by atacamaki photography ニコニコ動画で有名な「画面上にコメントを表示する機能」を実装していることで知られる中国の動画共有プラットフォーム大手のbilibiliと中国ECプラットフォーム第2位のJD.comを運営する京東商城が新たに解雇のことを「卒業」というワードに置き換え始めたことが話題を呼んでいます。 China's JD.com calls sackings 'graduations' • The Register https://www.theregister.com/2022/03/29/china_tech_job_losses/ 中国人ジャーナリストのZichen Wang氏が公開した、bilibiliと京東商城から届く解雇通知の実物が以下。 Some Chinese tech firms, including @JD_Corporate https:
Today, we’re excited to announce that the Bluesky network is federating and opening up in a way that allows you to host your own data. What does this mean? Your data, such as your posts, likes, and follows, needs to be stored somewhere. With traditional social media, your data is stored by the social media company whose services you've signed up for. If you ever want to stop using that company's s
I joined GitLab in October 2015, and left in December 2021 after working there for a little more than six years. While I previously wrote about leaving GitLab to work on Inko, I never discussed what it was like working for GitLab between 2015 and 2021. There are two reasons for this: I was suffering from burnout, and didn't have the energy to revisit the last six years of my life (at that time)I w
Requests over the network can fail. This is something we cannot avoid, and to write robust software we need to handle these failures or else they may be presented to users as errors. One of the most common techniques for handling a failed request is to retry it. In this post we're going to visually explore different methods of retrying requests, demonstrating why some common approaches are dangero
Jonathan Amsterdam 22 August 2023 The new log/slog package in Go 1.21 brings structured logging to the standard library. Structured logs use key-value pairs so they can be parsed, filtered, searched, and analyzed quickly and reliably. For servers, logging is an important way for developers to observe the detailed behavior of the system, and often the first place they go to debug it. Logs therefore
ドイツ連邦国防省所有のITサービスプロバイダーであるBWIはオープンソースメッセンジャーである「Element」を修正したドイツの行政機関向けの「BundesMessenger」のベータ版をリリースし、テストを行っています。 BWI - IT für Deutschland - BundesMessenger https://messenger.bwi.de/bundesmessenger BundesMessenger shows Germany's embrace of open standard messaging https://element.io/blog/bundesmessenger-is-a-milestone-in-germanys-ground-breaking-vision/ BWIが開発したBundessMessengerは、分散型でオープンソースのメッセージプロ
@JBallin I was ready for worst case. My wife and I use to the same Dropbox for syncing, so we both had the password and the authenticatior in each other's 1Password. I always like to be ready in case anything bad happened. Like we talked about in that other thread, a break in. Someone takes all my iPads, macs, and iPhones (that is with me when I'm out, but you never know, I have forgotten it a few
A web extension that redirects YouTube, Twitter, TikTok and other websites to alternative privacy-friendly frontends. YouTube → Invidious, Piped, Piped-Material, PokeTube, CloudTube, Tubo, FreeTube, Yattee, FreeTube PWA YouTube Music → Beatbump, Hyperpipe Bluesky → skyview Reddit → Redlib, Teddit Tumblr → Priviblur Twitch → SafeTwitch, Twineo TikTok → ProxiTok Instagram → Proxigram IMDb → LibreMDb
今、IT関連の技術は様々な企業の競争力の源泉です。一方で、実際に企業が必要とするよりもITエンジニアの数は少ないため、採用競争は激化するばかりです。そこで、元ウェブエンジニアでITエンジニアの採用担当を経験した私の視点で、ITエンジニア採用に関する情報をまとめることにしました。 なお、ここでいうITエンジニアはアプリケーションエンジニア、インフラエンジニア、機械学習エンジニア、QAエンジニアなどIT関連エンジニア全般を指します。 # 更新情報 * 2022/05/17 - 公開 * 2022/05/17 - 中途採用前提であることを Chapter 1 に追記 * 2022/05/18 - 誤字の修正 Chapter 15 「行進」 -> 「更新」 ※はてなブックマークでの指摘ありがとうございます * 2022/05/19 - 活用事例の Chapter を追加 * 2022/05/20
最初の例は一度ざっと流し読みして雰囲気をつかむと、この後を読むのが楽になると思います。この時代の本にはこの手のロールプレイが良くついていた気がします。2版になってカラーになって見やすさが段違いに上がっています。また、このあとの章やカタログの章まで全部読んだあとに再度戻ってくると、自分の理解の補強や確認に役立つでしょう。 「リファクタリングの理論とエッセンスをつかむ」のであれば、2章を読むだけで十分です。ここは本気で読むと良いです。読書会をするとか、ちょっとできる人に教えてもらえる環境を作ってもいいと思います。28ページしかないので、すぐに読めると思います。 個人的には3章もお気に入りの章です。文法を学んで、なんとか動くものを作るぞ、という段階の人にはまだ良いコード、悪いコードというイメージがつきにくいかもしれませんが、この章を読むことでコードを見た時の選球眼を鍛えるきっかけになると思います
Now that our platforms are up and running as usual after yesterday’s outage, I thought it would be worth sharing a little more detail on what happened and why — and most importantly, how we’re learning from it. This outage was triggered by the system that manages our global backbone network capacity. The backbone is the network Facebook has built to connect all our computing facilities together, w
MangaDex is bigger than you think. No, really. People are often surprised (and/or sneer) at the complexity of some of the technical details we mention, but we do not engage in complexity for fun's sake. The site is simply unreasonably popular in comparison to our budget, and throwing money at our problems just isn't an option. For reference, MangaDex v3 was at times in the top 1000 most popular we
Video and Audio Quality A video FaceTime call is 4 media streams in each call. The audio is AAC-ELD as described above, with an observed 68 kbps in each direction (or about 136 kbps give or take) consumed. Video is H.264 and varies quite a bit in quality depending presumably on whatever bandwidth calculations were passed through SIP. We know that SIP has allowances for H.264 information about tota