It’s a new day in the Arab world � and, let’s hope, in American relations to the Arab world. The truth is that the United States has been behind the curve not only in Tunisia and Egypt for the last few weeks, but in the entire Middle East for decades. We supported corrupt autocrats as long as they kept oil flowing and weren’t too aggressive toward Israel. Even in the last month, we sometimes seeme
In recent weeks, popular uprisings in the Arab world have led to the ouster of Tunisian dictator Zine El Abidine Ben Ali, the imminent end of Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak’s regime, a new Jordanian government, and a pledge by Yemen’s longtime dictator to leave office at the end of his term. We spoke to MIT Professor Noam Chomsky on Wednesday’s live program about the situation in Egypt, and then
Message on Islamist websites purporting to be from the al-Qaida chief condemns inaction of Arab governments A new audio message purportedly from the al-Qaida leader, Osama bin Laden, has called for all Muslims to launch a holy war to stop the Israeli offensive in Gaza, according to Islamist websites. The recording, which the websites said was by Bin Laden, also condemned Arab governments for preve
By Eva Bartlett On January 7, in Dawwar Zimmo, eastern Jabaliya, we accompanied Palestinian medics to retrieve the body of a man shot earlier by invading Israeli forces. There, we came under fire by an Israeli sniper who fired at least 14 shots as the medics carried the body towards the ambulance. It was about 1:30 pm, on the first day of Israel’s self-declared “cease-fire” and the Israeli sniper
2009年1月9日(金) イスラエル軍の地上侵攻が開始され、しかも3日前に起きた、ガザ北部で住民が避難していた国連の学校をイスラエル軍が砲撃し40人の住民が虐殺された事件後初めての金曜日。東エルサレムやヨルダン川西岸で大きな抗議デモが起こるに違いない。私が8日までに現地入りしたいと考えたのはこのデモの取材に間に合わせるためだった。 夜明け前から、ダマスカス門前のナブルス通りは数十人の武装したイスラエルの警察官が警備する検問所によって遮断された。その先のダマスカス門への入り口でも警察官が検問している。通れるのは、女性と子ども、そして旧市街の住民だけだ。旧市街に仕事があると訴えても、男たちの大半は追い返される。アルアクサ・モスクのある旧市街への道はすべての同じ状況だろう。「空爆が始まって初めての金曜日だった先週の2倍以上の警官が配備されている」。旧市街に住むある女性は、その異常なほど厳重な警備
Standing in solidarity with both Palestinian civilians and the forces dropping bombs on them is a remarkable psychological juggling act Sunday's rally in support of Israel in Trafalgar Square was a strange occasion. I have never previously seen a peace rally in which the protesters did not actually call for their soldiers to stop fighting. But then those who organised and attended the rally are ma
Inside al-Arish hospital, a modern slab of stone and glass in the heart of northern Sinai's dusty administrative capital, doctors huddle in an office staring in silence at the latest scenes from Gaza flashing up on al-Jazeera TV. Ahmed Ellabban, professor of surgery at Suez Canal University, shakes his head as he surveys the scene. "There are 4,000 injured people just 50km from here," he says quie
中途半端な英語使いが英国からのニュースを東京で読み、あちこちふらふらうろうろ。時々嘘。 はてブ = Twitter = Twitterのログ = ◆「なぜ、イスラム教徒は、イスラム過激派のテロを非難しないのか」という問いは、なぜ「差別」なのか。(2014年12月) ◆「陰謀論」と、「陰謀」について。そして人が死傷させられていることへのシニシズムについて。(2014年11月) ◆知らない人に気軽に話しかけることのできる場で、知らない人から話しかけられたときに応答することをやめました。また、知らない人から話しかけられているかもしれない場所をチェックすることもやめました。あなたの主張は、私を巻き込まずに、あなたがやってください
John Pilger on the Dagan Plan and Gaza under fire Every war Israel has waged since 1948 has had the same objective: expulsion of the native people. “When the truth is replaced by silence,” the Soviet dissident Yevgeny Yevtushenko said, “the silence is a lie.” It may appear that the silence on Gaza is broken. The small cocoons of murdered children, wrapped in green, together with boxes containing t
きのうの、大阪での「許すな! イスラエルのガザ侵攻 1・10緊急行動」は、約500名以上が参加をするという、予想よりも大きなデモになりました。 集会のお手伝いをしようと、一時過ぎに中之島の女神像前に到着すると「パレスチナの平和を考える会」のメンバーさんや、呼びかけ団体の方々がもう来られていて、横断幕やプラカード作りをされていました。プラカードはいろんなものが用意されていたのですが、わたしは、厚紙の表に「子供を殺すな!」「ボイコット!イスラエル!」などの抗議メッセージが書かれた用紙をはり、裏面にガザの虐殺で子供たちが負傷したり、怯えている様子や、瓦礫と化したガザの様子を、ネットなどからダウンロードをしてプリントアウトした画像を貼る、というプラカード作りのお手伝いをすることにしました。用意された画像に写っている、子供たちの痛ましい姿を見ながら、わたしは、このようなムゴたらしい現実が、今まさに
Outrage at Israeli actions has mounted across the world as the Gaza conflict goes on. But as Israel expands its military action, support for the aggressive strategy is growing, while sympathy for Palestinians is receding. And, with an election looming, political attitudes are hardening Yeela Raanan says she would prefer not to know about the war in Gaza. She doesn't want to see the pictures of dea
Twitter, YouTube, blogs – Israel has proved a master of networking. Shame it's being used to promote a bloody conflict One of the things that annoyed Israel about the second Lebanon war was that it ended prematurely – without a clean Israeli victory against Hezbollah. The Jewish state considered that this, in part, was the result of a lily-livered international community balking at the sight of mo
With Israel's foreign ministry organising volunteers to flood news websites with pro-Israeli comments, Propaganda 2.0 is here The hasbara brigade strikes again! You always hear about Israeli attempts at media manipulation. Everyone knows it's going on but usually the process happens through cyber insurgents like those involved with Giyus (and its media monitoring software, Megaphone). Now, we know