
hello everyone! today my blog turns one year old so I thought it would be nice to celebrate with this follow forever!!! I’m so happy about how much the blog has grown in this past year, and I really want to thank you guys for making it happen ♡

I would like to make a special shoutout to my favorite people on this site: @johnnysilverhand and @aarontaylorjohnson ♡ you are such wonderful human beings and I’m so glad we got to know each other!

here’s the list of the cool people I follow (fav are bolded) ~ thank you for always being nice to me and for supporting my work!

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@aarontaylorjohnson, @aliswong, @anakinskywalkers@anna-karina, @annehathaways, @arielabarers, @bills-skarsgards,  @blairwitchz, @blomskvists, @bongjoonsho, @brad-pitt, @brucebanners, @bubbagumps, @buffysummers, @careymulligans, @carol-danvers, @carols-danvers, @chalamets, @chastainjessica, @chloesdecker, @curse, @davidlynch, @denisvileneuve,@dianaofthemyscira, @dianasprince, @directedbysnyder, @domhnalgleson, @e-ripley, @edgarwight, @elizabethmoss, @emily-bett, @emmanuelleriva, @fallenvictory, @feliciahardy, @florencepugh, @galgadots, @galsgadot, @genekellys, @gregory-peck, @gretagerwisg, @haileesteinfelds, @harleen-quinzels, @hayaomiyazaki, @helenspreference, @hugh-dancy, @hunters-schafer, @hunterschafer, @ingridbergman, @itselizabethbennet, @jakegyllenhaal, @jakeledgers, @jodieconner, @joel-miller, @joewright, @johnnysilverhand, @kylos

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@lady-hidekos, @laurens-german, @ledger-heath, @leia-organa, @maggierogers, @maisie-w, @marypickfords, @matthewgoodes, @mikaeled, @monicarambeau, @mrsdewinters, @myellenficent, @nat-portman, @natalie-portman, @oscar-isaacs, @pariztexas, @phoebewallerbrige, @raffertysarah, @ramis-malek, @readyornot2019, @rooeymara, @saoirseronan, @selinakyle, @selinas, @spellman, @stars-bean, @steve-rogers, @supremeleaderkylorens, @sybbie-crawley, @thelittlefreakazoidthatcould, @thevintagious, @thompsons-tessa, @timotheechalmet, @tomshardys, @tomswelling, @twilightly, @vivienvalentino, @waller-bridge, @winterswake, @witchinghour, @wonderwomans, @xavirdolan, @zacharylevis
