starring Mr. Putin. After meeting Ms. Butina on the trip, he hired her as a $5,000-a-month consultant to help pursue the show, though he gave up on it a few months later./ After the N.R.A. declined to pay some of the trip’s costs, Mr. Brownell covered nearly $14,000 in travel expenses for(
who was then the opinion editor of The Washington Times, hoped to secure an interview with〜Putin,〜accto people familiar with the email./The N.R.A.’s outside counsel,Mr. Brewer, said that after an internal review, the group“believes that no foreign money made its way into the organization(
all of the related travel expenses, though it did cover some of them./The trip was organized by David Keene, a former N.R.A. president who was close to Ms. Butina, and who had his own interests in Russia. An email between a member of the delegation and Paul Erickson,〜suggests that Mr. Keene,(
1/28 The N.R.A.’s chief executive, Wayne LaPierre, forbade staff members to join the delegation that went toRussia,accto the organization’s outside counsel, William A. Brewer III〜TheN.R.A.’s president at the time, Allan Cors, abandoned a plan to join the delegation,&the group refused to pay(