty and the Beast (1991) dir. Gary Trousdale, Kirk Wise
“Remember the first time we came to Tokyo? It was the summer of ‘94. Our first summer.”
Until the End of the World (1991) dir. Wim Wenders
– cinematography by Robby Müller
Contagion (2011), dir. Steven Soderbergh
BATMAN: THE DARK KNIGHT (2008) dir. Christopher Nolan
Suspiria (2018) dir. Luca Guadagnino
THE LIGHTHOUSE (2019) dir. Robert Eggers
guys, tell me movies to watch and gif please :)
hello everyone! today my blog turns one year old so I thought it would be nice to celebrate with this follow forever!!! I’m so happy about how much the blog has grown in this past year, and I really want to thank you guys for making it happen ♡
I would like to make a special shoutout to my favorite people on this site: @johnnysilverhand and @aarontaylorjohnson ♡ you are such wonderful human beings and I’m so glad we got to know each other!
here’s the list of the cool people I follow (fav are bolded) ~ thank you for always being nice to me and for supporting my work!
a - k
@aarontaylorjohnson, @aliswong, @anakinskywalkers, @anna-karina, @annehathaways, @arielabarers, @bills-skarsgards, @blairwitchz, @blomskvists, @bongjoonsho, @brad-pitt, @brucebanners, @bubbagumps, @buffysummers, @careymulligans, @carol-danvers, @carols-danvers, @chalamets, @chastainjessica, @chloesdecker, @curse, @davidlynch, @denisvileneuve,@dianaofthemyscira, @dianasprince, @directedbysnyder, @domhnalgleson, @e-ripley, @edgarwight, @elizabethmoss, @emily-bett, @emmanuelleriva, @fallenvictory, @feliciahardy, @florencepugh, @galgadots, @galsgadot, @genekellys, @gregory-peck, @gretagerwisg, @haileesteinfelds, @harleen-quinzels, @hayaomiyazaki, @helenspreference, @hugh-dancy, @hunters-schafer, @hunterschafer, @ingridbergman, @itselizabethbennet, @jakegyllenhaal, @jakeledgers, @jodieconner, @joel-miller, @joewright, @johnnysilverhand, @kylos
l - z
@lady-hidekos, @laurens-german, @ledger-heath, @leia-organa, @maggierogers, @maisie-w, @marypickfords, @matthewgoodes, @mikaeled, @monicarambeau, @mrsdewinters, @myellenficent, @nat-portman, @natalie-portman, @oscar-isaacs, @pariztexas, @phoebewallerbrige, @raffertysarah, @ramis-malek, @readyornot2019, @rooeymara, @saoirseronan, @selinakyle, @selinas, @spellman, @stars-bean, @steve-rogers, @supremeleaderkylorens, @sybbie-crawley, @thelittlefreakazoidthatcould, @thevintagious, @thompsons-tessa, @timotheechalmet, @tomshardys, @tomswelling, @twilightly, @vivienvalentino, @waller-bridge, @winterswake, @witchinghour, @wonderwomans, @xavirdolan, @zacharylevis